I m a g i n e: Having a rough life in your house, and being comforted by your boyfriend, Finn.
Warning: *Mentions of young domestic violence*
1,500 Words
Adrenalin. Pumping through your veins like an icy gas fueling your fear.
"Hey! Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you, god dammit!"
You felt a sharp pain in your wrist as you tried to run away but was grabbed by a broad hand.
You could feel your dad's nails digging into your soft skin of your hand, trying to inflict pain.
When you looked up at him, you didn't see any trace of what your father used to be many years ago.
You saw a stone-cold, alcoholic-powered machine, completely stoned.
"I said, GO. GET. MORE."
He said through yellow gritted teeth as he got in your face to emphasize his message.
You tried your best to put on a good bitch face to intimidate him, but inside, you were just a scared little girl.
You said, reluctantly as you spit in his face.
You yanked your wrist from your father's grasp, and gave him a cold stare.
He grabbed his keys to his crappy, run-down car, and pushed you out the front door of your house.
He watched you get into the passenger's seat of his car just to make sure you didn't try to make a run for it again.
Once you were secure, he got in the driver's seat, and you rode in silence to the nearest gas station.
When you arrived at the 7-Eleven, he parked his car closest to the entrance of the store, and reached into his pocket for his spare change.
"Go inside and get me two cases of a 24 pack of beers."
Your father said, shoving his small amount of cash into your hands, which was obviously not enough for the two cases of beer he wanted so badly.
"This isn't enough-.."
"Well, use YOUR OWN. DAMN. MONEY. Figure it out! Now go, hurry the hell up."
He shouted in your face, giving you the hint to hurry up and get out of the car.
He couldn't go inside to purchase the alcohol himself because he was so well-known in the town area for shoplifting and violence, that all liquor or small chain stores have banned him from purchasing anything by himself.
So in a desperate effort, he had begun to send you into stores to fetch the alcohol for him since you were 18 and looked old enough to buy alcohol.
Most of the time, you would have to use the money you earned yourself to pay for his pathetic wants.
"And don't talk to anyone! Don't try to play the victim!"
He yelled before you slammed the car door shut, and rolled your eyes as you walked into the 7-Eleven, hearing the bell ring as you walked through it's doors.
You made your way towards the beer isles, glancing into the refrigerated doors that kept the cans nice and cool.
You opened the cold door, the breeze blowing into your face. You reached to grab a case of beer before you felt a familiar hand on your wrist, stopping you.
"Y/N, are you-.."
It was your boyfriend, Finn. His eyes filled with care and concern for you, but you quickly snatched your wrist away from his hand.
"I-I can't talk right now, Finn. My dad's right outside, he might see me."
You said, your voice breaking and your eyes threatening to break with tears.
You continued to take two cases of beer out of the fridge before feeling Finn's hand on your shoulder.
"No, I-I have to hurry before he sees."
You said, trying to put on a tough act like you were completely okay as you picked up the two cases of beer.
But Finn knew you too well.
He knew about your father.
He knew what you were doing.
"Y/N, wait."
He said, sternly but not too aggressive.
You felt his hand on your shoulder once again, and his touch was comforting in a way that you never had.
And it was at that moment, that you just broke down.
You dropped the cases of beer on the floor, falling to your knees.
You could feel the bridge of tears just burst though your eyes, making all these emotions break free.
You sobbed into your hands, but you felt two more hands place themselves to your own.
"Baby, shh..it's gonna be okay."
You heard Finn say sweetly.
And he then thought of a plan, whispering into your ear that he would be back soon, and meet you in your room at your house.
"These are gonna be the last cases of beer you will ever have to buy for your dad."
Was all he managed to whisper before he helped you to your feet.
He gave you a quick peck on the lips, and helped you to the checkout counter.
He watched from inside the store windows to make sure you were okay when you got into your dad's car before Finn made a few purchases of his own.
"Thank you my dear.. for the gift."
Your dad told you in a creepily seductively way, and caressed your cheek with a strange look on his face.
"Whatever. I'm going to bed."
You spat at him, smacking his hand away from your face.
"You really need to grow up sometime."
He said roughly as you felt his hand getting touchy.
You slapped his hand away once again, but this time, he slapped you straight across your face.
You stumbled back in pain, quickly running up the stairs to try to make it to your room, but your vision was blurry due to the tears pooling.
"Bitch! You never let me have what I want!"
You heard your father yell at you from the bottom of the stairs, but you successfully made it to your room, slammed the door shut behind you, and locked the door for safety.
You leaned your back against the door, sliding down the wood, bringing your knees to your chest.
You felt your tears stream down your cheeks in agony, wishing you could just get far away from here.
Far away from your perverted father.
Then, you heard a knock on your window, but it was quiet enough for only you to hear.
You looked up from your arms, and saw your boyfriend peeking in through the window, waving at you.
You quickly got up to go open the window for Finn to enter, and he engulfed you in a bear hug that you desperately needed.
You didn't realize it, but you broke down in Finn's arms, your own tears soaking through his shirt.
"H-he tried to-to kiss me-.."
You managed to stutter out in pain, and Finn just ran his hand through your hair, comforting you.
"It's gonna be okay, baby. I know..I know..shh I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."
He said, sitting you down on your bed and then proceeding to sit down next to you and you curled up against him for reassurance.
"Listen, Y/N."
He said, sitting you up so that you were looking him in the eye.
His eyes radiated pure love and concern for you, and you knew you wouldn't ever want to lose that from him.
"I'm leaving for filming tomorrow. I want you to come with me."
Finn said, holding your hand tightly.
You sniffled, trying to clear the tears from your eyes.
This was an amazing opportunity.
"Yeah. I-I even bought a plane ticket for you. And I even bought snacks for the plane, all your favorite candies and chips. That way, we won't have to make any stops before we go to the airport. We'll get you the hell out of here."
He said confidently, and you knew he was utterly passionate about you.
This was no question. You definitely wanted to leave.
"Yes..I'll go with you."
You said, wiping tears off your face and launching excitedly into his arms.
You never felt such safety as you did in Finn's arms.
You felt him chuckle with you, and he sounded happy that you were happy.
"But what happens when filming is over? I'll have to come back."
You said, slightly disappointed that you wouldn't be able to stay with Finn.
Finn just smiled, and cupped your face.
"You're staying with me. I already talked it over with my mom, and she's cool with you staying with us however long you need. She'll even cover for you if anyone sniffs around for you."
His words came out gently like a blessing in disguise.
You couldn't contain your happiness much longer.
You threw him back onto the bed, and just laughed with him.
You placed your lips onto his soft one, and lost yourself in his passion.
You were finally getting out of here.
And living with your boyfriend was a win-win.
You both reluctantly pulled away from each other's touch, to simply gaze into each other's eyes.
No doubt you two were utterly in love with each other.
"Come on. Let's get you the hell out of here, babe."
He said excitedly, helping you get up from the bed to begin assisting you with packing for the plane trip.
And your new life with him.
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