Chapter One
Quick A/n. So this chapter is from Megumi's PoV. The PoV's will switch every chapter likely. Sorry it's short, the first few likely will be because it's getting a feel for the characters and a quick intro to them and their demons. Again thanks to anyone reading. And I don't think JJK readers or DS readers really care but mild swearing ig? So don't read if it bothers you.
It's been rough ever since my sister died, it happened a month ago. Around the same time I almost killed Yuji, since that day two new demons have shown up. I like naming my demons, it's easier to track them, Yuji tells me that's weird but I don't care too much about that. I have five...almost everyone has one or two, the most I've heard of someone having was an old man with ten. I'm fifteen with five, at this rate I might pass him.
With my five I have Shako, he's based around my fear of people so I named him after the word for social. Shi, she's from my sister's just means death. Gake, I almost died falling off a cliff, that one's name means cliff. Satsujin, but I usually call him Satsu. Someone tried to murder someone at my school and I got in the way, Satsujin means murder. Maho is my last one, he came from me almost killing Yuji with my powers. Maho means magic and my power is magical but I don't know how to use it fully. (a/n I used google translate for this, if you speak Japanese and I made any terrible mistakes please tell me T-T)
Currently I'm debating whether I should go visit Yuji or if I should go visit my wolves in the forest. I know I think of him a lot, it's because he's my only friend. I haven't seen him in a few days, I've been visiting him less since the incident, but recently I've befriended two wolves that live in the forest near my house. If I chose to visit Yuji he might make me come to the store with him. He wanted to go there and said it'd be today and he'd like me to go with him. No. I hear the voice in my head and sigh, there's Shako again. Why not? I think back, we can communicate with our demons when we want to.
Why do you think? Do you know what going to the store means? People. Ugh, I wish he would leave me alone. I'd be with Yuji though, he wouldn't let anything happen and he usually talks for me. It's still not safe. I have agreed to you seeing Yuji but I don't want you around other people. What if I go anyway? You know you can't actually stop me. WATCH ME. And with that he shot a burst of fear through me, demons can put thoughts and feelings into you when their methods of communication fail.
Seeing Yuji isn't an option, I need to go into the forest. Away from the people, far away from them. Why did I even want to go see him and go to the store with him in the first place? Shako was right all along. And with that I was running through the few streets separating my house from the forest. I could finally breathe properly once I was sitting at the base of the tree I usually find the wolves at. See? Isn't this better? It's safe here. You're right, I don't know why I wanted to see Yuji in the first place.
After resting for a few minutes the familiar faces showed, my two wolves. I haven't named them yet, I should soon. Maybe right now, maybe the white one could be called Miki after my sister's nickname and the black one Kenta. Are you starting to care about them? I hear the familiar voice of Shi. Shi hates it when I begin getting close or caring about people, because I risk losing them. It took so much convincing her before I was allowed to keep contact with Yuji. They're just wolves, I'd like to attempt training them. Please Shi, they'll be good protection for me and they're just animals. I can handle losing them. Fine, I guess it's no different than allowing you to have a pet. But be careful. I will.
Miki and Kenta were staring at me expectantly, the past few times I've visited them I brought treats. I didn't get a chance to because of the fear Shako put in me.
"Sorry guys...I forgot today," I apologize to them, Miki comes up and stares at me. For a moment I worry she'll hurt me but instead she lowers her head and allows me to softly pet her head. Kenta comes up for his turn after and I can't help but smile, they're sweet...I could use my power to catch them some- NO! Maho yells and I almost scream, backing up. You will not be doing that. Remember what happened last time you used your power? Maho then puts the image of Yuji backed against the wall looking terrified while I stood over him about to crack his head open with a heavy rock I'd levitated. Don't worry I won't...using my power isn't an option. I'll just bring them some leftovers later...
While I had my internal argument with Maho Miki had approached and laid her head in my lap. Kenta sat in front of us as if he was trying to protect me and Miki from the invisible danger. I pat Miki reassuringly and thanked Kenta for his protection. I wanted to spend the day with them but that's when my phone buzzed.
Yuj: Hey man, I'm bored :( wanna come over?
Me: I don't know..what do you want to do?
Yuj: I was thinking of heading to the mall.
Shit... No way. I don't want to go to the mall, it would mean being around people. Wait, why am I thinking like this? Yuji wouldn't let anything happen, it'd be fine. I can handle it. No, you're not going to the mall and that's final. You will stay in the forest with Miki and Kenta.
Yuj: No mall? That's fine, I can go later. How about you come over and we can play video games?
Still not good, is his family over? Yuji doesn't have a family, he stays with Gojo. His other friend. I don't want you around this 'Gojo' . I doubt it's safe.
Yuj: Megs? You there? Is everything okay?
Me: Sorry, I got distracted. Yeah I'm here...Uh is Gojo there?
Yuj: Nah, he's out for now. I'm not sure when he'll be back but I'll have him text before he gets home so you can leave if you want.
Can I go Shako? Fine. You can go. And with that I said bye to my wolves and began walking out of the forest, hurried to my house and found Yuji there. He always walks me from my house to his because he knows I hate walking through the streets alone.
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