Happy New Year!
You're probably like didn't she just update like a day ago?
Well here's another because I love you all so much💗
Chapter 27 Happy New Year!
Krystal's POV
Well the holidays were officially over.
Which meant our annual New Year's party.
Honestly given everything that's happened this past year my only resolution was to try and stay sane. I also didn't understand why we were even throwing a party, it seemed like bad luck always fell upon us when we did.
But my mother insisted, drowning herself in party planning. She didn't even acknowledge what I'd told her on Christmas Day. Once again she was going to sweep it under the rug.
"Krystal darling I need you to give these invitations to your friends," mom handed me a stack of envelopes. "It's really for their families."
"Do I have a choice?" I muttered.
"Don't forget!" She trilled.
I called the only two real friends I had, Cheyenne and Rosie, who were back from their glamorous vacations.
Rosie was glowing from her tan and Cheyenne's aura was so bright it was blinding.
"I'm glad you two had a good holiday," I said bitterly.
"The best!" Rosie chirped.
"Well I won't spoil your moods with my sour one. Here. Invitations for a party."
Cheyenne studied the invite. "New Years?"
"Yep. My mom throws one every year. Very big. Everyone will probably come."
"They're great," Rosie backed me up having been to one herself. "They set up this huge clock in the front yard before midnight and we all count down to New Years."
"Give one to Sebastian too." I shoved another envelope her way.
"I gotta go," Rosie pulled on her coat. "My moms been bugging me to unpack. She said she won't let me go to the party if I don't."
"Ok. Bye girly," we hugged and she left.
Cheyenne sat on my bed. "Tell me about your break."
"Please. This is a story you don't want to hear."
"I'm listening."
"Fine. The worst. Josh and I broke up. My dad is the grown up version of a fuckboy. My mom is stupid or naive or maybe a little of both."
"That sucks about Josh," she commented. "What about the baby?"
If I hear that question one more time...
"What about it? I'll get full custody obviously. He'll pay child support. No biggie."
"Josh might want joint custody," she points out.
"Well he's not getting it," I respond fiercely. "I'm the one carrying this baby for nine fucking months, not him. I'm the one who's going to push it out my fucking vagina. Not him."
"Sorry I spoke," she holds up her hands apologetically. "Is that really all that happened on break though?"
I shrugged. "Reese and I hung out."
"Oooh. That reminds me, you owe me more of you guys friendship story."
"You don't give up do you?"
"One of my finer qualities. Now, tell me about when you came to like him. As a friend I mean."
I really had to think back for this one.
After our impromptu beach trip I swear Reese started stalking me. It's like, did he have nothing better to do with his summer? But it's not like I had much to do either since Rosie had went away on vacation. Alexis was in Hawaii so that ruled her out as well.
So we started hanging out.
We were at his house one time since his parents weren't home. My eyes widened when he pulled out two bottles of alcohol.
"One for me and one for you."
"We're underage!" I whispered even though no one was home.
"So! This is illegal!"
"Krystal if we're gonna continue hanging out you're gonna have to get used to this type of stuff. I live dangerously."
"I can't drink this entire bottle!"
"Pour some in a cup then."
I reluctantly poured some and stared at the clear liquid.
Tequila, the bottle had said. Silver. The perfect white spirit made from the finest Weber Blue Agave.
"I'm going to regret this," I thought as I raised the cup to my lips.
It burned. My lungs were on fire. I started coughing wildly.
"Water!" I wheezed my eyes tearing up. Reese was clutching his stomach laughing.
"It's not juice Krystal! You can't just down it especially since you're a total lightweight."
I hurried to the kitchen to get some water. The burn lessened.
"Never again will I listen to you," I rubbed my throat. He smirked and drank straight from the bottle.
Reese had a weird habit of laying on the floor and putting his feet up on the couch.
"I'm pretty sure you're supposed to sit on it." I folded my arms.
"There's no fun in that. Join me." He patted the spot next to him. I did and he got up to turn off the lights. We were bathed in darkness.
"Tell me the worst thing that's ever happened to you," I whispered.
"Curiosity killed the cat," he whispered back.
"The cat had nine lives."
"So..." I prompted him. He was silent, so silent I couldn't even hear his breathes anymore.
"When I was thirteen," he began. "I watched as my brother was murdered."
A gasp fell from my lips.
"A car accident," he chuckled darkly. "That's what they used to cover it up."
"I'm so sorry," for some reason a tear slipped down my cheek.
"I don't even know why I'm telling you this. Only one other person knows besides me. I couldn't even bring myself to tell my parents."
"I wish I could understand your pain," I said sadly. "But I can't."
"No one can." Reese said quietly. "Pain isn't something you can share with someone. It's yours to be carried alone. With you. Forever."
His voice sounded so broken, so unlike the carefree Reese I'd come to know. And I realized there were other parts of him I had no idea about. Pieces of himself he kept hidden.
So I hugged him.
I think he was shocked at first. But slowly his arms came around me.
We laid there in the dark for the longest, him grieving, and me feeling.
Reese's POV
I was getting a strange sense of déjà vu as I knocked on the door.
It swung open and my mom stood behind it looking, well, looking pretty haggard.
It seemed like she aged five years since I'd last seen her. They were black circles under her eyes from lack of sleep, and she had on a dirty t-shirt and yoga pants with a rip in the knee.
"Reese?" She blinked uncertainly. "You came home?"
"I guess?"
She pulled me into a tight hug and I could feel her arms shaking.
"I thought I'd really lost you this time," she cries into my shoulder. Over the years I've shot past her height making her shorter than me.
"Lo siento mamá." I patted her hair.
"Mi hijo. Mi dulce niño. Por favor no hacer esto de nuevo. Ya perdí un hijo , no puedo perder otro."
"You won't lose me mom," she continued to cry and I looked up. Samantha was watching through the window. She gave me a small smile.
I couldn't bring myself to smile at her. Not yet. But I gave her a small nod.
My mom poured three cups of tea and set them in from of us. I only stared at mine. Samantha had her baby in her lap and he was gurgling and laughing. Once, he reached his grubby hand toward me and I recoiled back. I saw the flash of sadness in Samantha's eyes but dammit I needed more time.
Just a little more time.
"Here," my mom set a plate in front of me. Normally I loved my mothers homemade tacos but at the moment I had no appetite.
"Thank you," I took a tiny bite and she looked relieved.
"So how are you?"
"You've been safe right?"
Insert awkward silence.
"Where's dad?" I asked. I was starting to question if I even had a father.
"He went over seas a while back. Said he'd be back by tonight."
"You look different," she studied me.
"My hair grew," I ran a hand through the curls. I should probably get a haircut soon.
"No your face..." She squinted at me. "It's aged."
"Gee thanks."
"Not in a bad way," mom quickly backtracked. "Like you're getting older type of way."
"Well I can't be a little boy forever can I?"
"No," her face grew sad. "I guess you can't."
More silence.
"Well I'm gonna head out now," I stood. Her face fell.
"I promise I'll be back," I reassured her.
"Ok," she stood up to hug me. "I'll make your favorite for dinner."
"Thanks," I gave her a quick peck on the cheek before grabbing my keys and closing the front door behind me.
Kimora's POV
"Is that cannabis I smell?"
"Kim!" Alicia tackled me. "You're back!"
"Yep. Spending time with Mindy wasn't so bad after all."
We entered the living room where Marcus and Reese where sitting on the couch with joints in their hands.
"I hope you saved one for me," I sat criss cross on the carpet. Marcus passed me the paper bag. Alicia popped a pill and handed me one to take.
It was good to be back.
"So how was your holidays?" I asked lighting up.
"Lame," Alicia rolled her eyes.
"Okay," Reese blew a ring of smoke.
Marcus just shrugged.
There was a knock on the door and he got up. "I'll get it."
He exited and we waited for him to return. That's when I heard her voice.
"Is Reese here?"
"Long time no see Krystal baby," Marcus purred. "How ya doing?" There was a pause.
"Holy shit you're pregnant!"
Reese stood up and Alicia and I followed.
She stood in the doorway perfectly put together as always. Her glossy red hair fell pin straight down her back. How did people like her always manage to look good, even during pregnancy, when normal people looked like shit?
"It smells like ass." Her nose crinkled.
"That's weed. Wanna huff?" Marcus offered. She waved the offending joint away.
"No you dipshit I'm pregnant."
"Who is she?" Alicia whispered in my ear.
"Krystal Parker. Reigning Queen bee. Total bitch. Apparently she's close friends with Reese and knows Marcus well enough to insult him. Then again she'll insult anyone."
"Hm." Alicia observed.
"What's up?" Reese pushed his way in front of Marcus. I was shocked when she actually smiled up at him. A real genuine smile I didn't even know she was capable of.
"My mom wants me to hand out these stupid invitations for her New Year's Eve party. Bring your family." She handed him an envelope.
Her face found mine and she frowned. "You too I guess."
"How thoughtful of you," I sneered and took the invitation. You're invited was printed in gold script across the front. Fancy.
"Don't I get an invitation?" Marcus held his heart.
"Sorry no riff raff allowed."
"Hmph. You're picky," but he didn't seem offended, just laughed it off.
Weirdly enough I felt a spark of jealousy.
"How'd you get here?" Reese raised a brow.
"Cheyenne drove me."
My head snapped up. They were hanging out now?
The jealousy grew.
"I should go. She's helping me with the party. You'd better come." She winked.
"I'll consider it," he smiled.
After she left I opened the invite to read over the details.
Come celebrate the New Year with us!
Bring friends and family
December 31st at 8573 Redtree Ave
Food and drink provided as well as goody bags
Hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Parker
"Sounds uppity if you ask me," Alicia read over my shoulder. "What do Reese and that girl have in common again?"
"I have no idea."
All I knew was that she was a best friend snatcher. As if she didn't have enough friends already. Excuse me, worshippers.
"Are you going?"
I turned to Reese silently asking him the same question with my eyes. He shrugged.
"I'll see if my parents are up to it."
So a.k.a. a yes.
I turned back to Alicia. "There's your answer."
Sebastian's POV
"Mom did you take your meds?" I entered the kitchen where she was humming softly to herself and fixing a snack.
"Yes Sebastian. Don't worry about me."
"Ok. Well Cheyenne wanted me to give this to you." I handed her the envelope she had dropped off earlier.
She read over the invite "A party? Sounds like fun. I'll just check with your father."
"Well it's tomorrow night so don't forget to RSVP if we're going. I'm hanging out with the guys today."
"Alright honey. Be safe!"
"I will!" I grabbed my car keys.
They wanted to meet at the lake to discuss something top secret. I rolled my eyes at the thought of it.
"Finally you're here," Charles stood up.
"Josh is it really you?" I joked spotting him by a tree.
"Where've you been man? You do know you left Krystal high and dry at homecoming. I'm not a fan of her but that's really cold."
"I had my reasons."
"Tell him," Benjamin nudged him.
"Tell me what?"
"I did a little investigating." He sat on the grass. I crossed my arms and waited.
"Turns out Reese and Krystal hung out last summer when I went to football camp."
"They hung out a lot."
"You think they had a thing?" Now I was intrigued.
"Yeah. But I wasn't able to confirm it."
"Why don't you just ask her straight up?"
"He has," Jacob spoke. "She's not giving him straight answers. And Reese's not an option for obvious reasons."
"I guess you'll never know then."
"Tell him the rest," Charles urged Josh.
Josh took a breath. "We broke up."
I laughed. "Well good riddance."
"The thing is, I still love her. I mean how could I not, she's the mother of my child."
I gripped his shoulder. "You need to snap out if it. You are not in love with her. I repeat, not in love with her."
"But it feels like it," he muttered.
"That's because she's sunk her claws seriously deep in you," Benjamin shook his head.
"I have an idea," Charles snapped his fingers. He nodded to Jacob.
"What's going on?" Josh looked at them warily.
"Sorry bro, it's the only way."
Jacob grabbed his feet and Charles grabbed his arms.
"One, two, three!"
They tossed him in the lake.
Benjamin watched while drinking from a Gatorade bottle. Josh came back up sputtering.
"What the hell!"
"Have you snapped out of it yet?"
"Guys," I interrupted them. "Who's going to Krystal's party tommorow? Or rather her parents party?"
"My mom got an invite in the mail," Jacob said.
"Well if you're all going find some answers there." They went quiet.
"That's a good idea. Should've thought of it sooner." Charles mused.
"Yeah before you threw me in the fucking lake!" Josh yells.
"All with good intentions buddy, all with good intentions."
Cheyenne's POV
"Are you ready?" I called to mom upstairs. "Dad said he'd be back soon!" We couldn't take Ava and Daniel to the party as they were too young so he dropped them off at Ms. Perkins. I promised Daniel I would bring him a treat back.
"I'm coming I'm coming!" She tottered down the stairs in her heels. "How do I look?"
"Like a twenties star."
Her hair was curled and pinned up, she had on sweeping silver dress and a sparkling pendant to match it. Not to mention the engagement ring that glittered on her finger.
Wow. I still couldn't believe it.
My mom and dad had been together for years and never once thought about getting married officially.
I guess things were really different this time.
Dad honked from outside and we both hurriedly grabbed our purses before leaving.
"I'm so excited," she gushed in the car. "A new year, a new start for all of us!"
"Me too honey," he held her hand over. Meanwhile I was rapidly texting Krystal on my phone.
K: where are u?!? Josh is here, I need backup, and Rosie isn't cutting it!
Me: we're on out way so calm down. Just wait for me up in your room or something
K: hurry
I tapped my foot impatiently as we drove to the party. When we pulled up to the gate my mother practically craned her neck out the window.
"Wow. They are sure loaded. I mean I always knew they were but damn."
Her mom went all out for this. The fountains were spewing up liquid gold water in a rhythmic pattern. Floating lanterns were placed around the permitter to add light. A huge clock was set up in the front yard just like Rosie had said, already counting down the minutes to New Years. Waiters and waitresses walked around serving drinks and food.
The gate was opened for us and we drove in. It was a struggle to find a parking spot. It seemed the whole town had come.
"This is very extravagant," my dad said opening moms door and helping her out. "I'm glad I wore my best suit."
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm gonna go find Krystal, see you guys later!" I dashed off before they could protest. Unfortunately I ran right into the last person I wanted to see.
"Sorry," Kimora rubbed her head where we had collided.
"It's cool. I should probably have been watching where I was going."
"Some party huh?" She gestured around.
"Yep. Very upperclass. What else could you expect from the richest people in town."
"Only the best," she smiled and I smiled back.
Then I remembered why we weren't friends anymore. And I think she noticed when my face shut down because hers fell.
"I should probably-"
"Hey," arms slid around my waist and I turned to see Sebastian.
Now I was starting to get frustrated.
"Hi," I wriggled from his grasp. "Listen I really have something important to do so I'll just catch up with you both later ok?"
He looked confused but before I could let myself feel bad I ran off.
Sorry but chicks before dicks.
Finally I made it upstairs to Krystal's room where Rosie was trying to calm her down.
"Breath with me," she instructed.
"Oh you're here!" She stood up. "This is like the worst! Josh and his football friends are here and they've been giving me the dirtiest looks all night! Benjamin even walked by me and said we're on to you, whatever that means. Plus I think Josh wanted to talk to me. Thing is, I don't wanna talk to him because it's over and we're done and-"
"Krystal you need to chill," I placed my hands on her shoulders.
"Think of the baby," Rosie advised.
"That's all I ever think about! What if that's what Josh wants to talk about?" She chewed on her manicure nervously.
"Get it together!" I slapped her face lightly. "You are Krystal Parker! Queen B and resident bitch! Are you gonna let these doofuses push you around? At your own party?"
"No," she said quietly. "No!" She repeated more loudly. "I'm not!"
"Good! Now get out there and show them whose boss!"
"I am!" She pounded her chest for emphasis. "Thanks babes." She kissed each of our cheeks.
"Rosie come help me down the stairs."
Rosie went to help her and I followed. Now that was solved I could enjoy the party more.
After apologizing to Sebastian for ditching him we talked and laughed for most of the night. I greeted his parents, and ironically his mom was wearing the new earrings she got for Christmas. They looked great on her.
I met Krystal's mom again and she was super friendly to me, never once mentioning how I used to work for her. Truthfully I think she forgot but either way it worked out for me. Her dad was a little more on the frigid side. A curt hello and that was it.
Kimora's parents greeted mine and Reese's which was more than a little awkward considering they didn't like either of us. At least they were good at pretending.
Kimora stuck to Reese's side like glue and every once in a while I would catch her staring at me.
Then at last it was time for the countdown. Everyone gathered on the front lawn.
Fireworks went off and the cheering reached a crescendo. I leaned up and Sebastian's lips met mine.
"I think I might be in love with you," I blurted when we pulled back.
Oh shit.
Did I really just say that? What if I scared him off?
Sebastian cupped my face in his hands. We were so close I could feel his breath fanning across my cheek.
"That's a shame because I know I'm in love with you."
I couldn't help it. My eyes watered. Just as we were about to kiss again there was screaming.
At first we dismissed it as crazy partygoers. Then it got more frantic and high pitched. The party went silent.
And I recognized who was screaming.
OMG I'm literally sitting here and grinning super evilly rn. 😈😈😈
You do not know how excited I was writing this chapter.
*strokes cat while I sit in the shadows, my face partially obscured*
Stay groovy✌️
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