Harry sighed and stood up from his comfortable position on the couch, seeing the time. It was saturday and he had to be at Nick's in fifteen minutes for a college project. So he put his book into his already packed bag and left his shared flat with Niall.
He went to his car and drove off, listening to the new 5 Seconds of Summer album. It always helped increasing his mood since the songs were kind of playful but also had serious topics and it were songs like "She's kinda hot", "Permanent Vacation" and "Invisible" that made him feel understood and not alone.
It wasn't that his mood was down because of Nick right now. He liked Nick, kind of. He just wasn't in the mood of working on a saturday. He also knew that Nick wanted them to be more than just class mates or even friends. Okay, Harry was flattered, really, and that Nick was attractive was no secret. Harry just knew that he wasn't what he wanted. He believed that when he met the one person he just knew and Nick just, wasn't.
Harry shook his head to clear his mind and sang along to "Castaway" and immediantly his feelings got lighter. He found Nick's adress and went to park. There was a small parking space infront of the house but Harry thought he could get in. He drove next to the car infront of the space and slowly moved his car backwards. Then he turned the steering wheel to get the right angle and- BAMM!- Shit!
Harry looked into the driving mirror seeing a blue car far too close to his. Fuck! He drove into another car. That's. Just. Great. Not.
Harry brought a bit distance between his and the blue car before he turned off the ignition and got out. He rounded his car and examined the damage. There was a dent and a big scratch in the blue BMW he crashed into while his car was left with just a small dent.
"Shit!" He swore and looked around, trying to figure out what to do now. He considered just going away, escaping, but then he saw an old woman at a window looking at him like she dared him to just go away. He smiled at her and crossed the street to stand under the window the lady looked through.
She opened her window carefully. "Hello." Harry smiled, "Do you happen to know whose car that is?" He pointed at the blue BMW.
She shook her head, "No. But it's from someone in the neighbourhood. It stands here often."
Harry nodded, "Okay. I'll ask Nick. He lives over there. Thank you." The old lady nodded and closed the window, but didn't stop watching. Harry felt her eyes burning on his back as he crossed the street again to get to Nick's house.
He rang the door bell and Nick pulled him into a hug after he opened. "Harry, hey. Great you could make it." Harry smiled and went to ask about the car but Nick already pulled him into the house. After he showed Harry around the one story house he shared with a guy called Charlie they ended up in Nick's room.
"Okay. I have a question." Harry said, struggling how to approach the topic, "Do you know the blue BMW that stands there?" He waved with his hand to the door vaguely.
Nick raised his eyebrows, "What BMW?"
Harry sighed, "I kind of crashed into a blue BMW infront of your house when I parked."
"So?" Nick shrugged.
"Well," Harry felt kind of stupid explaining it to Nick, maybe because the lad wasn't catching on even though his intention was pretty clear. "I need to talk to the owner, pay the damage and all that."
Nick looked at him in disbelief, "What? Harry, are you daft?" Okay, now Harry felt even more stupid, though he didn't exactly know what Nick was playing at. He just made him feel stupid, he guessed, it was his thing. "You don't contact the owner when you damage something and don't get caught. You just leave it. The owner will deal."
"No." Nick cut him off before he could even explain himself, "You are a college student. You barely have money. Don't pay for someone else if you can get away without it."
Harry frowned, "But that's not fair. I was the one who caused the damage. I have to-..."
"Harry." Nick interrupted, smiling and wrapped his arm around the other boy's shoulder, leaning far too close, "Harry, Harry, Harry. You're just too good for this world."
Harry looked at him wide eyed and innocent, which was a huge turn on for Nick. Harry stayed obvious to that and stood up, pacing through the room, not least to bring distance between them. "No, you don't understand." Harry said, throwing his arms in the air, "Aside from the fact that it's just fair to tell the owner I also was caught. An old lady watched the whole thing. From the house over there." Harry pointed to the window.
Nick sighed, "Of course, old Mrs. Miller. She always does that. It's creepy. She should really get a life."
"Hey." Harry defended the old woman, "Maybe there's not going on in her life anymore, she's old and can't do much physical activity anymore. You should rather visit and entertain her instead of making fun of her."
Nick laughed, "Tellin' ya, you're too good for this world. It will eat you alive. Anyways, I would never do that."
"What? Visit her? Why not?"
"She hates me and my annoying neighbour always visits her. I would never do the same things he does, eww."
Harry frowned, "I'm sure he's not that bad. Have you tried to get to know him more? Everyone has reasons why they are who they are."
Nick rolled his eyes at Harry's preachment. "I don't need to bother. The hate is mutual and I don't have a problem with that."
"Anyways," Harry gave up, "Look." He went to the right window in Nick's room and pointed at the blue car, "Do you know whose car that is?"
Nick came up beside him. "Oh great." Nick muttered as he saw which car Harry meant. He turned to him and told him, "That's from my asshole neighbour. He deserves a crashed car. Don't bother with him."
"Why does he deserve a crashed car? What has he done?" Harry asked.
Nick rolled his eyes, "He exists. Isn't that enough reason?"
"No." Harry said, "Everyone is-..."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. You think everyone is great and do bad things for a reason." Nick chuckled lightly.
Harry ended up infront of the door of the neighbour house about ten minutes later, nervously playing with the ends of his sleeves while waiting for the door to open. Nick gave in and let him go over to talk to his apparently not so great neighbour about the car accident. However, Nick said he wanted to avoid contact to him so he hid behind a bush, watching him. It was childish if you asked Harry but he had other worries right now.
The door that opened right now for example. Revealed was a rather muscular guy with a brown/blonde quiff and friendly brown eyes. "Hello." He said.
"Hi, err... I'm looking for..." Shit, he should have asked Nick for his name. "Do you own a blue BMW?" He asked instead.
"No," The guy said, "But my room mate, well, house mate does." He laughed at his own joke, "Why do you ask?"
"I kind of, erm... Need to talk to the owner." Harry fiddled with his sleeves.
Liam frowned, "It's not for sale, I'm sure."
Harry shook his head, "Oh no, it's not that. I- I... I, yeah. I don't want to have it."
Liam nodded slowly, sweeping his gaze up and down Harry, like he was looking for some kind of danger. Then he a smirk spread across his face and he shouted into the house, "Louieee! There is a cute guy asking for you who is exactly your type." Harry blushed and got even more nervous. He could feel his heart pounding heavily against his chest. He couldn't help it, he was just a shy and awkward person and he was not good with dealing with people.
"You have no idea what my type is except for the possession of a dick." A clear, raspy voice yelled back.
Liam rolled his eyes, "I very well do! Now just come here!"
A slightly shorter boy with a similar hair colour appeared next to the other guy but- Okay, if Harry was nervous before he didn't know what he was now. The boy was absolutely gorgeous, high cheek bones, clear blue eyes, down styled quiff that hung softly over his forehead. Screw his flatmate's comment, he was so far out of Harry's league.
"Hello cutie." The gorgeous guy interrupted Harry's thoughts, or more blank mind. His smirk showed that he noticed Harry's gawking. The curly haired blushed and looked down. "How can I help you?"
Harry cleared his throat, "Err... Well, I'm kind of visit- visiting Nick and-..."
"Oh great. Now he baits cute boys on me. What a loser." Louis interrupted.
"Err... No that's not it." Harry contradicted, "I parked infront of your car and I, uuh, I, I'm so sorry. Because I thought, I thought I could get in, but- well I did but, you know. It just kind of happened and of course I will, like, errm, pay everything and stuff."
When Harry looked back up he saw both guys having questioning looks on their faces, though the blue eyed looked more amused and fond. "So you want to pay for parking infront of Louis' car?" The brown eyed guy asked in confusion.
"No, well, yes, kind of. I- I'm so sorry but now it has a scratch and a dent." Harry's voice got quieter at the end of the sentence but the boys understood.
"Ooh." The guy who wasn't the owner of the car gritted through his teeth and looked at his mate as if he was afraid of his reaction. Harry got more anxious.
"You-... you..." The car owner looked like he didn't know how to react but ended up saying, "Oh, okay. We can look at the damage together. I'm sure it's not that bad. And my stepdad is rich." He slipped into a pair of shoes and stepped outside. "I'm Louis, by the way."
"What?" Louis' flatmate asked in disbelief, "When Zayn almost crashed into your car you were mad at him for two weeks and you still don't let him near your car."
Louis rolled his eyes, "I love my car okay?" He turned to Harry, "Her name is Sherbet."
Harry grinned, "So your car is female?" They started walking towards the car.
Louis shrugged, chuckling, "I guess. I don't know. I always say she when I talk about her. So what's your name?"
"I'm Harry. Thank you for not shouting at me."
Louis laughed, "No offence but you look like you would feel guilty if you stepped on an ant." When he saw how insecure Harry looked he assured, "Don't worry, it's cute." They arrived at the cars and Louis examined the spot where Harry drove into. Harry fiddled around nervously as Louis looked at it a bit too long for his liking. As he turned back to face Harry he was smiling, "How about you give me your phone number and we can talk about it later. I'm sure you want to get back to my annoying neighbour."
Harry laughed, "Nick refers to you as his annoying neighbour too." He took Louis' phone and took his number in.
"Yeah," Louis rolled his eyes and laughed, "He's not very creative, this hyena." Once he had his phone back he said, "Thanks, it was really nice meeting you, Harry." With that he turned around and went back to his house.
"You too." Harry said to his retreating figure.
By his door Louis stopped and shouted, "Oh and Nick, if you want to watch from behind my bushes next time don't wear a neon yellow t-shirt. It makes you really visible." With that he disappeared in the house.
It's been three days since the incident with Louis and his car. Harry thought maybe Louis has forgotten about it. That would mean he wouldn't have to pay for the damage that Harry was sure wouldn't be cheap. He should be relieved, he really should, but...- he wasn't.
He was unsettled, impationed, disappointed. He really wanted to see Louis again. He was so cheeky and beautiful and impressive in every way and... so out of reach. Harry had considered visiting him but that would come off weird. So he thought of scenarios that would lead him to Louis or excuses he could tell him when he got there but... they were all stupid and knowing himself he would most likely make a fool out of himself.
So he waited for his call, slowly losing his hope. So when his phone rung in the evening of the third day and he saw the unknown number on the display his fingertips tingled. "Hello?"
"Hey Harry, how're you doing?" Louis' cheery voice sounded through the speaker.
"Louis, hey... Hi." Harry said, slightly awkward since he didn't really know what to say. He was nervous.
After a short pause Louis spoke again, "You didn't answer my question, curly."
It took a second for Harry to get what he meant, "Your question? Wha-... O yeah, I'm doing good, normal, like always. And you?"
Louis chuckled a bit at the slightly hysterical speaking manner, "You have to relax, really. I won't bite. I'm good too, you know. As good as you can be with all the college pressure."
"Oh, yeah. I know, me too."
"What are you studying, curly?" Harry blushed. It was the second time they talked and Louis already had a nickname for him.
"Erm... Philosophy and music." Harry answered.
"Wow, that's cool. But no offence, mate but, like... What are you gonna do with that? Like, what career wise."
Harry chuckled, "Yeah, I know. It's a bit risky but like, those were the only ones that I was really interested in. I want to write songs and I think philosophy is a great source for lyrics." He began to feel more at ease with Louis. He was great to talk to.
Their conversation just flowed so easily. They had barely pauses through their three hour talk. And that's how Harry realized when he laid in bed and smiled happily, that they didn't even talk about the car. He considered calling again but it was late and, Harry thought, now he had an excuse to talk to Louis again.
Two days later he was at Nick's again. Because of the project of course. Definetely not because he hoped to see Louis again... (*winks exaggeratedly*;)) They actually finished the project after a half an hour already.
"Now we can do whatever we want." Nick leaned back and winked at Harry.
Harry cleared his throat, "We can go outside."
Nick furrowed his eyebrows, "Why would we do that?"
"Well," Harry searched for an explanation that didn't say 'I am interested in your enemy neighbour and hope to stumble into him like in a cheesy romance movie', "After all this work I need a bit fresh air." He ended up with.
Nick looked at him sceptically but then shrugged, "Okay. Where do you want to go?"
Harry stood up and made his way to the door, "Wherever my nose takes me." Nick chuckled and followed him.
And as luck would have it Harry crashed into a walking mountain of paper. It flew everywhere, a person stumbling backwards and landing on their bum.
"Shit." They cursed and Harry couldn't help his smile.
"Hi Louis, sorry Louis." Harry blushed and went to give him a hand to pull him up but Nick prevented it by pulling him back.
"Leave it, love," He said and Harry furrowed his eyebrows as Nick wrapped an arm around his waist, "He looks good on the dirty ground where he belongs."
Louis glared at him, "Where do you belong then? The waste press?" He smirked when Harry freed himself from Nick's grip, stepping to Louis to help him up.
Nick glared, "You're waste that is not even worth to bother pressing. And then I still should be on top of the world in comparison to you."
"Oh, I wouldn't recommend that to you. You would just fall down." Louis stood infront of Nick with his arms crossed like he was challenging him, which he probably was.
"Says you who broke his nose while trying to get over his treshold." Nick shot back.
Before Louis could answer Harry shrieked exitedly, "Really? Me too." Then he slapped a hand over his mouth, embarrassed.
Louis smirked, "You seem to do that a lot, stumbling." He didn't seem annoyed or quarrelsome, more amused.
"Yeah... yeah sorry. We'll help you pick up this paper." Harry rushed out, beginning to squat.
"Oh no. It's okay. It was to be thrown into the container anyways." Louis assured.
But Harry frowned, "But that's polluting the environment."
"It's just paper, not plastic."
"Yeah, but it could be recycled. Producing new paper is far worse than recycling for our natural environment."
Louis rolled his eyes fondly, "Okay, let's get this paper recycled." He crouched down with Harry and began picking up the fallen paper waste.
"Sure, just pretend I'm not here." Nick said annoyedly.
"We're doing that." Louis sassed.
Nick gritted through his teeth and grabbed Harry's arm, pulling him up. "Come on Harry. We'll do something more fun without this twat ruining this." And with that he was pulled away from Louis.
It was three days later that he worked on his homework but could barely concentrate. Everything that was running through his head was LouisLouisLouis. Without even thinking much about it he grabbed his phone and clicked his contact. It wasn't until he heard, "Hello?" on the receiver that he paniced.
What should he say? Why did he just do that? He didn't even know what to say. It was stupid. What should he say to not sound creepy? Should he just hang up and call later when he got an excuse? But-... "Hello?" Louis said again.
"Ye-... yeah, yes. This is Harry."
"Aaah, Harry. Great to talk to you. What's up?"
"Err... I-... I wanted to ask , uuh... how's your car?"
Louis laughed, "Did you really wanted to ask me that?"
Harry blushed, but Louis couldn't see that. It was kind of soothing, "Yes, err... yes. I still have to pay for it. And look how to repair it, I mean, where."
"Aww, Harry. Don't wor-..." Louis hesistated, then proposed, "You know what? Let's go to the repair shop together. Are you free tomorrow?"
"Err... After class. Three thirty or something."
"Great. Meet me there. I'll text you the adress. We'll need your car to ride back."
No sooner said than done. Louis was already talking to some man working there. His back was facing Harry so came up from behind him as quiet as possible and covered his eyes with his hands from behind. "Hey Harry." Louis giggled (A manly giggle, of course). Harry let his hands fall and grinned widely at Louis, standing beside him.
The repairman looked at them strangely but instantly neutralized his face as he realized it. "Okay so. I analyzed the damage and there are two ways to fix it. The first one will be finished tomorrow morning and the second will need four days to get finished but it will be cheaper. Though the substitute car will cost extra if you need it." Both boys hesistated. "I will leave you to consult." With that he left them alone.
"Gosh, I'm so sorry," Harry began, "I'll pay you the more expensive one of course. You can't have no car for four days. I mean, it's my fault aft-..."
"No Harry." Louis interrupted, "We'll find another solution. Don't worry."
"And how? You heard the man. There's two options."
"Yeah, but... We could take the cheeper version and... I mean, would it bother you... No, I can't ask you for that. It's too much."
"What? You said cheeper version. That's not too much. You just need a car for... Oh my gosh, I have an idea. I can drive you. What do you think?"
Louis looked at him wide eyed, "You would do that? I had the same idea but you have your own life and scedule and I thought..."
"No. I'll do it. I don't have much money but I can pay you back differently."
"Differently, eh?" Harry blushed at Louis' suggestive eyebrow.
"Have you decided?" The mechanic asked before Harry could say anything else. They nodded and explained the man their decision.
They managed perfectly. Harry drove him to college before driving to his own. Louis was finished a bit earlier than Harry but he just hung out with his friends or went to the café in his freetime. Once they arrived at Louis' he invited Harry inside and they did college work or played Fifa or just talked and ate, sometimes with Louis' flat mate Liam.
It was no different on the fourth day, one day before Louis could get back his own car. Louis and Harry were playing Fifa in the living room when Liam came in and asked if he could have a controller too.
"No." Louis said without looking away from his players on the screen.
"You can have mine." Harry offered.
"No." Louis protested, "You're the guest."
"Yeah, but-..."
"No." Louis seemed to say that a lot at the moment. He sighed and turned to Liam, "Let's make a deal. We'll finish this game, then you can play against Harry." Liam nodded in approval just as Harry cheered, having scored a goal. "Hey." Louis complained, "That wasn't fair. I was talking to Liam." Harry just shrugged in response. "Oh, I will so beat you." Louis threatened.
Louis did beat Harry, very much so. So Harry concentrated even more as he played against Liam. That was, until Louis announced he had to go to the bathroom. Harry watched him until he disappeared and when he looked back at the screen, Liam was laughing because he had scored two goals while Harry wasn't paying attention.
After a minute of normal playing without really talking to each other Liam spoke up, "You like him, don't you?"
Harry choked on nothing and tried to pretend that he didn't know what they were talking about, "Who?"
Liam rolled his eyes, "Santa Clause... Louis of course."
"I, I...- what?" Harry didn't know what to say. He wouldn't tell the truth to Louis' best friend and flat mate.
"Come on. It's kind of obvious." Liam pushed.
Lucky for him Louis came back just in time yelling at them if they were finished because he was bored. Harry smiled fondly at him as he flopped down on the couch. When he looked away he noticed Liam smirking at him knowingly, and Harry blushed.
After college the next day Harry drove Louis to the repair shop to get his car. Louis didn't want Harry to pay but Harry insisted that he would pay at least a part. So they agreed that each of them would pay a half.
Harry accompanied Louis to his car and he was suddenly nervous. Was that it? Would he see Louis again after this whole chase was closed?
His worries were a bit eased as Louis smiled at him sweetly as they reached Louis' car, "Thanks, Harry. You're a really great person."
Harry blushed, "It- of course... I mean, I- no...err... problem."
Before he knew it Louis' arms were around his neck and his lips were on his. Harry made a surprised sound in the back of his throat but quickly reacted, pulling Louis closer by his waist and moving his lips with Louis. It was amazing to Harry, having this beauiful boy in his arms and his lips tasted like sunshine and candy, to him at least. But that was all that mattered right now, Louis.
Far too soon Louis pulled away and he smiled cheekily at Harry, "See you." Was all he said before getting into his car and driving off with a wide smile, leaving a dazed Harry on the car park.
Later that night Harry thought it was finally appropriate to call Louis even though he had itched to do that since the second he was left in the parking space. "Hey Harry." Louis sounded cheery and it made Harry feel giddy.
"Hey, err..." Harry should have planned what to say, "How is your car?" He asked.
"You know," Louis chuckled, "You don't need my car as an excuse to call me."
And yeah, Harry would remember that.
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