Chapter 1.
Sequel to the bond we form
James 15
Sarah 10
The King and Queen of Rogerteria and Romanavia were the definitions of perfection. Everyone around the world knew them, they changed their kingdoms only for the better. Their kingdoms were now the largest ones all over the world. Natasha and Steve Rogers have left their footsteps on this world.
And that was the problem.
James Grant Rogers, eldest son of Steve and Natasha Rogers. Older brother to Sarah Alianova Rogers. James was in line to take the crown. Named after the bravest soldier in the world. But how are you supposed to be a king when your parents are the best the world's ever seen.
That was the problem running through James's mind. He was standing beside his father, while his sister by his mother. They were addressing the kingdom, and as always their kingdom was entranced by their words, ready to applaud.
"People of my kingdom!" Steve announced. "I am happy to announce that the last of the pillagers surrounding our bay has been taken into custody this morning. The threats surrounding our nations have been solved." he looked at Natasha.
"My husband and I would personally like to thank you all for staying strong, and putting your belief in our military," Natasha said. "My family and I are throwing a ball in two nights time to celebrate our victory. We will invite our neighboring kingdoms, and we encourage you all to join us by celebrating all over town. Starting tonight, we will release a lantern in honor of those who have fallen." She held up a grey lantern that was decorated with a star on the front.
"Join us in celebrating those who save you all." Steve said. "The ball is open to all but we encourage welcoming our guest with uttermost respect by throwing a party in town, for those who would rather ignore royalty formalities."
"So expect to see me there," Natasha joked, causing a small laugh to erupt throughout the crowd. Steve gave his wife a look before looking back down at the engaged crowd.
"So join us, let's show the world how strong our kingdoms really are." Romanavia and Rogerteria were now connected, almost one. The king and queen decided that Sarah when the time has come, she will she take over Romanavia. The large oversea distance was hard to govern at the same time, however for the time being the castle was still taken care of by Nick and Tatiana, but obeyed the orders of Steve and Natasha.
James on the other was five years older, and his coming of age ceremony would come in only three years. He would take over Rogerteira, which was big shoes to fill.
The royal family went inside and began to be immediately pulled into a conversation by Sir Coulson but Steve stopped him before he could continue his message.
"Coulson I have told you, I wanna spend time with my family this evening. With King Stark and King Odison coming over we need to prepare for the ball and what better way than a family meeting."
"But sir there is an urgent matter dealing with the prisoner," He said giving Steve that look. Natasha could visibly stiffen but looked at her husband.
"Go, I think I can handle a ball, Steve," She smiled. Steve gave her an apologetic look before nodding.
"I will see you all at dinner then," He said giving his wife a kiss. Steve was then led out of the room down toward the dungeon. Natasha stayed with the kids leading them to the throne room.
"James you are being uncharactistly non-hyperverbal," Natasha said to her son. Sarah was the quiet one in the family, but lately, James has been beginning to take on that role. "What wrong?"
"Nothing is the matter mother, why do you ask such a question?" He tried his best to lie to his mother, but everyone knew it was practically impossible to lie to her.
"James, I am not your father, don't even try to lie to me," she said but James didn't reply. "Fine then. Sarah how was your evening."
"It was great mother, I had my lessons today," Sarah was one of the best horseback riders in the country, and despite her father's request, she was going to compete in a month. "Sam says that I am getting better and better by the minute." She exclaimed proudly. Their kids weren't the normal royals, because Steve and Natasha didn't want to raise spoiled kids.
"That is great Sarah," Her mother smiled. Sarah was only ten but her skills were outstanding and better than most people that are five times older than her.
"Thank you, mother. So do we have a guest list for the ball?" She asked. Balls were one of the few things to bring out Sarah's more outgoing side. That and of course riding.
" I got word your uncle is coming into town for the celebration, he is bringing your cousins as well." James couldn't help but smile, Copper was one of his best friends, despite him being three years older. Lila and Sarah got along very well as well. James and Francis were a few months apart, often butted heads but they friends.
"Really? He hasn't come by in such a long time!" Sarah exclaimed with a smile on her face.
"Make sure you hassle him about that," Natasha smirked. "Now come on, parties don't plan themselves."
"You can't keep requesting my presence, I have told you that I have a family, you do not control me as you did all those years ago," The king could be heard from down the hall as he spoke to the prisoner.
"Oh please, you can act all high and mighty but I know exactly who you are, and this king persona you have put on isn't true,"
"I suggest you stop, " He said. "Now speak before I leave you down here to enjoy the damp room and the company of the mice." he threatened to leave but the prisoner's desperation was beginning to come out.
"Okay fine. No one comes down here," The prisoner sighed. "You know I never wanted this life. I can't stand being ignored."
"If you are trying to argue for your freedom I suggest you stop now before I leave and never come back," Steve said, he voice left no room for any jokes.
"Always so serious. You can stand to lose that you know. Probably why your kids complain about you so often." Steve sent a glare towards the prisoner. "What? The guards love to gossip."
"What do you want?" He demanded. Finally, the prisoner sighed.
"I want a book." Now Steve was annoyed.
"Why did you call me down here? You could have asked the guards." Steve said, his voice was low and dark now.
"Because I knew that you understand the importance of a good book. What am I going to do with a book? Escape. Come on." Steve thought on it for a while. No harm could really come from this so he looked down at the prisoner before him.
"What is the book?"
"you can find it in your library. In the large wooden desk that holds Rogerteria commandments," Said the prisoner. "You will know when you see it," Steve nodded and began to take his leave. The prisoner watched as he left, a smirk forming on the wicket face.
"I have you right in the palm of my hand."
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