The mistake
Chapter 33: The mistake
Song: Whine up
Sebastian's POV
"Open the motherfucking door!" Charles yelled while banging on it relentlessly.
I practically ripped it off it's hinges ready to punch him in the face but was pushed back as the guys streamed in.
"Dude it smells like shit in here," Jacob pulled his shirt over his nose.
"We're getting you out of the house," Charles stated.
"No thanks," I laid back down on my bed. "You guys know the way out."
"Oh I'm sorry," he leaned over me. "You seem to have mistaken my demand as a request. I wasn't asking, I was commanding. Now get the fuck up, take a fucking shower, and fucking get dressed."
"Think you can curse any more?" Benjamin said sarcastically.
"You wanna fucking say that the fuck again Benj?"
I sat up. "Not that I'm going, but where did you have in mind?"
"Party. Some seniors house."
"On a school night?"
"Oh please like you even come to school anymore." Josh rolled his eyes.
"For the love of God will you shower!" Jacob exclaimed from under his shirt.
"We're not leaving until you come with us." Charles crossed his arms.
"Come on man," Benjamin pleaded. "There's free booze. Come drink and get out of this funk you're in."
"We know that you're upset that your mom died," Josh added. "But you can't wallow in your misery forever. You need to come back to the real world."
"And if you don't come we'll have to use force!" Charles finished.
"Ok ok I'll go just shut the hell up!" I finally agreed.
"We'll be waiting outside," they streamed out. Charles turned back to me with narrowed eyes. "Don't try to escape either."
I rolled my eyes.
Twenty minutes later I was showered and dressed. I really wasn't in the partying mood but the guys were relentless. There really was no saying no to them.
Besides, maybe this is just what the doctor ordered.
I forgot how loud parties were. Or how many red solo cups were involved.
"You smell that?" Charles breathed. "That's the smell of a good time."
"Hopefully it doesn't get shot up again," I muttered.
It was the typical party you see in high school movies, slutty girls, drunk, wasted guys, lots of alcohol and weed, and bodies grinding on the dance floor. We went to the kitchen where the drinks were.
"Hey man!" Charles clapped some senior guys on the back before introducing us. He always was the most popular out of our group.
After introductions I grabbed a bottle without bothering to read the label and poured myself an entire cup. The last time I truly drank was at Charles party and I planned to remedy that.
"Body shots!" Benjamin yelled. "Come on!" He tried to pull me with him. I shook my head.
"I'll pass thanks."
"But look at all the hot girls!" He pointed. "So willing to get naked!"
"I don't know if you forgot but I have a girlfriend."
"Oh yeah," he said. "Oh well. See you later!"
Shaking my head at him I made my way back to the makeshift bar. This party was actually kind of lame but at least I was getting some free alcohol out of it.
Now I was by no means a lightweight drinker, but one too many shots of vodka, tequila, and both mixed together had me on the edge of being drunk. I took another one and slammed my glass down.
"Hey," a voice purred. I turned. A girl dressed in one of those crop top bras and mini skirts sat on the stool next to me.
"Why hello there," I grinned.
"You look lonely," she fixed her top and my eyes wandered down to her chest.
"Nah," I picked up my glass. "Me and my booze are chilling."
"Why don't you come dance with me?"
"That sounds like a fine idea," I stood up and offered her my hand. We made our way to the dance floor.
"Do you know this song?" She asked. I shook my head no.
"It's by Kat Deluna."
"That's nice," I nodded. Honestly I didn't care but the way she was moving her hips, that I cared about.
She danced closer and I pulled her to me as she started grinding against me. My hands slid down her torso to her hips as she moved them seductively to the beat.
"Those hips of yours are talented," I whispered in her ear.
"I'm talented at other things," she replied turning to face me.
"Oh yeah?"
I grabbed her face and crushed my lips against hers. She responded immediately rubbing herself against me.
"How about we take this upstairs?" I slid my tongue down her neck. She moaned and nodded yes.
Rosie's POV
"That tickles!" I giggle as a guy takes his fifth body shot off me. "Ok no more!"
"Aww come on Rosie baby!" He exclaims.
"Nu uh!" I wag my finger at him before sitting up and pulling down my shirt. I kiss his cheek before skipping off.
I rush to the dance floor because they're playing my favorite song by Kat Deluna, Whine up. I wish Krystal were here.
As I'm swinging my hair to the beat I spot Sebastian. He must be here with Cheyenne! I start making my way over to them but stop.
Wait a minute...
That's not Cheyenne.
No it's most definitely not Cheyenne, but yet he's all up on her. I watch frozen as they start kissing. He whispers something in her ear and they head up stairs.
Oh no.
Oh no oh no oh no.
What do I do!
I'm near tears as I rush outside and hit the speed dial for Krystal's number.
"What?" She snaps in greeting.
"Krystal you won't believe what I just saw-"
"Rosie? Rosie do you know what time it is?"
"No but-"
"It's 1 am Rosie. Do you know what most people are doing at this time?"
"No but this is really-"
"Krystal please just listen-"
"Whatever you have to say can wait till tomorrow. Goodnight." She hangs up.
No! I'm conflicted and confused. Sleep. That's what I need. I'll go home and sleep and wait to talk to Krystal tomorrow.
She'll know what to do.
Sebastian's POV
It feels like my own personal rock band is playing inside my head. I shouldn't have drank so much last night. That's the last time I touch copious amounts of alcohol.
I roll over and damn near scream. Who is this girl, why is she next to me and why is she naked?
"Oh shit!" I sit up. I lift up the covers. I'm naked as well.
Oh God no.
"Hey!" I shake her awake. "Wake the fuck up!"
"Huh?" Her eyes flutter open.
"Do you think you can wake up a little faster?" I ask impatiently.
"What crawled up your ass and died?" She sits up.
Might as well just ask.
"Did we have sex last night?"
"Yep," she nods. "It was amazing. Where'd you learn to do that thing with your tongue?"
I'm going to be sick.
"Oh shit," I cover my mouth with my hand.
"What?" She frowns.
"Quick get me a bucket!"
Her eyes widen in realization and she rushes up grabbing an empty shoe box from the closet and handing it to me just as all the alcohol I had last night spills out along with my morals and good judgment.
"Geez I didn't know you had that much to drink," she says once I'm finished.
"I'm so screwed!" I groaned.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I have a girlfriend!"
"Ohhhhh. Yep your definitely screwed."
I glare at her and shove the box aside before getting up and yanking my clothes back on. I check my phone. Over a hundred calls and text messages from the guys. The most recent ones are from Cheyenne.
Cheyenne: Hey I'm really sorry about our fight, can we talk?
Cheyenne: I miss you
Cheyenne: please just check your phone
Cheyenne: I know you need space so I'll stop bothering you but just know I love you. Always
I didn't think it was possible for me to feel any worse after my mom died but now I know it is.
"What I have I done?"
Krystal's POV
"Are you positive it was him?" I bit my lip.
"Yes!" Rosie nodded vigourously, her eyes shining with tears. "It was him."
I didn't know what to do or how to handle this situation. How could he do that to Cheyenne? I remembered her face that day when she told me how much she loved him and my heart physically hurt for her.
"Are we going to tell her?" Rosie sniffled.
"No! I mean- I don't know! She's going to be crushed when she finds out. I don't wanna be the one to do that to her."
"Do you think Sebastian will tell her?"
"He's a guy Rosie, of course not! Guys are by nature liars. They're destined to eventually hurt us at some point."
"I just can't believe he would do this!" Rosie burst out.
My head was spinning. I knew my bad feeling was right. Even worse?
I still had that bad feeling. Meaning something worse was going to happen.
Rosie's phone chimed with a text. She glanced at the screen. "Gotta go, I'm grounded for staying out late on a school night."
"Ok but Rosie," she turned back to look at me.
"This stays between us."
"Rosie promise," she holds up her hand then disappears. I sink down onto my mattress.
I feel like exploding, keeping this secret along with all the other ones I have is too much. I need to vent, I need to tell someone.
So I tell my diary.
Having a diary seems childish and silly, but when you're me, you need one as an outlet. It's very therapeutic.
I feel slightly better after writing but I'm still stressed. I decide to take a bubble bath.
Maybe that'll help.
"Have you seen Sebastian?" Cheyenne asked me the next day at my locker. I immediately tensed.
"Nope," I replied tightly. "I don't think he's here."
"Oh," she sighed.
How could I keep lying to her like this? It was wrong! She was my friend, I couldn't keep this from her!
On the other hand I knew what it felt like to have your heart put in a blender on grind and I knew it wasn't a pretty feeling.
I was so conflicted and it was making my head hurt!
"Wait he just texted me," my head snapped up to look at her. "He wants me to come over tonight to talk." She beamed at me.
I bit my lip so hard I thought it would start bleeding. I think I was actually about to cry.
"Krystal are you ok?" Her face went from a smile to a worried look.
"I just- I have to go," I squeaked out and without waiting for a reply I rushed off, bumping into someone in the process.
"Watch it bitch!" Alexis spat.
I rolled my eyes. "Wasn't it enough to get your ass beat? You'd think you'd learn to have a little more respect for people better than you."
"Better than me? Please, I'm not the one pregnant in high school."
"At least I'm not gutter trash. Why don't you just do us all a favor and transfer schools. Everyone would be so much happier." Then I push her aside and waddle off.
Reese's POV
I was chilling at the park listening to music when someone sat next to me. I turned to look and was surprised to see it was Sebastian.
"Um hey.." I took off my earphones.
"Hey," he glanced around furtively.
"Afraid someone might see you with me?" I asked half amused, half irritated.
"No I'm actually- I'm actually avoiding my friends."
"Well that's a first," I snorted. "By the way, you look like shit."
"Thanks," he replied dryly.
"So what brings you here, next to me?"
"You seem like someone who could help or maybe offer some insight for my dilemma."
"Is this about your mom?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Kind of. Have you ever made a mistake due to grief?"
"Have I? I am the creator of the word mistake."
"Ok so how did you fix that mistake?"
"It depends on what kind of mistake your talking about. What'd you do?"
His face became conflicted. "I did something really stupid while drunk."
"Thats a little vague."
"Do I really have to tell you what I did?"
"If you want my honest advice yeah." His lips remained sealed. "Listen I'm the last person who would judge you. Trust me."
"You can't tell anyone," he said glaring at me.
"Bro code," I held up my hand.
"Ok," he took a deep breath. "I slept with some girl at a party last night."
At first I was a little confused because I didn't see the problem. Then it clicked.
"Fuck," I blurted.
"Yeah," he ran a hand down his face.
Cheyenne and I hadn't been the closest of friends, really we'd only been friends by association because of Kimora and since they weren't friends anymore I didn't talk to her. But I knew she was close friends with Krystal. I also knew this would probably crush her.
"That's a really big mistake," I started.
"I know," he groaned. "I invited her over to talk but I have no idea what I'm going to say."
"You're going to have to tell her eventually, you know that right?"
"Yeah I know."
"By the look on your face I'm guessing you're going to postpone telling her?"
"You guessed right."
"Well my advice to you is don't wait to long to tell her. You know how girls are. She'll flip out either way but if you tell her sooner maybe you can do some damage control."
He nodded. "Hey do you have a cigarette? I'm feeling really stressed right now."
I had a pack in my pocket but I was tying to quit smoking. Well, a last one wouldn't hurt. Then I would quit for good.
So we lit up and I realized he wasn't such a dick after all.
No, that role was reserved for his friend Josh.
Kimora's POV
"Today we're going to discuss why we do the things we do, why we feel the need to these things, and just our thoughts and feelings in general. The point of this exercise is to try and get to the core of the problem."
I rolled my eyes and picked at my nail polish.
"Alright Ashely I want you go first."
"Well I'm rich, I'm popular, I'm gorgeous, I have everything I could ever want or need. Stealing is just a hobby for me, it's not like I can't afford stuff because I can, but I love the adrenaline rush I get during the act."
"Ashley I think the problem is because you have everything you want in life you're bored. You've never had to work for anything you own. So you steal to make life more interesting for yourself."
"That could be it..." She mused. "I'm usually bored like ninety nine percent of the time and that's when I get the urge to steal."
"Maybe instead of stealing you could find a fun hobby or get a job."
"Woah woah slow down. Who said anything about getting a job?"
"This is pointless," darkness stated monotonously.
Caroline turned to face him. "Why do you think this is pointless?"
"Because nothing matters."
"And why do you feel that way?"
"We humans are soulless creatures with no real feelings. Everything about us is all artificial. Eventually we'll pass away and be forgotten so who cares."
"That's not a very positive way of thinking."
"I don't do positive."
"I hate to interrupt but I'm getting a little hungry," Ramona said scratching her stomach.
"Surprise surprise the fat ass is hungry!" Ashely threw her hands up.
"I could just eat you bitch."
I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Caroline glared at me.
"You think this is funny?"
"Actually I think it's fucking hilarious."
"Since you wanna laugh why don't you go next?"
"Well let's see my parents sent me here because I stay out late and party, big deal."
"Well from your report here," Caroline flips through the pages on her clipboard, "it also says you have a lot of sex and do drugs."
"So I have a healthy sexual appetite," I shrugged.
"No I think it's just called being a whore," Ashley spoke.
I stood up. "Ashley since you like talking so much shit, why don't you come say that to my face?"
"Beat her ass!" Ramona cheered.
"I'm not scared of you." She got up. "You wanna fight or something?"
"Guys calm down and let's all listen to some k-pop!" Lucy exclaimed.
"ENOUGH!" Caroline screamed. The room fell silent. "Ashley and Kimora, sit down, Lucy turn off your music and actually listen, Ramona there's carrots in the fridge, and Rad, is that a blunt you're holding!?"
"No..." He shoved it in his pocket.
Caroline rubbed her temples. "Alright let's take a break to collect our thoughts and regroup."
Cheyenne's POV
"How's Sebastian's doing?" Mom asked while chopping the green onions she was using for the soup she was making for dinner.
"I'm not actually sure. We haven't spoken since our fight, I've been trying to give him space."
"I'm sorry honey," she gave me a sympathetic look.
"It's ok, I'm actually going to see him tonight. I think he's finally getting better."
"Will you be back in time for dinner?"
"I'll try," I kissed her cheek before heading upstairs to get ready. My mind couldn't help but wander to Krystal's strange behavior at school, I wondered what was wrong with her. I guess she'll tell me when she's ready.
I pulled on jeans and a light blue striped sweater before tossing my hair up and grabbing my house keys.
"Bye mom, bye dad!" I called out.
"Be safe!" Mom responded. I'm pretty sure dad didn't hear me since he was absorbed in the Olympic games on tv.
The sun was just starting to set, painting the sky in pretty hues of pink, red, orange, and purple. There was a light breeze and an extra spring in my step as I walked. I was both excited and nervous to finally talk to him. This was the longest we'd gone without any communication and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't painful.
Haley was the one to open the door when I arrived. She greeted me with a tight hug.
"I missed you," she mumbled into my shoulder.
"I missed you too," I patted her back. "How're you holding up?"
"It's been hard," she pulled back. "But I'm dealing. A lot better than my brother if I may add."
I chuckled. "Yeah he hasn't been doing so well has he?"
"Nope," she shook her head. "Maybe you can bring him back to normal."
"I'll try."
His room door was slightly ajar but I still knocked anyway.
"Come in."
I tentatively pushed the door open. It smelled a lot better than when I was here last time and there was no loud rock music blasting. Those could only be good signs.
"Hey," I said awkwardly.
"I got your texts."
"I got yours."
He was avoiding eye contact with me. I tried to lighten the mood.
"You can look at me you know, I won't turn you to stone."
"Yeah sorry I'm just..." He finally looked up.
"You don't have to explain. Things have been rough for you. I get that."
"That doesn't mean I had the right to act like a dick to you. I'm sorry."
I smiled slightly at him. "I'll admit some of your words stung a bit..."
He stood up and and closer to me. "I'm so sorry Cheyenne, I would never hurt you on purpose."
"I know."
He pulled me in for a hug and I wrapped my arms around him, happy that we were finally getting past whatever this was.
"There's something I have to tell you..."
Something in his tone of voice made me step back. I frowned.
"What is it?"
"You what?" My heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
"I- I think we should break up."
At first his words didn't register. Break up?
"I don't understand?" I whispered confused.
"I just don't think I'm in the right state of mind to focus on a relationship with you right now."
His reasoning was valid. But that didn't make it hurt any less.
"You're joking..." My eyes watered. "You're breaking up with me?"
"Yes Cheyenne, I don't know any other way to say it."
"You literally just said you would never hurt me, but you're hurting me now!"
"I'm sorry ok? But what else can I do! Everything is just too much for me right now!"
I felt like screaming. You give your heart and soul to someone completely, to the point it feels like you can't even breath without them, only to have that person turn around and rip both to shreds.
I was desperate. Utterly, pathetically, desperate. I needed him. I couldn't just not have him in my life. Not after everything.
"Sebastian please don't do this," I begged. I was full on crying. "I know- I know things have been difficult but-" I was having a hard time speaking. "But- pushing people away who love you isn't going to help. I love you Sebastian do you get that? I love you so much at times it's overwhelming. And because I love you I want to be there for you."
"I know!" He replied frustrated. "I know that it's just-"
"Then why? Why are you doing this?"
"I think you need to leave," he closed his eyes.
"Just tell me what to do? Anything just don't do this!"
"I want you to leave. It's over."
My eyes were so blurry with tears I could barely see my way out the door. I think I almost tripped and fell down the stairs. Haley's voice called out to me, but I don't stop, just stumble my way outside onto the sidewalk. My legs buckle beneath me and I collapse, finally letting out a real sob.
I pull out my phone and dial my moms number, the tears hitting the phone screen and making it hard for me to type.
"Hello? Cheyenne?"
"Mom-" my voice broke.
"Baby what's wrong?" I could hear her getting up from the table.
"Mom I need you to come get me." There was no way I would be able to walk home.
"I'll be right there." No questions, no anything. I was super grateful.
This is what happens when you fall in love and give your heart up.
Never again.
Hello my loveli-
Wait what?
What do you mean what am I doing, I'm writing my authors note.
Why? Because the chapter is over, duh.
It's not over? There's another POV? Whose?
You can't tell me? Why the hell not? I think I should know whose POV is going into MY story.
Oh really? Well how about you shove a stick up your-
Sorry about that guys, apparently there's another POV. Sometimes I really hate the producers. They always pull crap like this without telling me.
Oh and I have no idea whose POV this is. Your guess is as good as mine.
Unknown POV
"Oh...hello?" Mrs. Parker scrunched her face at me. "I'm sorry if I come off as rude, I've been going through a lot, but who are you again?"
"A friend of Krystal's," I replied smiling. "Is she home?"
"No she's actually out. I can tell her you stopped by if you'll just give me your name-"
"Actually is it ok if I wait for her in her room?" I interrupted.
"Sure, come on in."
"Thanks." I stepped inside. I'd forgotten how nice her place was. Humph.
"She should be home soon. Would you like anything to eat or drink?"
"No thanks." I hurried up the steps. Once inside her room I locked the door and frantically started searching.
"It's got to be here somewhere," I muttered. "Aha!"
I pulled out my sweater from underneath her bed. I must've left it here the last time I was over. Now to just leave before she got back...
Ouch! My hand smacked into something while I was pulling it out from underneath the bed. Curious I stuck my head in to see what it was.
A secret compartment? Interesting...
Of course it was locked up tight but I had some practice picking locks. This one proved to be more difficult and I broke three bobby pins before finally unlocking it. I reached inside and pulled out...
A diary?
Krystal kept a diary?
Obviously my nosey ass was going to read it. Maybe she had written something about me. Of course the diary was locked too and I had to pick that lock.
I flipped through the first few pages. BORING.
Then I started getting to the middle and my eyes widened.
No. Fucking. Way.
Ok that was really the end of the chapter.
Le gasp!
Who was that unknown POV?
I'll guess we'll find out soon😉
Stay groovy✌️
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