The best goodbye
Double update in ya faces!👊
Chapter 30: The best goodbye
Sebastian's POV
It's bright as hell. I have no idea why my blinds are open. There's a sigh and I look down to see Cheyenne snuggle closer to me, her chest rising and falling. She's still asleep.
Last night was... It was unbelievable. I definitely didn't expect things to get to that point but I can't lie and say I'm not glad that it did.
It's probably pretty barbaric and cave-manish of me to think but now Cheyenne is completely and utterly all mine. No one else can have her but me.
I stare at her as she sleeps. Her mouth is slightly parted and her long eyelashes fan across her cheeks. I reach out a hand a brush some hair from her eyes. She stirs and blinks sleepily at me.
"Goodmorning," I smile.
"Five more minutes," she groans and turns away. I chuckle and decide to mess with her.
I skim my fingers up her stomach and to her chest area. She twitches but doesn't say anything. Taking it further I use a hand to massage her breast and pinch a nipple. This warrants a reaction from her and she squeaks.
"What?" I reply innocently.
She turns to glare at me and suddenly her hand shoots out grabbing my dick.
"You and your dick grabbing!" I exclaim shock coursing through my body.
"You know you like it," she winks. Then she gets up.
"Where are you going?"
"To brush my teeth. I probably have horrible morning breath."
Huh. Good idea.
After we've both brushed our teeth we climb back in bed. She climbs on top of me and starts kissing down my neck. Her hips rub against mine and I feel myself getting hard.
"Hold up," I say my voice strained as I reach for another condom. I quickly tear the foil packet and slip it on.
"I've never done this before," she says nervously.
"Relax," I kiss her shoulder. "It's deeper this way, trust me."
"Ok," she takes a deep breath before lifting her hips and sinking onto me.
"Fuck," I curse closing my eyes. That feels good. She lifts herself up again and sinks back down this time with more force. A breathy moan escapes her lips.
"Like that?" She asks doing it again.
"Yes baby just like that," I groan when she rotates her hips. When she goes up and comes back down I lift myself up to meet her. Up and down, up and down.
I lean down and take a nipple in my mouth, using my teeth to graze it. Her hands fist my hair and pull tightly as the sounds of her pleasure fill the room.
"Sebastian!" She cries out as she comes, her head falling on my shoulder. A few more pumps and I come right along with her using every swear word in the book. She gently lifts herself off me and I throw away the used condem.
"Are you awake now?" I tease her.
"Uh huh," she replies, her voice sated. Just them the my phone rings.
I grab it and check the caller ID. It's my dad.
"Hello," I answer, my voice going tight. Cheyenne sits up and looks at me curiously.
"Sebastian I need you to pick you sister up from her friends and come down to the hospital."
"Why? Is she ok?" I raise my voice slightly.
"She's fine," he reassures me. "She just wants to see you. Oh and she says bring Cheyenne as well." I glance at her.
"Ok. We'll be there soon." I hang up before he can say anything. Just when I was having a good morning.
"Did something happen?" Cheyenne inquires quietly.
"No," I sigh. "She just wants to see us. We should probably get ready."
"Ok," she slides off the bed. I grab her arm and she turns back to look at me.
"I had a really good time yesterday."
"Me too," she smiles and gives me a quick kiss. "Let's get ready."
"I'm glad you're all here," Moms voice is scratchy and she looks worse than before. "I just want you all to know," she pauses to cough. "That I love you all very much. Cheyenne you're like a second daughter to me. I'm so glad I was able to meet you." She hacks again.
"Maybe you shouldn't be talking so much," I try to caution her but she still has enough energy to silence me with a glare.
"You two," she looks at Haley and I, "are the best thing that has happened to me. I may have been living, but I wasn't alive until I had you two. There is no greater joy than being a mother. I've never been more proud to say that you are my children. No matter what happens or what life throws your way, always remember that I love you with my entire being."
"Mommy, why does it sound like you're saying goodbye," Haley sniffles, tears sliding down her face.
"Not goodbye honey," she squeezes Haley's hand. "More like a see you later."
"Promise?" Haley cries.
"I promise honey. Now I want to talk to each of you individually. Haley first, Cheyenne second and your father last."
We wait outside her door and so far I've been pretty numb this entire visit. She knows she's dying. She knows it and she called us here to tell us goodbye. My mind refuses to believe it, to even accept the fact that these could very well be her last words.
When she calls me in I stand rigid by her bed.
"Loosen up," she laughs. "You'd think somebody was dying."
"That's not funny," I snap.
"You know Sebastian, you probably won't understand this yet until your time comes but when you're dying, all your worries just seem to fly away and you're left with a very weightless feeling. All that's left is acceptance."
"But how?" I ask frustrated. "How can you just be so calm about this?' You're leaving us. You're leaving me," my voice cracks at the end.
"Sweetie let me tell you something. A parents greatest joy is to see their child grow up to be a better person than them. And you have. I was there when you took your first steps, said your first words. When you made mistakes. I've never left you Sebastian and just because I won't be here physically doesn't mean I'm still not here. I'll always be with you."
I clenched my fists.
"Just promise me one thing? Promise me that you'll never let Cheyenne go. A man only meets a good woman once in his life. She cares about you as much as I do. And I swear to you Sebastian, you'll never find someone who loves you as much as she does. So promise me you'll hold on to her forever."
"I promise," I nodded and she motioned for me to come hug her.
It feels like she's already gone.
Reese's POV
The best things in life don't come easy. Freedom. Equality. But I wanted those things. So I had to come completely clean to my family.
For the first time since Valentino's death I was truly afraid. I was afraid of how they would react once they found out the truth. Afraid that they would blame me.
I think they were all surprised when I sat them down in the living room with a serious expression on my face. It still felt weird seeing my dad home but he needed to hear this too and I refused to share anything without him there.
"So what did you want to talk to us about?" My mom smiled pleasantly. I squared my shoulders and took a deep breath.
"It's about Valentino."
There was a sharp intake of breath and my dad stiffened. Samantha sat frozen.
"What about him?" My dad said carefully.
"There's something that I've been keeping from you concerning his death."
My moms face paled and her hands shook. My dad placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded at me to continue.
I figured it was best if I didn't dance around the truth.
"He didn't really die in a car crash."
Samantha stood up so fast I'm surprised she didn't get whiplash. "I don't know what kind of sick joke this is but-"
"It's not a joke!" I snapped. "So just shutup, sit down, and listen ok?!"
Her mouth snapped shut and she slowly sat back down. I continued.
"You guys know how Valentino got involved in...some stuff he shouldn't have. Mixing with the wrong people."
"Yes we know," my dad responded curtly. "But he told us that he stopped messing with those guys. I even paid the money he owed them."
"Well he lied. He never stopped dad. When he started owing more money he didn't tell you guys because he was scared. He thought he could handle it on his own."
I hadn't even gotten to the worse part but mother was already sobbing. I think she knew where this story was headed. I felt my throat closing up but I had to finish anyway.
"You guys remember the night I went missing right? And I lied and said I snuck out to the lake when you found me?"
"You didn't really sneak out to the lake did you?" Dad asked even though I knew he knew the answer.
"No," I lowered my head. "Those guys, somehow they kidnapped me and I woke up in some basement." I shivered, remembering the sound of dripping water. "Then-then they came and Valentino was with them."
Samantha had her eyes squeezed shut and was shaking her head furiously in denial.
"They pushed him down the steps. Six guys. I was so scared. I didn't know what was happening. They told me to beat him with a baseball bat. I said no. Then-then I though they were going to let us go..." My voice choked up and I felt like I was there again, relieving each painful second.
"But they didn't. They beat him nearly to death. They made me watch. I still had this small shred...small shred of hope that they would let us go. Until the leader pulled out a gun and shot him."
I've never heard my mom let out such a pained cry in her life. It tore through my chest and cut straight into my heart. She sunk to the ground heaving and my dad tried to help her but his attempts proved futile.
"Por qué, Dios, por qué!" She said in anguish.
I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. Samantha stood up an ran out of the house slamming the door behind her.
"Dios ayúdame!" She rocked back and forth holding her head.
"Lo siento," I whispered. I'd told the truth.
I was on the path to freedom.
Krystal's POV
One thing I was learning was that divorce required a lot of useless talking. Who got what, who went with who.
"Obviously I should get full custody of our daughter," mom snapped. "He never was a father to her. I think a more fitting word for him would be dictator."
"You never argued with anything I said!" dad slammed his fist on the table.
"Like you left any room for argument!" She yelled back. They were acting like I wasn't even here and the lawyer was starting to look a little flustered himself.
"Enough!" I screamed standing up. "Both of you guys were horrible parents. But the worst was you!" I pointed at dad. "I'll live as a hobo before I let you take me under custody!"
Mom gave him a smug smile. "I guess that settles that then."
"I didn't want the brat anyway," he said coldly.
"You're not even human!" My mom screeched. "I can't believe I wasted half my life on you! You're nothing but trash!"
"If I'm trash then your-"
I wanted to rip my hair out. Apparently getting a divorce also came with lots of arguing. I went up to my room and I don't even think they noticed.
A scream left my throat when I saw Reese sitting calmly on my bed.
"Oh my lord you scared the crap out of me!" I held my chest. "What are you doing here?"
"Came to check on you," he shrugged. "What's with all the yelling downstairs?"
"My parents are finally getting a divorce. Long story."
"That's good...right?"
"Yeah. Did you really come to check on me?" I sat next to him.
"Kind of," he said sheepishly. "Actually I wanted to talk to you."
"What's up?"
"I finally told my parents."
My eyes widened. Oh shit.
"Needless to say they didn't take it well," he laughed lightly. "Not that I blame them."
"I'm really proud of you," I took his hand in mine. "That was big of you."
"I'm not sure how I feel yet," he looked at me. "But it does feel like a weights been lifted off my shoulders."
"Just give them some time." I advised him.
"I will. When they're ready I know they will come talk to me."
We sat there lost in our own thoughts. I wondered what had made him finally decide to tell the truth.
He bumped my shoulder and I looked at him.
"Hang in there, if I can get through this then so can you."
"Your situation is worse than mine," I pointed out.
The next day at school I cornered Cheyenne at her locker. She jumped when she closed it.
"I hate when people do that," she breathed out.
"Mhmm whatever. Spill girlfriend. Did you do the nasty or nah?"
"Not so loud!" She put a hand over my mouth. I licked it.
"Gross," she wiped her hand on my arm.
"Tell me or I'll scream," I threatened.
"OMG yes," she rolled her eyes. I did a very Rosie like squeal.
"Was it good? Was his dick-"
"Please stop!" She begged covering her ears.
"Only because you said please," I winked.
"Thank you," she looked relieved. "How's the baby? Any name ideas?"
"I don't even have stuff for the baby so what makes you think I have a name picked out?"
"Wanna go baby shopping after school?"
I was cut off when a horde of students came rushing down the hall phones in hand.
"What the fuck is going on?" I yanked a girl back.
"There's a fight!" She looked longingly at the crowd.
"Between who?" Cheyenne crossed her arms.
"Kimora and Alexis."
Kimora's POV
My morning started off like shit.
First my parents bitch at me as usual about my clothes. I wasn't even dressed that bad today. Ooh some ripped jeans with a crop top and converse. How slutty.
I threw my hair up because it was not working with me today. I'd barely gotten any sleep and a bruise was starting to form from where my dad hit me. Not to mention it hurt. I used some foundation to cover it up as best as I could.
So yeah I really wasn't feeling it today.
The breakfast line at school was longer than usual and that pissed me off. When I got to the front they'd ran out of cinnamon rolls.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I said.
"Just get a muffin or something." Reese rolled his eyes.
"I don't want a fucking muffin."
"You're holding up the line," the lunch lady said irritated.
I angrily grabbed a muffin before storming out of the kitchen.
"What crawled up your ass and died?" Reese asked once we had sat down.
"I'm just having a bad day ok?" I said tersely. My hands were itching for a joint and my body was craving some coke. It'd been twenty-four hours since I last smoked or had a line.
All in all I just felt terrible.
Then Alexis happened.
Now let's recap. I hate that bitch. She's a racist cunt. And today of all days she just had to mess with me.
I was minding my own buissness walking down the hall and out of nowhere she bumps into me on purpose.
"Watch it hoe!" She snaps.
"Bitch you did that on purpose!" I yelled.
"Whatever slut. You're so fucking annoying why are you even still here? Everyone knows you open your nasty pussy to everyone. It's probably been more searched than Google."
"I dare you to say that again," I got in her face.
"Bitch please I don't repeat myself. Why don't you go back to China?"
"Your so fucking dumb I'm not even from China! I'm Japanese dumbass! Maybe if you payed attention in class you'd know shit!"
"Like I give a rats ass," she flipped her hair. "You're all the same to me. My point is go back to wherever the fuck you came from you Ching Chong Chang looking bitch."
The crowd that had been watching gasped and she smirked before sashaying off. I was livid.
"Oh snap!" A guy said.
It's like my brain shut down. One minute I'm standing there and the next I just run up on her and swing, hitting the side of her face and knocking her down to the ground.
Then we were just fighting.
I don't even know who was hitting who, fists were just flying. At one point I think my fist connected with her nose and I might've kicked her in the eye. It took several teachers to pull us apart.
"Bitch!" I spit on her. "Bitch wanna say some racist shit get fucked up!"
She lunged for me again and a teacher yanked her back. I'm pretty sure the entire school was there.
"Skank ass whore!" Alexis yelled. "Let me go!" She struggled against the teachers.
"Have fun rocking those two black eyes!" I shouted as I was dragged down the hall.
"What happened today was completely unacceptable!" Principal Shaw's face was red with anger. "Your behavior was out of control and highly inappropriate!"
I rolled my eyes as he continued to rant and rave. My parents kept apologizing on my behalf and shooting me evil glares the entire time. Alexis parents were poised and remained calm the whole meeting.
"One week at home suspension and when you come back two weeks of detention!"
"That's so not fair!" Alexis whined. "She hit me first!"
"Yeah because you wanna open your fat mouth and-"
"We understand," my dad said gripping my wrist tightly.
"Your dismissed," Principal Shaw said curtly.
My parents were silent the entire drive back. When we got home they didn't say anything and instead locked themselves together in the study. I was expecting them to scream at me or something.
Oh well. All that fighting made me hungry.
Cheyenne's POV
It had been four days since Kimora's fight and the video footage had made freaking Worldstar. It already had over a million views and comments.
I closed my computer and sighed. I just didn't understand why she had changed so much. Never in a million years did I ever think she would attack someone like that, no matter what the reason. She'd always been so passive aggressive.
My room door opened and Sebastian walked in.
"Whatever happened to knocking?" I asked. "I could've been changing you know."
He shrugged. "Does it really matter? I've already seen you naked."
I rolled my eyes. Boys just didn't have a clue.
"You ready to go?"
"Yeah just let me get the balloons and cards." I stood up. My parents bought a crap ton."
"That's really nice of them," he smiled.
Haley helped me fit everything into the car. Even Daniel had insisted on getting something for Sebastian's mom. He'd contributed a set of his favorite Hot wheels.
"My mom and dad said they'll be here soon," I read their text as he parked the car.
"I can't wait to see the look on Mommy's face when we show her all of our gifts!" Haley sang while skipping ahead of us.
I squeezed Sebastian's hand and he leaned in to kiss me.
When we entered the hospital I immediately knew something was wrong. The receptionist at the front counter was frantically speaking into a telephone.
"We need all doctors and nurses to report to floor three room two oh five. I repeat floor three room two oh five."
My heart dropped.
Sebastian immediately made a dash for the elevators with Haley and I scrambling behind. His fingers were shaking so bad he couldn't even press for the right floor. I had to remove his hand and press it for him.
When we reached the third floor doctors and nurses were rushing down the hall.
"Patient number 1317, Lillian Cole, and she's flatlining," a nurse read from her clipboard to one of the doctors while running backward.
"Get the defibrillator's."
One of the worst noises you'll hear in your entire life is the sound of someone flatlining. That constant, never ending beep.
Everything just felt like it was moving in slow motion. Sebastian was yelling and demanding to know what was going on, demanding to see his mom. Haley was screaming, tears streaming down her face. She almost attacked a nurse who wouldn't let her in the room and I had to pull her back.
Again and again.
Just a flat line.
Their dad sprinted in out of breath.
"I came as soon as I got the call. Is my wife," he panted. "Is my wife ok?"
The doctors lips were pursed and his face was grave.
"I'm sorry sir. Your wife is dead."
I teared up multiple times while writing this. 💔😭
You guys probably won't like the next chapter. Sorry in advance.
Stay strong ✊💪
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