And the prize for most stupid goes to.....
Chapter 1: And the prize for most stupid goes to....
Cheyenne's POV
This part of my life is called running.
Running really really fast.
Let's rewind shall we?
7:00 am
"Cheyenne get up now!"
The sound of a crying baby and a hyperactive brother reached my ears depriving me of any sort of peace. I had no choice but to get up, rub the sleep from my eyes, and face the day.
"I'm up I'm up!" I shouted back. My hands fumbled to open the blinds and I squinted at the bright burst of sunlight that flooded my room. The screaming and crying reached a crescendo. I threw open my room door and stomped into my baby sisters room. She was shaking the bars of her crib and wailing like a banshee.
I wanted to chuck her across the room. Instead, I reached inside the crib and gently picked her up, rubbing her back soothingly and singing softly to her. Eventually she quieted down. I sighed in relief.
"Cheyenne!" My mother hollered. "Get your sister and brother dressed for school."
What about me? I wanted to grumble. Do I get to get ready for school too?
I quickly changed Ava's diaper and set her back in the crib along with a pacifier and some toys. That should occupy her.
Now it was time to deal with my demon brother.
"Get dressed you little brat," I snapped entering his room to see him jumping on the bed.
"Never!" He ignored me and ran out of the room. I tackled him and dragged him back inside.
"Mommmmmmm!" He shrieked while I forced him into a shirt and pants. Ava started crying again and I suppressed a groan.
Why, why, why, was this my life?
Twenty minutes later I carried Ava and escorted my six year old brother Daniel into the kitchen.
"I need you to watch the kids tonight," My mom basically ordered while setting a bowl of sugary cereal in front of Daniel and fetching Ava a bottle.
"But-" I started to protest.
"I have another late night shift at the hospital. You have to babysit," My mothers eyes were dark and weary, her face tired and worn out. She didn't look like she'd been getting a wink of sleep.
"Fine," I agreed knowing I had no choice. I glanced at the clock. 7:50. Shit! I had ten minutes to get ready and arrive at school.
I cursed my dad for the umpteenth time as I dashed out of the house.
Krystal's POV
7:30 am
"And then she said that dress is so last season. So I said listen here bitch, your face is so last season. And then she was like...."
I barely heard Alexis as she rambled on and on. My palms were sweating. My legs were bouncing up and down. My heart was pounding and blood was rushing to my ears. The test sat heavily in my brand new Kate Spade bag, weighing my shoulders down like a pound of bricks. Any moment I feared I might barf all over my Juicy jumpsuit.
I abruptly stood up earning questioning looks from my friends.
"I have to go to the bathroom," I rushed out not waiting for a response. On the way I bumped into Josh.
"Hey baby," He said smiling at me sweetly. "Are you ok? You look really pale."
I could only stare at him like a deer caught in headlights. I was going to be sick, I was really going to be sick.
I pushed past him and ran into the girls bathroom emptying my stomachs content into the toilet. Afterwards I slumped against the stall wall, breathing heavily.
I couldn't do it.
I pulled out the test along with a lighter and set it aflame. Once it was all burned out I stood up and fixed my outfit in front of the mirror. I swiped on my Scandalous schoolgirl lipgloss and brushed my bright red hair, spraying mint in my mouth. I was rich. I was popular. I was gorgeous. My life was perfect.
Deny. Deny. Deny.
Josh was waiting for me outside the restroom.
"You ok?" He asked.
"Of course. Just some bad sushi was all. I swear I'm suing."
"Good," He pulled me in and placed a kiss on my forehead. Josh was the perfect boyfriend, a total sweetheart who cared about my every need and doted on me like my footman. We'd been dating since freshman year. I loved Josh. There was no question.
No question at all.
Reese's POV
11:23 am
"Pssssst. Pssst. Peanut butter cup."
"Don't call me that," I hissed.
"Well it's your name isn't it? Reese peanut butter cup?"
I turned to glare at a cheeky looking Kimora.
"Shouldn't you be taking notes and paying attention like a good little Asian daughter?"
Kimora rolled her eyes. "Shut up loser. Bothering you is much more entertaining."
"I bet your parents would beg to differ."
I loved to tease her about her strict Japanese parents who wouldn't accept anything less than perfection. It got under her skin more than any other insult I could dream of.
She scowled at me and returned to taking notes. I smiled, satisfied that I had won.
"Mr. Mendez," Mrs.Robinson, our chemistry teacher, stopped at my desk. "You need to cover those tattoos up."
"It's 95 degrees outside, what do you want me to wear, a long sleeve?"
"That's something you'll have to take up with Principal Shaw," She writes me a slip. I roll my eyes grabbing my stuff. Kimora shoots me a smug look.
In the Principals office I lean back in the chair waiting for him to speak up.
"Reese we have strict rules on tattoos. Yet you went ahead and got sleeves!"
"It was a spur of the moment decision."
"You'll have to cover them up."
"Do you want me to die of heatstroke?"
"Come on be reasonable!"
"Fine. Now get out of my office."
"Thank you sir," I salute him and stand up just as the lunch bell rings.
Sebastian's POV
"Josh my man," I slap his back and take a seat next to him at the center lunch table. "What's up?" We bump fists.
"Nothing much how about you?" He asks wrapping an arm around Krystal.
"Living the life," I grin, opening a can of soda. Krystal pulled on his shirtsleeve.
"Baby I'm so hungry," She whined. "Get me a sandwich."
"Yeah sure." He leaned down to kiss her and I mentally gagged. What did he see in her? She was a spoiled bitch.
I glared at her and she glared at me. One of her cronies caught her attention and she shot me one last venomous look before turning away.
Josh returned and handed Krystal her sandwich before sitting down, turning, and facing me.
"Summer breaks finally over. Can't say I'm too happy about it."
"Yeah," Josh agreed. "Junior year is gonna be tough."
"You trying out for football this year?"
"Hell yeah. Gotta enjoy these last two years before we get to the big leagues." I smiled. Josh and I eventually wanted to make NFL.
"Ugh what is that girl wearing?" Alexis's loud voice rang out. I turned to where she was looking and spotted that one chick, Chey something walk into the cafe. Her outfit looked ok to me, she had on black leggings with scuffed up converse and an oversized t-shirt.
"I know right, are those even clothes?"
"She probably got them from the dumpster." The girls laughed and I stood up, Josh following.
"I'll see you later Krystal," Josh says to her. She glances at him before nodding and turning back to her friends.
"Girls. Fun to hang with but a pain in the ass," He laughed as we made our exit. On the way out we bumped into Reese Mendez, who held the highest record for most broken hearts. I didn't see what the girls saw in him. Was it the tats? The brown curly hair? The fact he was a mix of both Brazilian and Puerto Rican? I heard it was the dimples and emerald green eyes that had girls falling at his feet.
"Sorry," He apologized and brushed past us.
Josh eyed him.
"You guys got beef or something?" I asked as we walked.
"I just don't trust the guy that's all."
"Me neither. Remember that party I threw last year? Zachary Linton brought this one girl up to my room to fuck her. He left for five minutes to grab a condom and when he came back she's sucking Reese's face off. Guy was gone for five minutes man!"
"I wouldn't trust him around my girl," Josh said.
"I wouldn't trust him around any girl."
Kimora's POV
12:14 pm
"Cheyenne there you are! Where were you this morning?"
"Late because I had to get my siblings ready," She spits out the word siblings. "And I'm stuck babysitting. Tonight. Again. God I hate my life," She rants and slams her tray down.
"Want me to come over?" I ask because that's what good friends do and I'm more than a good friend.
"Would you really?" She starts to smile.
"No." The voice belongs to Reese who plops down across from me.
"I wasn't talking to you."
"Too bad," He steals one of my fries and I lift my plastic spork.
"I will stab you."
"Go ahead. I dare you," He challenges me.
"Hello? Me!" Cheyenne snaps.
"Haven't you heard? The Reese show is in town," He smirks and a girl approaches him.
"Hi," She smiles brightly. "So after last night I was wondering if we could hang out?" Her voice trails off uncertainly.
My sympathies go out to this poor girl who was about to get her heart stomped on in
"Sorry it was a one time thing. But for what it's worth you've got a nice ass," He munches on my fries.
"Excuse me?" She splutters.
"No hablas Inglés? I said you were a one night stand. Ahora sal de mi cara."
"Fuck you," She storms off.
"Lo acabo de hacer. Anoche!" He calls out after her.
"You are a world class jerk," Cheyenne shakes her head at him.
"What can I say? The ladies love my Spanish accent," He purrs.
Why am I friends with these people again?
So what did you think? An introduction to our five main protagonists. Who's your favorite so far?
I'll be sticking to a strict update once a week schedule. Maybe twice or thrice if I feel like more than one chapter is ready.
Love y'all and stay groovy✌️
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