Lets talk about it
When you realize most of your Spanish has been wrong😑Fucking google translate. So unreliable. ANYWAY if someone speaks Spanish fluently please DO NOT hesitate to correct me.
Chapter 13: Lets talk about it
Sebastian's POV
"Great practice today boys! Remember we have a game on Friday against those fuckers the Mavericks. We'll tear them apart! Right team?"
"Fuck yeah!" We all shouted and Coach Malone smiled.
"Alright now go home and shower. You all smell like shit."
I wiped my brow with my towel and opted to just drive home shirtless.
"See ya tommorow." I said to my teammates and headed out to the parking lot. Cheyenne was leaning against my car. Her eyes widened when she saw me.
"Like what you see?" I wriggled my brows and she blushed.
"Don't flatter yourself."
"I love it when you play hard to get." I chuckled.
"I'm really starting to regret waiting for you."
"Alright I'll quit. What's up?"
"Do you want to come over?" She blurted. "Just for dinner." She quickly rushed out when I remained silently shocked.
"We can watch movies or something..." Still I was silent.
"I kinda need you to say something." She said and I detected a trace of nervousness in her voice. I snapped out of it.
"Of course! I'd love to come over. I just need to stop by my place first to shower."
"That's fine."
So Cheyenne waited in the car while I hurried to shower and change into fresh clothes. I sniffed my armpits making sure they didn't smell and at the last minute shoved a handful of mints in my mouth. Just to be safe. Haley was at grandmothers so I didn't have to worry about her.
The drive to her apartments was more than a little awkward. I never expected Cheyenne to make the first move and it made me happy that she was finally warming up to me.
"So what would you like? I can make almost anything."
"Whatever you want."
"Does nachos sound good?"
"It sounds heavenly."
I offered to help her but she shooed me away and told me to go fetch the kids.
"Hey buddy..." I said opening the door to Daniels room. He looked up at me.
"Your sister is making nachos for dinner." Immediately he shot up.
"Nachos!" He yelled racing past me.
Next was Ava. I admit I was nervous as me and babies didn't really mix. Luckily she just looked at me with her wide baby eyes before sticking her thumb in her mouth. I wasn't really sure how to hold a baby so I just rested her head on my shoulder.
In the kitchen beef was sizzling on the stove. I sat on the couch with Ava and Daniel came up to me.
"Your the boy from the park." He stated.
"Are you dating my sister?"
"Uh no."
"Your dating my sister, your dating my sister!" He ran around in circles. They needed to stop feeding this kid sugar.
"Daniel shut up!" Cheyenne yelled from the kitchen.
"Cheyenne and this random boy sitting in a tree. K - I - S - S - I - N - G. First comes love, then comes marriage. Then comes a baby sitting in a carriage!"
"I am so sorry for his animal behavior." Cheyenne apologized profusely setting the plates on the table.
"It's cool. Trust me I'm used to it." He wasn't so bad.
We all sat around the table and ate our nachos except Ava who drank from a bottle. It felt nice sitting around a dinner table to eat a meal. I couldn't remember the last time I'd done this.
Afterwards Daniel went to go watch cartoons with Ava and I helped out with the dishes.
"So this is what friends do right?" I looked at her while drying off a plate.
"Yep, friends eat dinner together all the time."
"So that means you'll come over to my house for dinner someday right?"
She looked up at me. "Yeah of course."
"Great. Onto another topic. I want you to come to my game this Friday."
"I don't understand a thing about football."
"All you need to know is our team and who makes the touchdowns."
"Hmmm fine. I'll come to support you. But I'm bringing Kimora with me." She smiled.
"Alright. Oh and another thing."
"I want you to wear my jersey."
Her eyes widened and she blushed.
"But don't you need it for the game?"
"I have two."
"Well...Ok I'll wear it." Then she smiled shyly and I stepped closer to her brushing some hair away from her face.
"What are we doing?" She whispered.
"I don't know." I cupped her face in my hand and was just about to kiss her when a voice interrupted us.
"I'm hungry." Daniel whined. Cheyenne jumped about a foot in the air.
"Oh uh yeah I'll get you some chips." She stumbled over her words and I couldn't help but smirk at her. She shot me a glare.
After grabbing a bag of chips for Daniel she turned to me breaking into an evil grin.
"We're watching Titanic."
"Anything but that." I groaned.
"Too bad." She skipped to the living room and I reluctantly followed her.
Krystal's POV
"It looks like your baby is starting to grow! Look."
I forced my eyes to stare at the screen. A tiny dot was showing. It was bigger than the last time. That was growing in me. Another human being. Another life.
I looked down taking a deep breath and Jackie laid a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"I know it's a lot to take in. But you and the baby seem to be doing fine."
"That's good..." I said staring at the ceiling, anywhere but her face. "When am I due?"
"Well you conceived around late August so I'd say late April to early May."
"Prom season." I murmured to myself.
"You can talk to me Krystal. I'm here for you. I understand your pain." She sat next to me.
"Did you drop out of school?" I asked her. She looked taken aback by my question.
"I wanted to." She admitted. But my parents wouldn't allow me. They said I had to face the choices I'd made."
"What about the father? Did you guys stay together? Was he in the picture?"
Jackie's face got all pinched and it took her a moment to compose herself.
"We were together for the baby. But that was it. He thought...he thought I was trying to trap him. They all did."
I didn't think it was possible but my heart dropped even more.
"That's why it's important you tell the father Krystal. Do you see now? It's better he hear it from you before people can get in his ear."
"But we're not together anymore!" I buried my face in my hands. "We ended things so he might still think I'm trying to trap him!" My shoulders shook with sobs.
"I just don't think I'm strong enough to do this Jackie."
"Sweetie no one is superman. I know it all seems so hopeless and bleak. But you will find happiness again. And it'll be in this little bundle of joy." She patted my stomach. "There's nothing stronger or fiercer than a mothers love. Once you hold your baby in your arms all the pain will feel worth it."
"How do I tell my parents?" I sniveled.
"I know this will sound like horrible advice but I find the best strategy is to treat it like taking off a bandage. Just rip it off and get it over with."
"I'll sleep on it." I respond dryly wiping my eyes.
"Alright be back in six weeks for your next checkup." We hugged and I left.
When I got home my mother called me in the living room. As soon as I saw my father I started back pedaling.
"Sit down." She commanded and it was so unlike her that I mostly obeyed from shock.
"Where have you been?"
"That's not an answer." She crossed her arms.
"Well it's all your getting." I replied. I could tell my father was trying his hardest to keep his lips closed.
"Your impossible." Mother rubbed her temples. "Anyway your dad and I have been discussing things and such."
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Just lay it on me, I think I can handle a divorce.
"We've decided to try and work past this."
For a minute I think I'm hearing things. I rub my ears and gawk at her.
"Your joking right?" I stood up. "You guys are going to work this out? Whats there to work out! He's been cheating on you with someone who could be your daughter!"
"I don't expect you to understand. But it's what's best for this family. And I would appreciate it if you keep your fathers affairs between the three of us."
I struggle to say something but end up sputtering. I look at him. His eyes are steely like he's daring me to challenge this.
And it's in that moment that I know for a fact I absolutely positively hate him. With a burning passion, with every fiber in my being I despise his existence, his very being.
I turn back to my mom. How can she stand to be with this monster? Suddenly it dawns on me. I can't believe I was so blind before.
"This isn't his first time cheating is it?" I ask, so quietly I almost don't hear myself.
"It doesn't matt-"
"Answer me!" I scream.
"Watch your voice." My father growls.
"You don't talk." I point a shaky finger at him.
"Tell me." I demand taking a step closer to my mother.
"Fine you want to know the truth? The truth is yes this isn't his first time cheating. He's done it so many times I've lost count. But I love him so damn much!" She breaks down in sobs. I step back as if slapped.
Who is this woman? Certainly not my mom. My mother would never sink so low.
"How do you live with yourself?" I questioned the man in my living room appalled.
"I love your mother." My father said simply.
"You wouldn't know what love was if it hit you in the damn face!"
Then I turned and ran right out of that house.
Reese's POV
I took a deep breath and walked up to my front door. This wasn't the first time I'd pulled a disappearing act. I knew my mom would be furious. Hopefully my proposition would appease her some.
I knocked. I couldn't believe I was knocking on the door to my own house.
The door swung open and my mother stood there with her hair tied up in a messy bun, strands flying everywhere. She had on her cooking apron which was splattered with frosting, sprinkles, and flour.
"Reese." She breathed out before pulling me into a hug. Then she stepped back and slapped me.
"Me tenias preocupada niño tonto !"
"I'm back now aren't I?"
"¡Ese no es el punto!"
"Madre acaba de escuchar por favor."
She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm listening. And it better be good."
"I-" I paused. Why was this so hard to get out?
"I've had some time to think." I continued taking a deep breath.
"And I've decided to go to therapy."
She blinked shocked.
"You will?" She asked stunned.
"Yes." I replied.
Tears formed in her eyes and I shifted uncomfortably. She grabbed me in another hug.
"Please don't make me regret this." I muttered.
"Ok." She pulled away. I walked into the house and began to head up to my room.
"Oh and Reese?"
"Yes?" I turned back to my mom.
"Your grounded. Don't even think of sneaking out. I bolted your window shut."
Under normal circumstances I would've been mad but instead I smiled.
Cheyenne's POV
"And then he asked me to wear his jersey!"
"Progress!" Kimora screamed. "We're finally getting somewhere."
"We?" I raised my eyebrow playfully.
"Yes we." Kimora replied. "If you guys date I have to like him or it won't work. Best friend rule number one."
"Woah woah slow down. We're just talking as friends right now."
"You said he almost kissed you!" Kimora accused.
"A mistake on his part because the next time he tries that I'll knee him in the balls."
"Wow Cheyenne. You should write a book. 101 ways to NOT get a guy."
"Very funny." I replied dryly. "But seriously he can't keep doing that. We're not even dating."
"Tell me something I don't know." She mumbled.
I was about to say something snappy when my phone rang.
"Is it your boyfriend?" She teased.
I shot her a look and answered. "Hello?"
I kid you not I dropped the phone like it was poison. I'm sure all color drained from my face. Kimora's face crinkled but all I could do was stare in horror at my phone.
"Who is it?" She whispered. My heart beat erratically and I couldn't speak. My throat had closed up. The phone rang again. It must have hung up when I dropped it.
"It's my mom." I finally said hoarsely.
"Well then answer it! Geez your mom is like a ghost these days, I never see her around."
"I-I can't."
"Why the hell not? It's your mother!" Kimora looked utterly confused.
Something in me snapped.
"That woman," I spat. "Is anything but my mother! She left me, she left all of us and ran away. Left me to pay the bills, left me to take care of Ava and Daniel!"
Kimora's face was white. "She left you?"
And suddenly everything I had kept locked up for weeks came pouring out. I told her everything, from the day Sebastian first dropped me off and I found her note tacked to the fridge, to the stack of bills on the table, nearly being evicted, Daniel crying for his mom, me having to find a job and working for Krystal's mother since it was the only high paying job I could find. By the end of it all I was sobbing.
"Oh my god Cheyenne I am so sorry you've been going through this alone." She squeezed me tightly as I cried. It was such a heavy burden to carry myself and I was glad I had finally shared it with someone.
"You can't tell anyone." I said in a fierce tone of voice. "No one, not even your parents. If the authorities find out they'll separate us all. Daniel and Ava are the only family I have left. Promise me."
"But Cheyenne-"
"Promise me!" I repeated more ferociously gripping her shoulders.
"I promise." She nodded but didn't look too happy. "I swear I won't tell anyone."
I sighed relieved and contemplated telling her about Krystal but decided against it. It wasn't my secret to tell. Besides I think one was enough.
"I'm here for you." She said and her eyes were shining. "Whatever you need. I have your back."
I nodded unable to say anymore and we sat there leaning against each other for support.
Kimora's POV
After I got back from Cheyenne's I skipping dinner and locked myself in my room.
I laid on the bed. Unmoving. Unblinking. My mind racing.
Cheyenne's mom had left them. It was so unbelievable, so unthinkable that I had to repeat what she'd said to me several hundred times. And I still couldn't believe it.
How had I been so blind? All these little clues came back to me, clues that I'd missed because I'd been so wrapped up in myself, my own stupid problems. Cheyenne that day at school when she'd been so distracted, Cheyenne's face shutting down at the mere mention of her mother, Cheyenne at the mall cutting Daniel off when he'd been about to speak, Cheyenne looking for a job which I thought was just to help her mom out, all those looks she'd had for weeks before she suddenly became happy again. I'd missed all of it.
Poor Kimora with the strict parents who won't let her do anything but are still there for her. Poor Kimora with the nice house in a safe neighborhood. Poor Kimora the only child. Poor Kimora whining about her life because there's no excitement in it. Poor poor Kimora with her dead crush, a guy she barely knew.
Other people were suffering around me and I was oblivious to all of it, so absorbed in my minuscule problems that I failed to see the big picture. Reese who'd been AWOL for weeks. I was starting to forget what he looked like. He could've been going through something too but I was so wrapped up in me I didn't even bother calling him. And I called myself his best friend. Rozae, who I hadn't seen since the lake party still grieving the loss of her best friend. Even Krystal, who's house had been bombed.
When I thought about it, what was I really suffering through? Nothing. I had two parents, food on my table, a bed, clothes, a good education. I would grow up to be a doctor and marry another Asian, pop out a few kids and live in a giant house with a white picket fence and a dog.
And yet, I still felt unhappy, like there was something missing in my life and it needed to be filled. I couldn't pinpoint why I was sad, I just was. I didn't want this perfect life that had been handed to me.
It was selfish of me to feel that way, but that's how it was.
The next morning I dragged myself out of bed, my heart heavy with secrets and self loathing. I went through a monotonous routine, brush teeth, shower, get dressed, brush hair, eat breakfast, leave for school.
You can imagine my surprise when I found Reese sitting on the schools
front steps smoking a cigarette.
"Reese? Is it really you?" I asked shocked and touched his head. He rolled his eyes.
"In the flesh." He said in that lazy way of his.
"No smoking on campus. It's bad for your health anyway." I snatched his cigarette from his mouth and stamped it out. He glared at me.
"So where the hell have you been?"
"On vacation." He shrugged.
"Right. And I suppose unicorns exist?"
"You never know." He said and this time I rolled my eyes. Secretly I was glad to have him back.
"Reese?" Cheyenne's voice filtered through my ears.
"That's my name, don't wear it out." He smirked and I lightly punched him.
"I would ask where you've been but frankly I don't care."
"Ouch." Reese said holding his chest. "That hurt."
"You're a big boy I'm sure you can handle it." She sat down next to us.
The three of us together again. It was just like old times. Kind of.
Then Krystal's mom's car pulled up and she got out slamming the door so loudly I'm sure people in Australia heard it. Her face was stoic as she stormed up the steps narrowly missing my pinky finger with her heel.
"You almost amputated my finger!" I inspected it to make sure no damage was done.
Her head whipped over to glower at me and it was so venomous, so full of hatred that I flinched and shrank under her gaze.
"You ok?" Cheyenne asked cautiously like she was approaching a wild animal, which I guess in this case she was.
"I'm fucking fantastic." She said so sweetly but with such malice my back hairs stood up. Then she disappeared inside the school.
"No one cross her today." I laughed nervously. "She looked like she was about to rip someone's head off."
"I hope she's ok." Cheyenne bit her fingernails, a habit she did when she was worried. I stared at her. Since when did we care about Krystal?
"I'll see you guys later." Reese stood up and rushed off.
Well then. What a fantastic start to the day.
*not edited*
*also not my best chapter*
To make up for late update I will double update by next Friday. Pinky promise.
Stay groovy✌️
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