My shitty
Chapter 4: My shitty
Krystal's POV
"Hello? Is anybody home?" I called out through the grand foyer. My voice echoed back at me. My feet were killing me from a long Saturday spent shopping.
"Up here sweetie," I heard my moms soft voice call.
I ascended the spiral staircase and found her and my dad were getting ready for some...event?
"Where are you guys going?" I asked, leaning against their door.
"Oh Mr. Oakley invited us out for brunch. He is such a delight," Mother giggled and uncapped a tube of mascara. Father stayed silent.
As you can see he was a man of few words. Unless they involved berating me for messing up his image.
"By the way I talked to my counselor yesterday morning. She said it was never too early to start searching for colleges and that I should look into it," I was excited for all the opportunities I'd have once I left this small town. I could be anything I wanted to be. I didn't have to be 'Krystal the Queen Bee' anymore.
"Why would you want to go to college?" My mother laughed.
"So I can get a degree."
"A degree!" This time my father laughed. "She thinks she can get a degree!"
"Honey college is for smart people," My mother said.
"You don't think I'm smart enough?"
"Of course not," My father answered. "You hang out with Rosie for crying out loud. The girl is stupid. Point, blank, period."
"Just because I hang out with Rosie doesn't mean her dumbness rubbed off on me," I snapped. "Have you even seen my school work? My transcript?"
"They still give those out?" My mother questioned.
"Krystal just get this idea of college out of your head. I certainly won't pay for you to waste your time."
"But it's not a waste!" I argued.
"And what exactly would you get your degree in?" Father looked at me with a brow raised.
"I don't know but I'll figure it out. Lots of people find themselves and their passions in college."
"Darling look at you. You're young, you're pretty. Why would you want to go to college when you have all the money in the world?" Mother smiled at me. "You don't need to have a job or a degree. Josh will provide all that for you once you two get married."
"Married?" I spluttered. "Who said anything about marriage?"
"Of course you two will be getting married. The whole town expects it."
"Oh and once we get married I'll sit prettily at home with his kids cooking and cleaning while he's at work right?" I said sarcastically.
"My dear of course not. That's what a nanny and a maid are for."
"I've had enough of you Krystal," My dad glared at me. "Your opinion does not matter. You will do what everyone expects you to do. Because I have a reputation to uphold and I will not have you gallivanting around with these wild ideas ruining it."
Tears stung my eyes and I turned around heading to my room. They didn't care about me. All they cared about was their stupid image.
I called Josh.
"Hey," He answered. "Where were you yesterday? I didn't see you."
"I went home."
"Oh ok. I was worried."
"Josh do you think I can go to college?"
"You want to go to college? Why?"
"Why not?"
"Don't you think college would be too hard for you?"
I hung up on him.
I flopped down on my bed and hugged a pillow to my chest. I laid there for awhile before getting up to use the bathroom. I was rummaging through the cupboards for some lotion when something caught my eye.
A box of pads.
Slowly I pulled them out, tension coiling in the pit of my stomach like a snake. With everything going on, it was almost easy to forget.
But the world wouldn't let me.
Deny deny deny.
But for how much longer?
Reese's POV
"Can I please go out?" I begged my mom.
"No! Now either help me cook or go to your room."
"But it's a Saturday!" I protested.
"I don't care if it's Cinco de Mayo! You should've thought about going out when you decided to start smoking pot! Ahora sal de aquí y ve a tu cuarto !"
"¡Eres un inútil!" I yelled and trudged upstairs slamming my door.
If I stayed in this house another minute I was going to go crazy. Apparently being grounded meant no leaving unless for work or school.
I called Jennifer.
"Hey big head," I greeted her.
"What do you want Reese?" She blew out a breath over the phone.
"Got a shift today?"
"Yeah why?"
"I'll cover for you."
"No I need the money."
"Come on Jen!"
"What part of no don't you understand? The n or the o?"
"If you let me cover for you'll I'll give you the money. And you wouldn't have to work up a sweat."
She was quiet for a moment. "How do I know you're not lying?" She asked doubtfully.
"Because I never lie," I lied. Ok I wasn't lying about giving up the money to her, but I was lying about never lying. Because I do lie. A lot.
"Fine but if I don't get that money you'll be missing a pair of testicles."
"Ouch. But I got it."
"Good. I start at 2:00. Be there or be dead."
"Isn't it be there or be square?"
"No it's be there or be dead because if you're not there on time I'm going to kill you."
Ok she was definitely a psychopath in another life.
"Alrighty bye Jen."
"Don't call me that." Then she hung up.
Well then bitch.
I glanced at my clock. It was 12:17. Enough time for me to get my daily dose of female before work. Just in case any old ladies tried to hit on me. I mean I know I'm sexy but I was drawing the line here.
As if reading my mind my phone beeped with a text.
Angela: can I still come over?
Me: yeah but you're gonna have to climb up to my window
Angela: no problem. I'm wearing ur favorite 😉😉
Me: 😈😈😏😏
A few minutes later there was a soft tapping. I opened the window and Angela clambered in. She was wearing a school girl uniform, the skirt barely covering her ass and the buttons on the blouse undone halfway to reveal a lacy bra underneath.
I locked my room door to be safe.
"You're just in time. Class has just begun," I sat down on my bed and beckoned her over. "Come here and let me give you your first lesson."
"Yes sir." She giggled and climbed onto my lap.
"We're going to discuss the five senses. Sight." I looked at her.
"Smell." I took her wrist, inhaling Channel No.19. What's up with females and that perfume?
"Hearing." My hands skimmed along her panty line eliciting a moan from her.
"Touch." I placed soft kisses on her neck.
"And taste." My lips found hers and she immediately parted them letting me explore her mouth. I began unbuttoning the blouse so she was only left in her bra. My fingers went under her skirt and began rubbing against her private.
"Do you like that?" I whispered in her ear.
"Yes." She groaned taking off my shirt.
I kissed down her chest until I reached the valley of her breasts and unclasped her bra. The feeling of her bare chest against mine had my little member going crazy.
Fuck yeah I was going down on her.
I flipped her over so she was laying on the bed and slipped off her skirt and panties. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.
"Reese! What are you doing in there!" My mother yelled pounding on the door. What the hell?! Did she have like sex sensors or something?
"¡hijo de puta!" I cursed.
"What's going on?" Angela questioned sitting up and quickly putting back on her clothes.
"Open the door right now!" She pounded again.
"You gotta get out!" I pushed her toward the window.
"What?! Why?" She cried.
Joder, lo que era con estas chicas no entender simples Inglés ?
There was no other choice. I pushed her out the window.
She let out a little shriek and caught a branch before splatooning to the ground. I drew the curtains and grabbed my work uniform opening the door.
"Caray mamá que estaba cambiando de trabajo."
"Oh really?" She stepped inside and inspected every inch of my space. Then she turned back toward me narrowing her eyes suspiciously.
"Since when are you working today?"
"Since thirty five minutes ago. Jennifer called me and asked me to cover for her. I guess something came up," I shrugged.
I received a long look before she finally nodded. "Fine. Voy a estar cayendo fuera , así que no te hagas ilusiones ."
"Of course not." I smiled and she frowned at me once more before leaving. Once she was gone I closed my door and looked out the window. Angela was gone but I was left with a text from her.
Angela: jerk
Welp, nothing new there.
Cheyenne's POV
"Get dressed we're going to the park," I told Daniel while he shoveled down pancakes.
"The park, the park, the park!" He cheered and ran out of the kitchen as I washed his plate and went to go get ready myself. It was warm out so I pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt with converse. After securing a Nike hat over my curls I strapped Ava in her stroller and we were off.
The weather was nice so the park was filled with kids running around on the playground. Parents sat on benches and watched their kids happily. Some gave me a disapproving look when they saw me push Ava toward an isolated bench.
Daniel quickly went to go join the other kids while I sat back soaking up sun. Ava was behaving today and being relatively quiet.
Soon my thoughts started wandering toward the stack of bills still sitting on the table. Everyday our home computer pinged with notifications and yesterday morning there had been an eviction notice on the door. Maybe it hadn't really sunk in that our mother had abandoned us since I was still relatively calm. I kept hoping that she'd walk back through the doors, apologize, I'd yell, forgive her, and then everything would be fine again.
But it never happened.
There was shouting and I opened my eyes. Across from me on the playground some girl was arguing with my brother. She looked around my age, with pale blonde hair and lanky limbs. Her face looked familiar though. Like someone I'd seen before.
The argument escalated and she lunged at Daniel.
"Hey!" I shouted running toward them. "Leave him alone!" I pulled her off him where she was currently clawing at his face.
"What's wrong with you? He's just a kid!" I yelled at her. Daniel sat crying while I tried to console him.
"Hales? What's going on?"
Oh no.
I turned around. It was Sebastian.
"You know this girl?" I demanded.
"She's my sister," His voice grew angry.
"Well control her. She just attacked my brother!"
"I-I just wanted to go on the slide," Daniel sobbed.
"Well it was my turn," Sebastian's sister argued crossing her arms across her chest.
"What are you, six?" I glared at her in disgust.
"No I'm actually sixteen," She countered.
"That's enough," Sebastian spoke. "Haley get your stuff. We're leaving."
"But I wanted-"
"Ok," She muttered and sulked off.
"Daniel go make sure Ava is ok," I commanded and he sniffled off.
"So who's the dad?"
"What?" I turned to look at him. He nodded toward where Daniel and Ava where.
"Who's the dad?" He repeated again.
"They're not mine!" My face turned red.
"You don't have to lie."
"I'm not lying. Do you really think that low of me?"
"Oh like how low you think of me? Yeah actually I do."
"You don't even know me."
"You're right I don't. But I had an idea of who you were. Guess I was wrong." He turned and walked away.
"For your information those are my siblings!" I yelled after him. I was fuming.
Who did he think he was judging me like that? At least I didn't pretend to be some big man on campus. Any guilt I felt yesterday vanished.
Next time I saw him he was gonna get a piece of my mind.
Kimora's POV
If I wasn't hanging out with Reese or Cheyenne I was basically a loner.
Sad but true.
I was also a certified good girl. Did what I was told, got good grades, listened to my parents.
To sum it up I was boring. My life was boring.
That's why at age sixteen, on a Saturday, at 1:45pm, I was having a midlife crisis.
Everyone else lead exciting lives and then there was a me, as interesting as a sack of potatoes. All I did was study. My life revolved around it. I wanted to go on a fucking adventure. Do something wild and crazy.
"I'm going out," I announced to my parents trying and failing at sneaking past them.
"Come back here. Where are you going this late?" My dad asked sternly.
"It's one forty five pm." I rolled my eyes.
"It's dangerous out there. Hooligans and thugs. Why don't you just stay inside and study?" Mom suggested.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I wanted to scream. Instead I took a deep breath.
"I've been studying all week. I need a break." They looked at each other.
"Fine. Be back at five. And no funny business," Father consented.
I didn't even bother with a goodbye. I ran out of the house before they could change their minds. Honestly, I didn't even know where I wanted to go but I was going to end up somewhere eventually.
"Watch out!" Someone yelled. I turned around just in time to collide with another body. I went down hard, the wind knocked out of me. My vision went white and my hearing stopped for a minute.
"Oh shit you killed her!"
"Fuckity fuck, fuck! Hey can you hear me? Hello?"
"You imbecile!" There was a loud smack followed by more cursing.
My head was swimming but I managed to open my eyes. This is what I get for wanting more adventure. A concussion.
"Look she's alive!" Now that my hearing was better I could make out a girls voice.
"You ok?" I blinked again and my vision cleared. A guy leaned over me, about my age, with smooth brown skin and short dark brown dreadlocks pulled back into a ponytail. His eyes were a vivid shade of bluish gray, almost eerily translucent. Right now they were creased with worry.
"I think so," I croaked out at the beautiful stranger.
"Here let me help you up. Easy now." He eased me up into a sitting position.
"Damn girl you got some long ass hair. On that Rapunzel shit." This time I looked at the girl. She was tan with teal hair shaved on the sides and enough piercings to cause a metal detector to go off. I envied her flat toned stomach and the way she was able to rock a My Chemical Romance crop top with shorts.
"My hair?" I touched a silky black strand. "Oh. I haven't cut it since second grade." Nor did I want to.
"Woah that's cray," She scrutinized me. "You're gorgeous. What ethnicity are you?"
"I'm Japanese. And thanks." I never really payed much attention to my appearance. I didn't get pimples or acne like most people and I was grateful for that. Nothing else mattered.
"Sorry about crashing into you. I was trying out my new wheels." The guy gestured toward a skateboard. "I'm not used to them yet. Maybe I should take you to the hospital." He bit his lip worriedly.
"No that won't be necessary," I stood up. "See? Everything's all good." The last thing I needed was for a hospital to call my parents. They'd lock me in a tower. Teal hair spoke.
"I'm Rozae but you can call me Zae and this here is my good buddy Vincent. We just moved here."
"Kimora," I held out my hand to shake hers and she looked at it oddly.
"It's called a handshake." I informed her.
"I know what it is. I just...didn't think people actually did it."
"Oh." My hand sagged down. Well then. Just leave me hanging.
"Excuse her rudeness, she doesn't interact with homo-sapiens much," Vincent laughed and Zae lightly punched him.
"Shut up."
I couldn't help but smile. They seemed like pretty cool people. It didn't hurt that Vincent was cute with his eyes, and his right dimple, and his eyebrows on fleek for a guy...
"So are you guys going to Westview?" I asked.
"Yep. You go there?" Vincent flipped his skateboard up with his foot.
"Awesome. We can hang and turn you over to the dark side," Zae winked at me. "We have cookies."
"That would be amazing!" I squealed, earning strange looks from them. I cleared my throat.
"I mean yeah cool, whatever." I shrugged.
"You're cute," Vincent chuckled and I blushed. Damn my pale skin!
"See ya Kimora," They both waved and skated off.
Suddenly my life seemed a bit more interesting.
Sebastian's POV
Cheyenne was a bitch.
I didn't know why I'd thought any differently. I regretted showing up at her house thinking she'd actually listen. She just seemed like someone who'd maybe understand what I was going through. But girl was harsher than I'd given her credit for.
"That girl was mean. Her and her stupid brother," Haley had an angry look on her face.
"I know. They're not very nice people. But let's not talk about them anymore. How about I take you to the ice cream shop to make up for the park?"
"Yeahhhhhh ice cream!" She cheered.
Haley ordered cookies and cream, her favorite, while I settled on Chocolate with sprinkles. We settled at a corner booth to eat our treats, Haley chattering away. I looked around. That one Asian girl, I think she was friends with Reese, sat at a table nursing a bowl of what looked to be red velvet with a dreamy look on her face.
Wasn't she also friends with Cheyenne? I stood up. It was official. I was on stalker status. There was something about her that got under my skin.
"I'll be right back Hales," She nodded grabbing my bowl.
She looked up when I approached her.
"Hi." I said awkwardly.
"Hey...." She trailed off. "Do I know you?"
"No I don't think so. I'm Sebastian."
"Kimora," She began to hold out her hand then stopped. "Do you think giving out handshakes is old fashioned?"
"Umm no?"
"Cool." We shook hands.
"I think I've seen you at Westview before," She licked her spoon. "Hey aren't you a football player?"
"Yeah," I smiled. She was strange but in a funny way.
"Do you know the guy who's throwing the back to school bash?"
"Charles McKinley. Are you going?"
"You know what I think I just might," Kimora stood up. "It was nice meeting you Sebastian. Now that we're aquatinted can I say hi to you in the hallways at school and it won't be all weird?"
"Sure," I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "You can say hi to me."
"Great. I'll see you around," She put her bowl on a rack and skipped out.
She was friendly. Unlike some people.
And tada!!!!! THE END.
Of the chapter. Hehe gotcha!
Next update will be soon.
Stay groovy✌️
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