34. Soft Pillow
Pov Yoongi
When I woke up I felt something warm next to me.
I didn't want to stand up yet so took the something into my arms and pulled it closer to my chest and onto my lap.
So warm. What a nice feeling. What is that? Can I keep it?
I was still sleepy and since Professor Flitwick didn't seem to come back soon, I went back to sleep.
Pov Jimin
I opened my eyes and yawned.
I didn't sleep this well in a long time.
Then I remembered that I was still in the classroom with Yoongi and my head shot up.
I looked at the boy next to me. He pulled me closer when I was sleeping so I was now sitting on his lap.
He is more comfortable then my bed in the dorms. I wish we could sleep like this more often.
I snuggled my head back into bis chest and let out a pleasant sigh.
"This is too good to be true." I thought and closed my eyes again.
After a while I felt Yoongi move. He must have woken up.
I decided to pretend as if I was still asleep so that I could enjoy this for a little longer.
But then he started to stroke my hair.
It shocked me. I never expected Min Yoongi to do such a thing. But it felt so good and I melted under his touch.
"Why are you doing this to me Park Jimin?" He suddenly whispered. "I want to hate you and yet you are laying here in my arms and I never want to let go of you ever again."
I listened to him and I wanted to hug him and tell him that he doesn't has to let go and that he should hold me forever. But I couldn't say anything or move at all. I was frozen from the shock.
"I know this is stupid and I will only end up getting hurt again." He continued in a low voice. "But when I see you like this I feel like I have to protect you at all cost. What did you do to me that I just can't hate you?"
I still couldn't move a muscle and just repeated his words in my head over and over again. And then he...
...kissed me. He kissed my forehead?!?! And why is my heart racing like that?
While I was thinking about everything I didn't even realise that he carefully put me down and stood up to leave the room.
I laid there like this for another 5 minutes until I was able to move again. I looked around me and had to realise that Yoongi really left.
Then I noticed a little note on the desk in front of me which said that he went to search for Professor Flitwick.
I looked back at the bench I was laying on and saw a green and silver scarf.
He really left it here so that I could rest my head on it and it would be more comfortable for me?
Min Yoongi you truly are an angel.
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