The nightmare before homecoming
Extremely short chapter!
Chapter 24: The nightmare before homecoming
Cheyenne's POV
"I can't wait to see you all dressed up tomorrow," Sebastian trails kisses down my neck.
"Oh yeah. Me too." He pulls back.
"Ok what's wrong?"
I stare at him. I should just ask him. Just do it.
"My mom had this ridiculous idea," I laugh. "She wanted to invite your family to Aspen with us for winter break. Totally ridiculous right? I told her no way."
"Why would you tell her that?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Well, it sounds like fun." My mouth falls open.
"You-you actually want to go?" I splutter.
"Sure," he shrugs. "My moms always wanted to try skiing. Unfortunately she never got the chance. This could be it for her. And I know Haley would love it."
"You don't understand. You'd be spending two weeks. With my family." I enunciate each word.
"And?" He shrugs again. Why is he so cool about this? I rack my brain for an excuse, anything to get me out of this.
"Do you not want to spend time with my family?" Sebastian raises a brow.
"No!" I exclaim. "I love your family. But mine...well not so much at the moment. Plus I thought you'd find it lame."
"I don't. It'll be fun, I promise." He kisses my nose. "I'll teach you how to ski."
"You can ski?"
"Yep. I was my teams champion skier back in middle school. I took it up after football season ended. Won a few medals."
"Of course."
"Don't be jealous because I'm a man of many talents," he grins cockily.
"Ugh. You can leave now."
"Sour much?"
"Buh bye!" I shove him off our couch. He grins and gives me a quick kiss before returning home.
Krystal's POV
"Makeup and hair?"
"Check and check."
"We're almost set. My mom just needs to book us our spa appointments for tomorrow."
"I can't wait!" Rosie jumps up.
"Me either. I'm so winning homecoming Queen." I sit in front of my vanity and sigh happily. "I was destined for the crown."
Rosie does a little dance around me. "Queen Krystal, Queen Krystal, Queen Krystal."
An odd sensation occurs in my stomach and I frown. What the?
"Rosie stop!" She freezes.
It happens again.
"Rosie," I speak slowly. "I think the baby just kicked me."
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" She screams. "That baby's first kick! Can I feel?"
I cautiously gesture her over and pull up my shirt. She places her hand on my stomach and waits with bated breath.
"It's alive!" She laughs manically.
Me? Well tears spring to my eyes.
Reese's POV
"I hate wearing tuxes."
"Well suck it up date," Kimora adjusts the tie on me.
"Do I have to go?"
"Yes, we already bought tickets. Now quit whining!"
She steps backs. "I think it fits. You should really dress like this more often."
We're currently in Men's Warehouse shopping for suits. I admit, I do look nice, but don't I always? Nothing new.
"Great can we go now?"
"Yes you big baby."
The suit costs me half my paycheck which I am not happy about. And I still had to buy shoes.
I was going to be broke after this.
Sebastian's POV
"A ski trip with her family? Sounds like fun!" Mom happily agrees. "I can't wait. I've always wanted to try skiing."
"Snow! Building snowmen and making snow angels! Snowball fights!" Haley rattles off the list of activities she's sure to complete by the end of the trip.
"It's so nice of her family to take us on this trip. We'll have to repay them back somehow."
Just like I expected my family was overjoyed at the news.
"There's other things to do too," Mom grins. "There's the 1889 Wheeler Opera House, the Wheeler-Stallard House which is a local history museum and the Aspen Art Museum. Not to mention restaurants and boutiques."
"We have to do them all mommy!"
"One step at a time," I said being the killjoy. "Let's get through the rest of school first."
They ignored me.
"Can we go shopping for ski clothes?"
Geez. Girls and their shopping.
"I'm going to my room now," I said loudly. They didn't hear me and kept right on talking.
As I trooped up the stairs it occurred to me that dad was technically part of the family and therefore would be going.
Kimora's POV
"Kimora, we need to talk," my mother bursts into my room.
"Not now mom, I'm preparing for homecoming." I wave her off.
"You didn't even ask!"
"Well it's too late now, I already bought a ticket and it's non-refundable."
"Your behavior is out of control. I'm sick of telling you to do something and you don't do it! I'm your mother, not the other way around!"
"Whatever," I roll my eyes.
She looks at me sadly. "Your father and I want the best for you. We may be strict but it's for your own good. If you want to throw your life away then go ahead. Just don't expect us to be there to pick up the pieces."
"Are you done nagging me now? Because I have important things to do."
She slams my room door and continue to try and find a cute hairstyle for my newly shortened hair. I click on a video link.
10 ways to style short hair
"This looks promising," I mutter. The girls hair is a tad shorter than mine but the styles should still work.
I decide on style number five which to slick it back, kind of like Demi Lovato's hair. It's supposed to bring out your face more.
I internet surf for a while longer before shutting down my computer and calling it a night.
Told us this chappie would be supa short! Let's call it a little interlude.
Stay groovy✌️
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