Heartbreak Island
Chapter 34: Heartbreak Island
Reese's POV
"You!" Krystal's mom shouted once she saw me approaching. "This is your fault! How my daughter got mixed up with the likes of you I'll never know!"
"Excuse me?!" Mom stepped up to her. "Don't you dare talk to my son like that. Your daughter lied to him this entire time. You need to be reprimanding her, not my son."
As dad tried to pull them apart I sat next to Cheyenne. She looked very tired.
"You ok?" She looked at me.
"No," I said through gritted teeth.
"Listen, I know you're probably upset and you have every right to be, but please just listen to her side of the story and try to understand."
Ah. So that's what my brother was talking about.
"Whatever," I grunted. A doctor came out and cleared his throat. The bickering stopped.
"Mrs. Parker your daughter is now stable. The baby was in stress which caused Krystal to faint. She's being put on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy."
"Oh thank God," her mother sighed in relief. "Can I see her?"
"Actually..." He paused. "Krystal is awake but she's been requesting to see a Reese Mendez. Is he here?"
Everyone turned to look at me.
"Are you joking!" Her face turned red. "I should be allowed to see my own daughter fisrt!"
"Mam if she doesn't want you in there we can't allow you to go in. However only family can visit her at this time."
"He's the baby's father," my mom supplied.
"And you are?"
"His mother."
"Ok well would you like to go in and see her?" The doctor turned to me.
Krystal was propped up and flipping through the channels on the tv when I entered. I pulled up a chair next to her bed and sat down.
"How're you feeling?" I asked.
She turned off the tv but didn't look at me. "Fine." Her voice was raspy.
"So did you plan on just keeping this from me forever?" I tried my best to keep calm but it was proving rather difficult.
"I don't know, I guess."
"That's all you have to say?!" I got up. "You were just going to let that prick be the father to my child and what, I'd become the stepfather or some shit? Do you realize how fucked up that is!"
"I was scared!" She shouted. "You just barged into my life and screwed everything up! Some days I'm not sure if falling for you was the best thing or worst thing thats ever happened to me! I tell you I'm in love with you, that I'm ready to give up everything for you, and you tell me I'm a fucking fling! Geez, that didn't hurt at all! Then you come back later, we have sex, and you completely cut me off like I was nothing to you! So excuse me if I wasn't bursting with joy to tell you the news!"
I exhale and sit back down.
"I'm the worlds biggest idiot," Krystal choked out. "I don't even blame you, I blame myself."
The truth was, I did say those things her. I know I hurt her but at the time I guess I was too dense to see past my own pain.
I was also really terrified.
All those days I spent with her that summer, I never once felt depressed or angry. I was just me. The person I'd been before Valentino passed. And I couldn't understand why she made me feel that way.
It wasn't until she told me she was in love with me did I realize that I was also in love with her. So of course I freaked like a little bitch and pushed her away.
It was stupid of me to think we could just forget everything in the past. If we truly wanted to make this work we had to start over with a clean slate.
"Krystal," I took her hand and she looked at me surprised. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry and I don't think I've actually said that to you. It's like I can't do anything without messing up in one form or another. I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to, but I was also scared. You made me feel happy again, and I didn't know how to handle it. I didn't understand how someone could love me. I was in a bad place then. I felt like I didn't deserve to be loved."
"Everyone deserves to be loved Reese. Even the worst people." She whispered.
"I know but I was a stupid. I'll never get over my own stupidity."
"Me neither," she chuckled and I smiled.
"But I meant everything I told you that night. I was in love with you then and I'm still in love with you now. The only difference is I'm not afraid to admit it anymore."
She sniffled. "I'm sorry too. I didn't want to lie but I was seventeen and about to become a mom. I just didn't know what to do." She put her face in her hands, her shoulders heaving with sobs.
"Hey don't cry," I got up and laid down on the bed next to her. "The worst of it is over. I mean, I'm still upset you lied but I think I understand your reasons."
"So you don't hate me?"
"No Krystal," I tipped her chin up toward me. "I love you."
She cried harder. "I love you too. And I'm so sorry."
"Shhhhh," I kissed her softly. We were kind of a mess.
But at least we were a mess together.
Cheyenne's POV
Krystal was ok.
I was happy for her.
I was sad for me.
Just when I thought Sebastian couldn't hurt me anymore, he goes and proves me wrong. I'd cried so much in the last two days, I was sure I was out of tears.
Every time I closed my eyes I saw him touching someone else the way he touched me and it made me sick. I actually threw up just from the thought of it.
I felt broken inside and out. I felt like someone had taken a chainsaw and cut out my heart. Everything hurt, and I really felt like I was sinking into depression.
Every time I thought I was done crying, the tears would just come again, more than before.
Heartbreak sucks. It sucks ass.
People tell you it gets better, but it feels like it never does. And eventually they get tired of hearing you cry over and over again.
"Sis?" Daniel came into my room on Saturday morning. "I brought you something."
"What is it?" I sniffled. He climbed onto my bed.
"I want you to have my DS."
I sat up. "But you love that DS."
"I know. I just don't want you to be sad anymore. Whenever I'm sad I play it and I always feel better."
My eyes watered for the billionth time. "Thanks Daniel."
"Your welcome. I love you Chey."
"I love you too." He wrapped his skinny arms around me in a fierce hug. After he left I laid back down and tried to keep the tears at bay. It was useless. They slipped out anyway.
Then mom came in and sat next to me on the bed.
"Oh honey," that was all it took for me to start bawling again like a baby. She held me like a child, stroking my hair and telling me everything would be ok.
"When will the pain stop?" I cried.
"I can't tell you that baby. It takes time."
Well that was reassuring.
"Honey I know what he did was wrong and I'm definitely not condoning his actions but Sebastian's a good guy. He didn't mean to hurt you on purpose. I'm sure he's just as upset as you are."
"How can you defend him?" I pushed her away angrily.
"I'm not defending him. I'm just looking at it from both perspectives. And I know you still love him."
"Why?" I asked frustrated. "Why do I still love him so much even after he hurt me so bad?"
Mom looked at me sadly. "We often love the people that hurt us the most."
I wiped my eyes and blew my nose with a tissue.
"Do you want anything to eat?" She asked.
"A tub of cookies and cream ice cream with gummy worms sounds great."
She smiled. "Your dad just went to the store. I'll text him to get it for you."
"Thanks mom."
Sebastian's POV
Last time I was upset I stayed in my room for days and that didn't turn out so great. So when my dad offered to take me fishing I accepted, even though I had no idea how to fish. Haley was still giving me the silent treatment.
"First you gotta have some bait," my dad instructed me. "A catch is only as good as the bait you use. Then you cut off a length of line about a foot longer than the length of your pole. Hook on the bait and then...."
He tossed his line into the lake. "Fishing is all about patience. You won't always get a catch on your first try."
I copied him and then tossed my own line in.
"When you feel something tug on the pole it's probably a catch and you gotta reel it in. Reeling it in is very important because if you don't do it fast and efficient enough you'll lose your catch."
I nodded like a bobble head. Just then something yanked on my pole pulling me forward.
"You've got a catch! Reel it in! Nice and easy, nice and easy!"
It was like fighting with a cobra. Who knew fish were so tough. The fish got away.
"Now that's ok son you can just try again," he patted my shoulder.
"Dad I'm good at a lot of things but fishing isn't one of them."
He still made me try until I finally caught something.
"Trout," he grinned. "Nice." Then he tossed it back in the lake. My eyes widened.
"What the hell-"
"We weren't actually going to eat it, I just wanted you to experience the great adventure that is fishing."
I rolled my eyes. "You literally just stand around with a pole in your hand, how is that adventurous?"
"Well back in my day-"
Oh lord.
Afterwards he drove us to Taco Taco. We sat down at a corner booth to eat.
"So..." He started awkwardly. I raised a brow at him.
"Did you- I mean Haley said that-"
He looked so uncomfortable it was sad. I decided to put him out of his misery.
"Are you trying to ask me if I cheated on Cheyenne?"
"Yeah." He coughed.
"I did," I pushed my tray away, appetite gone. All day I hadn't thought about her, but now that my dad had brought it up i was thinking about her.
"Oh," he looked down. "I know we don't really have father to son talks and I never really said much about your relationship but-"
"You want to know why?" I cut him off.
"Actually....yeah I do."
"I got drunk and made a mistake I'll regret for the rest of my life."
"I know all about that," he nodded and I assumed he was referring to the time he almost choked Haley out. I guess men in our family didn't have such a good track record with alcohol.
"Do you still love her?"
"I do," I looked out the window. "But I'm not sure if she feels the same way anymore."
"Why don't you just talk to her?"
"Because I'm scared."
There I said it.
I was fucking terrified that she didn't feel the same way about me anymore and was going to reject me. I don't think I'd be able to handle that.
When she pushed me away at school I felt like someone had torn my guts out.
Dad looked thoughtful before he spoke again. "Sometimes when you love something you have to fight for it. And I think Cheyenne is worth fighting for."
He was right. I couldn't just give up like a pussy. I needed to man up.
Because I'd be damned if I ever let her go.
Krystal's POV
After the hospital was sure I was ok they released me. I was glad I didn't have to go back to school. My mom doted on me and kept asking if I needed anything every five minutes.
One day the doorbell rang. I heard yelling and curious, I listened from the top of the stairs.
"You can't keep us away from her! That's our grand baby too and my sons child!"
"I don't want your son anywhere near my daughter!"
"You have no right! I will take you to court if I have to!"
"What's going on?" I shuffled down stairs.
"Krystal get back in your room!" She barked.
I ignored her and looked at Reese's mom. She was staring back. I didn't want his family to hate me even though they had every right to.
"Mom why can't you just let them in?" I sighed. Her mouth fell open.
"But-but-" she spluttered.
Reese's mom smiled smugly and pushed her way inside. She marched right over to me and I've never felt so small or exposed in my entire life.
So imagine my surprise when she actually smiled at me.
"Can I?" She gestured toward my stomach.
"Of-of course!" I stuttered.
She knelt down and put an ear to my stomach. Her eyes teared up.
"Mi nieto," she said softly rubbing my belly. I felt the waterworks coming. I'd cried more in the last few months than in my entire life.
She stood up and I started tripping over my words.
"Mam I'm so sorry I didn't mean to lie I was just really hurt and scared and I hope you don't-"
She put a finger to my lips silencing me.
"Mi hijo es un idiota."
"Umm what?"
"It means my son is an idiot," she grinned. "And while I'm not necessarily happy that you lied I understand why you did. He can be a handful."
I've never felt so relieved in my life.
"Why don't you come over for dinner tonight?" She suggested.
"Yes. We're family now, are we not?"
I nodded vigorously.
"Good. Do you need us to pick you up?"
"No thank you," I declined politely.
"Ok. We'll see you at eight then. Don't be late."
Oh I wouldn't be.
I did not want to get on her bad side.
Kimora's POV
I've been grumpier than usual ever since my parents told me they might be shipping me off. The drama at school has died down some, people are starting to talk about what went down last week less and less. Krystal's been absent and I heard she would be for the rest of the year, Cheyenne's been AWOL, Alexis decided not to show her face, Reese was suspended for three weeks, and Sebastian's been keeping a low profile.
Life has gone back to being boring. Finals are coming up but to be honest my grades have been steadily slipping so I expect to flunk that.
After school I dial Reese's number. The phone rings and rings before he picks up.
"I feel like I haven't heard your voice in forever," I say in greeting.
"Oh. Hey Kimora."
"How's suspension?"
"It's- I do not want my son or daughter wearing that!"
"But it's cute!" Comes Krystal's voice.
"It's hideous!"
"Que sabes?" Comes another woman's voice. "Krystal put it in the cart."
"You guys are ganging up on me!"
"Um hello?" I question.
"Yeah sorry about that."
"Was that Krystal I just heard?"
"What're you guys doing?"
"Baby shop- Oh no, I'm putting my foot down, you are not getting that."
"Should I call you back?"
"Mhm we'll talk later." Then the line went dead.
I guess they made up or whatever.
Sighing I make my way over to Marcus's place. He answers the door.
"Hey. Is Alicia here?"
"Yeah she's in the kitchen," he opened the door wide enough for me to get in. I was surprised to find her surrounded by books and piles of paper. Her hair was in a messy bun and she wore glasses.
"Alica?" I asked just to make sure it was her.
"Sup Kim."
"Since when do you wear glasses?"
"Since forever. You just don't know because I usually wear my contacts."
"Oh. Are you studying?"
"Yeah. I figured I should start taking school serious if I don't want to live here for the rest of my life. It's not too late for me to apply to colleges. Marcus was studying with me too but he's taking a break."
"Oh," I folded my arms. "Take a break and hang with me."
"I can't. This is my last chance if I actually want to have a future. You're smart, come study with me."
"No offense Alicia, but I kind of thought you'd just become a stripper."
She looked up at me frowning. "Why would you think that?"
"Maybe because you act kind of sluttish," I shrug. "I didn't think you actually cared about school."
"So because of that I'm automatically destined to become a stripper or something?" Her voice grew angry.
"I didn't say that," I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah you kinda did! You don't even know me Kimora, or what I've been through because you never bothered to ask. So don't you dare go and judge me!"
"Can you blame me!"
"Oh shut the fuck up! You think you're better than the rest of us, but the truth is your nothing but a whiny spoiled brat acting out!"
"Hold up, don't be getting loud with me!"
"Or what!" She got in my face. "You're gonna hit me? Do it bitch, I dare you!"
"Hey!" Marcus came in. "Why the hell are you guys shouting for?" We ignored him.
"At least I'm not trailer park trash!" I spat.
"BITCH!" Alicia shoved me down causing me to bang my head against the table.
"Hey!" Marcus yanked her pack. "That's enough!"
"Get the fuck out!" She screamed at me.
"Get out!"
"Ok you psychotic whore I'm leaving!" I stood up and touched the back of my head. Because of her dumbass it would probably leave a bump.
Why were people so damn sensitive?
Four more chapters left!
I'm just gonna let you guys know ahead of time I plan on doing character interviews. So start getting those questions ready for the characters because THEY and not ME, will be answering them! After the epilogue I'll start taking questions and explain how it's going to go.
I have lots of other extras and stuff coming soon, so stick around after the epilogue if you want to learn more!
Stay groovy✌️
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