Ready, set, hike!
Shout out to the amazing strikingradios for the spectacular cover she submitted!!! Go check some of her works out and give her a follow.
Also shout out to Aribellz for my boo-tiful cover👻 You rock!
*may contain errors*
Chapter 17: Ready, set, hike! Part 1
Kimora's POV
"You've come to the right place." Alicia said mysteriously.
"Cut the crap Leesh I have school in an hour."
"Ok ok." Alicia pouted and produced a pair of scissors. "Are you sure about this?"
"It'll grow back."
I fingered my long locks, most about to be hacked off. My nose still hurt from getting it pierced yesterday after leaving the skatepark. I'd always wanted a nose piercing but of course my parents said no.
"Just don't mess it up." I said a tad bit nervous. I'm not sure what drew me to Marcus's lair this morning but when Alicia had answered the door I asked her if she could cut my hair. A professional would have cost too much. Luckily for me nobody else was home.
"I cut hair all the time Kim just trust me."
"Ok." I took a deep breath as the sound of snapping scissors made it's way toward my precious head. Then I watched as big chunks of hair fell around me, on me, and on the dirty carpet.
"All done!" Alicia announced. "Now get up."
I followed her to the bathroom but she made me stand outside the door. I tapped my foot impatiently. A moment later she came back out holding a box of hair dye.
"Fabulous blonde?" I read the label. "I don't remember agreeing to dye my hair."
"Kimora trust me. Your black hair makes your pale skin look ghostly. I mean seriously when it was long you could have passed for the grudge. Don't get me wrong your pretty but you'll be even prettier as a blonde."
"I don't know..." I trailed off. My parents would kill me if I dyed my hair.
And they won't kill you for getting your nose pierced? Or having a tattoo underage? Or cutting your hair? What about for smoking weed?
Shutup voice in my head.
Just sayin. What happened to I do what I want?
"Give me that." I snatched the box from her hands examining it. "Do it."
She beamed at me and ushered me into the bathroom facing me away from the grungy mirror. What if my hair turned out looking horrible, like it turned green or something? I checked the time. Thirty minutes before school.
"Time to rinse!"
Together we both washed out the dye and towel dried my hair. My heart beat in anticipation. Would it turn out hideous?
"Voila! Look at you all sexy!" Alicia spun me around to face the mirror. My mouth dropped open in shock.
I- I didn't even recognize myself. My hair was cut into a Sia style bob, the roots still showing a hint of black that flowed into a pale gold color. It framed my face perfectly and even made it look like I had color in my skin.
"Wow." I breathed.
"The boys will be drooling over you." Alicia gushed.
"Thanks. I owe you."
"Wanna repay me back? There's gonna be a little get together here tomorrow night. Come. Let me show you off."
I raise a brow. "A little get together?"
"Just a few people." She winked.
"I'll see if I'm available."
I arrived at school with a minute to spare. Instead of running like I usually do I strolled to homeroom and walked in just as the bell rang. Reese was in my homeroom and I sat next to him in the back.
"That seats saved." He gave me a quick glance.
"It's me doofus."
"Kimora?" He did a double take. "Holy shit!"
"Reese!" Our teacher snapped.
"Sorry. Holy shittles." He corrected. She glared at him before tuning back to her computer.
"Kimora you look like a completely different person? When did you get your nose pierced?"
"Well damn." He whistled. "I can't believe you cut your hair!"
"Believe it. I honestly love it." I ran my hands through the shortened strands. "Washing it will be so much easier now!"
"Your parents are going to bury you. They'll never leave again."
"It's my hair, my face, and my body." I replied flippantly.
"We'll see." He smirked.
I felt irritated. Did they not believe me when I said I didn't care? It's like everybody thought my parents controlled me.
Well not anymore.
Krystal's POV
I pulled a tight t-shirt over my head and a pair of jeans that were starting to fit snugly. I'd have to go maternity clothes shopping soon.
With the outfit I had on there'd be no mistaking I was pregnant.
"Your dad is driving you today!" Mother shouted from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and carefully made my way down the stairs.
"Oh honey." Mom cooed rubbing my stomach. "Do you know the gender?"
"No." I shrugged her off.
"Ok. Have a good day sweetie."
I didn't reply and slung my bag over my shoulder before walking out. I climbed into the backseat of the car not wanting to be anywhere near that man.
Josh was waiting for me at the drop off. I slammed the car door extra hard and took the hand he held out to me.
"How are you feeling?" Josh kissed me.
"Not so good." I admitted.
"Well we're in this together." He squeezed my hand. Then we walked together up the school steps. In less than a minute everyone was staring at me wide eyed.
A Queen always keeps her head up, I reminded myself.
"OMG Krystal!" Alexis and Rosie screeched to a halt when they saw me.
"Eh. Ma. GAWD! Your pregnant!?" Alexis looked like she was going to have a coronary.
"I am."
"Ahhhh!" Rosie squealed circling me like a hummingbird. "A baby a baby! Can I be the godmother please please?"
"Ummm I'll think about it." I laughed nervously.
With their loud voices Josh and I had attracted a crowd of well wishers and just plain nosey people. So many girls surrounded me I lost sight of him in the crowd.
"Is it a boy or girl?"
"When's the baby shower?"
"Oh oh can I come?"
"Yeah me too!"
"How long have you known?"
I was so overwhelmed and Rosie sensing my distress took on the duties as my body guard.
"Back up people she needs space!" This was probably the first time I've ever seen Rosie so demanding. The girl was as sweet as a gumdrop.
"Thanks Rosie." I smiled gratefully at her as she lead me away from the growing crowd. The bell rang and she happily escorted me to homeroom.
All day it was 'Congrats Krystal!' With gossiping all day long. Everyone must have heard the news by now. It wasn't at all what I was expecting. Any normal person would've been overjoyed at such positive reception for such a young pregnancy.
I wasn't.
In fact I felt even unhappier than before and as chemistry approached I debated skipping and going to the nurses office instead. At least I had an excuse now.
"We're going to be late!" Rosie practically dragged me down the halls. "Get those pregnant feet moving!"
"Rosie I'm not sure-" but my words were lost on her. Ever since junior year began she's started acting like she actually cares about her grades. It was freaky.
"Sorry Mrs.Robinson!" She burst through the doors out of breath. Mrs.Robinson raised a brow.
"Miss O'Donnell the bell hasn't even rung yet."
"Oh." Her face turned the same shade of pink as her hair and the class snickered.
"Krystal," she turned to me. "Glad you can make it."
"Yeah." I muttered. Someone's eyes were burning a hole in the side of my head and I was afraid to look.
"Have a seat. Everyone get to work on your lab summaries. They're due by the end of the period!" The class immediately filled with loud chatter.
Rosie plopped down and I shuffled toward my spot next to Reese who may I just say has a razor sharp gaze.
"Hey." I tentatively smiled at him. My palms started to sweat.
"Don't hey me. Why didn't you tell me?" He looked genuinely hurt and it sorta pissed me off.
"Oh don't even do that." I snapped.
"Do what? Lie." He glared at me.
"No act like your the one who got hurt here. I don't owe you any explanations."
"Fucking hell Krystal I thought we were over that!"
"Well I lied."
"Then maybe we shouldn't be friends since friendship isn't based on lies."
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I didn't have the patience nor the strength to argue with him right now. Besides, we were just starting to get on track.
"I don't want to argue with you." I said quietly. "I'm sorry."
His face softened. "You can't just keep this from me. I have a right to know."
"Why?" I suddenly asked. "Why do you need to know?"
"That's not an answer."
"Well it's all your getting."
"Your. So. Frustrating!" I punched his arm and he laughed causing his two dimples to show. My heart skipped a beat.
"One of my many charms." He smirked.
Gosh I hated him.
Reese's POV
Reese: Are you going to the football game 2nite?
Marcus: yh
Reese: meet me?
Marcus: c u there
I set my phone on my desk and swivel toward the door, my feet carrying me out of it and down the hall. I stop in front of the last door which harbors a huge 'KEEP OUT' sign.
Slowly I turn the knob and the room creaks open, dark and dusty from years of neglect.
For the first time since my brother died, I'm stepping back into his room.
It's exactly the same as it was 4 years ago. Dark blue walls, shaggy brown carpet. His desk is pushed in the corner, a jumbled mess of items and paper on top. The bed is perfectly made with the sheets and comforter to match his walls. Clothes and shoes are strewn about and hundreds of university banners, posters, and colorful sticky notes are tacked to the wall. A mural of family photos was pasted by his bed.
A lump forms in my throat and I take a deep breath. I'm not sure what I'm doing but I kind of float around his space running my hand along every surface. My eyes caught a framed photo above his bed. In the picture, I'm seven and he's fifteen. The photo was snapped with him laughing and giving me a noogie. My eyes are squinted shut and I'm yelling at him to stop. The gate of memories burst open, flooding my brain
"Yo!" I yelled to Valentino, waving my gloved hand. "Are we gonna play or what?"
"Calm down squirt." He tossed the ball in the air. "We'll play. But first....let me take a selfie!"
"Ughhhhhh!" I groaned loudly as the song blasted from his phone speakers. He'd been doing this all week, randomly playing selfie from his phone knowing how much I hated the song.
"Come on take a selfie with me!" He slung an arm around my shoulder bringing his phone and the horrible music closer.
"Get away!" I tried to shove him off but he was stronger than me and instead gave me a noogie.
"Smile boys!" My mom appeared with her camera grinning.
"Mom no! Stop it Val!" I closed my eyes as the camera flashed.
"Let me see." Valentino grabbed the camera from moms hand. "Oh I'm so framing this."
"I hate you guys." I stomped my foot angrily.
"You know you love me. XOXO, Gossip Girl." Then mom and Valentino were both cackling and I folded my arms across my chest glaring at them. Eventually I couldn't help but laugh too.
I tentatively sat on the edge of his bed and inhaled. He always smelled like oranges. No matter what the citrus smell lingered on him. Maybe it was due to the fact that he loved oranges so much.
"I miss you man." I said aloud my voice catching. I hurriedly stood up and all but ran out his room, closing the door behind me.
That was enough for today.
Cheyenne's POV
I gaped at the girl standing at my door.
"Look at you all cozy in Sebastian's jersey. Ready to go cheer your man on?" She winked.
"I'm sorry, who are you?"
Kimora rolled her eyes. "It's your bestie!"
"My bestie doesn't have short blonde hair and a nose piercing!"
"Surprise!" She threw her hand up in the air causing her crop top to ride up and expose the bottom of her tattoo.
It's freezing outside!" I eyed her cotton leggings and Toms shrewdly.
"I have a sweater! Now let's go. Daniel and Ava are at Ms. Perkins right?"
"Yeah. I should probably start paying her more." I mused to myself locking the door.
"Good thing your parents are coming back!" She chirped then froze.
"Shit. I did not mean to say that."
"It's ok. They're coming back and there's nothing I can do about it." Now the only thing left was to prepare for their arrival.
"Forget I said that and hurry before the game starts!"
We half walked, half jogged to the school. The parking lot was packed making me grateful we came on foot. The bleachers on the field were even worse. It was so bad people had to start standing just to see the game.
"Look there's Reese!" I pointed towards the top of the bleachers. "And he brought...a friend?" Now I was confused.
Kimora on the other hand looked horrified. "F-friend?"
"Yea he's got really dark hair and he's wearing a black wife beater."
"Oh." She looked anywhere but me. "Hey there's Krystal let's go congratulate her!"
"Not so fast." I grabbed her arm. "Since when do you care about Krystal?"
"Pftttt since forever." She scoffed.
"I can tell when your lying." I replied wryly.
"Yeah well everyone seems to be her friend lately." She muttered.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean her and Reese!" She waved her hands in the air for emphasis. "They were chatting like long lost buddies in chem today!"
Ok that was definitely weird. But not the issue at the moment.
"We'll congratulate Krystal later." I dragged Kimora along as we made or way up the crowded bleachers.
"Excuse me, coming through, excuse me!"
"Hey Reese." I greeted him while Kimora stood rigid next to me. "Who's your friend?"
"This is Marcus." I shook hands with him and I could've sworn his gaze narrowed and lingered just a tad to long on Kim?
We'd only been sitting for a few minutes when Kimora shot up.
"Who wants popcorn?" She exclaimed.
"Oh oh me me." Reese waved a few bills in the air. "Get me a large." I raised my eyebrows curiously.
"Kim you know that line is mega long right? You'll probably miss the start of the game."
"Just fill me in." She scurries away. Again weird.
Then Marcus stood up. "I'm going to see if I can find a bathroom." He didn't wait for us to respond before walking off.
Since we were now alone I scooted closer to Reese. He glanced at me smirking.
"Cole's jersey huh? I didn't take you for the cheerleader type."
"I'm not. He asked me to wear it."
"So then your dating?"
"Of course not!"
He rolled his eyes. "Come on Chey everyone knows it's official once you start sharing clothes."
I slammed my hands down on the bench. "It's not official until he asks me to be his girlfriend face to face."
"Girls." He shook his head. "You always want everything so spoken and formal."
"This is why you'll never get a serious girlfriend." I laughed. "And speaking of girls what's up with you and Krystal?"
"Me and Krystal? What about it?"
"Well Kimora said you guys were chatting like old buddies in chemistry. Care to explain?" I rested my head in my hands looking at him.
"Explain? No not really."
"Boys." This time I shook my head.
"The game will be starting in five minutes." One of the announcers proclaimed over the stadium speakers.
"I'm gonna go check on Kimora."
"Uh huh. See if you can find Marcus too." He was busily texting on his phone.
I squeezed my way through the crowd, which seemed to have increased in people. You'd think people were gathering for a Beyoncé concert.
"Have you seen Kimora?" I asked a group of girls.
"Oh you mean that really smart Asian?"
I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. "Yes her."
"Oh I saw her a while back. She was with some guy."
A guy? "Was she blonde?" I asked just to make sure.
"Yep short blonde bob."
"Ok thanks."
After checking around twice I gave up and went back to my seat.
"You didn't find them?" Reese asked.
"She's got my popcorn!"
"You'll survive."
Sebastian's POV
"You got Krystal Parker pregnant?!" Charles shouted in the locker room. "What the hell were you thinking!"
"I wasn't thinking anything." He defended himself.
"Ever heard of a condom dude?" Benjamin asked pulling on his shin guards.
"Apparently he hasn't." Jacob chimed in.
"Man I feel so sorry for you. You're stuck with that bitch for life." Charles shook his head sympathetically.
"Don't call her a bitch." Josh snapped.
"Sebastian please talk some sense into him!" Benjamin pleaded. "He doesn't see how utterly screwed he is. I mean, even you don't like her!"
I slapped a hand on Josh's shoulder and stared deep into his eyes. "Josh..."
He waited for my words of wisdom.
"You're fucked man."
"Oh come on!" He shrugged me off. "Not you too!"
"We'll talk about this more later. Tonight we have a game to win. So get your head out of your asses and in Josh's case get your head out of Krystal's pussy."
The guys guffawed and Josh glared at me.
"The point is forget everything else. All that matters is the here. The now. This game. We don't play to do well. We play..... TO WIN!"
"FUCK YEAH!" The guys cheered and pumped their fists into the air.
A loud whistle pierced the air and we all covered our ears.
"BOYS!" Coach boomed. "It's game time! Now get out there and crush em!"
I shoved in my mouth guard and adjusted my helmet. The rush that playing football gave me was like a drug. Addictive and always leaving me wanting more.
"The Spartans versus the Mavericks!"
We all ran out onto the field single file line as the crowd cheered. Guys like Charles, they loved football because of the fame. Me?
I was in it for the game.
The referee blew his whistle.
"Can I have the starting quarterbacks from the opposing teams come forward for the coin toss."
I stepped up toe to toe with a beefy guy, most likely a gym rat. I wasn't intimated though.
"Heads or tails?" The referee shouted at McBeefy.
"Heads." He folded his arms across his chest confidently. Sure enough the coin landed on tails just as I had suspected.
"We'll kickoff." I stated smugly.
We huddle together just seconds before it starts.
"Ok boys you know the drill. Find their weakness. Hit em where it hurts. Get them down, then strike."
"Which play are we doing first?" Jacob asks.
I scanned the other team and noticed them already getting in formation. Their defense looked ready for a blitz, which left no room for a running play.
"Blue 52." I answered him. "Benjamin kick off."
"Got it." He saluted and jogged over to his place. I crouched behind the offensive line, sweat already trickling down my face.
Bring it.
The whistle resounded throughout the stadium and I was in motion before my brain even registered my body moving.
Josh caught the ball and took off toward the end zone. The defensive situated there sprang into action lunging to tackle him.
"First and ten." The announcer boomed.
This was going to be a long game.
Haha I know absolutely NOTHING about football. All my info is coming from my older brother who used to play and the trusty search engine called Google. Hell I still may have written it wrong. But I'm trying so give me some credit. Football is a very confusing sport with wayyyyyy too much terminology.
Anyway did you like this chapter? If so then vote and comment!
Part 2 coming soon to a wattpad near you😉 (lmao that rhymed)
Stay groovy✌️
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