*a year later*
Cheyenne's POV
"Guys it's packed outside," Sebastian reported. "I think they even had to bring out more chairs."
"This robe is itchy," Krystal complained. "Is it even one hundred percent cotton?"
I just smiled.
The entire graduating class was standing behind the large gymnasium before the ceremony. There were over a hundred people waiting.
"I'm so nervous," I rubbed my hands together.
"Don't be," Sebastian pulled me close. "I actually have something to give you. I was going to wait till after the ceremony but I think now is the perfect time."
"What is it?"
He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a ring box. I gasped.
"Before you say anything I'm not proposing to you," he chuckled. "Yet. It's a promise ring." He opened the box and my mouth fell open.
Inside was the a beautiful silver ring. It had one big diamond in the middle and the sides were carved with diamonds embedded in it. Inside the band were the engraved words, 'you have my heart.'
"Sebastian..." My eyes watered. "Oh my gosh..."
He took my hand and slipped it on my ring finger. "From the moment we first met I fell in love with you. We've been through so much together and we've still managed to pull through. You're the only one for me Cheyenne. No one else. And just like the ring says you have my heart. You've always had it. I'm giving you this ring because I promise to love you forever. I promise I'll be faithful. I promise that no matter how far apart we are I'll always come back to you. I promise I'll never leave you. I promise that one day I'll put a wedding ring on this finger. Because one day I want to marry you. I want to start a family with you. I love you Cheyenne Leigh Woods. Always and forever."
I was crying. I was crying so badly I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to see my way across the stage and accept my diploma.
"I didn't mean to make you cry," he wiped my eyes.
"How could I not?" I asked sniffling. "I love you so much."
"You guys," we turned to see Kimora, Krystal, and Rosie watching. All three were wiping tears from their eyes.
"That was beautiful," Rosie sobbed.
"Could you get any more cheesier man?" Charles said playfully to Sebastian. Benjamin shoved him.
"Don't listen to him. He's just salty because he's single."
"And you aren't?"
"I'm talking to someone right now."
"Where's Valentine by the way?" I asked Krystal after regaining my composure. Reese came up to her and slung an arm around her shoulder.
"He's with my mom," Reese answered. "Our families are sitting together somewhere in the middle."
"I can't believe he's already one," Krystal whined. "He's growing up way too fast."
Reese nodded his head in agreement. "Soon I'll have to give him the talk about the birds and bees."
"Like your parents gave you the talk?" Krystal rolled her eyes.
"Well mi amor, that's why we have a beautiful baby boy," he kissed her cheek and even though her face was put off I could see the small smile playing on her lips.
"It's time!" Kimora said excitedly.
Sebastian squeezed my hand.
"And now, introducing our graduating class of 2017!"
Kimora's POV
When they called us out I almost tripped over my own feet. I was so nervous, especially because I would be giving the valedictorian speech.
We had special seats in the front and I ended up in the middle of Cheyenne and Reese with Krystal on Reese's right and Sebastian on Cheyenne's left. Sebastian hadn't been lying. It was packed.
Principal Shaw stepped up to the microphone, most of the staff lined up behind him. "I would like to thank you all for attending this wondrous ceremony." There was loud applause.
"We have a few words from our teachers before our honored valedictorian speech."
Honestly I didn't really pay attention to what the teachers were saying. There were lots of words of appreciation and thank you's and blah blah but I just kept bouncing my leg up and down in anticipation.
"Now I would like to introduce this years senior valedictorian, Kimora Hyung!"
Enthusiastic clapping ensued and I heard my parents cheering loudly. Cheyenne gave me a thumbs up and I climbed up the steps to the makeshift stage. Principal Shaw stepped back from the microphone and I cleared my throat.
"Um good afternoon my fellow graduates," I started. "And esteemed faculty members and parents. And anyone else who bothered to show up."
There was some laughing and I gained more confidence.
"I actually didn't prepare a speech because every other valedictorian before me has done so and they're always so long and boring. Go to college, get your degree, blah blah blah." More laughter.
"Well I'm not here to tell you any of that. Because the truth is college isn't for everyone. Some of the most famous people in the world didn't go to college. And I'm not putting down college here or anything, believe me. College is a great experience. No, what I'm here to tell you is reality. And the reality is after high school many of us our lost. I bet some of you are sitting here right now and have no idea what you want to do after this. Well that's ok.
I paused.
"We love. We hate. We make mistakes. We mess up. We get hurt. We hurt others. We fall and we rise. We grow and we learn. We are perfectly imperfect. And that's ok. It's ok because it's important we experience these things to treasure what we have and know what we want. Sometimes it's not about what you grow up and do. It's about who you grow up and become. And I know after this I want to go out there and become a great person. And if that's the only plan I have for now then so be it. So my message to you is: be happy. Go out there and do what makes you happy. And I promise you, when you find happiness the rest follows. Thank you all."
Thunderous applause followed and I grinned.
"You were great!" Cheyenne stood up to give me a hug after I returned to my seat.
Reese's POV
It felt great walking across the stage and receiving my diploma. I really felt like I had accomplished something and I knew Valentino was proud.
I was proud of me too.
"Look there's daddy!" Krystal exclaimed holding Valentine as I approached them after the ceremony. "Say hi!"
Valentine smiled and stretched out his arms toward me. I lifted him up and brought his tummy to my face before blowing a raspberry. He laughed and clapped his tiny hands.
"I'm so proud of you mi hijo," my mom came up to me and crushed us both in a hug. "I never thought I'd see the day!"
"You are definitely my child," my father agreed.
"And you too Krystal," my mom turned to her.
"Oh I love you so much!" Krystal's mom squeezed her in a hug.
"Mom I can't breathe!"
"I'm sorry honey it's just that you've come so far!" She blew her nose dramatically. "I mean you're going to college!"
Krystal had been accepted to a local college in the next town. She was so happy when she'd gotten the acceptance letter. The both of us were going to move into a small apartment together using the money I had saved up working at Taco Taco and doing odd jobs. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet besides work but Kimora's speech left me knowing that whatever I did I would do it because it made me happy.
"Let me hold Valentine!" Rosie flitted over to us, her cap askew.
I handed him off to Rosie and continued to accept congratulations from everyone as well as take photos.
"Hey," Sebastian came up to me.
"Sup. I heard you got accepted into Stanford on a football scholarship?"
"Congratulations man," we hugged and I clapped him on the back.
"Thanks. I'm really excited. I could actually get drafted onto an NFL team."
"I hope you do. So what's going to happen with you and Cheyenne?"
Sebastian's smile dimmed slightly. Cheyenne had been accepted into Southern New Hampshire university and it didn't take a genius to know how far that was away from Stanford. It wasn't even in California!
"It's going to be hard," Sebastian admitted. "I know there are statistics against long distance relationships. The odds aren't really in our favor. But I know we can make this work. And it won't be forever either. Plus I'll always fly out to visit her when I can and vice versa. Not to mention phone calls and skype."
"I wish the best for the both of you."
"Thanks man. That means a lot."
Next Kimora came up to me squealing.
"My parents just bought me my first plane ticket as my graduation gift!"
"To where?"
I whistled. "So your dream is coming true huh?"
"Yes! I even have a whole organized list of where I want to go, what I'm going to do..."
"I'm really happy for you Kimora," I smiled.
"Thanks," her eyes got glassy. "I can't believe high school is over."
"Me too," I sighed. "But now life is just beginning."
Sebastian's POV
Have I told you how much I hate pictures?
Well graduation requires a lot of them. And Haley was eating it up.
"Another one!"
"Hales this is the hundredth one you've taken!" I groaned.
"I know but you and Cheyenne are so cute! You're my otp!"
"What the hell is that?"
"One true pair. Now smile!"
Cheyenne leaned up to kiss my cheek and the camera flashed.
"Congratulations son," dad said. "I know your mother would be proud."
"Thanks," I felt a tiny pang into heart.
"OMG IS THAT A WEDDING RING!" Haley screeched grabbing Cheyenne's hand. "IT IS!"
"It's a promise ring," Cheyenne corrected her chuckling.
"Same thing!"
"Stanford, Stanford, Stanford!" Charles came up to me chanting. He too had been accepted into the prestigious school on a football scholarship. "It's gonna be lit! Football and frat parties! Oh and of course my education too."
I shook my head at him.
"Make sure you keep him in line," Cheyenne smacked me upside the head.
"Yes ma'm!" He saluted her. "I'll be keeping a very close eye on this one," he put an arm around my shoulder grinning.
I shrugged him off. "Shouldn't someone be babysitting you?"
"Nah man I got me."
I rolled my eyes just as Benjamin, Jacob, and Josh joined us.
"Washington huh?" I raised a brow at Jacob.
"Yep. Meet your new future president."
"I hope not!" Josh groaned. "Or we're all fucked."
"Shut the hell up!"
They continued to argue while Benjamin engaged Cheyenne in a civil conversation. Haley came up to me and hugged me.
"I love you Sebby."
"I love you too Hales."
Krystal's POV
Somewhere between all the greetings and congratulations I had slipped off my heels and went barefoot. We were on the grass anyway.
I was so excited to be moving in with Reese and Valentine. I felt like a real independent woman. Not to mention I was going to college! Granted I didn't know what I wanted to major in just yet but for now I would focus on getting my general education courses out of the way.
I mean even Rosie was going to college! If she could do it anyone could.
I was holding Valentine and standing next to Reese while he talked to someone when I spotted Josh a little off in the distance. We hadn't talked since that horrible day junior year. I made a split second decision.
"Reese." I got his attention.
"Can you take Valentine for a sec? I wanted to go talk to Josh."
He smiled. "Sure. Just be careful ok?"
"I will. I know you'll beat him up if he tries anything."
"You bet your ass I will."
I approached Josh and he didn't see me until he last second.
"Hey Krystal," he said awkwardly. "How are you?"
"I'm great! How about you?"
"I'm good."
"I'm happy to hear that." It got quiet and he shifted his feet.
"Listen Josh I'm really sorry about how things went down between us. I never got the chance to apologize to you and you deserved to hear one from me. What I did to you what messed up."
"I'm not gonna lie you really hurt me Krystal. Badly. I was so angry at you. I loved you and you spat it back in my face."
"I know and I'm sorry," I looked him in the eye. "I'm so sorry and I know my apologize can't fix what happened but I wanted you to know anyway."
He gave me a small smile. "Thanks Krystal. I really appreciate this. Let's just put that behind us and move forward."
I sighed in relief, finally feeling the last of my burdens lifted off my shoulder. "I truly wish you all the happiness in the world."
We hugged and that was that. I closed that chapter of my life for good.
Afterwards Cheyenne, Kimora, Rosie, Sebastian, Reese, and I's family gathered for a last round of photos.
"Can't forget Valentine!" My mom trilled handing him to me. Reese and I held him between us, Rosie stood to the side holding up a peace sign and grinning, Sebastian and Cheyenne had their arms wrapped around each other and Kimora squatted in front of us holding up prayer hands.
"Say happy graduation!"
"Happy Graduation!"
Turn to the next chapter for important info!!!!!!
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