39. You Stole My Heart
Pov Yoongi
Christmas came and everyone went home to their families except for Jimin and me.
The past two weeks we became pretty close friends. Our group used to hang out nearly every evening after classes and we got to know each other better.
I was actually sad that they wouldn't be here during the holidays.
But since Jimin stayed too I wasn't feeling alone at all.
We would meet up everyday and do something together. I really enjoyed his company.
Yesterday we played a game of Quidditch, just the two of us and the Golden Snitch.
He won. (Because I let him of course!)
I took the snitch with me after we finished playing and hid it under my pillow. The night afterwards I kept staring at it and couldn't stop thinking of the precious little Seeker that stole my heart.
I realized that I had feelings for him a while ago, but I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to accept my feelings and I tried to get rid of them, but I couldn't.
The little angel with those beautiful plump lips just wouldn't leave me alone, and after we started to hang out as a group again, I couldn't deny it any longer.
I, Min Yoongi, fell for Park Jimin.
If someone told this to me a year ago I would have tortured him in the worst way possible.
But here I was now. Helplessly in love with the cute mochi.
I have to tell him. Even if he doesn't feel the same, he has the right to know. I just hope we can still be friends afterwards.
I sighed and scratched the back of my neck while trying to come up with a plan how I could to tell him.
"Hey Hyung." I suddenly heard next to me and it caused me to look up.
Jimin was standing there, smiling brightly so that his eyes nearly disappeared.
'Isn't he the most adorable creature that ever walked on earth?' I thought and smiled back at him.
"Hey Rice cake. What are you up to?" I asked him.
"N-Nothing really. I was just looking for you to ask if you want to come along. I was about to go to Hogsmeat." He answered and it looked like he blushed a little.
"Yeah sure. Let's go." I said and stood up from bench I was previously sitting on.
The way there was silent, but it wasn't awkward. It was a pleasant silence. We just enjoyed each others company.
In Hogsmeat I got myself some Butter Toffees from Honeydukes while Jimin disappeared for a while to who knows where.
We met up again and went to the Three Broomsticks to get some butterbeers.
It didn't happen anything special but I really enjoyed the day with Jimin.
We even managed to find our way back this time.
This evening I laid in my bed and thought about what I could get Jimin for christmas. I knew it was a little late, it was already the 23rd December, but I wanted to get something for him.
I struggled a bit to come up with something, but then I got an idea.
I would only need to wrap it as a present tomorrow.
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