29. Struggle
Pov Jimin
Was all that really true? Is he my mysterious train guy? How could I forget him? I understand why he hates me now. I always thought he had no valid reasons to hate me, but he has the best! Just hearing everything from his perspective made me feel disgusted of myself. How could I ever hate him?
"Chim please stop crying." Tae said and hugged me a little tighter then before. "He had no right to treat you that way. He is just an assho-"
"He had every right to do that! He has every right to hate me! Didn't you hear what I did to him?" I cried harder. "I totally understand him! I don't deserve to be his friend."
"Don't say something like that Chim." Jin said as he looked at me with a sad face. "You don't deserve any of that! You are an amazing and kind person. I am sure he didn't mean what he said today."
"You really think so?" I sniffled.
"Yes. And I am also sure that he will change his mind. If he is so important to you I will help you become friends with him again." Jin explained.
"Me too." Tae stated and smiled at me softly.
I am so lucky to have friends like that. If I were them I wouldn't want to be my friend anymore. I would be just disgusted.
"Thank you so much guys." I said, eyes still watery. "For everything."
"You don't have to thank us Chim. It's natural. That's what friends are there for." Jin said and ruffled my hair.
I almost started crying again, out of happiness this time.
"You are the best friends I could ever imagine. I love you guys" I sniffled and hugged them again.
"We love you to Chim, so please stop crying now. Ok?"
I nodded my head and smiled at them brightly as I moved back a little.
"And now tell us since when Yoongi became so important to you that you nearly drowned us in your tears." Tae smirked at me.
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