Problems and all that
Before I start this chapter I would like to thank AamalUsmani04 for the awesome cover. It's amazing and I love it so much. Follow her and check out her story The Girl Who Hates Kisses. It's really good. Thanks for the lovely cover❤️❤️
Happy Valentines day loves🌹🌹
Chapter 3: Problems and all that
Kimora's POV
7:21 am
"I can't believe you're actually on time today," I said slamming my locker door shut. Cheyenne stood next to me biting her nails. She looked ready to crumble any minute. "You ok?"
"Oh yeah I'm fine," She mumbled. "Just peachy."
"How was the terrible duo this morning?"
"Fine. Just fine."
"They didn't give you any trouble?" I asked in disbelief.
"Nope. They were fine. Very, very fine," Cheyenne's eyes flitted about, looking anywhere but my face.
"Cheyenne is everything-"
"You won't believe what my mom did yesterday!" Reese fumed coming up next to us. I looked up at him. His curly hair was damp, probably from a shower, and the baseball shirt he wore open with the black tank underneath showed off his incredible muscles and intricate tattoos. Combined with his twinkling green eyes, sculptured jaw, and clear face, he looked like he'd walked straight out of a men's model magazine. I often counted myself lucky to be considered one of his good friends. Someone he didn't see as a sex object. How many other unlucky girls at this school could say that?
"What did she do?" Cheyenne seemed almost too eager to take the spotlight off herself.
"She forced me to go to a job interview! At Taco Taco of all places. Ok well, I was fine with that part, and I got the job by the way, but when we got home she snooped in my bedroom. And she took my weed stash! And she showed my dad. I got yelled at in Spanish for an hour! Now I'm grounded!"
"Oh no, now you can't smoke weed so your brain won't rot away and you have to stay in the house so you can't get in any more trouble. How awful," I commented dryly. Reese glared at me.
"That sucks," Cheyenne remarked. "I heard one of the football players was throwing a back to school bash. Guess you can't go now."
"Oh I'm going," He stated. "I'll have to sneak out."
"He never learns," I muttered to myself grabbing my bag. We walked down the crowded halls to the cafe for breakfast. Both of them were much slower than me and I found myself already leagues ahead. Annoyed, I turned around and started walking backward.
"Any slower and you'll become snails!" I called out.
"I'll walk as slow as I want to. Watch," Reese started taking small, shuffling steps. Cheyenne, who was even further behind typing rapidly on her phone bumped into him. Distracted she completely stopped and looked up to apologize, only then realizing it was just Reese.
"Spaced out much?" He laughed and she blushed.
"Sorry," She returned her eyes to her phone screen.
I smiled at my crazy friends and turned around only to wham right into someone.
"Shit I'm so-" Then I stopped. Because it was Krystal Parker.
She stood frozen as coffee dripped off her most likely expensive white blouse. Alexis and Rosie looked at me like I had just committed murder. Reese and Cheyenne finally caught up.
Krystal slowly looked up her eyes flashing angrily. "You-" she started and closed her eyes taking a deep breath. It didn't help. "This is Yves Saint Laurent you worthless bitch!"
Oh God here we go.
"Yves saint what?" Cheyenne quipped and Krystal turned her fury toward her.
"I wouldn't expect you to know what that is," She sneered.
"Back off," I stepped foward. "It's just a top. I'm sure mommy dearest can pay for a new one. Get over yourself."
I expected a sassy remark on how her clothes cost more than my life or something along the lines of that.
What I didn't expect was the sharp sting of a palm across my cheek.
"Did you just slap me?" I asked holding the side of my face in complete and utter shock. I was so appalled I couldn't move.
"No, I lightly tapped the side of your face," She laughed sarcastically. "Of course I slapped you, you dumbass! You didn't even apologize for spilling hot coffee on me and ruining a blouse that probably cost more than your life!"
"That was seriously unnecessary," Reese finally spoke up. "What the hell Krystal. Why do you have to be such a bitch? What, did daddy not pay enough attention to you today?"
She whipped around to face him. Her face registered hurt for a fleeting moment before a murderous rage over shadowed it.
"Fuck. You." Krystal spat pushing him so hard he stumbled back into the lockers. She stormed of, Alexis and Rosie scurrying after her to calm down their leader. They shot us nasty looks as they passed.
Reese ran a hand down his face. "Fuuuuuuuuuck," He cursed. "That was too harsh."
"Are you kidding me!" I exploded finally reviving from my initial shock. "That wasn't harsh enough! That bitch hit me! She put her hands on me!"
"She's evil Kimora what else can you expect?" Cheyenne rubbed my back soothingly. "Come on let's just go."
I was seething but allowed her to steer me down the hall.
Sebastian's POV
9:37 am
"You look like you're about to pass out," Josh commented taking out his notebook.
"I am," I replied tiredly. I'd spent the night at the hospital with Haley. The doctors wouldn't let us see our mother. 'Not yet' they said. I was anxiously awaiting even a scrap of good news.
"Hello and welcome to US History, in other words your worst nightmare," Mr. Pension greeted us. "I hope you all brought notebooks because you'll be writing until your hands cramp and fall off. We've got a lot to cover this year."
The class groaned. I wanted to bang my head against the desk. I'd forgotten my notebook.
"Got an extra notebook?" I asked Josh. "I forgot mine."
"Nah, sorry," I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. I'd been feeling a lot of it lately.
"Mr. Cole," The teacher stopped by my desk. "Where would your notebook be?"
"I don't have it."
"He says he doesn't have it!" Mr. Pension announced to the class. "Who else doesn't have one?"
Numerous hands shot into the air.
Mr. Pension walked back to the front of the class. "This isn't elementary school anymore. I'm not going to baby you and keep reminding you to bring supplies. This is high school, you should already have these things."
He pulled out half sheets of paper from his desk and started passing them out.
"This is the syllabus. Bring every supply listed by tomorrow or face detention," He looked at me pointedly. "Take out binder paper for those of you who didn't bring notebooks."
My head pounded with a headache. I did not need this right now. An office assistant walked through the door.
"Pass for Sebastian Cole," She announced handing it to Mr. Pension who handed it to me.
"You got lucky today," He said as I left.
My dad was inside the office when I arrived.
"What happened?" I immediately asked.
"What no hello or how are you?" He frowned at me.
I glared at him and he sighed.
"Let's go. I already signed you out."
Krystal's POV
9:30 am
"Look at me!" I shrieked. "I look and smell like a brewery!"
We were in the girls bathroom and I was currently freaking out over my state of appearance.
"It's not that bad," Alexis tried to say.
"Are you kidding? This stain won't come out! And this was the last shirt in the collection!" I wailed.
"We're missing class," Rosie said worriedly.
"Oh since when did you care about school?" I snapped. It was no secret that Rosie was as dumb as a block.
"Well my mom said-"
"OMG who cares what your mom said! What are you here for?! Do something!" I gestured toward my shirt.
Rosie grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser and started patting my shirt. I almost slapped her too.
"You idiot, you're only making it worse!" I yelled and she scurried back.
"Krystal just calm down," Alexis spoke cautiously. I felt like an angry dragon, with steam coming out of my ears and nose. I was pissed.
I yanked out my emergency phone from my bag and punched in the schools number.
"Hello this is Westview High school how may I help you?"
"Hi this is Katherine Parker," I copied my moms voice. "I came to get Krystal earlier this morning before class. I couldn't come to the office because it was an emergency. Please don't mark her tardy, she won't be back for the rest of the day."
"Ok thank you for calling."
"What about us?" Alexis whisper yelled. "We're gonna get tardies while you get to escape!"
"Not my problem," I said, ending the call. "Tata for now." I glided out of the bathroom, keeping my head down so none of the nosy hall monitors could spot me. They took their jobs way too seriously. You're watching a high school hallway, not a prison.
I had one foot out the front door until I bumped into a hard chest. I swear if I bump into another person again...
It was Reese.
Oh fuck me.
"Ditching school?" He smirked blocking the exit.
I didn't know whether to go with being cool, being upset, or being angry. I went with the last one.
"Watch where you're going," I snapped. "Now move."
"You're so mean," He grumbled.
"I know that's kinda my thing," I flipped my hair. "Are you done being an annoying little fuckboy now?"
"I've been called a jerk, asshole, dick, cunt, shithead, motherfucker, fucker, dick hole, and a whole other slew of names but never a fuckboy," He mused.
"Wow how could the girls ever miss that one," I replied sarcastically. This time I moved around him and was about to safely escape the school when he called out to me.
"I'm sorry about what I said earlier."
I stopped but didn't turn around. He continued.
"It was out of line. But that doesn't mean you can go around hitting people Krystal. That's wrong. You and I both know that."
I didn't say anything and walked out.
Reese's POV
2:30 pm
I stared at the Taco Taco uniform in disgust. Today was the day I started my first job. Ever. In the history of the world.
"Hey taco boy."
I turned around to find Marcus grinning behind me.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked surprised. Marcus was homeschooled and with good reason. I'm pretty sure he'd end up burning down our whole school.
He continued to grin like the joker and I got suspicious. He was never this happy or calm unless he was high. But his eyes were clear and as normal looking as ever.
"Are you tripping off LSD or some shit?" I turned around to fully face him.
"Nope but I'm about to make serious bank. You going to that party some football player here is throwing?"
"Yes..." I trailed off.
"Well he contacted me and requested for some coke. Said he was tired of always getting cheap crack. And he was willing to pay some heavy cash."
"Dude are you serious?" I asked, not believing him.
"As serious as you are about avoiding a committed relationship."
"Wow Marcus way to throw shade."
He shrugged unapologetically. I glanced at my watch.
"I've got work so we'll have to discuss this later. But you better be splitting the money with me."
"I'll think about it," He laughed but I didn't find it amusing.
"And I'll also think about getting you some more weed," I smiled smugly. Only I knew the identity of our local seller.
"You're kidding right?" He asked as I walked away. "You wouldn't do that to me?"
They put me on cash register.
"Have you ever worked cash register?" My manager Dave questioned.
"Great, your on it then!" He patted me on the back.
"Now get out there and smile. And remember, at Taco Taco the customers are always right!"
I call bullshit on that.
My first customer was a lady who didn't understand that there is such a thing as too much makeup. And too much spray tan. And perfume. And jewelry.
"Welcome to Taco Taco, how may I help you?" I tried my best to hold in the sneeze that was invading my nostrils from her heavy perfume.
"Yes can I have the super meal deal please?"
"Ok anything else?" I typed in the price. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. When I looked up she was staring at me.
"How old are you?" She asked.
"Uhhh seventeen," I responded, not knowing where she was going with this.
"Have you ever been with an older woman before?" She asked, batting her eyelashes.
Oh fuck no. One look at her and I felt my dick shrivel up and die.
"No, now let me just go get that order. Your total will be six seventy-five." I pretty much ran from the register. One of my co-workers, Jennifer, was on janitor duty. I took the mop from her grasp.
"How about we switch and you go on cash register?" I smiled sweetly at her. She raised an eyebrow.
"You want to be on janitor duty?"
"Who wouldn't?"
"Fine," That was easy.
"Oh yeah and there's a lady who ordered a super meal deal. You should get that for her."
"Got it," She left and I sighed in relief.
Cheyenne's POV
"I'm hungry," Daniel whined.
"Ok let me see what we have," I rummaged through the cupboards and pulled out a packet of shrimp top ramen. After boiling some water and cooking the noodles I set it in a bowl in front of Daniel.
"When is mom coming back?" He asked, slurping up his noodles.
"I don't know," I sighed, going through the bills again. I didn't know how to pay bills. Mom had all the account info. What was I supposed to do? I texted and called my mother over a hundred times at school today. And every time I got the same message.
The number you are trying to reach is no longer in service.
The wails of Ava started and I knew she had awoken from her nap. Already prepared I grabbed a bottle from the fridge and handed it to her. These weren't my kids. So why was I suddenly their mother?
I went in the bathroom to splash my face with water. I wasn't the prettiest girl but today I looked worse for wear. My unruly curly brown hair thanks to my mixed roots was in desperate need of a trim. My eyes were baggy and lined with dark circles, my lips dry and cracked. It was a wonder I summoned enough energy to go to school. Maybe I should just drop out and get a job.
"Chey," Daniel tugged on my pants. I looked down at him. "Someone is knocking on the door."
Immediately my defenses went up. We didn't live in the safest apartment complex.
"Go to your room and stay there until I tell you to come out. If anything happens call the police. You know the number."
"I'm scared," His eyes started to water.
"Just do what I said and everything will be ok," I kissed his temple and he ran off to his room. Quietly I tiptoed to the door and grabbed the iron baseball bat laying next to it. I looked through the peephole and gasped swinging open the door.
"Sebastian?! What the hell are you doing here?"
"Hey," He looked at me then at the bat I was gripping tightly. "Didn't know you hated me that much."
"Sorry I though you were a murderer or something," I put the bat down. "How did you find my apartment number?"
"I asked around. And yes, I know how creepy that sounds."
"Ok so what are you doing here?"
"Can I come in?"
"No," I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. "What are you doing here?" I repeated a third time.
"I don't know I just kinda need someone to talk to," He looked down at his shoes. Who was this guy? At school he was all macho man, confident and cocky, but here he was all...vulnerable. It was unnerving.
"And you couldn't talk to one of your friends?" I crossed my arms.
"You just seem like you'd understand better," He looked at me and I saw sadness in his eyes. I understood then. The person he pretended to be was all a facade. When I looked at him it felt like looking at mirror. And I didn't like it one bit.
"You don't even know me. News flash, I got a ride home from you once. That doesn't make us best friends. I've got my own problems to deal with and I can't help you," Then I slammed the door in his face.
I was such a bitch.
Guilt immediately crawled up my stomach and settled in my insides.
Life was just so fucked up.
I don't know why but I loved writing this chapter. I love all my characters already like I feel a bond to them.
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