Liar liar pants on fire
Chapter 14: Liar liar pants on fire
Krystal's POV
"Hey." Said the all too familiar voice and I internally groaned spinning around.
Reese was standing behind me with that worried look on his face and my heart started thumping. Immediately I squashed it.
"Reese I am so not in the mood for you right now." I tried to have some patience with him.
"I just wanted to check if you were ok." He said and I resisted the urge to scoff at him.
"I'm fine. I'll be even better if I can talk to Josh. Do you know where he is?" I tapped my foot impatiently. My anger was the only thing holding me from a nervous break down.
"No I don't." He replied slowly examining me.
"Well if you see him, tell him that I'm looking for him ok?" I stared at Reese for a moment and my facade faltered before my face became stoic again. Then I marched off to class.
My brain was whirling a mile a minute and I couldn't concentrate on anything in class. Lunch rolled around and I opted to eat outside by myself under a tree. I was drinking some ginger ale when Josh came up to me.
"I heard you were looking for me." He smiled tentatively and say beside me.
"Yeah." I put the cap back on the bottle and set it down.
"Listen I just want to say I'm sorry for how everything went down. I know it's the last thing you want to hear. I just had to get it of my chest. I love you no matter what Krystal you know that. But you must know being with you is no picnic."
"I know." I sighed. "I'm not the easiest person to be around. I'm just going through so much right now and it's weighing me down."
"I'm here for you." He squeezed my hand and I felt warm inside. Josh wouldn't abandon me.
"I need to tell you something." I said nervously. "Please don't freak out."
"Ok." He scooted closer and held both my hands.
"I'm pregnant."
He blinked. I wasn't sure how he was feeling. My palms started to sweat and I immediately regretted my decision.
"Your pregnant?" He repeated.
"Yes." I whispered and looked down.
"What do you mean oh?" I felt panic bloom in my chest. This was such a horrible mistake.
"I'm just... I don't know what to say. Is this why you've been acting so moody?"
I nodded unable to look at him.
"Krystal look at me."
I slowly looked up.
"I don't know how, but we'll get through this." He reassured me. "I promise."
I nodded again my throat thick and my eyes swimming with tears. He pulled me in a hug and I squeezed him tightly.
"We'll tell your parents together. You don't have to go through this alone."
I continued to silently cry, but my tears were for something else.
Kimora's POV
"You again?" The voice said over the phone.
"I want more." I replied calmly.
"First times free darling. Second time is gonna cost you."
"I have the money, just tell me where to meet you."
"How can I say no to a customer. Same place in ten minutes or I'm gone." Then he hung up.
I quickly grabbed a coat and slipped on some shoes before heading out. I walked briskly checking my watch occasionally to make sure I was on time. I arrived five minutes early.
"I hope you brought cash. I don't accept checks." The guy grinned flashing a set of pearly whites. His dark hair was slicked back, the front messy and he had on a leather jacket and jeans with chains. The first time I'd bought from him I'd been so upset that I hadn't paid much attention to his looks but I now realized he was smoking hot. And he looked familiar.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked studying him closely. He pulled out a cigarette and lighter.
"No." He frowned and retrieved a small paper bag from his pocket. "Do you have the cash or not?"
I was still trying to figure out where I'd seen him and then it clicked.
"You hang out with Reese don't you? Your his friend." I remember seeing him around a couple of times, usually with Reese but he almost always had a hoodie on.
"You must be Kimora." He responded flatly. "Look I've got other things to do so if you could just pay up..."
"Right." I fumbled for my small coin purse and pulled out a few wrinkly bills. "Will this cover it?"
He took the money from me and quickly counted it.
"This should do. Here." He gave me the bag. "Enjoy."
As he was walking away I called out to him. "Wait!"
He turned around an annoyed expression on his face. "What?"
"Please don't tell Reese."
That was enough to make him take a few steps closer to me.
"That's right." He smirked. "Your the little Asian with the strict parents and perfect grades. Mommy and daddy wouldn't be to happy if they found out their little daughter was taking drugs."
I scowled at him.
"Your secret is safe with me." He winked before disappearing.
I blew out a puff of smoke and watched it float in the air above me. Smoking was relaxing. It was nice and peaceful. Now I see why Reese did it all the time.
I felt a little guilty thinking of Cheyenne but shook it off. It wasn't like I was doing hardcore drugs. Lots of people smoked weed. It was harmless really. And the feeling was so so good, how could I not?
The phone rang and I shot up out of my smoke induced haze. I ran downstairs to answer.
"How are you dear?" She asked.
"I-I'm fine." I stuttered. "What about you?"
"Very tired. Your grandfather is doing much better though."
"That's great." I replied weakly.
"So anything interesting happen?"
Oh nothing much just that my crush died, Cheyenne's mom left her and I'm smoking weed now. Other than that no. Of course I didn't say any of that.
"No mom it's boring as usual." I may have said that a little too bitterly.
"Ok well your father wants to talk to you. Hold on." There was some shuffling and then his voice came over the line.
"I trust your following my rules?"
"Of course dad."
"Good good. How are your grades?"
"All A pluses."
"Alright and the house? Is it clean?"
"Yes." I snapped a little tired of this phone call.
"Good. I'll call you in a few says to check in again. Stay safe."
"Yeah yeah." I muttered then after saying goodbye hung up. Why couldn't I have nice, normal parents who actually cared about me, not just my grades. Then I felt guilty. At least I had parents.
I needed another smoke.
Cheyenne's POV
"You're uncharacteristically quiet today." Sebastian remarked.
"Hmmm." I said fiddling with the remote.
"Did you even hear me?" He said and I turned to look at him.
"No. Sorry." I answered sheepishly. "I'm just...distracted."
It was quiet for a moment before he spoke again.
"Get up." Sebastian commanded.
"Excuse me?"
"I said get up."
"I don't know who you think your taking to but I will kick you in-"
"Ah ah zip it." He pressed a finger to my lips and my heart raced at the contact.
"We're going to have some fun." He grinned helping me up.
"Fun?" I repeated.
"Yes fun. Ever heard of it? It's that thing people do to release the chemical dopamine in the brain which causes us pleasure."
"Thank you for that lovely science lesson." I responded dryly. "Alright let's go have some fun."
Sebastian wouldn't tell me where we were going and I was getting impatient. Daniel and Ava were at Ms. Perkins house so at least I didn't have to worry about them. Finally we pulled up to a huge warehouse type building.
I turned to Sebastian with a questioning look. He only smiled and got out of the car. With a huff I followed him. Once inside I realized what this was.
"Oh yeah." His smile only broadened as he went to go talk to an employee. I admit I was excited. I had never been in a paintball fight before.
"Hi I'm Andy." The instructor said. "Is this your first time?"
"Well follow me so I can show you how it's done." We enter into a rather large room with targets on the wall and numerous people firing off guns.
"This is a paintball gun." Andy said holding up the weapon. "It's a little big but you'll get used to it. Let me show you how to properly hold one."
After a while I was sure I had the hang of how to use it. Then we suited up and went to go meet our respective teams.
"Prepare to go down Woods." Sebastian said mock squinting at me.
"Only in your dreams Cole." I fired back. My strategy? Aim for his balls.
"Alright Cheyenne your on team purple and Sebastian you'll be on team green."
In total there were eight people in my group including me. There were the girls Flora, Dove, Kandy, and I. Then there was Steve, Robert, Thomas, and Bryson. Apparently Dove and Bryson had a thing.
"Ahem!" Flora said loudly to the couple as they made out. "You better fucking not cost us this game or I'll rip your testicles out through your mouth."
Lovely girl she was.
"That your boyfriend?" Kandy asked me as Flora continued to spew obscenities at them.
"The guy you walked in with. He was pretty hot. Makes me wonder what he's hiding beneath that shirt of his..." She trailed off flicking her lips and I narrowed my eyes at her. I did not like her tone of voice.
Maybe I'd "accidently" hit her during the game.
"Alright everyone." Andy announced over the loudspeaker. "Your environment is the amazon forest. Have fun."
Suddenly the room was pitch black and then we were shuffled like a herd of sheep through a door. Blinding light hit me and it took my eyes a moment to adjust.
Tall trees surrounded me along with moss and vines. Birds squawked overhead and there was an insane amount of underbrush. I could hear a waterfall in the distance.
"Alright team here's the plan. We split up in groups of two and pick them off one by one. Once you've secured and eliminated your target meet back here and hide. Don't come out until we're all accounted for." Steve spoke as if we were going into war which I guess we were.
I got paired with Thomas who was relatively quiet which would be an advantage to us. Then we all split up. The ground crunched beneath us as we walked and I was worried we were making too much nose. I wasn't looking forward to getting hit. I'd heard it was painful.
"Stop." Thomas whispered and I froze in place. Suddenly a swarm of paint whizzed by and I ducked two point one seconds before we were hit.
"We're under attack!" Thomas shouted as two members of the green team burst through the trees guns blazing.
My first instinct was to run and hide but instead I gritted my teeth and jumped up screaming. "Aieeeeee!"
I started firing blindly at their general direction almost certain I was wasting ammo. Adrenaline pumped through my veins and finally I stopped panting.
"I think you got them." Thomas said wryly and I looked. They were sprawled on the ground completely covered in paint and groaning.
Well then. There was nothing left to so but head back to the spot. As we walked there was a high pitched scream.
"Bryson help you good for nothing jerk!"
There was no mistaking Dove's voice. I looked at Thomas and we took off. When we reached the clearing we found Dove being assaulted by at least five members of the other team. Bryson was nowhere to be found.
I took out two more and Thomas finished the rest off. Then we both hoisted Dove up.
"Where's Bryson?" I asked.
"No idea." She said through gritted teeth. "When I get my hands on him though he's dead."
I didn't ask for details and together we made our way through the forest.
"Stop right there."
Sebastian stood in our path his gun firmly placed on his shoulders.
"You don't want to do this." I started.
"Drop your weapons."
I narrowed my eyes at him and he smirked.
"Where's the rest of our team?" Dove demanded.
"I won't ask again. Drop. Your. Weapons."
For a moment we all stood in a stare off. Then chaos ensued.
Three members of the green team tumbled out from hiding at the same time Flora, Kandy, and Steve descended from the trees.
"Avenge me!" Dove shrieked and Thomas let go jumping into the action.
"Hey-" but I was tackled to the ground by Sebastian.
"Oh you are really asking for it!" I yelled and we wrestled for a few minutes trying to get the upper hand. At the same time we both spotted my discarded gun and made a mad dash for it.
I was in this to win it. There was only one thing to do.
I grabbed Sebastian's shirt and crashed my lips against his.
At first he froze in shock and for a millisecond I was afraid he wasn't going to kiss me back. That fear disappeared however when he responded and held my face in his hands.
This was my second kiss with him and I still got that feeling I would implode when his lips moved against mine. Every touch set my nerve cells aflame and made me feel like jello. Unfortunately it had to end.
With great strength I kneed him right in the kisser. He collapsed holding his private while cursing and I grabbed the gun firing. I admit, I felt slightly bad.
"Purple team wins!" Andy announced. The environment faded away and we were standing in a starch white room. Everyone looked pretty battered up and I glanced at Sebastian. His eyes were closed and when he opened them they bore right into me.
"You are so dead."
Sebastian's POV
"Are you really not going to speak to me?" Cheyenne pouted next to me. I avidly ignored her.
"Oh come on it was your idea to have fun!" She exclaimed. Then she burst into laughter. "I'm sorry ok?"
I went to sit at my usual table with the football players and to my surprise she followed me. They stared at her as she sat down but didn't say anything continuing their conversations.
"I'm going to stick to you like superglue until you talk to me." She commented.
"What'd you do to get him so pissed?" Charles asked her.
Cheyenne recounted the tale and they all burst out laughing.
"My God man how did you let that happen?" Jacob wheezed next to me holding his side.
I shot him a death glare and he tried to stop laughing.
"The next person who mentions this will be punched in the face." I snapped.
It was useless though. I knew they'd never let me forget this. I turned to glower at Cheyenne and she was smiling at me innocently. I was secretly planning her death in my mind. Just then Kimora plopped her tray down next to Cheyenne.
"Hello boys." She purred.
"Kimora?" Cheyenne gasped in shock.
Kimora's long hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and she wore what could only be considered booty shorts. She also had on a black crop top and flip flops. I think what surprised me the most however, was the tattoo of a mermaid on her hip.
"You have a tattoo?" Was the first brilliant thing I blurted.
"Damn." Jacob whistled. "That's what you've been hiding under all those clothes?"
"What the fuck!" Cheyenne exploded and shot up. "Bathroom now!" She grabbed Kimora by the wrist and dragged her off.
"I didn't know she was so hot." Benjamin commented once the girls had disappeared.
"Girls. They always have to go to the bathroom in packs. Do you think there's a secret portal in there or something?" Charles asked.
I just shook my head and stuffed my face with fries. At least no one was talking about paintball anymore. I guess I should thank Kimora.
"Haley I'm home!" I called out.
"Up here!" She shouted back from upstairs.
"How was school?" I asked entering her bedroom.
"Boring. Can we go see mom?" She stood up brushing off Cheeto crumbs.
"Yeah let me just set my stuff down."
A short time later we pulled up to Kaiser Medical Center. Haley was excited practically bouncing off the walls. As we made our way to the elevator a nurse pulled me back.
"Is your father present?" She questioned in a serious tone.
"No it's just my sister and I. Why, what's wrong?" My stomach started to hurt.
"Ok well, just be gentle with her. Don't be too loud and if she looks too tired let her rest."
"Is there something I need to know?" I narrowed my eyes.
"No." The nurse averted hey eyes. "Have a good visit."
I still felt like I was being left out of something but Haley was calling my name rather loudly so I went to go join her on the elevator.
"Mommy?" Haley whispered as we entered.
"Sweetie." Came her raspy reply. "Come give me a hug."
I was afraid Haley would break her bones that's how tight she hugged mom. Then it was my turn and everything felt right in the world once her arms were wrapped around me.
"How are you? I miss you both so much." She started crying and then Haley started crying.
"Mom please." I handed her some tissue. "We're fine."
"Sebastian has a girlfriend!" Haley blurted and my head whipped toward her.
"No I don't!" I said at the same time my mom asked, "Who?"
"I'm not stupid you know. I see things. Like how your barely home anymore. Not that I mind or anything."
"That doesn't mean I'm out with a girl!" I argued. The last thing I needed was Haley in my love life.
"See how defensive he's getting!" She said triumphantly.
"Sebastian who is it?" Mother grabbed at my arm. "You have to tell me. I'm so happy for you."
"We're not even dating." I grumbled. "We're just friends."
"Ah that's how it always starts out." She said knowingly.
"I'm going to find out who it is and then I'll tell you mommy." Haley announced her face determined.
"Bring her by. I'd love to meet her."
"Can we stop talking about me now?" I asked exasperated.
We sat there for hours just talking and catching up. When she fell asleep we quietly closed the door and left.
Reese's POV
Therapy session #1
"I'm surprised to see you back here." Agnes said.
"Looks like your not the only one." I replied.
"Last time we talked everything seemed to be going great. What happened?"
"Life happened."
"Well talk to me. How is school so far?"
"Home life?"
"And what about you? Wait let me guess, shitty?"
"You know me too well." I smiled.
Let's talk about the real reason you here. Are you having the dreams again?"
"No I'm having dreams about unicorns pooping rainbows."
"You'll never be able to move on and live a healthy life if you don't stop avoiding the issue."
"Maybe I don't want to move on."
"Don't you see that you're hurting the people you love most? Reese if you don't deal with this now it will affect your future. Mark my words."
"Do you think life is a joke?"
"Yes but not a very funny one."
"Are you happy?"
"Why aren't you happy Reese?"
"What is the point of this again?"
"I'm trying to understand you so I can help you."
"You can't help me."
"Why is that?"
"You can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped."
"While that is very true I think you want help Reese, you just don't want to admit it."
"Mhmm that's what she said."
"You are still as puzzling as ever."
"Glad to hear it."
"Well our time is up. Before you go though I want to give you an assignment."
"Let's hear it."
"I want you to write down in great detail about your dreams."
"You mean nightmares."
"Doesn't matter."
"Just write it down ok?"
"Fine. Are we done now?"
"Yes. Have a wonderful day."
"And you have a very terrible one Agnes."
Believe it or not that took me a very long time to write. I didn't even think I'd finish it by Friday but I'm two days early so yay. Not the double update I promised but it is pretty long so that should make up for it.
Stay groovy✌️
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