One Helluva Day
They did it. They had finished the ninth mission for the day. The only reason they were doing three that day was because Loona accidentally scheduled three for the same day, forgetting that the thirty first of March existed.
Of course, Blitzo did nothing about it, leaving Millie and Moxxie, but mostly Moxxie, to suffer and pretend to be okay during the third mission, as they were already worn out from the fifth and sixth and more worn out after the seventh and eighth.
Even though they hid it well, Blitzo still knew. Hell, he was tired as well. As pissed as he was at Loona for messing up the dates, he couldn't blame her, as he treated Loona like a child when she was actually only a year younger than Moxxie, who was twenty two years old, and only two years younger than Blitzo and Millie, who were both twenty three.
Millie immediately fell onto the couch, which was very neatly placed by Moxxie in the meeting room, leaving Blitzo to, very weakly, slam himself onto a very sturdy table. Moxxie pretended to limp over to Millie and sit down next to her.
Millie was confused how her husband, who was the skinniest person any of them knew, was somehow not tired at all. He pretended to be, but Millie saw right through it. The only pain Moxxie was in was that he had to kill some families, which was emotionally damaging.
Blitzo was confused how Moxxie, who he knew was the most submissive and cowardly person he knew, was somehow not that phased by the several bloodbaths they had just gone through. He wanted to say something, but was too tired to do so. He also, obviously, saw through the disguise.
Loona wasn't confused how Moxxie wasn't tired or weak, as she was asleep and probably wouldn't give a shit in the first place.
There was a couple minutes of awkward silence before Stolas appeared suddenly. He was expecting to see only Blitzo, as it was five hours past the regular closing time, but instead saw Loona sleeping on the floor, Blitzo trying to grab for a sheet near the table he was laying on, and Millie and Moxxie laying on the couch.
Stolas wanted to ask questions, but decided to grab Blitzo, who gave up, and take him, leaving the two awake employees and the very asleep wolf to deal with their situation on their own. Millie was a little furious, but was less furious when Moxxie, still faking a limp, bridal carried Millie back to their home, which wasn't far from their workplace.
They eventually made it back after a couple of minutes and both dragged themselves to their shared king sized bed and fell asleep almost instantly. The day that wore them out terribly had finally passed.
Millie woke up first, as it was three hours past the usual opening time, which concerned her. She went to check her phone to see a message from Blitzo saying, "No work today", which she was hoping wasn't an evil April fools prank.
Even though it was one in the afternoon, Millie still decided to make breakfast, which was usually Moxxie's job, as he was the main cook in the house. Remembering what had happened yesterday, she decided to text Blitzo.
"i think something's up with Moxxie", she sent to Blitzo, who appeared to see it almost immediately and responded, "Yea, I must agree with u about dat". "wat should we do about it?", Millie asked, confused and worried.
"I have an idea!", Blitzo said, before instructing her to meet him at the office place. After walking over to the work place, still a little exhausted, Blitzo and Millie spent the next hour thinking about how to find out what was going on.
Eventually, they decided to wait until the next off day, which was the fifth of April, and spy on Moxxie to see what he would do during the day, as he was recently disappearing from four in the evening to six in the evening.
They were ready to start their plan.
While they were planning, Moxxie woke up, not tired or exhausted in the slightest. He got up and walked around his apartment, looking for Millie. He was unable to find her and instead found and unfinished breakfast, which he finished.
He ate half and saved the rest for his wife, before going to his phone to read the message Blitzo had sent to Millie copy pasted to him, which he didn't know. Moxxie walked outside and went to get some food, as they were running out of food.
While he went out, he saw a familiar face talking to a familiar voice in a back alleyway. His heart sank, as the two people were some of the most powerful people in all of Hell and they were hiding in an alleyway.
They didn't seem to notice him as he walked by, almost scared to death, and went to the market which was nearby. He saw an ad about a rehabilitation hotel and recognized two of the faces in the ad.
He felt bad about what he had done to them, but he couldn't go back now and he didn't want to go back now, as he was just fine where he was with his wife and with his job, even if he was in middle class when he could be one of the richest imps in all of Hell.
Memories seemed to haunt Moxxie this day, as, within the superstore, was the eyepatch girl from the ad and the owner of the hotel buying some groceries. Moxxie recognized her face and hid behind some shelves, not wanting them to notice him.
When they eventually got closer to him, he turned himself away from them and pulled up his hood. Luckily, they went straight past him and continued on with what they were doing. Moxxie quickly got his groceries and ran back to his apartment, the safest place he could run back to at that moment.
Charlie stopped Vaggie before they could check out and said, "Remember that weird hoodie guy who seemed nervous around us?". Vaggie responded, "Yeah?". Charlie then said, "He seems...oddly familiar and I can't explain why".
"Eh, I wouldn't think about it if I were you", Vaggie said. Charlie gleefully responded, "Okay then! On we go!", and they left. Vaggie was worried by the wording of what Charlie had said, but quickly ignored it.
The rest of the day was somehow crazier for Moxxie, as almost everyone from his past would appear on the radio, the television, hell, even in his pantry. All of his past was coming back to him and it made him very uncomfortable.
Luckily, or unluckily, for him, Millie returned back to the apartment almost an hour after Moxxie did. Moxxie, still pretending to limp, went over to get her part of the breakfast, which she ate with pleasure.
The rest of the day was fine, but Moxxie was still really nervous, still not prepared for the shit storm that was going to explode in his face just a mere four days from that day.
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