Names, Dresses, and Little Booties
When Error awoke it took him a moment to realize that what happened before was not a fever dream. How he came to that conclusion? Well, it was hard to ignore the proof sitting inside his rib cage for him to feel and see as the Sans of this AU refuses to let go if his rib.
The two little bones were still curled up in his rib cage, scarf and magic keeping them warm as it started snowing. Error could still not believe that he was in this position. 'I just jumped into the Void to die-the only thing that could kill anyone but apparently not because I am sure I am alive right now-and what happens? I get two little tag along's for the night! The kind that I can't just up and leave because I am one weak fuck!' Error silently grumbled to himself as he berated himself, crawly at the chips on his check making more of his skull chip off, not paying any attention to the older baby bones that was waking up.
One had never felt so rested before. Feeling the warm, but slightly jumpy magic, wrap around him in a protective embrace along with the arms around him he could safely say he never wanted to move or wake up. But as he felt Two shift, memories smacked him in the face. Sockets quickly opened to see red and black bones. His SOUL calmed when he remembered what had happened last night, meeting the tall, strange Monster who gave them the fluffy cloth.
Looking up, One shifted so that his head popped out slightly to look at the other. Seeing all the marks all along the darker one's body made One feel confused but safe. While he wondered how he got all these marks, he knew that this Monster would understand them. "...Safe...."
Error, after finally coming back to reality, stilled his hand and glanced down meeting white eyes head on. "i StILl ThINk ThErE aRE SaFER PlAcES, BUt We'LL dEaL WIth THaT LATEr." Error muttered to himself before speaking up more so the other can hear him. "WeLL THeN KId, SInCE YOu SlEPt InSiDE MY RiBS i ThINk WE nEEd To KnOW eAcH oTHeRs NamES. dO YOu GoT a NAme?" Error added on the question as a second thought. It all mattered what type of AU he was in if they had a name. Then he had to find out if this AU is a messed up as Horrotale or more like Underfell. There was no way he was going into town only for someone to try and mug him or kill him. Error was not in the mood to fight them off.
"Project One." One stated factually and blandly before shifting the baby who was now starting to wake up. "Project Two."
'I hate it when I am right about something.' Error sighed, hesitating before cuddling both closer. His glitching worsting before settling after a few moments. "ThAT WoN'T DO. dO YoU WaNT DifFReNt NamES?"
One's sockets widened in awe. "I...can have a name? Two too?" One was just a experiment, not worthy of a real name. The doctors made that fact known very early on. When he and Two were cuddled closer, One held back tears. He had never been given such mercy. This Monster really did understand!
"YeS." Error took in a deep breath, only to continue after One nodded in agreement. "SkElEtONs ARe UsuALlY NAmEd aFTEr FOnTS-" Error began to explain a little for their benefit. He was about to name then Sans and Papyrus as all the others are, but One interrupted before that could happen.
"What is your name?" One questioned swiftly, only to flinch back as if waiting to be hit. Error just calmly, and softly, went on. Not wanting the little one to have a panic attack. Error knew those were a pain and he didn't know if he could handle it right now if someone had one. Him or the little one's.
"i Am cAlLeD ErRoR. I Do nOT hAVE a FoNt NaME lIkE ThE REsT do." 'Not anymore at least.' Error finished in his mind. He doesn't even remember a time when he was called Sans anymore. Better to forget he ever was one by now, less hurt that way.
One had heard that word before, the doctors liked to say that word a lot when a test failed. 'Error, meaning something wrong...' Looking at Error, he could not find anything wrong with him. And he did not want a font name, for him or Two. That would mean sharing something with Him. Being like him. He would rather share something with Error. After all, those who are failures should stick together, right? "I like yours. No font. Please?"
Error couldn't help but choke a little. Their names were always Sans and Papyrus, with a few exceptions. But...'I no longer care for the balance. Ink can deal with it if he wants.' But Error also thought that these two deserve better names then something close to the word 'error'. It wasn't like he wanted to be called 'Error', but the name stuck. So he made it his own before all the anger faded, making the word 'Error' something to be feared all across the Multiverse. Something he has come to regret after so many went after his life and SOUL. Hating him when they wouldn't save him from his own madness. 'Even the name Blue and Orange would be better then mine!'
One only blinked when Error softly rubbed the top of his skull. "YoU dESErVe a BEtTEr NaMe THeN oNE cLoSE tO MiNE. ERrOr iS NOt A niCE NamE, i wAs namEd THat BecAuSe i Am a ERroR. I aM a GliTcH, SoMEtHIng WrONg." Error tried to explain as simply as he could that their were better names that one could have. "ThErE aRE bEttER ThIngS-"
"No!" Error held back a yelp when all of a sudden the little brat grabbed on to his rib a bit too hard. "Wanna name like yours!" One demanded with a pout, more confident when the other made no threatening movements after the first question.
"AnD wHy iS thAT?" Error questioned back. He did not see what the big deal was. If he doesn't wont a front name there are better things to be called then something close to the name 'Error'. "WHy iS THiS sO IMpoRtAnT?"
"You Safe. I...I wanna share with you!" A bright blue blush worked it's way up the smaller face much to Error's shock, One trying to explain why he wanted something like his name in his limited vocabulary. "Want to be mine and ours, not His....." A little sob broke out at the end.
Now how can Error say no to that? While he may not fully understand, he knew that if he persisted it would only make things worst. Error sighed, swiftly pulling both out of his shirt. Ignoring the pain and the little one's horrified face, Error brought the two back into his hold letting his magic wrap around them.
Error only went on after they both were relaxed. "FiNE yOU sTubbEReN BrAt. YoU cAN hAvE a NAme LikE MInE." Error thought for a moment, trying to think of something similar to his while One grinned up at him as he sniffed, showing that he was missing a tooth. Snorting, a funny thought went through his mind.
"NuLl." One, now Null, blinked up at him before Error turned his head to look at the now wide awake baby. "VoId. ToGeTHEr YoU aRE NulL aNd VOiD!" 'At least with their names being a pun and word play it should take some of the harshness off.'
Null gasped in delight at his new name while Void giggled when Error slowly stood with them still in his arms. Shifting them so that both were on one side of his arms, both of them looking up at Error in confusion while he did so. Error ignored and pushed back the pain to the back of his mind. 'I have to hide out for a while so Ink doesn't find me. But before that I'll find these two a home.' Error nodded to himself as he walked in the shadows, making sure no one saw him as he went further into the woods. 'That or I'll just dust whoever hurt them, whichever comes first really. After they have a nice home, I can go into hiding. Find myself a better way to finally die or disappear as the VOID and Death himself was useless in that regard, ironically.'
Looking down at his torn and shredded shirt and shorts, then glancing down at the black and white torn rags that the two boys wore, Error knew where to go first. Swiftly keeping to the shadows, Error headed to the dump. If anyone saw them they would only think the worst and then Gaster or whoever had the boys first would get them back, and that would mean the boys would have a less of a chance of getting a good home because he would have to dust a lot of other Monsters.
And if the dump doesn't have anything, then he'll just steal something for them all. It's not like he has any money on him and it has never really been a problem before. Error's mind immediately went back to one Underfell Sans kicking him in the ribs for taking his chocolate before he got to busy to eat, nearly breaking it in half. He took that back, it did cause him quite a few issues. But what else could he have done?
"CoME On BOyS, LeTs gO fINd OUrsElvES sOME cLOtHEs." Error muttered lowly at the two, who just curled closer to his body in answer, the scarf wrapped around the two of them tightly to keep the cold away.
-A Hour Later-
It was easy getting out of Sowdin, but in between Waterfall and Snowdin Error about said "fUck iT!" and pull out his blasters, even if he still felt too weak to do so, when he saw all the guards scrounging around, sniffing about for the two in his arms. But Error is not a fool, doing so would just cause problems. Also the two little ones looking up at him innocent eyes may have played a part in his decision. He really did not want to be the one to kill off whatever innocence they have left, he already has done that so many other times.
So after hiding the shadows for a while, and trying to keep Void quiet, Error was able to go into the dump. The dump is the best place to be so far, a lot of places to hid and items they need right in front of them. Now all they has to do was find said items.
Sitting down a clingy Null and Void, Error took a glance around the huge piles of trash. Null holding Void close made sure to stand as close as he could to Error. "StAY ClOSe, DoN'T wAnt YoU gEttInG lOSt hErE." And after Null nodded in agreement, the hunt was on.
Error first found a large, long strapped, black travel bag that had a lot of pockets in it. It had a lot of holes in it, but Error knew he could fix that up with his strings. And not to mention they would need something to keep all their items in. It also helped that it was dark in color as no questionable stains were showing up on it. So Error tossed it to where Null sat with Void, who was attentively watching both Error and Void, making sure neither get out of his sight.
After the bag Error found some old bottles that he could reuse after cleaning them up for Void, and he even found a sippy cup that was now a faded pink color. Or at least, Error thought it was light pink because it was faded. Tossing them into the pile, Error started digging bit further, trying to find some clothes for them but keeping a socket out for anything useful in the long run.
Null blinked when something shiny caught his eye in a pile of trash that was only a few feet away. Pooling the long scarf around Void to make sure he stays, Null went and started digging. His curious nature getting the best of him, and maybe it was something that could help them. With new found determination, Null worked a bit faster.
"FiNaLlY!" Error huffed triumphantly, lifting up something that one of them can wear. It was a long-sleeved dress with a tutu bottom that puffed out. The top was stripped blue and white and a blue bow around the middle. All in all, it looked like it would fit Null to Error. Sure the white strips are now yellow, and there were a few tears in the skirt part, but Error could make it work. 'I saw some children on the surface wearing these, so they should be safe....Right?' Tossing it in the keep pile, along with some little socks he found that had ruffles on the top, Error continued his hunt.
Soon after that he found some children's books and toys, a few cans of food that Error decided looked okay enough, a few articles of clothing that wouldn't fit any of them but kept so that he could bind his ribs, and then some clothing for him and Void. All in all it was the most productive hours that Error has done since he fell here.
Turning around, and nearly having a heart attack when he didn't see Null by Void only to find him digging around and pilling something in front of him, Error went to Void, who was trying to wiggle out of the scarf. "WhAT ArE YOu PlOTtinG yOU lItTlE TeRRoR?" Error asked suspiciously before he sat by him, pulling out his string so he can start doing a quick mend on the clothing.
Void looked up at the weird new Monster who gave him the soft thing. "UWHOOO~" Void cooed out, waving his hands out to be picked up. He wanted that warmth that the tall one gave out. The tall one just gave a small smile before handing him something soft. Rubbing his hands along it he couldn't help but squeal, this tall one is better then that other tall one! "AHOH~"
Error snorted at the sight of Void cuddling a teddy bear he found. It was missing it's ear and had no eyes, but it worked all the same for him. Turning his attention to Null, who was now looking inside a small plastic bucket that had a crack running down the side, Error cleared his throat. "NuLl! CoME HeRE!" He had just finished patching up the kids clothes. They may be a bit dirty, but anything is better then those rags on them in his opinion. "i FoUnD YoU SOmEtHInG TO wEaR."
Null huffed as he lifted the bucket, hulling it to where Error and Void sat. Null puffed out his chest after sitting the bucket in front of the dark skeleton. Error blinked lazily down at him before glancing inside of the little bucket. Then his eyes went wide, glitching slightly, then started to chuckle. To Null's shock, Error reached out and rubbed his skull more gently then he had ever been touched before. "GoOD JOb." 'Good Job?' Null had never had those words directed at him. His SOUL warmed, Null felt proud and he had no idea why.
Error wanted to laugh himself silly. Inside the bucket were gold coins. Apparently someone either hid there savings here or it has been here so long that no one knows about it. In any case it means that he doesn't have to steal food just yet for the little ones. Lifting up a yellow onesie, longed sleeves and having pants on it, Error looked to Void who was swinging the eyeless teddy bear around. "WeLL, lETs gEt YOu bOtH DrEssED."
Soon Null was swishing his dress this way and that, eyes stars and smiling in delight. The dress was a little to big, it falling off his shoulders slightly and it ending past his knees. The saving grace is that the socks are already dirty so it doesn't matter that he doesn't have any shoes. Void was waving around his 'new' red booties, that were a little too big for his feet, on his hands shrieking with laughter.
Grumbling as he called out his string once more, to the shock of Null who stopped still once he saw it, Error started to tear of the clothing that didn't fit to wrap around his ribs. Once that was done he took off his bloody and dusty shirt and shorts to put on a baggy black t-shirt and a pair of baggy sweat pants. Luckily his shoes were okay so he didn't need to worry about that. And he found a long, black trench coat and a pair of black gloves. So while he may look very different if others saw him, at least they won't see the scars and chips all along his body.
"Magic? You?"
Looking down with confusion, Error was met with Null's confused and worried face. "yEs, i HAvE mAgIC." Error stated simply before bending down, strings coming from his hands for the others to touch. Void immediately reached out and tugged at it, babbling inaudible words. Null reached out a hand, but stopped just before he touched them.
"...Bad?" Null asked hesitantly, little hand wavering just a inch away from the strings.
"ThEy CAn Be, BuT i WilL nOT hURt YoU WiTH ThEm." Error admitted with a shrug. There was no way he was going to lie about how dangerous they can be. There was no point in it.
With a glint in his eye, Null reached out quickly and grabbed on to the string. After a few moments of nothing bad happening, Null's eyes started to sparkle. Error huffed, trying to hide a smile that was wanting to come up. Null and Void babbled together, trying to understand how Error formed his strings.
In another part of this AU, a furious scream echoed across the halls. "WHERE ARE THEY!? FIND THEM NOW!"
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