It was saturday which means: Family trip for the Tomlinsons.
Daisy and Phoebe had been excited for this one the whole week: The zoo.
Louis, the oldest, thought he was too old for those trips but his mother insisted he came anyways. So he tagged along with his five younger sisters and brother and mum and stepfather.
He watched his overly energetic sisters Fizzy, Daisy and Phoebe run from one compound to the next. At some they stood for hours while they barely looked at others. It was kind of unfair but whatever, Louis thought, the animals didn't care if they were stared at by noisy kids anyways. He liked some animals, especially the zebras, but his sisters were sometimes just annoying.
"Louis, Louis, look!" Daisy bounced up and down while pointing at a sign. "There is an elephant show at half past four. Let's go there, okay Louis?"
"Yeah, let's go there, Louis." Phoebe agreed exitedly.
"Why are you asking me? I don't have a problem with that." Louis answered.
"Okay, let's go!" Daisy shouted and pulled Louis by his hand.
"Ay, we still have more than fifteen minutes till it starts." Louis protested.
"Yeah, but if we don't go now we won't see anything because there are so many people." Phoebe explained with a face like Louis was dumb.
"But what about mum and Dan?" Louis asked because they had the baby carriage for the baby twins Ernest and Doris.
"It's okay." Jay, their mum, assured, "Look after them, we'll follow." With that Louis, Lottie, Fizzy, Daisy and Phoebe hurried to the elephant compound. There were three elephants in sight.
They were one of the first ones to arrive so they could be in the front before a bunch of people came to watch the show too. Ten minutes later three men came walking through the elephant house in the back of the compound to greet the huge but impessively beautiful animals by touching and talking to them. Then they lead one each to infront of where the people were standing.
The man on the left, from Louis' perspective, really caught his eyes. He looked young and handsome, even dooming his animal keeper clothing. He had long, wavy hair and his smile that he gave the elephant was bright and gorgeous. The way he treated the animal infront of him held so much fondness and gentleness and it was beautiful. Not to mention-
"This guy on the left is hot." Louis looked to his right side where he saw two girls pointing at the guy and giggling and, yeah- Louis wanted to say the same. Obviously he had many people gawking at him.
When the guy looked to the crowd Louis looked down at the twins and asked, "So, which one is the most beautiful?" He hoped the guy would look at him and he would come off as a caring, cool big brother (He did, the guy and Louis...).
"What?" Lottie asked from next to him, laughing, "Animal or guy?" Lottie knew her brother and she knew that look in his eyes when he saw someone who interested him in that way. And she also knew he was gay, well, everybody knew, not that it bothered anyone.
Louis laughed too and ran his hand through his hair before pushing her lightly. Louis looked back up and his smile faded when he saw the handsome guy looking back at him. He looked around himself to see if he was looking at him or someone else but there wasn't anybody with the attention on the keeper. So he looked at the young mans' smiling face and smiled too. The guys' smile widened.
The smiling contest only lasted so long until the animal keeper next to him shouted something at him. Looking at the guys' neighbour Louis realized that he talked into a megaphone something about their work with the elephants.
The curly haired animal keeper must have realized too because he turned to his elephant and said something while doing a hand sign. The elephant, while being introduced as Bamoa, raised her tonk between her eyes as greeting. During the show the man in the middle told the crowd facts about the animals and the work with them. The elephants did little stunts like holding their tonks in a certain manner or stand on three feet. In the end the three men gave their elephants a whole bread which they ate at once.
As they left the handsome guy gave Louis a last smile and a wink before disappearing through the door at the other end of the compound. Louis stared at the door dreamingly even though he racionally knew that he didn't even know the guy.
"Uuuuh." Lottie made her voice high pitched and put on her I- know- it-all-face. Louis rolled his eyes and pushed her. He turned around to see that Fizzy and the twins already found their parents so he followed them.
"Should we go back to the animals you ran past?" Louis' stepdad, Dan, asked, "There are the wild boars. They are the coolest animals ever, I swear." They all laughed and rolled their eyes at their fathers' love for wild boars but agreed.
They coninued their way through different animals as Fizzy decided to steal Louis' phone when he looked at the time. "Oh no, Fizz, give it back!" He shouted and ran after her. They were at the bird cages and there were many corners and turnes. Louis saw his sister to the left behind a cage so he followed her and-
...ran into something. The Something fell backwards and- no... It was someone. He fell on his bum and let whatever he carried fall down.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry, are you okay? I was just running after my sister because, well- she stole my phone, errm, yeah, I'm sorry." Louis rambled and held his hand out for the fallen stranger to take. Except-... he wasn't exactly a stranger, Louis discovered as he looked down to see his face.
He smiled his beautiful dimpled smile and his green eyes twinkled with amusement at Louis' rant and- great, now Louis made a complete fool of himself. Louis pulled the other guy up and- wow, he was tall.
Still smiling the guy started to talk, not letting go of Louis' hand. "Hey, it's okay- I mean great, I, err, I'm Harry." He still shook Louis' hand, not that it bothered him. Harrys' hand was quite nice and- big.
"I'm Louis." He smiled.
"Beautiful name." Harry said, "Fits you." Louis laughed at nothing and muttered out a thanks.
They let go of eachothers hand and Louis looked at the ground. There were some kind of corns spread everywhere on the floor. "Err...I'm sorry for that, I'll...err, I'll help you..."
Louis crouched down and began to pick up the corn stuff and Harry followed, saying, "It's okay, no need to apologize, I mean, you were at a very important mission. With your stolen phone and everything. I mean, I would have done the same if my sister stole my phone, and, err...yeah." Harry stopped rambling when he saw Louis grinning amused. Harry blushed, probably embarrassed, but they broke into a fit of giggles, manly giggles of course.
"Do you have a sister?" Louis asked through his chuckles.
"Errm, yes, she's older than me. Her name is Gemma."
"How old are you?" Louis asked while picking up some corn- things from behind himself.
"Eighteen, you?"
"I'm nineteen, but why are you working here already? Oh, you don't go to uni. It's my second year." Louis wondered.
Harry chuckled, "I don't go to uni. I just wanted to look after animals, like I'm doing now. I'm not finished learning though."
"Aww, that's cute." Louis cooed and he never sounded gayer, he thought. Well, that wasn't really true, he said lots of 'gay' things.
Harry blushed and giggled(!) though and- okay, now they were flirting. "You're cute." Harry said and maybe Louis had a similar reaction, but he gave Harry a light, playful slap against his chest. Harry, still grinning, said, "Okay, I think now we have everything. I have to bring this to my friend for the birds. You want to come with me?"
Louis nodded, "Yeah, I can just call my mum on the way- wait, no, Fizzy has my phone, damn!" Harry laughed.
So they first went to search for Louis' family to tell them that he would come home on his own and went with Harry.
When Louis was home that evening he realized that he didn't have Harrys' phone number or anything to contact him. He just knew that he was an animal keeper for the elephants in the zoo.
Okay, he knew much more about him. They had a long conversation during a dinner consisting of chips from the zoo. They also talked while walking through the zoo and Harry pretended having to bring food to other animal keepers to keep Louis there with him longer.In the end Harrys' mum had called and demanded him home because apparrently he had already finished working four hours ago. Unfortunately they forgot to exchange numbers or anything except for names.
That's why he convinced Daisy and Phoebe to come to the zoo with him again at wednesday after school. He didn't want to look like a desperate idiot and go alone. He could just say that his sisters wanted to go again.
So at half past four they stood in the front row of the elefant compound watching the animal keepers greet their elefants.
Harry was fast to spot Louis in the crowd and waved him with an exited smile. His smile seemed to stay throughout the whole show.
After they finished the crowd disappeared and Louis made a point to entertain the twins in the area of the elephant compound as long as possible. It wasn't for nothing because it wasn't long until he heard somebody shout, "Louis!" And he turned around to see Harry running towards them.
"Hey Harry, nice to see you again." Louis smiled.
"You too." Harry said.
"Yeah," Louis answered dumbly, "The twins wanted to see some animals again." He was relieved to see that only Phoebe was listening because Daisy was the more mischievous twin and would have most likely outed that it was him who wanted to come again, not them.
Harry didn't seem to believe him anyways seeing as he grinned wryly, "Listen, I don't have much time because the veterinary comes, but if you ever want to visit again," he gave Louis a piece of paper, "Just show that at the entrance so you don't have to pay, okay?"
"Okay." Louis nodded.
"See you." Harry smiled and waved . With that he ran back into the elephant house.
Louis didn't want to seem overly exited. That's why he waited until two weeks later to go to the zoo. Well, that wasn't the only reason he waited that long, he also had much school/university work.
It was tuesday where he had the least lessons so it was half past two when he made his way to the zoo. He had no idea or plan how or where to find Harry but his problem didn't come up anyways.
As soon as he stepped through the entrance someone called his name. Louis turned to where it came from and saw Liam, Harrys' friend the bird keeper to whom they brought the bird corn food that Harry let fall during their first meeting. "Louis, oh thank god." He said breathlessly.
"Why? What happened?" Louis asked, confused.
"What happened?" Liam repeated and looked at him like he was stupid, "Harry's always whining to me about having shooed away 'the most amazing person on earth' (He made quotation marks with his fingers) and how he will never see him again."
When Liam finished Louis had a bright, happy smile on his face and looked down at his shoes blushing. "Where is he?"
Liam waved his hand to signal for Louis to follow him. On their way they made small talk until they stood (2017 words, haha) infront of a small building. Liam stepped inside and shouted, "Harry, guess who decided to visit!"
"Whoever it is, I have to do something, come back later." Came the answer.
"But Harry!" Liam protested. They stood in the treshold and saw Harry with his back turned towards them, doing something with the food that was scattered around. It seemed to be the storage for the animal food. "Do you really want to shoo him away again?"
Harry froze at Liams teasing words. Really slowly, he turned around. Once he saw Louis smiling at him in the treshold he cried out, "Louis!" and stumbled to close the distance between them. Then he wrapped his arms around Louis, one around his waist and one around his shoulders, and pulled him in. Louis, at first frozen in surprise, hugged back and laid his forehead on Harrys' shoulder. It was like they were friends for ages and they fit together like puzzle pieces.
Their hug didn't last long because Liam bursted out laughing. "What?" Harry glared and pulled away to look at him.
"Oh, nothing." Liam supressed his laugh visibly and looked at him with innocent puppy dog eyes.
Harry rolled his eyes and decided that he could finish his work later so he could hang out with Louis. But it wasn't long until somebody called him so he told Louis, "I have to get back. I need to finish the polar bear food and Niall called because he needs the reindeer food."
"I thought you were the elephant keeper." Louis wondered.
"It's called mahout." Harry corrected, "And yes, but they said they needed help."
Louis laughed, "You can't say no, can you?" Harry protested weakly but that only made Louis laugh harder. Then he had an idea, "Can I help you?" He asked, stopping his laughing.
"With the animal food?" Harry asked, then shrugged, considering it. "Why not?" He smiled. Louis fist bumped the air causing Harry to chuckle. Seriously, when they were together they were constantly smiling or laughing.
Back at the storage Harry showed Louis a list and instructed him to mix some stuff together like written on the list. To Louis' luck most of the things were labelled or else he would have been really lost. Once Harry finished the polar bear food he helped Louis.
"So," Louis said, changing the subject from whether soft or hard pillows were more comfortable. His tone was teasing now, "Liam told me that you...-"
Harry cut him off and looked at Louis wide- eyed, "Whatever Liam told you- It isn't true." Louis smirked and stepped closer to Harry who backed off. "I didn't talk about you." Harry continued, though his voice was laced with uncertainness and untruthfulness, "like, at all. And, err, I also didn't think about you that much, I was-, I was much too occupied with- with the elephants and err... I- I," He couldn't talk anymore because now he was trapped with his back against the wall and Louis' hands on either side of his head.
"I'm disappointed." Louis said quietly, but not quite whispering, while taking one last step closer so their chests were pressed together. Their noses were almost touching and Harrys' heart was racing and he thought Louis must feel it too. Now Louis whispered, "Because you didn't leave my mind for a second."
Harry leaned forward a bit and let their noses bump together, their eyes falling shut.Their noses slided next to eachother and their lips brushed, sending shivers down his spine. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and pulled him closer causing Louis to let out a surprised sound in the back of his throat.
Harry smiled before catching Louis' lips with his own. They moved their lips together somehow desperately, stealing each others air. Louis' hand found ist way to tangle in Harrys' curls. His other hand slided down his shoulder and biceps before sliding back up while Harry held him close and let one hand slip under Louis' shirt.
Their lips didn't seem to want to leave each other even as they could barely breath. It was like they wanted to breath each other. Sadly they couldn't do that so they pulled away and rested their foreheads against eachother before opening their eyes. Harry smiled widely and Louis let out a breathless laugh.
"So, how about I take you out?" Harry asked. Of course Louis agreed.
A/N: I'll do a two shot book with this and a second part (With smut, yay;)). I have it already handwritten but I don't want to put it in here since this is only a how- they- meet- book.
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