Surprise, Surprise
Chapter 15: Surprise, Surprise
Sebastian's POV
"I feel like a celebrity." Benjamin said as we made our way toward the auditorium.
"We ARE celebrities." Charles said smacking him upside the head. "This rally is for us."
I didn't really care for the big rallies they always threw for homecoming games but the coach didn't really give us a choice in the matter.
"Who are you taking to the dance?" Jacob nudged me.
Ah the great homecoming dance. Exactly one week after the game tickets would go on sale. Chaos would ensue. The school would not shut-up.
I knew who I wanted to take to the dance, however I was still a little peeved about a certain game of paintball. My conscious would not settle until I had my revenge.
"Oh I don't know yet." I answered airily as we reached the auditorium doors.
"Introducing our varsity football team!" Principal Shaw announced.
The whole team was eating it up waving and blowing kisses to the crowd. Josh waved to Krystal who was holding up a sign with his name on it. I was surprised to see Cheyenne next to her and even more surprised to see her wearing a shirt with the words 'Sebastian is the best!' printed on it. When I looked at her she turned around and on the back were the words 'forgive me?' I grinned.
Off in the high corners of the bleachers sat Kimora and Reese. I was going to take a wild guess and say her and Cheyenne hadn't solved their issue. I also spotted Alexis shooting hate glares in their general direction.
"Quiet down!" Ms. Melamine barked.
"Thank you." Principal Shaw smiled at her. "Now we have a spectacular performance by the cheer squad."
I sat down in the assigned chair for me set on the stage and watched half amused as the cheerleaders ran out doing flips and shit. Maybe I could just close my eyes for a quick nap...
The rally passed by pretty quickly after that, filled with games and news about homecoming. The bell rang signaling lunch and I was more than happy for it to be finally over.
"I'll catch up to you guys later." I said waving to my team and then made my way through the crowded halls before they could respond. Cheyenne was leaning against my locker, just as I suspected.
"I made cookies." She smiles holding out the container.
"Chocolate chip?"
"What else?"
"Oh you've got me." I took the bin from her hands and opened it. The scent of freshly baked cookies wafted it's way up to my nose.
"So..." She trailed off.
"So what?"
"Am I forgiven?"
"I'll think about it." I smirked taking a bite of delicious cookie. "We may have some major trust issues."
"I promise to never do it again!" She exclaimed.
"Your lucky I like you."
"Mhmm very lucky."
I placed the closed container in my locker before shutting it and turning to her with and evil grin.
"What?" She gave me a wary look. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Without warning I swooped her up in my arms.
"Sebastian what the hell!" She yelled as I took off running down the halls.
"Coming through girl about to lose her lunch! She's going to throw up everywhere people move out of the way!" I shouted at the top of my lungs while running. Everyone was looking.
"Oh. My. God." Cheyenne's entire face was red. "I am going to kill you."
"You know you love me." I laughed.
Krystal's POV
Tonight was the night. I was going to tell my parents I was pregnant. My stomach twisted painfully.
"Krystal?" Josh said before coming in. "Are you ok? You look a little green."
I couldn't answer him. I was too busy trying to hold back my lunch from coming up. Jackie had said the sickness would stop soon. Soon, didn't seem fast enough.
"Baby relax. It's going to be ok." Josh came up behind me and started rubbing my shoulders. "Just relax."
"I'm really glad your here." I turned around and stood on my tippy toes to kiss him.
"I'm always here for you. Even if I fuck up sometimes." He pulled me to him and I burrowed my face in his chest. "I love you Krystal."
"I-" my voice faltered.
"It's ok. I know your under a lot of stress." He reassured me.
It really was too much. I pushed away from him and made a break for the toilet to puke. Josh held my hair back which I was grateful for.
"Here drink some water." He handed me a glass. I gulped it down greedily then rested my head against the toilet, groaning.
"Let's do this."
"No, I changed my mind. Let's just elope."
"We're not eloping now get up." He gripped my forearm firmly and hauled me to my feet. At the top of the stairs I contemplated throwing myself down and ending my misery but Josh must've sensed it because he guided me down the entire way.
"You really are dramatic." He chuckled.
My parents were seated in the foyer when we arrived. Things were still more than a little tense between all of us, what with my dad being a cheating son of a bitch and my mom a pathetic, no backbone, wuss.
"Josh what a pleasant surprise." Mother stood up gracefully.
"Mrs.Parker, Mr.Parker. It's good to see you both again."
"How are you?" My sperm donor asked.
"Good good." He replied.
"Wonderful. Would you like anything to eat? Or drink?" Mother asked.
"No that's fine." Josh reassured them.
"We have to tell you something." I snapped tired of their fake pleasantries and wanting to get to the point.
Josh laced his fingers with mine and gave them a gentle squeeze. I took a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant." Jackie had said rip it off like a bandage.
Mom blinked. Father remained stoic faced as usual. Well actually, now he looked a little constipated.
"Your pregnant?" Mom repeated. "With Josh's baby?"
"Who else?" I rolled my eyes.
"I'm just- I just can't- are you serious? My baby pregnant?" To my absolute horror her eyes pooled with tears. "I'm so happy for you!"
"Really?" I had my doubts. Even if it was Josh's baby it could still taint their oh so precious reputation.
"Yes because now there's no way you'll be going to college. It's just like I said!" She practically gloated.
Meanwhile I felt like I'd just been punched in the stomach.
I was just another statistic.
"I'll be in my room. Leave me alone." I didn't wait for their responses, just fled to the safety of my sheets.
I would've cried, if I had any tears left.
Reese's POV
"Reese! Someone's at the door for you." Mom called from downstairs.
I grumbled and rubbed the sleep from my eyes before grabbing some shorts and yanking them on.
"For the love of God put on a shirt." Mom complained when she saw me.
"It's probably just Kimora." I waved her off. Marcus would never be stupid enough to come visit and Cheyenne didn't know where I lived.
"Kim, I hope you have a good reason for disturbing my-"
I felt like those cartoons where the character is dumbstruck and can't move.
Krystal stood on my doorstep looking very un-Krystal like in sweats, an oversized sweater, and sloppy bun. What I really noticed though, was how tired she looked. Honestly she could have passed for one of the dead and if I'm not mistaken she had lost some weight.
"You look like shit." I blurted.
"Life will do that to you." She laughed but it sounded hollow.
"Do you want to come in?"
"No I'm good here. I actually wanted to talk to you."
"Umm ok." I stepped outside closing the door behind me. "What's up?"
"I'm sorry for always blowing you off."
Out of all the things I was expecting, an apology was not one of them.
"I know I've been a colossal bitch." She continued. "But I swear with good reason."
I opened my mouth then closed it again. My mind was completely blank.
"Reese?" She spoke when I hadn't said anything.
"Sorry I was just uh thinking."
"Look," I ran a hand through my hair. "You don't need to apologize. I know I messed things up really pretty fucking badly actually. None of it's your fault."
She turned her head away and I could've sworn I heard her mumble, "It is my fault," but then she turned back to me with a half smile.
"I miss our friendship."
I swear she just kept knocking the wind outta me. It took me a moment to recover.
"Yeah me too. You're not as bitchy as I thought you were."
"I can be a bitch." She grinned.
"A fact you've proven time and time again. Like that one kid who bought the last slushie."
"Hey it was hot and I'd been waiting in line for an hour. That little brat cut me!"
I was surprised by the laugh that bubbled out of me. When the hell was the last time I laughed like that?
"Hey let's just start over. Nothing but a clean slate between us." I held out my hand.
"You mean, just forget everything?" Krystal whispered staring at my hand.
"Exactly. Like it never happened."
She took a deep breath, as if she were coming to a great conclusion. Then she looked up at me.
"A new start sounds great."
Kimora's POV
"Your racking up my phone bill lady!"
"Yeah but you keep ignoring my texts and calls. How else am I supposed to reach you?"
"Maybe I don't want to be reached. Ever thought of that?"
"Your a dealer, your supposed to be reachable at all times. Same place in ten?"
"Look as your fellow human
being I feel obligated to tell you that you don't want this life. It's shit and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. So why don't you hang up the phone, lose my number, and go on with your merry life."
"My life is anything but merry. And since when do drug dealers care about their customers? I'm willing to pay, just name your price."
"I'm not in this for just the money Kimora. I was born into this. I don't have a choice."
"Bullshit, you always have a choice."
"And I'm choosing to hang up the phone. Don't call again." Then the line went dead.
"MOTHERFUCKER!" I yelled throwing my phone at the wall. I needed to smoke, my body was craving it so damn badly. Not to mention when I wasn't getting high I was left with this dull feeling and a horrible headache.
I would just have to find him myself.
I threw my hair in a bun and put on a pair of shorts and a crop top before heading out.
"If I was a sketchy drug dealer where would I hang out?" I mused to myself. In the end I found myself at the skate park.
Don't think about him.
"Hey!" I called out to one of the guys doing flips on the ramp. He looked about thirteen. "Do you know a guy named Marcus?" I was finally able to figure out his name by asking Reese. He wanted to know why I cared. I said because I thought he was cute. It was embarrassing but Reese bought it.
"No but I'd love to get to know you baby." He purred and his friends crooned behind him.
"Grow a dick first you little twerp and then we can talk."
"Oh snap!" Said one of his friends and they all burst into hyena like laughter.
I rolled my eyes and left. I must've asked around for about thirty minutes. No one knew who Marcus was. Defeated I plopped down on a bench.
"I heard you were looking for Marcus." Said a deep voice. I jumped.
There stood a guy in front of me, about six feet in black ray bans, a kiss t-shirt, and ripped jeans. His hair was long and greasy, which made me wrinkle my nose.
"Who are you?" I stood up.
"Look do you want to find him or not?" The guy said folding his arms across his chest.
"I wouldn't have spent thirty minutes asking around for him if I didn't." I replied snidely.
"Follow me."
Still wary of him I followed him at a medium range just in case I needed to make a run for it. It felt like we'd been walking for hours but in reality it was only a few minutes. I realized we were going over to the 'bad side' of town. Of course he hung here.
Finally we reached a rundown looking house. The door actually had one of those iron things in front that you had to open before you could reach the wooden door. And even after that there was a screen door.
"In here." The guy wrenched open both doors and let me open the final one. I stepped inside and the first thing that hit me like a wrecking ball was the stench. It could only be described as booze, sex, and drugs. The amount of skimpily dressed girls was unbelievable. Some even walked around naked.
I turned around to thank the guy but he was gone.
"Who are you?" Drawled a voice. I turned to see one of the better dressed girls in shorts and a see through white shirt with a neon pink bra underneath.
"Who are you?"
"I asked first."
"I asked second."
We stared each other down before she cracked a smile.
"I like you. I'm Alicia."
"Pretty name. I've never seen your type around here before. Usually just trailer park trash."
"What's my type?"
"Smart, look like you come from a good family. Privileged."
Before I can respond she continues.
"So why are you here?" Alicia took a drag of her cigarette.
"I'm here to see Marcus."
"Boy gets around." She nodded. "This way."
I followed her through what I assumed was the living room although I couldn't tell. Almost all the guys leered at me and some even whistled. Alicia opened a door toward the back of the house and told me to wait outside.
"Someone's here to see you."
Then she poked her head back outside. "Come in."
I stepped inside. There was a couch facing the door and a fridge off to the side. On the other side of the room sat a pool table and on another table next to that a hookah machine. A purple glow illuminated the room.
"I'll just leave you two to talk in private." Alicia winked before closing the door behind her.
"Persistent little bugger aren't you?" Marcus spoke.
"It's why I'm one of the smartest."
"I'm going to take a wild guess and say you came for this." He held up a brown paper bag.
"Reason number two why I'm smart, I don't just believe everything. How do I know there's weed in there?"
He opened it up and pulled out a plastic baggie. Sure enough it was weed. I took a step toward him. He shook his head.
"You didn't think I would just give it to you, did you?"
"Well I already knew that. That's why I'm going to take it."
"That's funny."
"Not as funny as this."
I'm guessing I moved pretty quickly here because I was able to snatch the bag from his hands. However he grabbed my arm and yanked me back with such force the couch tipped backward and I landed on top of him.
"I very much like this position." He smirked.
"I bet you do."
"And look who has the bag." It had ended up back in his hands. I glared at him.
"You snooze you lose."
"Oh really." Then I shifted my hips and his eyes widened. Playing with boys was so much fun. Now I was straddling him and I could feel his little member go rigid.
"Do not move." He growled.
"Give me the bag Marcus."
"Go to hell. And I don't recall telling you my name."
"I know things." Then I rubbed against him and he all but groaned.
"You know," his voice sounded strained. "Your not at all like how Reese described you."
"Well I guess he doesn't know me as well as he thinks he does." I moved against him again. I'm pretty sure I was starting to turn myself on which was not part of the plan.
"You do that again and I might do something we both regret." Marcus said in a low voice. I leaned down to whisper in his ear.
"Who said I'll regret it."
Before he could respond the door opened. "Woah Marcus tell me next time you have company."
While he was distracted I grabbed the bag and dashed out.
Cheyenne's POV
I stared at the phone in my hands. It had been ringing non stop since last week, the same unknown number I knew was my mothers.
It rang again.
Just pick it up already. You know you want to.
I tapped accept call and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"
"Cheyenne thank goodness! I've been trying to reach you for days now."
"You've been trying to reach me?" I laughed coldly. "Well you have. Now what do you want?"
"Cheyenne what's gotten into you? It's me, your mom."
"My mom!" I stood up knocking my chair over. "I stopped having a mom the day you left!"
"Baby please listen-"
"NO!" Great, now I was crying. "I've wanted to say this for so long. And now I can say it. I hate you. I hate you so fucking much. You left me with Daniel and Ava. You left me with the bills. You left without even thinking of how this would affect me! You selfish bitch! I take care of them like they're my kids! But they're not! I wash them, I feed them, I clothe them. Everyday Daniel asks when mommy is coming home. And I have to lie to him! I struggle to take care of them. Me! Not you, you pathetic excuse for a mother!"
"DONT YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" She screamed over the line. "I did the best I could! But in then end, I'm just a single mother with three kids and a crap job! I needed help!"
"Well I hope your happy now!"
"Cheyenne listen to me. I'm coming home."
"No, do not!" I yelled. "Just stay there and stay out of our lives!"
"I'm coming home Cheyenne. Because I found your father and he's coming with me."
I hung up.
My hands were trembling, my heart was thumping wildly, my body was shaking, and my stomach was doing backflips. Ava started crying and Daniel came out of his room looking confused and very sleepy. I couldn't move.
My father?
3 years ago
"You son of a bitch!" My mom screamed and I heard glass breaking. I huddled under my blanket with Daniel and held him close to me covering his ears. He was crying.
"What's going on?" He whimpered.
"Shhh." I squeezed him tighter. He couldn't understand. He was only five.
But I knew what was happening.
"I can't do this anymore Raquel!"
"It takes two to tango you asshole!
I didn't make this baby by myself!"
"I just need some time."
"Time for what!? To man up and grow a pair!"
"You know what Raquel screw you! I didn't know marrying you would cause me so many problems!"
"I'm sorry that I'm such a burden." Her voice dripped with sarcasm. "I'm sorry that I got pregnant with your kids when it was you who convinced me to get off the pill. I'm sorry that you refused to wear a condem."
"This is exactly the problem. You blame me for everything! I'm not even appreciated! You take me for granted and I'm sick of it!"
"Maybe I'll appreciate you when you actually start doing something!"
"I thought I wanted a family with you. But I was wrong." There was a pause. "That baby is your problem now."
Then the door slammed.
I heard mother sobbing loudly. Daniel sobbed. But I didn't cry.
Not a single tear.
I felt like I was hyperventilating. Air wasn't working it's way through my lungs. I dialed Kimora's number.
"I know we're not talking, but I need- I just need-" my voice cracked.
"I'll be right over."
I sat there huddled for what felt like an eternity before there was a loud knocking on the door. As soon as I opened it I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug.
"I have been a shit friend. Again." Kimora said guiltily.
"No it's me who should be apologizing. I shouldn't have flipped out over your outfit."
"Forget that. What's wrong?" She pulled back.
I told her everything. After I was done she looked thoughtful.
"So what're you gonna do?"
"I don't know." I sniffled.
"I know it's not much and I've already said it but I'm always here for you. I'll try to help you, whatever you need just say it."
I need you to stop changing.
Kimora had a different air about her. I couldn't pin point what it was she just seemed, not the same anymore. She showed more skin, acted more brazen, and even started wearing lipstick. Kimora hated any and all forms of makeup. I felt like a baby thinking like this as we were growing older but was it too much to ask for something to not switch up on me?
"When are your parents coming home?" I suddenly asked.
"In one more week." She sighed.
What I wanted to ask next was, "Will you go back to being how you were when they get back?" Instead I just nodded.
"So Sebastian." She wiggled her eyebrows.
"Don't start with me. What about you, any boys?" I immediately regretted asking because I'm sure she was probably still grieving over Vincent.
"Nope no guys." Kimora popped the p.
"Sorry for asking."
"Don't be. It's inevitable that I move on right?"
Hallo my lovelies. So I really enjoyed writing this chapter hehe.
Anyway I just want to tell all my readers thanks. Thanks for clicking on this book, thanks for reading it, thanks for not quitting on me after the first chapter. Every time I see my reads go up, it fills me with this unspeakable joy. And I appreciate you guys so much for giving me that feeling.
I don't believe I've put this in an authors note too many times, but please vote. I often forget to when I'm into a book but it's literally as simple as a click of a star. Even before you start reading a chapter make that star orange so you don't forget.
And don't be a silent reader. Leave a comment! Whether it's feedback or not let me know you're there. I love to hear what you think. Nine times out of ten I'll respond.
Have a lovely day❤️
Stay groovy✌️
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