Homecoming fever
Chapter 21: Homecoming fever
Krystal's POV
"Attention students! Homecoming tickets go on sale tomorrow at exactly twelve pm sharp in the theater. Get yours then and save money. Prices will be going up."
"Ooohhh homecoming!" Rosie squealed. "I can't wait!"
"Are you going with Josh?" A random girl asked. A group of girls had started hanging around Rosie and I more often. I didn't know any of their names.
It was hard being pregnant and popular at the same time.
"Of course." I flipped my hair back. "Who else?"
"I'll bet you'll rock a dress while pregnant like nobodies business." Another said.
"Again, who else." I dipped my spoon in my yogurt and swirled it around before licking the yogurt off the spoon. "Someone pass the granola."
"Hey baby." Josh came up behind me and kissed me. The girls made awing sounds.
"Hey." I was still a little mad at him for trying to get in a fight with Reese. But it was also a little self esteem booster to have someone fight over you.
"You have a doctors appointment after school today right?"
"That's right." I mused. I'd forgotten. "Well, can't wait for that."
"Can I come?" Rosie asked with wide Bambi eyes.
"Pleaseeeeeeeeeee?" She begged, sticking her bottom lip out.
"Fine." I relented. "But no stupid questions, no wandering off, just stay and be still."
"Yay!" She clapped. I'm positive my words went through one ear and out the other.
"See you after school." Josh kissed me one last time and went off to join his guy friends. The bell rang for class.
"I'll carry you books Krystal." Random girl jumped up.
Even pregnant I still reigned as Queen Bee.
"Hi, I'm Rosie." She gave Jackie a hug. Jackie looked surprised but hugged her back.
"She's very friendly." I suppled when she turned a questioning gaze to me.
"So, when are we going to see the baby?" She bounced up and down expectantly.
"Soon. I just need to run a few tests on Krystal to make sure she's healthy and fit to continue on into her second trimester. I'm pretty sure you're good though, we'll just make sure."
"Well let's get out of Jackie's way." Josh sat down and Rosie followed sulking.
Jackie took a few samples and checked my temperature. A few minutes later she declared me 'ok.'
"Now let's check out the baby." I raised my shirt up and she rubbed the cold gel onto it.
"You're getting big." She smiled. "Are you excited?"
I gave her a stretched smile in response.
"And.......there it is."
"Wow." Rosie breathed, her gaze transfixed on the monitor. I couldn't remove my own gaze.
The blob on the screen had gotten bigger and was starting to take shape.
"If you look real closely, you can see the hands and legs starting to form."
I peered closer and Rosie practically had her face pressed against the screen.
"Are you sure you don't want to know the gender?" Jackie asked. I shook my head.
"We'll just buy gender neutral stuff." Josh took my hand. "When do you want to start buying stuff for the baby?"
It was an innocent question but it made my throat close up and my heart squeeze painfully.
"Oh there'll be plenty of time for that." I laughed, although it sounded forced, even to my own ears. "We'll worry about it later."
"If you say so." He looked skeptical.
"When you go baby shopping let me know." Rosie commented. "I'll go with you to help out."
"Thanks Rosie." I smiled gratefully at her. Throughout this whole messy ordeal she's always supported me. It made me feel bad on how I'd treated her in the past. Sure she had a few brain cells missing but she was a true friend. Wasn't that more important?
"Ok Krystal, take care of yourself until your next appointment." Jackie hugged me.
"Bye!" We all chorused and left the hospital.
Kimora's POV
"So I heard you were at Marcus's party last night." Reese said as we tried to get to the cafeteria for lunch. It was like being fish trying to swim upstream. Everyone was going in the opposite direction towards the theater for homecoming tickets.
"Yeah and?"
"And since when did you even go to parties?"
"Since now."
"Ok how about this: since when did you hang out with Marcus or his crowd?" Reese fixed his piercing gaze on me.
"You're the last one to talk Mr. I've secretly been friends with Krystal Parker."
We got lunch and sat down. The cafe was mostly empty as everyone was rushing for homecoming tickets.
"So homecoming?" I mused waiting for his reaction.
"Don't go there." He warned.
"But you've never even been!" I exclaimed.
"There's a reason for that."
"I hate school dances."
"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. School dances are the best!"
"No, they're lame and way too expensive."
"You're just saying that because you don't have a date."
"And you have one?"
"Homecoming doesn't require a date."
"Don't care.
"I bet you've got tons of offers."
"You would be correct."
"So what's the problem?"
"Not interested. When did this conversation turn from homecoming to my romantic life?"
"Ok back to subject." I grinned. "Go with me."
"Hell no."
"It'll be fun!"
"Why don't you go with Cheyenne? Oh wait, your not friends anymore."
I narrowed my eyes at him, prepared to convince him.
"If you don't go with me, I'll post the picture."
"You wouldn't." He glared at me.
"I would. But if you decide to go..." I trailed off.
"That's blackmail!"
"Call it what you will." I grinned. "Now, do we have a deal?"
"I want that picture deleted."
"Fine fine." I waved my hand.
"Let me see you delete it."
I placed my hands on the table and leaned in close. "Do you think I'm stupid? I'll delete it after homecoming. Promise."
He stewed and huffed and puffed before finally agreeing.
"Yes!" I cheered. "Let's go get our tickets!"
Sebastian's POV
Homecoming fever had swept throughout the entire school like a wildfire. It was just as I had predicted. Luckily I'd snagged two tickets before the line had gotten insane. I met Cheyenne at the back of the theater.
"But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and
Cheyenne is the sun!" I knelt in front of her dramatically.
"Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon! Be my lady, and go to homecoming with me!" I held up the tickets.
"You dork." She giggled. "Of course I'll go with you, now get up."
"I am a lucky man." I stood up brushing the dirt off my pants.
"Look at that line, it's crazy!"
"I know right? Good thing I was in the theater before the bell for lunch rang."
"What were you doing in the theater?"
"Drama class."
"No way." She laughed.
"Laugh it up." I rolled my eyes. "Lots of males are actors."
"But you?" She continued to chuckle.
"Is it so unbelievable that I could act? I can't, but still."
"Yes." She nodded. "It is."
"Some supportive girlfriend you are." I said and she elbowed me in the ribs.
I checked my phone. There was still ten minutes before fourth period. I should probably go get some lunch.
"I'm gonna go get lunch." I told Cheyenne.
"I'll come with you."
We made our way out of the packed theater and into the hallways.
"Finally, I feel like I can breathe," She took a breath. "It was so stuffy in there."
"That's because so many people were packaged in like sardines in a can."
As we made our way to the cafe we passed by Reese and Kimora. Cheyenne made a point to not even look in their direction and Kimora sped past us, Reese hurrying to keep up.
"I don't want to talk about it." She snapped. I held up my hands.
"Alright I got it."
She stopped suddenly and turned to face me. "Look I'm sorry but it's kind of a touchy subject at the moment."
"It's ok." I reassured her. "Believe me."
"Thanks," She sighed. "I've kind of lost my appetite. I'll still come with you to get lunch though."
I checked the clock hanging above us.
"We better hurry then."
Cheyenne's POV
I meet Sebastian after school at the front gates just like the day before.
"Better start shopping for a dress. I already heard girls threatening to kill each other." Sebastian chuckles.
"How ruthless." I gave him a wry smile but my face fell as I spotted my mom rushing toward me, my father in tow.
"Cheyenne we're here to pick you up! And who is this handsome young man?" She gushes.
Someone kill me now.
"Hi I'm Raquel Woods, Cheyenne's mother." She holds out her hand. Sebastian shakes it firmly.
"Pleasure to meet you. I'm Sebastian Cole." Wow he's real smooth.
"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend!" She exclaims.
How could I tell you if you were never fucking here?!
I bite down the retort. "What are you doing here?" I ask through gritted teeth.
"Your father and I have a surprise for you! That's why we're here to pick you up!"
"Really?" I cross my arms. "With what car?" Last time I checked we didn't own a vehicle. No, we're too poor for that.
"Look at our new car!" She gestures behind her and I look, my mouth falling open in shock. A brand new black Rolls-Royce phantom coup is staring back at me! Daniel waves at me from the backseat.
"I think I'm in love." Sebastian comments next to me. If this were a cartoon, he'd have heart eyes while staring at the expensive vehicle.
"Jesus Christ!" I blurt out. "Where the hell did you get that?!"
"Your father bought it." She announces proudly. "Along with our new house! Surprise!"
I think I'm going to faint.
"A lot can happen in three years." She shoots me a smug look.
"I-I need to sit down." I mumble stumbling backward. We've gone from dirt poor to stinking rich in only twenty-four hours. That's a lot to handle.
"Ok. We'll just wait for you in the car!" She chirps skipping away. Skipping I tell you! Everyone is looking at me and back to our car. No doubt this will be the talk of the school by tommorow.
"Cheyenne what the hell is going on?" Sebastian asks. "You told me your mom is a nurse. There's no way she makes enough to buy that car. Hell even my dad doesn't make that much and he's a cost accountant!"
"Wait your dad is an accountant?" I ask momentarily snapping out of my shock induced haze.
"Yeah he's real good with numbers. But don't even ask me how he still has a job with his drinking problem."
"Anyway you have a lot explaining to do!"
"Listen," I sigh. "I'll tell you everything. But right now I have to deal with this." I gesture toward my family.
"Fine. I'll see you later." He gives me a quick peck on the cheek and waves as he walks off. I stalk toward the car and yank open the door sliding in.
Damn. I never knew a car could smell so good.
"Don't think all is forgiven!" I snap buckling up. "I am still furious!"
"I know," My mother says from upfront as my dad puts the car in drive. "And even though you said it won't fix anything we still signed up for family counseling. I really think this could work if only you gave it a chance. We want to fix things."
"Whatever." I grumble. "You wanna fix things? Start by telling me how the hell you're able to afford all this. Just yesterday we were dirt poor."
"Well," my dad starts. "You know how I graduated college with my bachelors right?"
"Well after that it was difficult to find a good paying job and our family size was increasing," He explains. "It was hard enough to pay for you, Daniel, your mother and I. Then Ava came along-"
"And you left us." I cut in. He flinches.
"I hope between now and then you've figured out what birth control is so we don't have a repeat." I interrupt him again. So I'm being a bitch? Sue me. I've earned the right. I will not make this easy on him.
"Can I please just talk?" He pleads. I roll my eyes but keep quiet.
"Well after I left I decided to enroll in law school. It was a little too late, but I figured what do I have to lose. It turns out that taking sociology, political science, psychology, economics, history, anthropology, science, mathematics, logic, philosophy, and computer science in high school and college really paid off. I passed my LSAT with no problem and was in."
"Wait let me guess? You were so good you graduated early?"
"Well actually...yeah. I was in a special accelerated program. After I graduated I was offered some good paying cases. From there it just...took off."
I lean my head back against the seat, closing my eyes.
I need to wake up.
"So when are we moving out?" I ask wearily.
"This weekend."
"What!" My head snaps back up. "So soon?"
"We have no reason to wait Cheyenne," my mother explains. "So start packing."
"Can you at least tell me where we're moving to?"
"It's close by so don't worry. You won't be changing schools or anything."
Could my life be any more crazy?
Reese's POV
Therapy session #4
"Hello Reese."
"Hola señorita."
"How are you?"
"Like always, bad."
"So did anything happen to you as of recently?"
"My dead brothers girlfriend came back with her baby."
"Your nephew?"
"No just her baby."
"So it's not your brothers kid?"
"Oh it is. But he's not my nephew."
"But- actually never mind. How do you feel about this?"
"Why? Because that bitch told us she's pregnant at his funeral, which is highly inappropriate by the way, then pulls a Houdini on us and vanishes without a note, email, or phone call for years. Now she just wants to come back and act like we're all family."
"Technically you are."
"Technically I don't give a shit."
"So you're angry at this girl, I get that. But what about the baby?"
"What about the baby?"
"He or she didn't do anything wrong. And it's your brothers child. Don't you think maybe this could be a healing mechanism for you?"
"Fuck that baby I don't want to see it's face."
"That's very harsh. Your brother wouldn't have approved."
"Nothing he can do about it since he's DEAD. Besides, my brother wouldn't have approved of his girlfriend keeping my so called nephew from us for years."
"Maybe she was scared."
"Scared of what? She wasn't scared to tell us she was pregnant."
"Well think of how hard it must have been on her. She finds out she's pregnant and the father is dead. It must have been quite a shock to her."
"No one, I repeat no one had it as hard as me. Ok? I suffered the most from his death."
"Reese, that's very unfair of you to say."
"None of you understand."
"I would if you would just talk to me."
"Forget it. Are we done here?"
*sighs* "Yes that's all for today."
I'm kind of disappointed with this chapter :/ not my best but whatever. Next one will be much better
Stay groovy✌️
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