It was the night we were scheduled to leave. The moon was black and the sun set. Lubus had already dropped of the map. He had a planned flight shown in blue, places to avoid in red and places to rest in green. The scroll was quite old but still useable.We stood outside looking up at the sky. Ganjui came up next to me and said
"I miss home. The stars are beautiful . You can see the Galaxys of far away. I smiled. He wasn't making feel better about leaving but he tried and that made me happy. The door opened behind us and I turned to be tackled by Deja. She hung on to my neck. She gave me a pouch to store things in on my trip, adjusted to fit my dragon form and a setting to fit my human form. and said,
I'm going to miss you before backing away to give my mother her chance.
She handed me a box wrapped in blue and pink wrapping paper. Ot had a cute bow on top.
"You're Father wanted to save this till your 15th birthday but obviously that can't happen so go ahead and open it."
I pulled on the bow and it collapsed into ribbon.I then tore the wrapping and opened the box. I gasped and put my hand to my chest. I reached in the box and pulled out a Necklace with a heart shaped locket. The inside showed a picture of mom and dad as well as a picture of Deja and Ganjui. I put it on and smiled. I then cried and hugged mom. We stood till Ganjui said
"Hate to ruin your moment but we need to leave." I nodded and spread my wings. So did Ganjui.
"I'll miss you two" I said before flying off.
"I'll miss you to!" And "Ditto!" Came from behind and below as I flew away. I couldn't help but smile at "Ditto".
We had flown for a few hours now. The sun was peaking over the mountains so we decided to rest in a cave to our right. We both turned and swept down to the cave. It looked to be an ancient human cave because there were drawing that seemed to be made out of the pigment of the flowers that grew outside.I felt regenerated as the heat of the sun warmed the cave.I was tired from no sleep last night so soon enough I was in a slumber.
I woke up with halfway during the day. I looked back at Ganjui and he was still asleep. I looked to hime, to the cave opening and back again.
'Surly he wouldn't mind me hunting for a little bit. With that thought I left to go to the forest for signs of food. I came back with a stag. I had felt bad about killing it. But I had too. I made sure He was old and feeble. And I gave him a quick death then prayed for his soul before leaving. When I walked into the cave Ganjui was still waking up. I rolled my eyes.
"Why hello sleepy head."I said playfully."Lunch is served I said gesturing to the Stag.He got up stretched and lumbered over.We ate in silence. Afterwards i made a figure out of the clay that was just outside the cave. Ganjui just started to go back to sleep when I asked about his back story.
"Well" he said, "you better get
Comfortable"So I grabbed some vines and laid down.
"Let's start at the begging shall we? My egg was abandoned at the top of a mountain, a weird place right. Any way a strong wind blew it tumbling down the mountain and off a cliff. And my egg was about to crash on the ground when your mother came and saw my egg. She dove and caught me before I fell on the ground. She then examined my egg to check it for any sighs of life. She must've found one because she then took me back to the nursery where I was adopted once hatched. That why when she needed dragons to find you, I volunteered. Because it was the least I could for here saving my life."
"Wow"was all I could say. We then decided to rest till the sun set and continued our journey.
------1/2 a month later------
There it was. The ocean only a nights flight away, was dragon island, My home. Or soon to be home. It had been a long time since I left her recent home. I could have no contact to the outside world so she had left her phone in
moms care.My Mom. The one who raised me. The one who cared for me.The one who I loved. I cried. Ganjui brushed his wing gently against mine. I had forgotten he was even there. I wiped away my tears and slept close to Ganjui for warmth till night came. He gently put his wing around me as we slept. We woke up at sun set. We spread our wings and flew. It wasn't long before dragon island came into view. Except this didn't look like dragon island. The main island looked the same but there were many smaller islands around it, making it more of an Archipelago. I looked at Ganjui for an explanation.I got a shrug and a "Active underwater volcanos"
"Oh, that explains a lot."
i saw the red grasses and got so excited.
"Race ya!" I yelled pulling ahead of
"You're on!"he yelled as he followed.
He easily passed me and headed towards the ever growing island. I growled playfully and flew harder. I passed him and almost Crash-landed.
I waited for Ganjui to land then he looked forward and ducked his head.
I then noticed the crowd of dragons around me and who they were bowing too. I decided not to risk it and bowed to her to.
"Rise"she said and all the other dragons got up and continued staring at me and Ganjui.
"Could it be"the queen whispered"after all these years,you've made it back?"
"Yes I believe this to be Serine, you're lost daughter."Ganjui said not out of pride bit more scared to say it as if something bad would happen. The queen nodded.
"This calls for a celebration!"She declares."seawind come here!"
"Yes" a small, elderly dragon rasped.
"Tell the rest of the search that she is back and to come home Asap!"
He nodded.
"As for you,"she said turning to Ganjui
"For bringing my daughter back, I'll make you second in command, the only dragon you can't command is me and my Daughter"She said."you may also chose one piece of treasure from the royal treasury if you wish." Ganjui smiled wearily then nodded. I smiled at him. I could almost imagine the pressure on him. One wrong move and he would offend the reason he loved. I made my way to the castle with Mom and Ganjui ahead.
----the next week ---
All the search party had returned safely to home and the celebration was about to begin a feast was set on a table outside, big enough for all the dragons.
Mom escorted me out into the court yard The crowd cheered (I honestly think Ganjui was the loudest) till mom motioned for them to quiet. Once the crowd settled mom to ned to me and asked
"Serine, do you agree to accept the throne?to be a fair and caring queen. To protect all species under your domain?To care for all dragons and intelligent species.To Keep the peace and to keep the existence of dragons secret?" Imagine having to memorize all that!All I have I do is say
"I do"
At these words the crowd went wild.Me and Mom flew over and sat at the table beside Ganjui.
"Let the celebration begin!"mon said as dragon begun eating.
"""""Later that night""""""""
I walked into my room and collapsed on the goat skins. They smelled like chocolate and there were flowers strung through the curtains. 'I love this'
I thought as I closed my eyes. A few minutes later I opened them. I couldn't sleep. And I knew why. I walked down the corridor to Ganjui's room. He opened it then laid back down.
"Do you mind?"I asked
"Not at all"he said smiling he lifted his wing. I laid down in the curve of his wing as he lapped it over me. He soon fell asleep and so did I. But before falling asleep I couldn't help but feel like I had forgotten something.
There will be at least one more chapter so don't leave quite yet!😁😉😅
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