Mrs. Popular
Chapter 5: Mrs. Popular
Reese's POV
11:05 am
The rest of the weekend passed uneventfully for me and soon Monday rolled around.
"Class we have two new students. Please welcome Rozae Monroe and Vincent Madden."
The girl had enough piercings to actually be considered a hazard. There were two studs, one on each side of her nose, a nose ring, two piercings for each eyebrow, one on her lip, dimple piercings, looked like she had one on her tongue, and a shit ton on her ears.
Got damn.
And the guy... he just looked high as fuck.
There was a relaxed smile on his face and his eyes were glazed over. He kept rocking back on forth on his feet waving to the class.
We could maybe be friends.
"Howdy everybody. How are y'all doing today?" He pretended to tip a hat and the class laughed. Yep, definitely high.
"Ok that'll be enough for now," Mrs.Robinson said. "Please have a seat."
Rozae and Vincent took a seat at the table next to ours. Kimora stared intently at him before turning to me.
"Is he ok?"
I chuckled at her innocence. "He's high Kimmy."
"Ohhhhhhh," She blushed and looked down. "I knew that."
"Sure you did." I drawled out.
"Ok class for our lab this week you'll be pairing up with partners. And yes, I'll be choosing them for you." The class groaned and Mrs. Robinson began to hand out the worksheets.
"I hate when she picks our partners," Kimora complained. "It's like she puts us with people we hate on purpose."
"Yo Kim." Rozae called and Kimora turned to her smiling.
"Hey." They started chatting and I was confused. Did they know each other?
"Alright I'm pulling names out of a hat. First off we have Beverly and Lexie." The two girls squealed hugging each other.
"Next we have Tom and Jerry. Marianne and Landon. Becky and Timmy." Kids started to get up to find their partner.
"Kimora and Rozae." They both high fived each other.
Just then the door flew open. Krystal strolled in.
"Late again Ms.Parker."
"Still annoying Mrs. Robinson," She snapped back.
"I'm not dealing with your crap today. Your lab partner is Reese. Now have a seat." She frowned at her before rattling off more names.
No, no, no, no, no.
Kimora patted my back in sympathy. I laid my head down. Dammit.
"Remember to handle all chemicals with care and to wear your goggles at all times." The class was filled with chatter as students got to work on the lab. I felt a presence next to me.
"Get up. I'm not going to fail this because of you."
"We're still gonna fail anyway darling," I smirked sitting up. "You know how I love to have fun with these labs. How about we mix this and this?" I picked up two tubes, one filled with a pinkish liquid, the other clear.
"Stop! Do you want to blow up the school?" Krystal carefully removed the tubes from my hand.
"That'll blow up the school? Quick give it here."
She glared at me, slipping on her goggles.
"Still a smartass I see. Some things never change." She murmured, turning on the Bunsen burner.
I started to fill out the worksheet but found myself glancing at Krystal. Her fiery red hair to match her personality was pulled back in a messy bun, her plump pink lips pursed in concentration.
"Quit staring at me you creep," She said without turning her head. "Your making me lose my concentration."
"All the more reason why I'll keep staring." I replied smugly.
She blew a wisp of hair from her face and huffed in annoyance. "Alright everyone it's time to clean up your lab stations. We'll continue tomorrow. Make sure to use disinfectant and wash your hands." Mrs. Robinson clapped, signaling everyone to start.
"You're in charge of clean up. Think you can handle that?" Krystal removed her goggles.
"I'll manage." We finished up just as the lunch bell rang and students rushed out of class eager to eat.
"How was working with Satan's daughter?" Kimora asked.
Sebastian's POV
The cafe was packed. I had to squeeze my way through a mob just to get a bottle of water. Most of the football players were skipping lunch and opting to scrimmage before tryouts after school.
"Hi Sebastian!" A loud cheerful voice called. I turned around to spot Kimora sitting at a table with Reese, bitchy Cheyenne, and two unidentified students. She waved me over.
"Could you give me the address of Charles party?" She asked sweetly. Cheyenne spit out her milk.
"Your going?" She spluttered.
"Of course. You should come too," She said shrugging.
"Sorry there's a strict no uptight, stuck up, holier than thous, allowed policy," I said. "We actually want to have fun." She glared daggers at me.
"What party?" Metal face girl asked.
"Back to school bash," Reese filled her in. "I can't believe your parents are letting you go."
"Yeah," She laughed nervously. "Of course. Anyway can I get that address now?"
"Sure." I wrote it down for her and handed her the slip of paper.
"See ya." I was almost out the cafeteria doors when I felt a shove from behind.
"What the hell?" I turned around. Surprise surprise it was Cheyenne.
"Listen here you little shit," She started. "I don't know who you think you are-"
"Oh fuck off," I cut her off. "I tried to be nice but screw that. I should've let your ungrateful ass walk the hell home."
She literally stood there shaking with rage and I knew it was time to get the hell out of there. So I speed walked away.
"There you are," Josh said when I reached the football field. "We were about to start without you."
"Sorry I got held up. Let's play some football."
I changed into some sweats and a tank before positioning myself.
"Ready, set, hike!"
The ball flew threw the air and traveled towards Charles who caught it with ease. I ran toward the fifty yard line and he threw it toward me. I dove to catch it and quickly got up dodging and zooming past people to reach the end zone.
The touchdown was almost in my sight.
From the corner of my eye I saw Jacob Luhallen coming at me from the side. Even if I sped up he'd catch me, so when he leaped to tackle me I ducked and rolled right into the touchdown.
"Touchdown!" Josh cheered and bumped fists with me. We played for the rest of lunch and ended with a tie.
"Great game. You'll definitely make quarterback." Jacob said as I gulped down water.
"You think?"
"I know."
Cheyenne's POV
3:30 pm
I was angry. I was pissed. I was infuriated.
Someone was going to get it.
And by someone, I mean Sebastian Cole.
I didn't know when, and I didn't know how this little rivalry of ours started. But it was going to end. Today. I could count on one finger how many times I've spoken to him and he's still managed to piss me off more than any other human being.
But first....
I clicked on submit payment and sighed in relief. I'd finally figured out how to access my moms accounts and pay the pills. I also had gone to our landlord and paid the rent with the hidden stash of money mom kept for emergencies. I didn't want to use it but I was out of options. Now the money was gone and unless I wanted to be out in the streets with my little siblings it was clear I had to get a job.
She wasn't coming back.
When that sunk in last night I cried myself to sleep. We had no money, we were low on food. It was a struggle to begin with but now we were scraping to survive. Ava cried more and Daniel kept asking when she was coming back.
I didn't know how to tell him that she wasn't.
I realized how much I hated her for doing this to me, to us. I was supposed to be enjoying my last two years of highschool, not parenting. It made Sebastian's comment at lunch so much more hurtful. I didn't want to be known as the uptight fun sucker, but I didn't know how else to act. It was all I knew, and after being let down so many times it was the only way I could shield myself from hurt.
I rubbed my tired eyes, shut down the school library computer, and went to the washroom to comb my curls and at least look presentable. However my attempts proved futile and in the end I just threw my hair up in a bun. Practice should be over by now.
The guys locker room was filled with the scent of B.O and male. It was an awful mix. I spotted Sebastian among the crowd, sweat glistening on his bare abs. Grudgingly, I had to admit he had the body of Adonis and he was actually pretty handsome. Too bad his personality was shit. His blonde hair stuck to his forehead but his brown eyes danced with excitement.
I stayed hidden in the shadows until everyone had left except him. Once everyone was gone the smile dropped from his face. He packed up and was about to leave but I stepped in his way.
"Going somewhere?"
"What the...why the hell are you creeping around in here?" He shot me a mean look.
"I just wanted to give you a present." Then I slapped the shit out of him.
Ok maybe that was a little too harsh, but I had a lot of pent up emotions, the main one being anger.
He was frozen in disbelief before his eyes flooded with fury.
"You think your so great Sebastian, with your perfect life and macho attitude. Well listen up because I don't take bull crap from anybody. Let's get this straight. I don't like you. I don't know what you thought you were trying to pull when you gave me a ride home and showed up at my house. Hell, I don't know if your sister attacked my brother because your psychotic ass told her too but don't fuck with me. Because I am not the one."
That's when he explodes.
"Ok you insane cunt, one, my life is not perfect you judgmental bitch. You don't know what the hell I'm going through. Two, I was trying to be nice when I offered you a ride home, not everyone wants to get with you. Who the fuck would anyway? Three don't ever talk about my sister again. And four I more than dislike you. I fucking hate you."
"I hate you more." I stepped closer.
"Go take care of your kids bitch."
I slapped him again.
"Hit me one more time..." He growled.
"What're you gonna do?" I pushed him. "Huh?" I pushed him again.
He grabbed my hands and pinned me against the wall. I had other means of escape like a good kick to the crotch but I couldn't concentrate because his shirtless chest was pushed against mine. Jesus why didn't he put on a freaking shirt?
His face was close to mine and he was breathing heavily with rage. So was I but it was also mixed with something else. Then his lips gently brushed mine before he suddenly let go like his hand had caught fire.
I ran out of the locker room so fast it wasn't even funny.
Krystal's POV
"Honey, remember the charity gala is this weekend," My mom sung from downstairs.
"I know." I called back.
"I can't believe we're missing Charles party." Alexis whined from my bed.
"You'd rather go to a place filled with cheap booze and horny guys dry humping girls?" I wrinkled my nose. "Go ahead. Have fun."
"The gala will be fun. It'll be like a ball." Rosie said dreamily.
"Trust me there'll be plenty more parties. This one isn't anything special." I fixed my headband and swiped on some matte pink lipstick.
"But what if Josh cheats on you?" Alexis asked. Rosie gasped.
I turned to give her a sharp look. "He wouldn't. How dare you say that."
"Sorry." She mumbled.
"Whatever. Both of you get out. He'll be here in a few minutes."
They both stood up and left. Josh and I hadn't hung out in a while. There was an unspoken distance between us and most of it was caused by yours truly. I didn't exactly feel bad about the lack of communication either. What was wrong with me? Josh was my soulmate. I just needed to move past whatever this phase was.
A pair of hands covered my eyes. "Guess who?"
"Josh." I smiled. He swiveled my chair around and kissed me.
"Hey I'm really sorry about our phone conversation the other day. That was such a dick move. If you want you to go to college I support you one hundred percent."
"That was ages ago." I waved my hand flippantly.
"It was only two days ago."
"Pish posh. Come here." I pulled him closer and planted my lips against his. He responded immediately and we ended up on the bed, his hands roaming everywhere, under my shirt, down my arms, along my face.
"I miss this. I miss us." He murmured his mouth moving along my neck. His hands slid down to unbutton my jeans.
This is wrong, my mind said. Stop this.
But I couldn't, it was like something had possessed my body. Before I realized it I was only wearing my bra and panties.
"Do you have a condom?"
"What?" I looked at him in a daze.
"A condom," He repeated. "So you don't get pregnant."
Immediately I snapped out of it.
"NO!" I screamed and pushed him off me. He landed on the floor.
"Krystal what the fuck!" Josh stood up. "Whats your problem?"
"Get out."
"GET OUT!" I screeched and threw a lamp at him. It flew, missing his head by inches and smashing to the ground.
"You're acting crazy," He snapped, grabbing his clothes and exiting.
Tears streamed down my face. I was such a fuck up. I ripped my calendar off the wall.
One , two, three, four weeks late.
I angrily wiped my tears and grabbed a black trench coat from my closet along with a horrendous blonde wig and oversized dark sunglasses.
It was killing me and I just had to know for sure.
Kimora's POV
"Bye I'm off to a study group!" I lied to my parents for the first time ever.
"Kimora wait-!"
But I was already out the door. Nothing was going to stop me. I met Vincent and Rozae at the park.
"Give me some love Kim," I did a complicated handshake with Zae. Was she awesome or what? Vincent was doing some complicated flips I didn't even know the name of on the parks skateboard ramp.
"Isn't that dangerous while he's high?" I asked.
"Nah it wore off a few hours ago. He had a total case of the munchies. We ordered a shit load of Taco Taco. Want some?"
"Oh do you have the triple layer beef, cheese, and Frito burrito?" She rummaged through the paper bag
"Last one too." I greedily grabbed it. This was like my favorite.
"Saw that hot guy you're friends with. He works there?"
"Yeah." I said with a mouthful of burrito. It was so good.
"What the fuck are his genes? He's like a walking piece of sexiness."
"Oh, Reese is half Brazilian and half Puerto Rican."
"Well fuck me. I can't believe your friends with him."
"Me neither. Got something to drink?" I asked and she handed me a can of Mountain Dew.
"You ever fucked?"
Mountain Dew came spewing from my mouth.
"God no! That's disgusting. He's like my brother." I wiped my lips.
"Just checking. He dating that redhead chick that's he's lab partners with?"
I laughed. "No, Reese isn't the dating type. And Krystal has a boyfriend."
I considered warning her about his sex and run ways but decided against it. She didn't look like the lovey dovey relationship type anyway. Vincent skated up to us.
"Ladies," He said in greeting. "I apologize for any acts I may have committed while under the influence of drugs."
"You were hilarious," I laughed. "At lunch you stood up on the table screaming the aliens are coming."
"Don't remind me," Zae doubled over in laughter. "It took five teachers to get you to calm down. You were majorly tripping man."
"I'm just gonna forget today happened," Vincent smiled. "Your turn Zae."
"Let's do this." She strapped on a helmet and handed one to me.
"Uhhh what are you doing?" I stared at the helmet.
"I'm going to teach you how to skateboard."
"No way. No way, no way, no way." I shook my head fast.
"Come on don't be a wuss."
"Nuh uh."
"I don't think she's ready for your demon school of skateboarding. I'll teach her." Vincent interjected.
"Oh, like you're any better." She fired back.
"At least I take it slow. You don't even teach them how to properly get on a skateboard. You just throw em off the ramp and expect them to become a pro."
She narrowed her eyes at him and skated off. I turned to Vincent.
"I'm not sure this is a good idea." I said nervously.
"Relax and trust me," He laid his board down. "Now just step on like this." He helped position me. At one point his hands lightly brushed across my waist and tingles shot up my spine. He smiled at me.
"Ok now put a little pressure and use your right foot to push yourself forward ."
"Like this?" I did what he said and started moving a bit wobbly.
"Yes. Put a little more force in the push and repeat it until you feel yourself moving at a comfortable speed. Then place both feet on the board like I told you earlier."
"Ok." I started to go a little faster but the fear of falling was too great and I lost my balance tumbling backward off the board. Vincent caught me from behind but we still both went down.
"Ohmygosh is your head ok?" I scrambled off him.
"Don't worry I'm a hard head. Guess we're even now," He too stood up. "But you did great. You'll get the hang of it, it just takes practice."
"Maybe." We just kinda stared at each other and I started to blush. Rozae came back.
"Quit staring at each other."
Boom shackalacka thy end of chappie!
Vote :)
Stay groovy✌️
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