"Today wasn't too special but--"
"It was just what I wanted"
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- contains romantic shipping
- boyfriend dynamics
- fluff
- long chapter
- feel free to play the song at the beginning
Sorry if you don't like romantic shipping between the members but remember that this is make believe and Daewon is just a character.
For mxxn_lightluna sorry it took all day but I hope you like it lovely❤!
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Soobin moved around a bit but his movements were limited due to the "kitten" sleeping in his arms. The tall boy looked at his boyfriend who was peacefully sleeping, chest rising and falling softly. Instinctively he moved his hand up to the boys head and ran it through the freshly dyed blue stands. As always Daewon moved his head closer to Soobin's hand and sighed.
"Cutie" Soobin mutters. Even in his sleep Daewon loved someone playing with his hair, he lived for it. Sometimes Soobin would imagine little cat ears on his head. They'd be flattened down as he basked in the glorious feeling of someone petting them, or scratching at them. As cute of a moment as this was for them Soobin couldn't help but frown as he thought of what today is.
Valentines Day
Since they met years ago Soobin's known that Daewon hates Valentines Day but he never knew why. Daewon never talked about it and neither did Beomgyu, and he knows Beomgyu knows what happened but Beomgyu was loyal and never told.
"Wonnie-ah, I want to spend today with you, in a special way" Soobin mutters sadly. He loved Valentines day. Yes he always teased Daewon for being a helpless Drama Romantic but he really loved the special dates they had because Daewon put so much love into them. He really wanted to be the one to do something for Daewon this time.
After an hour of laying with Daewon on his chest Soobin started to get hot so he detached their limbs and climbed out of the small bad. His bare feet slapped against the cold hard wood floor as he made his way to his room to get dressed.
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Daewon woke up two hours later and took a shower. When he was done he put his clothes on and grabbed a brush, a blow dryer and a straightener and plopped them down in front of Soobin.
"Help me" he says cutely. Soobin rolls his eyes and points to the floor. Daewon obediently sits down and lets Soobin find a plug close by the couch to plug the blow dryer into. After Daewon's hair was dried and straightened he climbed onto Soobin's lap and koala hugged him.
"What do you wanna do today babe? Everyone's gone" he whispers. Soobin hums and wraps his arms around the boys waist.
"I was thinking we could...have a date"
"A date?"
"Yeah" Soobin says awkwardly. Daewon pulls back and cups Soobin's face in his hands. His thumbs brush against his boyfriends fluffy cheeks before pulling him closer. Daewon pecks Soobin's lips a few times before brushing their noses against each other.
"Is that what you wanna do?"
And that's how they ended up in kitchen wearing couples aprons. Soobin bit at his bottom lip as he read through a recipe online. Daewon admired the boys face for a minute before reaching out to poke at his cheeks.
"Stop" Soobin mutters as he moves away to collect the ingredients they would need.
"Alright do as I say ok" Soobin says. Daewon makes an ok sign with his hand and they get to work. Soobin read off the instructions while Daewon did as he was told, for the most part.
"Hey Binnie am I doing this--yah!" Daewon shouts. Soobin smiles cheekily as he looks at his boyfriend.
"What?" he questions innocently.
"You're so annoying" Daewon mutters as he takes a step towards Soobin.
"I'm your annoying boyfriend" Soobin smiling.
"You are, and now you have to suffer the consequences" Daewon says taking a hand full of flooe and smearing it over Soobin's face.as he gets closer to Soobin. Just as their lips touch Daewon smears floor over Soobin's face.
"YaH DaeWon!" Soobin yells his voice cracking slightly. Daewon laughs grabbing his phone to take a picture.
"Aw my cutie Soobinnie" he giggles. Soobin rolls his eyes and gets some thing to clean their face.
"Sit still" he orders. He gently wipes away the floor away and in return Daewon does the same for him.
"Truce?" Daewon questions. Soobin nods and gives his boyfriend a quick kiss.
"Truce" he says back and then they turn back to their task of making cupcakes.
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Daewon and Soobin sat curled on the couch together watching their seventh movie of the night. Cupcake wrappers covered the floor beneath their feet. It was late into the evening now so the sky outside was already dark and the other members were still out. Just as the two were beginning to doze off Soobin got a message.
Look Outside...
It's snowing!
"Daewon wake up" Soobin mutters as he nudges his boyfriend. Daewon whines and clings to Soobin more than before.
"Come on baby get up" Soobin says. Daewon complies and let's Soobin drag him off to his room.
"Here put this on, come on!"
"Soobin I wanna take a nap, why are we putting on coats?"
"Just do as you're told" Soobin says. Once they both had their coats and shoes on Soobin took Daewon up to the roof.
"Soobin do you have any ide--" Daewon looks up at the glittering sky in awe.
"It's snowing" he giggles. Soobin takes his phone out and snaps a picture of Daewon.
"Soobin it's snowing!"
"I can see it!" Soobin says. Daewon yelps and begins to run around the roof.
"You look like an idiot"
"Then join me"
"And be an idiot?"
"Yeah...we can be idiots together" Daewon says. Soobin sighs and begins to run around the roof with him. The couple ran around the roof until it got too cold to be out any longer. Now in the dorm the drank hot chocolate while curled up on the couch once again.
"Thank you for today, it was fun" Daewon says.
"It was?"
"Yeah! I got to spend all day with you n peace and we made the most delicious cupcakes, and played in the snow"
"Oh...I guess that I don't feel like I did a good job in making today a good day for you. Today wasn't too special but--"
"Soobin hush. Today doesn't need to be special just cause the world says it needs to be. Today was--It was just what I wanted"
"Then how come you hate today so much?"
"I dont hate it I guess I just...Yeong-jin didn't really want to celebrate it when we were together so I guess I kinda just was scared of it"
"Hey," Soobin says hugging Daewon.
"I'm not Yeong-jin ok. Even if I didn't want to celebrate today I would have done it for you, because I love you"
"I love you too. I'm sorry for being weird and not talking about it..its just hard I guess"
"I know but remember Daewon I'm always here for you. I know its hard for you to talk and open up. Just take your time," Soobin says placing a small kiss on the older males cheek.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that," he says. Truthfully Soobin never did like Yeong-jin. He was manipulative always getting Daewon to do whatever he pleased without considering Daewons feelings. He was sure part of the reason Dae had a hard time opening up was because of him.
"Stop frowning," Daewon says pinching Soobin's cheeks.
"Everything is fine now. From now on I have a good memory of Valentines Day to replace the bad, and that's all thanks to you," he says smiling softly at Soobin who gives a proud nod.
"Yeah, I did that," the leader mumbles with a smile.
"Yes you did baby" Daewon says. He hugs Soobin and they start to fall asleep on the couch.
"You didn't make babies on the couch did you?"
"They can't make babies idiot"
"You didn't do anything weird did you?"
"And now it's over too soon" Daewon mutters.
"It's ok" Soobin says and rubs his nose against Daewon's.
"Happy Valentines Day"
"Can't wait for Singles Day tomorrow bitches!" Kai shouts.
Happy Valentines Day everyone! I had an idea for this but then I forgot to write it down so to me this version isn't the best. I hope today was a good day even if you don't have a Valentine.
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