Chapter 32: Distance
Kimora's POV
"Hi my name is Caroline and I will be the group leader during our time here!" Caroline clapped, her ponytail swinging. Her smile was so wide it had to be fake.
I looked around at the people surrounding me. There was a Brittney Spears wannabe, a Marilyn Manson, some k-pop looking junkie, a girl who should lay off the pizza and start eating some damn salads, a guy who looked like Dexter from Dexters Laboratory, and finally another guy who needed to learn the definition of a shower.
What a lovely group we were.
Caroline clapped again, the sound grating on my nerves. "So let's all go around in a circle and say our names and why we're here! We'll start with you." She pointed at Britney Spears.
"My name is Ashley and I'm here because I'm a kleptomaniac," she grinned at us proudly.
Marilyn Manson went next. "My name has no meaning," he paused. "So you can just call me darkness. And I'm here because I think life is pointless. We should all just kill ourselves."
The room went silent. I could tell Caroline was straining to keep her smile in place.
Clearly he needed to be in a mental ward, not a group program.
The k-pop girl cleared her throat. "I'm Lucy and I'm here because my parents think my obsession with k-pop is unhealthy. But it's totally not! I mean k-pop is totally kawaii right?" She threw up a peace sign and grinned at us.
"My name is Ramona," said the pizza girl, "and I'm here because my parents think I have an eating disorder."
"Shouldn't you be at like, a psychiatrist?" Ashley asked.
Ramona scratched her stomach. "I guess, I don't really know. I just like to eat."
"Ok lovely, moving on," Caroline clapped.
"My-my n-name is C-cody," Dexter stuttered. "A-and I'm h-here b-b-because my p-parents t-t-think I'm a-anti-s-social."
I resisted the urge to slam my head against the wall. He was going to piss me off, badly.
"My name is Rad and I don't even know why I'm here," the guy who looked like he didn't take a shower spoke.
"You don't know why you're here?" Caroline tilted her head.
"Nope," he shook his head vigorously.
Caroline squinted at him. "Are you stoned?"
He blinked. "Uhhhh no?"
Forget a program, these people all CLEARY needed Jesus.
She rubbed her temples and turned to me. "Alright, your turn."
Everyone looked at me. I rolled my eyes. "My name is Kimora and I'm here because my parents are fucking idiots and if I didn't come they threatened to send me to rehab."
Again the room went silent and I slumped down in my seat. I wish I was high like Rad.
"Alrighty!" Caroline's fake smile came back on. "How about a little get to know you game!"
"I thought we already did that?" I questioned.
"No we didn't," she said tightly with her smile in place. "Those were introductions. This is a game. And in this game we say one thing we like and dislike."
"I like food," Ramona piped up.
"Yeah we can tell," Ashley snapped. "Maybe you should learn to like vegetables and exercising too."
"What was that?" Ramona cupped a hand to her ear. "The jail called, they want their inmate back."
I snorted.
Cody kept twitching like a kid on crack, Lucy was singing the words to a song in what I could only assume was Japanese, and Rad was talking to the shelf next to him, patting it and calling it 'dude'.
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
Reese's POV
I was awoken from my sleep by a large hand shaking me roughly.
"What the fuck?" I snapped sitting up and shoving the hand away. My dad stood over my bed with his arms crossed.
"Dad?" I said confused. "I thought you were leaving last night?"
"I was but I decided to postpone it. Your mother needs me right now. We all need each other during this difficult time."
"Right," I rubbed my eyes and yawned.
"Come downstairs. We need to talk."
The four words anyone dreads to hear. He left and I pulled on a pair of basketball shorts before stumbling half asleep downstairs. Samantha was nursing a cup of coffee and my mom was dabbing at her eyes with tissue.
"I know I've been a mess these past few days," she started in a shaky voice. "And I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize dear. We understand," dad rubbed her arm.
"I'm just really....upset, for a lack of a better word. I don't know where to start, what to say..." She trailed off to wipe her eyes. "I'm just a little lost right now."
"Been there," I muttered.
"Reese why- why would you keep this from us?"
"Are you seriously asking me that?" I glared at her.
"No you're right, that was inconsiderate of me. I can't imagine the trauma that you went through seeing...seeing..."
"You don't have to say it," I mumbled bitterly.
She breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you. I just wish things could have been different. But thank you for finally telling us. And there's probably a lot we all want to say but the truth is, I'd rather just leave these painful memories behind. It's been rough for all of us and I'm tired of rehashing and reliving it. We just have to accept what's happened and try to move on."
"So we're not even going to talk about this?" Samantha asked indignantly.
"No Samantha I'd rather not discuss in detail about when my son was murdered," mom said sharply and Samantha recoiled back as if slapped.
It was deathly silent. I'd never in all my years of living heard my mom speak so harshly to another person.
"Excuse me," she stood up and marched upstairs where we heard her room door slam shut.
Well. That could've gone better.
"So how was your group program?" I asked Kimora the next day at lunch.
"It was hilarious," she laughed. "One guy was stoned the entire time. Then there was this bitch Ashley but man she's a hoot. And don't get me started on darkness."
"Darkness?" I raised a brow.
"Yes can you believe it?" She snorted.
"So I'm guessing you're not mad at your parents anymore?"
"No I fucking love them!" She laughed again. "When I get home I'm going to thank them!"
"Ok..." I stole one of her French fries. Was it me or were they getting saltier?
"Hey how's your stomach?" I asked.
"It's bruised. Other than that fine," Kimora shrugged. "I'm not mad at you if you're wondering. I'm the one who wanted to fight. But hey, have you ever considered becoming a professional boxer?"
"Hell no," I chuckled.
"You could be like, the next Rocky Balboa or Muhammad Ali."
"They're legends Kimora. I'm just a regular guy who took some boxing lessons when I was younger."
"Just saying," she replied. "Oh what about-"
"No Kimora," I cut her off. "I will not try underground fighting."
"But all the bad boys in stories do it!" She whined.
"I'm not a bad boy. I'm just me. What the fuck is a bad boy anyway?"
"Forget it. How'd you know I was gonna say that in the first place?" She pouted.
"Because you're crazy."
"Pfft whatever," she stood up with her lunch tray. "Want the rest of my fries before I throw this away?"
"Yes please."
Sebastian's POV
"You have to leave your room eventually!" My dad called from outside my door.
"No I really don't!" I yelled back and turned up my music. I would probably go deaf after this.
Lately I've been listening to really angry music. Like right now for instance I was listening to Last Resort by Papa Roach. Everyone kept trying to get in contact with me. My phone was being blown up so much I had to shut it off. Haley and my dad had come by my room multiple times. But I didn't want to talk to anyone.
I just wanted to be alone.
Everyone has different ways of coping. This was mine. At first I thought maybe something was wrong with me because I hadn't cried yet. Everyone else had. Then I came to realize I couldn't cry because I had no tears to cry. I was still feeling numb.
I'm surprised the school didn't call but maybe they were sympathizing with me. Whatever the reason I hadn't been hassled about schoolwork and for that I was grateful.
I spent most of my time laying on the bed, laying on the floor, sleeping, or googling different ways to deal with loss. Reese had been right. The pain never did go away.
Around the seventh day of being locked in my room someone knocked.
"What part of the leave me alone sign on the door do you guys not understand!"
"It's me."
I sat up and turned off my music.
"Can I come in?" Cheyenne repeated.
Wordlessly I got up and opened the door. She stood with her hair thrown up in a curly ponytail and a container of Chinese takeout.
"I figured you probably haven't had a proper meal," she smiled slightly. "And it's your favorite. I told them to put in extra chow mein."
"Thanks," I muttered holding the door open for her. She stepped in and I closed it behind her.
"What're you doing here?" I asked taking the bag from her.
"Visiting you, duh. When was the last time you showered? And why is it so dark in here?" She opened the curtains letting in a stream of sunlight.
"I don't need you to babysit me," I spoke getting irritated. She turned to me.
"Is that what you think I'm doing? I'm not Sebastian. I'm just making sure you're ok."
"Well I'm fine," I snapped.
"Then how come you haven't been to school in a week?" She crossed her arms.
"My mom just died, why do you think!" I yelled.
"Ok I get it," she held up her hands.
"No you really don't. Just because your mom abandoned you then came back doesn't mean you understand how I feel." She flinched but I couldn't find it in me to feel bad.
"This isn't healthy Sebastian," she whispered.
I walked over to the door and opened it. "You can go now."
She squared her shoulders. "Fine. I'll be back though."
I rolled my eyes as she stepped out and slammed the door shut.
Why couldn't people just leave me alone?
Cheyenne's POV
After my less than great visit with Sebastian I went over to Krystal's to vent.
"So he kicked you out?" She questioned throwing back popcorn into her mouth. She was getting bigger and bigger as her due date approached.
"Yeah," I sighed taking some popcorn from the bag.
"Well that wasn't rude at all," she said sarcastically.
"I'm not mad at him. He's going through a lot. I get that."
"Still. He could've been more nice about it."
"He just needs time," I insisted.
She stared at me. "You really love him don't you?"
"Yes I really do. And when you love someone you don't just give up on them because they hit a hard patch in life."
"That's....true," she mused looking off into the distance. "You don't huh?"
"Yep. So I'm going to be there for him no matter what." I sat up determined.
"I really hope you can help him," she said sincerely.
"Me too Krystal. Me too."
I waited a few days again before going back over. He still hadn't come back to school nor answered anyone's calls or texts.
His dad opened the door.
"Hey Cheyenne," he rubbed his temples tiredly. "I was just about to step out."
"Oh. Do you want me to come back or..."
"No no come in."
I stepped inside and he grabbed his keys. "I'll be back soon."
He left and I took a deep breath preparing myself. I hadn't actually brought anything with me this time but I figured maybe we could just talk.
I slowly walked up the stairs and stood in front of his door. Loud music was blaring out.
Just knock. Why are you so nervous?
I gathered whatever courage I had left and knocked. No answer. I knocked again and again.
"What!" He shouted.
"Ummm Sebastian..." I trailed off.
The door swung open and he stood there glaring.
"Oh. You actually came back."
"Well yeah I said I would didn't I?"
"What do you want?" He asked curtly.
"Why don't you just cut the attitude?" I snapped.
"If I have such an attitude why are you even here?"
"Because I care about you!" I yelled. "Not just me but everyone! Your team cares about, your dad cares about you, Haley cares about you, we all fucking care except you!"
He ran a hand through his hair. "Did you just come to yell at me?"
"No I didn't. I'm sorry ok? Just let me be there for you. Let me help. You don't have to go through this alone."
"Do you really wanna help me Cheyenne?"
"Yes," I replied exasperated.
"Then you and everyone else can kindly fuck off."
He then slammed the door in my face.
I blinked.
"Fuck you too then!" I screamed. I stormed out of the house and slid down against the front door, tears streaming down my face.
Why did it feel like I was losing him?
Krystal's POV
"I just want to have the baby already!" I shouted frustrated. "Everything hurts! My feet look like balloons!"
"Breath with me," Rosie placed a hand on my arm. "In and out. Ahhh. Doesn't that feel better?"
"NO!" I shrieked.
"There's a party tomorrow night. How about you come. It might make you feel better."
"Well when you say it like that it does sound pretty stupid."
"Just get out."
"Kay. Call if you need me!"
After she left I screamed and threw a shoe at the door. I was surrounded by idiots.
I turned off the lights and settled down with a bowl of barbecue corn nutz for the night. There wasn't really anything good on Netflix so I scrolled through Instagram. Stupid pretty girls with their skinny bodies while I was over here like a whale.
Then I was crying. Great.
"Hormones again?" Reese's voice came from my window. I was so used to him popping up out of nowhere I didn't even freak out anymore.
"Why do you even like me?" I sobbed. "I'm so fat and ugly! Look at me! I'm eating corn nutz! I hate corn nutz!"
"Krystal you're pregnant, it's normal to gain weight. You're eating for two."
"So! Doesn't make it any less disgusting!"
He laid down and pulled me close to him. "Krystal I don't like you just because of your looks. Believe me when I say looks don't mean a damn thing if you don't have just as beautiful a personality to match. I like everything about you, the good parts and the bad. I like that you accept me for me, even though I have more flaws than most people. I don't care if you're fat or skinny."
"You're just saying that to make me feel better," I sniffled.
"No Krystal I'm really not. If you can accept me then I can accept you."
I snuggled closer to him and he pulled the comforter over us. I yawned feeling super tired.
As I fell asleep in his arms I had a bad feeling. Call it a premonition.
Things were heading south.
Ahoy my lovely readers!
Wow, ships are sinking faster than the titanic
You're probably like ships? Ships as in multiple ships?
And all I have to say to that is: 😜
The countdown has started. Seven more chapters left!
Stay groovy✌️
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