/ G I F / I m a g i n e : You going through the drive through of Starbucks, and find out that you have a secret admirer in the car in front of you..
[ the purest fluff !! ]
Word Count : 788
"tell her i think she's hot"
you huffed as you finally sat in the drivers seat—closing the car door after putting your shopping bags in the trunk.
you had had a long day of running errands, going to different stores here and there.
not to mention christmas gift shopping for your son and daughter while they were at school, and it was just your luck when the stores were the busiest.
your husband had said he had to run to work to check some emails in his computer, but he would come back to have lunch with you since he had the day off.
but you had a feeling he was actually going christmas shopping for you since when he told you that he was going to work, he smirked—which was a dead giveaway that he was lying.
you felt that you needed a coffee, and since starbucks was right around the corner, you decided to pull in behind a familiar looking car in the drive thru.
you noticed that the driver kept peering at you through their mirrors, but you couldn't see who it was very clearly.
the car in front of you already ordered, and when you pulled up to place in your order, you heard the worker speak into the speaker, "your total is going to be $10.65."
returning a thank you, you drove up behind the same car, and when the car ahead finally received their order, you pulled up to the window—ready to pay and give your card to them with your arm already leaning out the window.
"your total was $10.65, but the car ahead of you just paid for your order."
the worker said, pointing at the same car ahead of you.
you thought it was odd at first, and you didn't know who it was in front of you until you caught a glimpse of their hair through their mirror with the window down.
wayward curly black hair.
you smiled when you realized who it was—his hair was unmistakable.
"he also told me to tell you that he thinks you're hot."
she chuckled, handing over your drink though the window that you ordered and now didn't have to pay for.
you rolled your eyes with an amused smile, and said, "that's my husband."
she giggled herself before you pulled up out of the driveway, and into the parking lot next to your husband's car.
you opened your car door to get out and walk over to the driver's side of the car, knocking on the window before seeing it roll down to reveal Finn.
he was smirking with a cocky facial expression—like he was still in high school and trying to win you over.
"so, did that worker give you my message?"
he asked, a blush arising in your cheeks.
even after 5 years of being married, finn still had this effect on you.
"yeah well, you're not so bad yourself, wolfhard."
you giggled, stepping back as finn opened the car door to snake his arms around your lower waist.
"i finished my christmas shopping for you, and wanted to get you something to drink, but i see that you were perfectly capable doing that yourself."
he joked, earning a giggle from you as your hands were placed flat against his chest.
"just like high school, huh?"
you mentioned, since finn had done this exact thing when you two were still dating in high school.
"hell yeah, old methods never die. and your last name is proof that old methods still work on you, mrs.wolfhard."
he smirked when he saw you smile at his confidence, knowing perfectly well that he was right.
he leaned down to plant a soft kiss on your lips in that starbucks parking lot, the wave of nostalgia hitting you two hard as your hand subconsciously stroked his curls.
with your heart beating rapidly at the touch of your husband, he smiled against your teeth.
yep, it was high school all over again..
»»————- ————-««
a/n : OKAY. that was legit couple goals, ngl.
any thoughts?
any questions y'all wanna ask me about anything for any book I have? let me know.
also, don't worry, i'll write the part 2 [smut] for the last imagine I did.
thanks for sticking around.. <3
i just wanted to say that :
I LOVE YOU GUYS. you are all such nice & amazing people & i'm just so grateful that you guys read & enjoy my stories. ♡
more chapters to come.. ;))
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