7. Awake
Pov Jimin
When I opened my eyes it was pretty dark outside. I moved my head a little to look around the room.
I am in the Hospital Wing. What happened that they had to bring me here? And why does my head hurt like hell?
I groaned as I sat up in the bed.
"Why am I here?" I asked as I saw Tae and Jin rushing to my bed.
"When you were going after the Snitch a Bludger hit you in the head and you fell off your broomstick." Jin explained.
"Then why aren't you wiping me off the floor? I was really high in the air. I couldn't possibly survive such a fall." I wondered.
They kept quit and just moved a little to the side revealing another bed with nobody else then Min Yoongi in it.
"W-What is he doing here? Did he got hit by a Bludger as well? Did he also fall off his broom?" The questions were coming out of my mouth like a waterfall and I had so many more. But I waited a bit to let them explain everything first.
"No Jimin... he didn't got hit by a Bludger. When you were falling off your broom he raced after you to catch you before you would hit the ground." Jin started.
"But why is he here then. I mean he must have caught me, right? Or else I wouldn't be here right now."
This is so confusing. Why did he even go after me? Normally he is just insulting me, but now they tell me he saved me?
"You see..... he couldn't reach you in time and that's why...." he hesitated to tell me.
"Why what? What happened? What did he do??? Please tell me already Jin" I begged him to answer me but he didn't looked like he wanted to tell me.
Tae sighed. "That's why he jumped off his broomstick." He finished Jin's sentence.
"He WHAT?" I couldn't believe my ears.
"He jumped off his broomstick to get a hold of you and turned you two in the air so that he hit the ground with his back and you would be save." Tae explained the rest.
I could just stare at unconcious body on the bed next to mine.
Why, Min Yoongi? Why would you Save me?
"Is he injured? Will he be alright? Why would he do such a thing?" I let the waterfall break free.
"Calm down Jimin. Everything will be alright. He will be alright. He had some broken bones, but Madam Pomfrey healed him. We are just waiting for him zu wake up again." Tae said, hugging me tightly.
I started to sob into his shoulder. "But why would he risk getting himself hurt just to save me??"
Jin sighed. "If we only knew that. We are just as confused at his actions as you. But stop crying now Chim. Everything is fine now."
I sobbed even harder. "Nothing is fine. He risked his life for me. Why? Why would he do that when he hates me so much?"
Jin came closer now too. Taking Tae and me in a hug, holding us tight.
We just sat there for a while and I enjoyed the warmth of my two best friends. Forgetting my worries for a moment.
But after a while they eventually had to let go and leave since it was already very late. I had to stay in the Hospital Wing for the night so that Madam Pomfrey could be sure everything was alright.
I laid down on the bed and tried to sleep. I rolled around and changed my position for what felt like 1000 times, but I couldn't sleep. I could only think about Min Yoongi.
I turned around to look at the bed next to me where he was laying.
Lifeless. Not even moving an inch.
His body was covered in moonlight. Making his skin look even paler then usual.
If you see him like that you would think he is dead. His skin is so pale and it also looks so soft.
I couldn't stop staring at his sleeping face. He looked so peaceful and fragile...
Woooow slow down a second Park Jimin. What the hell are you even thinking.
I instantly rolled back over to face the wall on the other side of my bed again.
Why would I think about such a thing, he is just a mean asshole. But his skin surely looks soft and I really wanna touc-..... No!!!
My head got hit by a Bludger. Yeah that's why I'm thinking all this stupid stuff. I still can't think straight because I got hit.
I let out a loud sigh.
I should really go to sleep now. My thoughts are getting crazier at the second.
I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to dreamland.
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