Chapter Four
He continued to shake the troll heavily. Wanting him to wake up now.
"Karkat... Brooooooooo,"
The troll shuffled opening his eyes slowly, grumbling,
"Shut the fuck up,"
He said rolling over. Dave sighed and grabbed him, so he would actually be facing the Strider.
He had a frown plastered on his face, eyebrows arched. He always looked angry. But something was off.
"Do you know where my shades are?" I questioned him, peeking through the hand slightly. The room was dark enough so a hand over his face would suffice.
"Do you know where my shades are?" Dave asked him. He somewhat stared at him. A semi smirk crept onto the trolls face. Then was quickly distorted to a stubborn frown.
"NO," Karkat lied.
The blonde scoffed, "Yeah like Im going to believe that hunky dory bullshit, tell me," he said looking slightly annoyed.
"Or you'll what? Cause Im not telling you where your ignorant sunglasses are if you can't use your own thinkpan to find them,"
Dave sighed. Sounding more frustrated and less chill.
He mumbled irritated, shuffling to the floor to look about almost blindly. Feeling around. Karkat almost laughed at the pathetic attempts to find the specs. Not even coming close to the hiding spot the troll had picked especially for them.
He thought he would tease him. "So, is that emotions I hear? Immolating off of you like a wave of feelings that Im sensing in one shitty swoop?"
The blonde scoffed continuing to grovel. "That's what I thought!" He humphed at his silence.
After five minutes of searching he gave up.
"What do you want?"
"Huh?" The trolled asked, "Im sorry I can't hear you over the fucks I don't give,"
"Do you want to go bro, cause Ill wrestle you like John Cena up in this bitch," he stated getting into a ridiculous looking pose.
One foot was lifted off the floor as his knee bent against his chest. He balanced on the other, his arms lifted in the air as if they were wings.
"John who? I only know your superior John Egbert. But I am superior to the both of you, so Im not uttering a word to your sullen human sound receptors," He replied to the blondes position.
And with that, the blinded Dave attacked. He leapt at him, the troll let out a screech in both shock and rage as he glomped him.
Dave forced the reluctant Cancer into straddling position, pinning his arms to either side of him. The coolkid kept a stoic glance as he sat upon the writhing troll. Trying to get him the hell off.
Stupid Dave and his stupid shades and his stupid face. Karkat growled, practically hissed at Dave,
In response Dave just raised a brow as Karkat wiggled around to move out from under him.
"IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY?! NOTHING!?" He tried to shove him off kicking him in the back with his legs. The sheets scattered about as he tried to escape.
"You done yet?" Dave inquired.
That IDIOT. Why can't he just go five fucking seconds without the gogdamns shades!
"Why do you need those STUPID glasses? They aren't even practical or even NEEDED!!" And Dave's poker face faltered at his asking.
"You may not know but I have a damn good reason for it- so just hand them over," he said. He wanted to be set free. You'd think that since he couldn't see anything that he'd be easier for you to get him off. It's not. He squirmed some more.
"Why are you so fucking heavy?!"
He knew exactly why. Karkat would feel ashamed to even think this right now. But he wasn't the strongest or even strong enough to push Dave off. I mean what did you expect. Dave was almost a whole damn foot taller than him. It was more likely he'd be heavier.
Soon Karkat gave up. Huffing in exasperation and frustration.
"Fine- you can have your shitty glasses- I will hand them to you if you WOULD GET OFF!" He said, the Strider got off. But still in uncomfortably close quarters. Karkat nodded off a brash blush- finally getting the idiot out of his personal bubble.
He went and reached behind his human sleeping matress and pulled them out. He handed them to him. The Strider nodded at him and went to put them on.
And at that moment. The troll made a split reaction. He quickly reached out and held the shade's from his face. The Strider had opened his eyes, thinking he was in the clear. He held his shades only an inch from being on his face. And there they stared at eachother.
And Karkat had no words to explain what he was seeing. Not even close.
Sorry for the short chapter. Just thought if I added more it would ruin this moment! But here you go!
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