Part 4
The girls parents both threw the permission slips away so they could not go on that field trip so they were brainstorming ideas that way they could still go on the trip with the class to the fair of course too and they knew none were going to work and they were going to be staying behind which was going to totally stink cause they wanted to be apart of the field trip and if they had to stay back at the school it was not going to be a happy day at all
(Next day)
"Who has their permission slips?" The teacher asks the class as they came into the classroom that day and the girls were going to try to get another one if they could that way they could still go and hopefully the teacher gives it to them maybe and that way they could get it signed and they still could go on the field trip with the class to the fair cause they really did want to go to the fair and their parents were stopping them from going and that was not right at all either
The majority of the class turned in their slips and the ones who did not was going to turn it in before the trip and the two girls parents threw the permission slips in the trash so they were not going to be going on said field trip at all they were going to be staying at the school with the other kids and not having fun at all
"The ones who did not turn in their slip you have time before the trip to turn it in so no rush" the teacher says to the class as she was going to get the lesson started for the day
As the two weeks go on the ones who were going to turn in their permission slip forms did but the two girls did not cause the parents threw the slip away so the teacher was going to send something home to get their permission for the trip cause the teacher was not going to let them get left behind at all either for this trip if they were left behind the teacher was going to let it be cause that was the school policy for kids who didn't bring their permission slips for school trips is stay behind in the school in one of the kindergarten classrooms cause that was the punishment
"Girls I'm going to call your parents to see if they can sign it that way you girls can go cause you two are the only two who haven't turned in their permission slip for the trip, so I'm wondering if they throw them away cause you girls have been asking for new slips and I'm wondering if that's the case if it is I'm going to ask them if I send one more home s d if they sign it you girls can come on the field trip" the teacher says as she makes a phone call to the girls parents to ask about the permission slip form and if they did sign it or if it was thrown away on purpose cause when the school had open house earlier that month the parents didn't come but the girls did and that was heartbreaking to watch other kids parents come in while the other two were left out in the cold of course and that hurt her and some of the other parents as well too
The teacher made multiple phone calls to both sets of parents to see what could be done about the girls going along and it looks like they won't be going on the field trip with the other kids to the county fair that week and the parents said no to the girls going do they were going to be staying back with the kindergarten kids while their class goes to the county fair to see the animals and the exhibits as well as ride a ride maybe if they were lucky enough and if the rides were open when they went to the fair the teacher was extremely disappointed that they could not join their classmates on the field trip to the county fair
(Field trip day)
The girls came to school like they always do and they went to take their seats
"Girls you are going to be going across the hall to one of the kindergarten classrooms while we are away at the county fair" the teacher tells them cause she did not want to do this but she had to follow policy that the school has for kids who didn't turn in the permission slip for the field trip that the class was going on that day which wasn't right
More will be coming in time again next week definitely
New chapter next week maybe hopefully if the views are up more then what they are if not I'll add to this chapter to get the views up a lot more too but I may have to just to get the chapter up completely and it's finally going to be posted sometime when there isn't any ties either in my books sadly
Merry Christmas
Happy new year everyone
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