Phantom Traveler Part One
The slightly balding man presses the sink's automatic water dispenser. He splashes water onto his tired face, the cool droplets trying to end his insomnious state. His grunts lightly as he continuously and desperately douses his face in the water.
Another man, wearing a blue sweatshirt, walks into the male's bathroom and grabs multiple paper towels from its notices the middle-aged man's unease. He quirks a dark brow as he wiped his hands.
He then asked the fiddling man, "Nervous flyer?"
"Is it that obvious?" the man pants out.
"Well," the other male shrugs, and attempts to comfort that man, "What are the odds that you die in a plane crash? I mean, what? 20,000 to 1?" The older man watched with narrowed eyes as the dark haired man throws away his trash in a nearby bin and exits the bathroom.
He responds sarcastically, "Wow, uh, thanks -- Thanks for the reassurance..."
Turning back to the sink, the man continues to drench his face in the water. Unbeknownst to him, a trail of black smoke crawls through the air vents and infiltrates the restroom. It flows with the swift circulation of air and travels closer to the only human within the area.
The man shuts off the sink and briefly glances at the bathroom's mirror. Fear grabs his by the tongue and dries his mouth. His wide eyes stare at the unexplainable looking powder that floated by his side. Sounds of hushed whispers seemed to be erupting and spilling from the thing. The man turns to face the cloud of smoke, only to realize he had made a fatal mistake.
The pilot turns to the blonde haired flight attendant with a cheerful smile, "Miranda, how are you?"
"I'm doing just fine, Chuck," Miranda responds with her own grin.
Miranda turns to find passengers journeying inside the plane. One passenger stops to ask the flight attendant for some assistance.
"15C -- towards the back of the plane, on the right," Miranda responds to the boarding man. The passenger nods in appreciation and leaves to find his seat.
Another passenger, dressed in a formidable suit board the plane.
"Have a nice flight, sir," Miranda smiles.
The man turns to face the flight attendant, making a shiver run down Miranda's spine. His orbs were a black abyss, his sclera, and iris gone into the void. "Oh," the man cackles, "I'm counting on it."
Miranda swallows harshly as she watched the man leave. She thought nothing more than maybe her mind wanted to play games with her.
She shakes her head and turns to the next person boarding. The woman boarding hands Miranda her ticket. "Um..." Miranda stammers, struggling to find her words, "Uh, 11F-- that's the middle of the plane on... the left." Miranda watches the black-eyed man with a weary gaze as she continues to help other travelers.
The plane had already gone into flight. Others were already comfortably placed in their seats. Everything was not out of the ordinary and silence filled the plane. However, this doesn't help the female passenger's nerves.
"Excuse me," the male passenger, wearing a suit, turns to the woman, "Do you know how long we've been up here?"
"Oh, uh," The woman fumbles for her watch, hidden underneath the sleeve of her jacket, "About 40 minutes."
"Wow," the man smiles, "Time really does fly, huh?" Getting up, the man excuses himself from his seat. He adjusts the cuffs of his jacket and walks to the eat of the plane.
He catches the sight of a fellow passenger who eyed him suspiciously. Nonetheless, he smiles and continues onward.
He goes near the emergency exit, but the passenger thought nothing of it as the middle-aged man gazed out of the window.
However, the passenger's heart stops as he witnesses the man touched the exit's lever. "Hey, what are you doing!?"
The man turns to face him, with black orbs. He ignores the frantic speaking of the humans aboard and pulls the lever. The wind of the moving plane pulls his body out of the moving vessel. He flies out of the plane. Following him was a piece of the plane's rear wing, which was snapped off. Electric spark and clouds of gas ascend into the air.
Inside the plane was chaotic. Passengers struggled to stay within their seats. A flight attendant ends up getting hit by the food cart as the motion of the plane sends it soaring down the planes also. The sound of alarms blares aloud. The pilot and co-pilot struggle to get the airplane steady. Air mask drops out of their closeted positions, and everyone rushes to put them on.
Screams whirl around the plane as Miranda reached an empty passenger seat. She straps on her seat belt and puts on an air mask as the plane descends to its doom.
{Some Hotel}
The hotel's door slowly unlocks. It creaks open causing the sleeping Dean to awaken. He lays quietly in the same position and glances to the corner of his eye. A distorted figure of a tall stranger stood behind the hotel's blurry decoration. Dean's hand slips underneath his pillow as a precaution and watched as the stranger closed the room's door.
"Morning sunshine," a familiar voice spoke. It was Sam.
Dean grumbles as he turns his head back to look at his brother, "What time is it?"
"About 5:45," Sam answers, holding two cups of coffee and a bag of breakfast treats.
"In the morning?" Dean whines.
"Yeah, I've been up for a few hours."
"Why the hell are you up so early?" Dean yawns as he rubs his eyes with the base of his palms.
Sam chuckles, "You know, the early bird does get the worm."
Dean sighs as he sits up from the bed, placing his feet on the carpeted floor, "You still having those nightmares?
Sam briefly pauses before responding. He places the food aside at a nearby table and says slowly, "It's more than the nightmares... It's -- It's fear also. You know what I mean?"
"Sorry, Sammy," Dean chuckles, his voice heavy with grogginess, "But I don't really get scared."
Sam scoffs. He walks towards his brother's mattress, and slides his hand under his pillow and grabs a silver, glossy handgun, "Then what is this for?"
Dean answers in a 'duh' tone, "What else? It's for protection."
Sam rolls his eyes, not believing a word his brother said, "Sure."
Dean stands from his bed and stretches his back causing the sound of bones popping. He grabs one of the coffees that Sam had brought him and begins to drink the hot mixture. "Hey," Dean defends, "You always gotta be cautious in this field of work."
Before Sam could remark another word, Dean's phone rings. Dean cocks a brow. Who would the hell be calling him at this hour?
Dean presses the green button of the touchscreen phone and answers the call, "Hello?"
"Dean," a slightly balding young man answers, "It's Jerry Panowski."
Dean and Sam share a look of confusion, unaware of who the man calling them was.
"You and your dad helped me out a couple years back," Jerry states.
"Oh, right," Dean says as he began to remember, "Yeah, up in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, the poltergeist thing... It's not back, is it?"
"No, no. Thank god, no," Jerry chuckles. "But, uh, it's something else... and, well, I think it could be a lot worse."
"What is it?" Dean asks.
"Can we talk in person?"
"Uh, yeah, alright," Dean agrees.
"Perfect," Jerry breathed a sharp sigh of relief, "I'll see you later."
{Different Hotel Room}
A knock resonated from their hotel room entrance. It came quietly at first, so they decided it was best to pretend as if they didn't hear it.
But then a rapid pounding ignited, demanding the person to be let it and causing Juno, Erebus, and Amber to groan tiredly in unison.
Grumbling to herself, Amber throws one of her pillows at the male dragon.
"Why must you wake me up?" Erebus yawns as he rubs his indigo darts with the knuckles of his tattooed hand.
"Cause' I can," Amber retorted.
Juno turns to her sister, "You, be nice." She then nudges Erebus, who laid beside her in the bed, "And you, just please get the damn door."
Erebus sighs heavily, "Fine..." He does as he is told and steps out from the bed.
Erebus was half shadow, every muscle on his torso flowing from the light into the dark. Juno found herself edged slightly closer until she could see his face, illuminated by the slightly open curtain window. Juno's eyes rested on the tattoos that played decorated Erebus' one side of his chest and both his sleeves and his nose which had a nostril, hoop nose piercing. When Juno first met him, she was expecting him to talk like a biker, but he spoke so eloquently instead. His voice was baritone and rolling. Under the wild dark hair, that stuck up from being ruffled every few minutes with his spade-like hands, were a pair of indigo darts, that held a fierce fire within them, yet somehow soften when they looked at her.
Amber clears her throat, making Juno's emotionless gaze to switch towards her sister's mischievous brown eyes. Amber playfully wiggles her brows, knowing well of Juno's stare. Juno snickers a little as she watches her sister make an inappropriate gesture; one hand making a circle while the other hand uses a finger to makes it go in and out through the hole of the circle.
Erebus raises a brow at the two girls, confused beyond belief. He decided to ask Juno, later, of what that gesture meant. Shaking his head, Erebus' hand turns the rusted knob of the door.
"Mornin', lizard breath," the owner of the voice was Dean, and behind him was his brother, Sam.
Erebus' teeth bare and he lets out a low, rumbling growl.
Juno sighs, rolling her kaleidoscopic orbs. "Erebus," Juno orders her friend, "Just ignore him and come back to bed."
The Winchester brothers walk inside the slightly nicer hotel room and watch as Erebus throws himself on the opposite side, the left side, of where Juno slept, making the bed slightly creak as it shook.
"Wait..." Dean ponders, "Where'd he sleep?"
Amber answers sarcastically, "On the roof." She was hiding her head underneath another pillow, attempting to block out the voices of her family. But it clearly failed.
"I actually did for some time." Erebus explains, to the confused gazes of the Winchester boys, "I love moon bathing."
Juno chimes in, "I had to convince him to come inside..."
Erebus nods, "Yes, then Juno let me sleep beside her."
"By the way," Amber groans as she stretches while sitting up upon her bed, "Why are you guys waking us up at--" she checks her phone, the lights blind her for a few seconds before she could see clearly -- "6:00 AM?!"
Juno rolls her eyes and stuffs her face into Erebus' shoulder. She grumbles, "Oh great, it's high school all over again..."
"But from what I recall, from what you told me," Erebus adds, "You 'got all da bitches.'"
Amber snorts, a smile etched onto her lips, "Uh, what?"
"I don't understand many human terms," Erebus says, "But, I do believe she meant that she received many dogs."
The side of Juno's lip slightly curls, but only Erebus saw it, and he responds with a childish grin of his own. "Yep," Juno agrees with the naive dragon, "That's exactly what I did..."
Dean crosses his arms, and he narrows his green eyes at his adopted sibling, "It better actually be dogs."
Juno scoffs, "You and I both know they weren't."
Erebus raises a brow, "Then what were they?"
"It meant I was--"
"OKAY!" Sam loudly interrupts Juno's explanation, "E-Enough of that..."
"Oh, come on!" Amber chimed in, "I wanna hear all about those dogs!"
Juno smirks, and her comment makes Amber laugh, "They were hot, that's all you're gonna know."
Despite his confusion of humans nowadays, Erebus turns to the Sam, "Anyways, why are you and your cow--" Erebus glares at Dean for a brief second -- "interrupting my beauty sleep?"
Sam answers, "We gotta leave, and go to Pennsylvania."
Juno sits up completely, no longer resting herself on Erebus, "Why?"
Dean replies, "A guy called asking for our help."
Erebus groans, "Can't he help himself?"
"No," Dean says, "He's not a hunter. He doesn't know what he's doing."
"But he knows of monsters?" Erebus questions.
Dean nods, "Well, yeah."
Erebus nuzzles his head onto Juno's lap, ready to fall asleep once more, "Then he can handle it."
Dean turns to Juno, "Talk some sense into your pet."
Juno scowls, "He's not my pet."
But to Sam, Juno stroking the dragon's hair with her long, thin fingers proved Dean's comment otherwise...
Amber suddenly walks into the room in different clothing; a jean jacket followed by a flowing white v-neck underneath with a pair of dark jeans. It seemed no one had noticed her disappearance until now.
"Okay, you sloths!" Amber shouts, "Let's get going!"
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