✰•freckled cheeks•✰
I m a g i n e : Finn being the most popular guy in school but he finds you the most interesting..
[ fluff ! ]
Word Count : 2941
'and remember students, in one week, we have the homecoming game for our football team as well as the formal dance that follows it—tickets are selling quickly, so be sure to get yours asap and join us on that special night with that special someone ! '
"special someone? ha, she's funny."
you snickered with your friend, sam who just happened to be sitting next to you while you listened to the morning announcements on the intercom of the classroom.
"this school is so cheesy. you got a date?"
you continued, watching as your friend's eyes flickered nervously.
she seemed to be nervous to tell you something, and instantly you felt
semi-betrayed because you two planned on going together— without dates.
"you do, don't you?"
"yeah..i'm going with quincy! he asked me yesterday and gave me a bouquet of flowers.."
she blushed, thinking back to the sweet moment at lunch.
you couldn't help your jaw as it hung open at the news that she was going with quincy..aka, the hot best friend of the high school jock and heartthrob known as finn 'the curls' wolfhard.
you weren't usually the one to gawk and drool over jocks, but finn wolfhard was the only exception.
you had a few classes with him, and he and you would always talk and create light conversation and make jokes with each other.
he was a good friend of yours.
he probably already got asked to the dance by tons of popular girls—tons of pretty girls that he's probably gonna go with.
however, there was no way you would let anyone know about your secret crush on him.
it soon became apparent to you that your little fantasy that he might go with you, was never gonna happen.
he was just a friend to you, and nothing more.
he wouldn't let his reputation be ruined by going to homecoming with a girl that isn't that popular, would he?
but there was no way you would let your 'could care less about guys' attitude be threatened.
so you didn't mention anything to your friend, sam.
"nice, dude."
you complimented the best you could, fully knowing you might be attending the dance as a third-wheel.
the bell rang for passing period in which your next class was history—with finn.
you saw that all the people on the football team were dressed formally today as a reminder that they're playing a pre-game today since it's the friday before homecoming week.
and when you walked into mr.keery's history class, you just about drooled when you saw finn in his own button up shirt and tie—a tight shirt enough to see what muscles he actually had.
his curly black hair complimented the black button up shirt with the lipstick-red tie underneath the collar as it ran down his chest.
your eyes watched as he spoke to quincy excitedly about something, his leg jumping up and down as he leaned his chair back a little bit.
you didn't notice his eyes glossing from quincy's to you standing in the doorway with your simple bandshirt, jean-jacket, and skinny jeans on—with binders bundled in your arms.
he smiled widely at you, waving you over to pat the desk next to him that was
open—surprisingly none of the other preppy girls had taken it.
you smiled so brightly internally on the inside, but on the outside, you kept on playing the charade that you couldn't care less about guys.
you took your seat next to finn, huffing as you sat on the cold chair—noticing that as he chewed his gum he stared intensely at you while you weren't looking.
if you didn't know any better, you'd say he was checking you—
"okay class, please take out your homework that was due today and place it on your desk for me to check for your daily grade."
[a/n : that just gave me anxiety ^ bro. ]
"you do the homework?"
finn asked, smirking at you through his curls as he fiddled with his pen.
you smirked back, shaking your head with a nervous chuckle.
"nope. you?"
you both chuckled lowly together as mr.keery checked other's homework, watching as he made his rounds around the classroom before finn spoke up.
"hey, you going to the homecoming game next week?"
he asked with such curiosity—such hope.
he reached into his black jansport backpack for his pack of gum, getting it out and holding it to you as an offer which you accepted with a quiet thanks and a smile before unwrapping it with ease.
you shrugged, popping your spearmint gum before remembering that he was going to be playing that night , "oh, maybe. yeah, maybe."
finn nodded while he smiled to himself.
there was a small pause and moment of hesitation before he opened his mouth with a slow lick of his lips, "y-you going to the homecoming dance with anyone..yet?"
he stuttered.
finn 'the curls' wolfhard never stutters.
you felt your heart jump and flutter, your hope instantly rising and so did your confidence.
"no..no nobody's asked me yet."
you blushed secretly to yourself, almost wishing that he would ask you to the dance right then and there.
finn smiled to himself, a blush rising up in his freckled cheeks that you fantasied about holding to kiss infinitely.
his mouth opened with a lick of his lips, about to say something with a hot blush on his face before—
"you guys have your homework done?"
mr.keery interrupted, holding his clipboard while he tipped his glasses to the bridge of his nose—his hair swooping over his forehead.
you gave finn a look before you two just starting laughing, knowing that you two would fail that assignment—but together.
the next week went on like that—small blushing exchanges, cute flirting with one another, and even the occasional tap on each other's shoulders when one told a funny joke.
you two grew quite close as friends—best friends, actually.
it was now thursday : one day before the homecoming football game and dance.
you had liked this side of finn—the caring, heartfelt one that didn't care about popularity and only cared about what really mattered.
"yeah, i just really want to go with her, man. like, she's just..she's just so cool and unique and funny..and her smile is just..wow. and those eyes?! damn..she's just so great."
finn ranted to quincy during passing period since he had time to spare before class started..and before you got there.
it was history class—the class he looked forward to every time he had it because it meant he would see you.
"dude, just ask her already. she obviously has a thing for you, so just grow a pair !"
quincy exclaimed as he tried to urge on finn before you emerged from the hallway and into the classroom—scanning it for an empty seat and found one right next to finn who saved it just for her.
"hey, l/n."
finn smiles widely at you as you smiled back while approaching the desk next to him that you usually sat at—dropping your binders on the desk.
finn extended his hand to yours so you could return the first bump that turned into the rhythmic handshake you two made up and performed every time you saw each other.
with the end of the handshake and a high five to finish, you chuckled as you two enjoyed the class period together. before the lunch bell rang.
finn's heart jump started when he heard the lunch bell.
this was it.
he followed you—per usual—to the same lunch table where his friends sat at and some of yours.
basically, all finn's friends were now yours too.
finn greeted all his friends, and watched as you sat down on the bench at the table to talk with them.
he watched as your lip curled into a smile when his friend said something funny.
he watched as your eyes seemed to twinkle every time someone complimented you.
it was the little things.
his heart's beat grew quicker and quicker with each strike of the clock. he looked to quincy with a certain, should i do it now?
quincy returned his look with a, yeah, dumbass. now.
finn licked his lips as he ran a hand through his hair—shoving his hands in the pockets of his letterman jacket before clearing his throat to get your attention.
"hey, y/n..? can we talk? outside?"
he asked with a nervousness etched underneath his calm words, and when you answered sure nonchalantly, he led you outside into the commons area of the campus.
it was fall, the trees all around them were of orange and brown colored leaves—each leaf dropping down like rain towards them as the breeze blew your hair around your eyes.
you and finn walked side by side towards the small fountain set in the middle of the commons area, finn sitting down on the cold pavement ridge of the fountain while you followed his actions and sat next to him.
as you looked around at the beautiful fall setting, the cooling fall air sent chills down your body as you felt your exposed arms shiver with each wave of breezes.
"are you cold?"
finn seemed to notice instantly before you nodded with a shrug, and without a second thought, he slid his letterman jacket down his arms and up around your shoulders to provide warmth.
you blushed, seeing that finn was wearing just a simple black muscle T-shirt.
he looked good in anything, really.
"so, are you going to the homecoming game or dance tomorrow..?"
finn asked with an underlying hope to his words, his eyes wide and vulnerable.
"probably the football game but maybe the dance, i don't know yet."
this was it.
finn could feel his adrenalin pumping with anxiousness to get the question out in the open.
he just had to throw it out there.
finn's words came out in one big jumble, hoping that you understood so that he wouldn't have to repeat the question that was so hard to say correctly in the first place.
you couldn't really understand at first, but when you let his speech jumble soak into your mind, from what you could hear correctly, he asked-..
"sure..yeah..yeah, i'd like that.."
you answered almost immediately, feeling your cheeks blush intensely while finn did the same thing.
his face lit up with excitement, chuckling as he helped you up from the fountain edge and walked back the commons room excitedly.
his letterman jacket was still around your shoulders, as was finn's arm.
"i still can't believe you never picked up my hints..i thought i was so obvious."
finn chuckled, and you scoffed playfully.
"yeah, i thought i was being obvious too, but guys can't pick up hints."
you joked, making finn scoff while putting a hand to his chest—acting offended.
you quickly did your hair, adding some volume spray and some quick and simple makeup to your cheeks.
you were dressed in one of your nicer shirts, not just a band shirt like you always would wear.
this time, the shirt was just a nice gray one with a leather jacket over top as well as a scarf with boots.
and before you knew it, you grabbed your car keys and headed back to school for finn's football game.
you entered the largely lit football field with its blindly stadium light shining onto the players.
you found a spot on the bleachers by your friend Sam, cheering on all the players before the game started.
you saw how all football players from your school filed out into the field with roars of cheers from your side of the bleachers.
you smiled when you saw finn take off his helmet to put his mouth guard on—his unruly curls set him apart from the team.
you blushed when you saw finn run a hand through his curls and took a look around the crowd behind him on the bleachers—obviously searching for you.
when his eyes landed on you, he smiled widely as he began to run towards you—helmet in hand as he approached you.
he breathed, a wide smile on his face as well as your own.
"thanks for coming out here to see me
play, n/n."
he said before reaching his hand over the bleacher railing to begin your guy's handshake before ending it with a high-five for good luck.
you watched with soft eyes while he ran back into the field giving you one last look before the game began.
"so..you and finn, huh?"
sam spoke up, nudging you on the shoulder teasingly.
"maybe.." you rolled your eyes playfully with a blush.
the game was eventful in which your school won—finn made 3 touchdowns with the occasional victory beat of his chest.
you cheered him on to the loudest of your ability, waving excitedly whenever finn would either blow you a subtle kiss or wink to you in the crowd.
now that the homecoming game was over, the dance was 30 minutes later in which you didn't even bother to change just to wear a dress.
so you wore casual attire.
you and finn walked into the gym decorated with streamers together for the homecoming dance.
finn wore his button up black shirt with a red tie with checkered vans as you wore the same thing you wore to the game since it was only 30 minutes ago.
you and finn made your way around and greeted friends together, his arm never leaving it's resting spot around your shoulder.
"you did really good at the game, though. i'm surprised they didn't call you out for being distracted by the crowd so many times."
you joked, laughing along with finn as he chuckled while taking a drink of his water.
"it wasn't the crowd that was distracting me, it was someone who was in it.."
he added quickly, glancing up at you shyly and knowingly as he looked down at his water bottle.
you two were laughing and enjoying yourselves together at a candlelit table when a song began.
a slow song came on, and almost instantly, people flooded the dance floor with their partners to begin dancing romantically with them.
'i want to hold the hand inside you'
while you watched the other couples dancing slowly, finn was studying your face intensely.
'i want to take a breath that's true'
he bit his lip as he saw how your eyes stared longingly at the dance floor—how your eyes twinkled with the dance lights.
he came to the silent conclusion, that you were his dream girl.
finn finally stood up from the table, looking down at you while offering his hand.
"do you wanna dance?"
you blushed before nodding and accepting your best friend's hand while he escorted you to the dance floor among the other couples as they swayed.
because finn didn't know how to dance, he held you stiffly—not exactly knowing where to place his hands before you guided him.
"here, like this."
you taught him, placing your hands on top of his to guide them to your lower waist and draped your own hands around his neck gently.
finn stared at your face with such admiration and intensity, that he knew he was falling for you.
hard .
he spoke up as you looked up into his eyes to meet his strong gaze.
you didn't know what his movements meant before he cupped your chin between his finger and thumb, tilting your head gently to look even deeper into his eyes.
his movements seemed to be in slow motion as his eyes flickered from your lips to your eyes before you finally leaned in to meet him in the middle.
'fade into you'
your lips locked together in a soft, gentle kiss that was long overdue.
his lips were chapped but tasted of spearmint from his gum.
'strange you never knew'
as your lips danced across his sweetly, you subconsciously reached your palm to cup his freckled cheeks that you so desperately wanted to hold for so long.
you felt finn smirk against the kiss and your touch as one hand was around his neck and the other rested effortlessly on his cheek.
you two pulled your lips apart with a quiet pucker before leaning your foreheads together while looking deeply into each other's eyes.
the music seemed to take you two away as you swayed into the night, the feeling of each other's lips lingering on your own.
'fade into you'
that homecoming dance with finn was one to remember..
»»————- ————-««
hope you all liked this one ! a bit different than my usual ones but-
!! I M P O R T A N T !! :
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