16. Pigs and Hags
Pov Yoongi
I laid my head against the tree. I enjoyed the warmth of the boy who was pressed against me, even though I would never admit it.
I looked down at him to see that he was asleep.
How can he even fall asleep here?
He looks so small, so fragile all cuddled up against me. It makes me want to protect him. But why? I never felt the need to protect anyone like I have when I look at the sleeping boy in my arms.
I just admired him for a moment. How his small hand rested on my chest. His cute face snuggled into my shoulder. These perfect plump lips slightly agape.
Then I remembered the reason why I hated him so much.
I was nothing in his eyes. He didn't care for me at all. He showed that clearly when we first came to Hogwarts.
I felt sad and angry remembering that day and it made me even more furious since I really enjoyed holding him like that.
But that can never happen again. He will just be the asshole he always was.
Then I heard footsteps coming our way, so I woke Jimin up. Well I tried at least.
"Go away Jin. 5 more minutes. It's just so comfy right now." He mumbled, still half asleep. Grabbing onto my hoodie tighter.
But I had to wake him up since we had to get back to the castle. It must already be past bedtime and when someone sees us we would definitly get detention.
I mean if it was Professor Snape who caught us I would be okay. But Jimin would get detention either way.
I shook him a little but he still didn't want to wake up.
I sighed and took him into my arms.
"What a pain in the ass" I thought but smiled to myself.
I carried him bridal style as I followed the group of people back to the castle.
When we were back inside I silently walked to the Gryffindor dorms.
But when we arrived there, I didn't get any further....
Because that stupid fat Lady didn't let me enter.
"Please. Just let me put him in there. I am going to be out again in less then a minute." I tried again.
"No. I am not letting you inside without the password." The ugly hag said for the 1000th time.
How do I murder a painting?
I was getting really angry. Pacing around in front of the portait. Not knowing what to do. I mean, I can't possibly leave him here, sleeping on the floor.
"Can you stop that?" That pig in a dress said annoyed.
"Can you stop being such a bitch and let me inside to bring him to bed?" I spat out.
She just glared at me. "No."
This isn't going anywhere.
I groaned as I sat down. "How annoying." I thought.
I leaned my back against the wall, pulled Jimin closer to me and placed his head on my lap.
I am so going to regret that in the morning.
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