f i v e
"So what are we going to do today?" Dad asked us the next morning. We were eating cereals for breakfast (because it is probably the safest breakfast we can eat - given that we temporarily have a vegetarian in the house) and Legolas and I looked up to him simultaneously who already has an eyebrow raised, his head resting on a propped up hand and a smirk playing on his face.
I grinned, an idea roaming on my head. "We could tour Legolas around the city!" I turned to the blond elf beside me who had a grateful smile on his lips, his eyes expressing so much warmth.
"And we could go around inviting our friends for the party." Dad added, nodding.
Since school has been suspended, I have my father for the next four days. Not to mention a welcomed guest will be joining us and will be here on his birthday.
"Go and get ready, I'll deal with the dishes," Dad ordered, gathering our bowls. Legolas finished his final gulp of coffee before him, completely intoxicated by the aroma.
"This drink would be my undoing," he murmured, licking his lips. Dad and I chuckled.
I directed Legolas upstairs, leading him to my room, which was located directly from the room he had slept on. I let my eyes linger at the door in front of me for a moment, remembering the nights I used to sneak inside, especially if sleep won't visit me. It had been months before I get to sleep in my room again.
"You can use my bathroom, I'll go get you some fresh clothes," I told Legolas, who nodded, smiling, and then disappeared inside my room. Meanwhile I entered the room only to be greeted by a neatly made bed and a gust of wind coming from the widely opened window. Fall had came, and I smiled to myself, thinking how much I love it.
Remembering what I came for, I quickly rummaged through the old clothes inside one of the cabinets, grabbing the closest piece of clothing that would suffice in the current weather. I picked a brown pullover, a pair of black jogger pants, undershorts and socks. I tried my best to push behind my mind the hidden thoughts of these clothes, I really did. Somehow it felt easier, unlike before. That is a good sign, is it not?
Gathering my senses, I gave Legolas the clothes I have picked for him and proceeded to picking out my own. The thought of sweaters felt nice to me, so I grabbed my favorite one, a maroon oversized sweater and a pair of jogger pants, matching with Legolas.
After a few moments, he emerged from the bathroom, his hair all wet but still looked well brushed, but what completely surprised me was the way he looked. The way the pullover fitted him suddenly felt like it was his all along; even the pants fit him perfectly. Why do they have to be so alike?
"Are you fine, Nina?" I looked up and saw his eyes gazing over me with worry.
I forced a smile, aware of how faked it must've looked. "Yeah, I'm just dying for a bath, that's all."
He nodded, and somehow I knew he felt it - that I was keeping something, and I wasn't ready to talk about it. "Okay. Would you like me to give you privacy?"
I shook my head. "No, it's okay. Just stay, make yourself at home in my room." He smiled once again, and sat at the office chair, drying his hair.
I took a bath as fast as I could, and made sure my sad thoughts had washed away as well. As I was drying my hair, my chosen clothes clinging to my body, providing sufficient warmth, my curiosity on Legolas' hair led me to an idea.
"Hey Legolas?" I called out, and he suddenly looked up from the book he was reading, one that he got from my messy bookshelf.
I smiled mischievously. "Would you allow me to do something with your hair?"
He didn't respond at first, eyeing me carefully. "Please tell me you won't cut it."
I chuckled. "No I won't! I promise."
He sighed, dropped the book on my blue bed, and got up. I pulled him towards the vanity inside the bathroom, made him seat at the chair (as he was amazingly tall). I started first by drying his hair using the blower (which earned a gasp from his lips) massaging his scalp as I ran my hands on his head (really - I am dying to know this guy's hair products). He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the sensation. When his hair was all dried up, I proceeded to brushing it with a soft toothed comb. He looked at me through the mirror with a glistening grin. "You seem to be enjoying this." He said.
"Well it's not everyday a hair like yours come by in this town, and besides, it's too pretty to even ignore."
He raised any eyebrow. "Nina, we have identical hair, in case you haven't noticed."
"But yours is healthier. Mine's all tangled up if I don't apply that much of cream and oil." I pouted. "What hair products do you even use? Your hair is so soft I'm jealous."
He laughed. "Herbs, mostly."
After brushing his hair, I proceeded to the look I have been trying to picture him with - his hair propped up in a messy bun. Giggling, I started gathering his hair on my left hand, pulling it softly, my right hand pulled at some loose baby hair, achieving the "messy" look, then twisted the gathered hair, rolling it on his head and with a black ponytail, tied it. It was the first time I noticed his peculiar ears, all pointy and sensitive. I raised an eyebrow when they revealed themselves. I tried touching it with a finger, but Legolas stopped me before I could even lay one, laughing.
When I was done, he stared at himself for a moment, his eyes wide, then at me, a grin started to form in his face.
"By the Valar, Nina," he breathed. I have come to the conclusion that it meant "oh my God" in human vocabulary.
"I know, I'm pretty awesome," I chirped, "now go - I'll braid mine."
Dad called us downstairs as soon as I was finished fixing myself. "Kids! We gotta go!"
Legolas looked up from his book, smiling at me questioningly.
I knew why. I'm pretty sure Dad realized his mistake too. I shrugged him off, and grabbed my things. We went downstairs together, my father at the foot of the steps, tying his shoelaces which reminds me - Legolas has no pair of shoes except his muddy boots. I got him one pair of sneakers. He watched Dad tie his and soon he was following suit.
When we are all ready, Dad nudged at me, his blue eyes gazing at me warmly. "Are you good?"
I nodded, smiling. "Always."
And then we settled in Dad's black SUV (I let Legolas claim the passenger seat; he would've enjoyed the trip better in that place) and we drove off to the city.
"Where do we go first?" Dad asks. Legolas was still caught up with the towering buildings and busy street of my city.
"How about the mall?" I suggested.
"The mall it is then."
The short ride to the mall was worth it, judging by the face of Legolas. His eyes were filled with fascination and wonder at every little thing, from the moving cars, to the road repairs and loud billboards. When we reached the mall, his eyes grew as he watched people come and go inside the huge building, their kids trailing behind, holding hands with their loved ones, laughing and talking.
The Plaza was jam packed with people, despite of the fact that it is a Tuesday. If Legolas was a bit more younger, I swear I would consider tying a leash on him for every store had tickled his fancy. The first store he entered was Aeropostale, because the mannequin creeped him out. Next was a candy store, where everything was color pink and blue.
What crossed the line was when we walked by Victoria's Secret. He entered the store bluntly, and when I looked back, Dad was blushing, and I knew it was my job to pull him out.
I came inside the store (and I admit, tried my best to look around because goals). Legolas was looking at an aisle filled with laced bras and panties, and I swear I knew I looked like a tomato. The teller at the cashier was giggling, while the other customers looking around were practically drooling over him.
"Legolas," I nudged at him, "Come on!" I whispered.
He looked at me with a frown. "How could such piece of clothing hide so little?"
I bursted out laughing. "Honey, this is the underwear section. These clothes are to be worn under."
With that being said, Legolas turned bright red. His innocence cracks me up. I seem to forget how new all this is to him.
He walked away, head bent. I followed him and saw him stand close to my father who was trying so hard not to laugh and look away from the store.
"Why don't we grab lunch at County's?" Dad suggested, as soon as he noticed how exhausted I am from all the walking we did.
I could feel my eyes glistening, because who wouldn't like to eat at the best breakfast cafe in town?
"What food do they serve?" Legolas asked. We were walking to the County's, as it was just a walking distance from the mall. The County's is own by the Berkinses, a well known family for their love of good food and merrymaking. As of now, the diner is ran by Freddy and his uncle, Bobby.
"Breakfast, mostly," Dad answered.
Legolas frowned, confused. "But didn't we have breakfast already?"
"Well then," I started, smiling, "let's count this as second breakfast, shall we?"
We reached the diner just a few minutes before the peak hour, giving us ample time to pick the best spot inside, which is the counter because a) faster service, and b) a chance to share a gossip or two with the people working there. The diner had the same ambience it has for the past years my father and I lived here - homey, and definitely relaxing, with the the cream painted walls and the red cushioned chairs settled on all sides of the diner. We sat down at the counter though, and just behind it was Freddy, his black curls all tousled up, taking orders from the growing line.
As soon as he saw us come in he flashed a bright smile. "Sup, guys." he greeted. "Uncle Bob! Tristan and Nina are here!" He called out for Bobby, who was busy at the kitchen, cooking. He peeked behind an opening and waved using his spatula.
"Good morning!" Dad and I waved. Meanwhile, Legolas refused to talked, but instead stared at our two old friends.
"You know them?" I asked.
He nodded slowly, a grin creeping up to his face. "Definitely. They are Frodo and Bilbo Baggins. They are hobbits."
"What's a hobbit? It sounds like a baby hobo," Dad asked. I raised any eyebrow at him.
"They are mortals, but smaller than the average man." I turned to study at Freddy, and found it amusing that a guy as tall as him would be small in Legolas' world. He is pretty much typical, electric blue eyes that shines every time you look at it, average built body and average clothes for a new adult, and a pretty cool black locks that reaches up to the nape of his neck. He resembled Bobby so much, the only difference was he was older, with gray hairs peaking on his crown, and wrinkled smile.
"Pete! Take over for me please?" Freddy called out for his good friend and co-worker, Peter. He then started walking towards us, a bright smile flashing on his face.
"Sup guys, can I get you something?" he asked.
"I'll have the usual," Dad said.
"Mine too."
He turned to our blond friend. "How about you?"
"Fred, this is Legolas," Dad introduced, "my niece. Leggy, this is Freddy."
Legolas ignored Dad's nickname, but turned his attention to Freddy's stretched hand and took it.
"Since you are new here, why don't I give you one of our bestsellers?" Freddy suggested.
Legolas nodded, smiling.
"Just make sure it doesn't have meat. He's vegetarian," Dad reminded.
"And coffee please. It's his current obsession."
Legolas' pointy ears perked up at the mention of coffee. (It's kind of weird how no one notices his ears - it's unimaginably huge and pointy.)
Freddy disappeared into the kitchen, helping about his uncle in cooking.
It was Peter who served us coffee. The line at the counter had already subsided, and he was free for a little chitchat.
"Shouldn't you be at school?" he asked, pouring Legolas his first cup of coffee, who already had a bright look on his face.
"School's suspended for the next couple of days," I answered, "Where's Matt and Seth?"
"I'm here, wiping tables as always," a voice behind me said, and when I turned it was Matthew, a smug grin on his face. Dad was too busy with his phone that he didn't noticed the amused smile on Legolas' face, clearly, the pair is very much familiar to him.
"Seth's out back, doing inventory or something," Peter leaned in. "Bob's orders. He was punished for being a little too adventurous."
Meanwhile, Matthew nudged at Legolas, eyeing him carefully.
Legolas noticed, and he quietly cleared his throat.
"Guys, this is Leggy," I smiled. "Leggy, these are guys."
"Legolas, actually." He corrected, and quite fastly, offered Peter a handshake, muttering his name. He then turned to Matthew who was less suspicious and a little bit enthusiastic. When they were done with the introductions, I smiled broadly at Legolas, proud of his newfound knowledge. He smiled sheepishly.
"Oy!" We all turned to the voice and saw Seth, few of his curly hair hanging from the hair net he was wearing, another worker at the diner and friend. "Serve up these dishes, will you?"
Matthew rolled his eyes, saluting me and my company. "Okaaaaay, I'll see you guys later."
When our dishes finally came, I first watched Legolas eat. Freddy gave him a five-piece pancake tower with honey syrup, topped blueberries and whipped cream. It looked divine.
He eyed if carefully, maybe contemplating if it got any meat. When he was sure, he cut a piece and took a bite. As soon as it landed in his mouth, a smile started to form on his face, his eyes lighting up to me.
"This is gooooooood," he moaned. Dad and I chuckled, and proceeded to eating our own. I got my all time fave, a 2 piece chocolate waffle with strawberries and whipped cream on the side, while Dad got his bolognese and garlic rice.
"So how're the pancakes?" Bobby asked Legolas, whom Freddy had told him about. The other four had scrambled about inside the diner, serving food and wiping tables.
"Exquisite," Legolas said in between bites, a few amount of syrup dripping at the corner of his lips. Bobby chuckled, and proceeded to asking Seth in making Legolas another batch.
"Hey Bob, listen," Dad started, getting his attention, "I'll be having a small barbeque dinner at my house on Thursday, if you guys are free."
"Is it that time of the year already?"
If you're pertaining to his birthday, then yeah, it is," I butted in, wiping my face of any stray cream and crumbs.
Bobby nodded. "Well, I could close a bit on Thursday, don't you think? The boys needed a rest, as well." A wrinkled smile started to form in his face, and despite of this it showed a little of his youth. "I haven't rested in a while. A party might just do me good, as well as to these boys."
It was Legolas' turn to speak. "Well if that's the case, my friend, join us, and this feast might've have a way of relaxing you for quite awhile."
Later that night, just before I go off to bed, Legolas told me about how the Berkinses and the boys looked a lot like his old friends, the hobbits.
"Freddy and Bobby looked a lot like Frodo and Bilbo," he said, "In Middle Earth, they are just about the height of my waist, or smaller, even-" I chuckled, "But do you know what? They're courage is even taller than I am, or our fathers. Their adventures are the reasons why Middle Earth is peaceful, right now. I would be forever grateful that I have joined their company in taking down the evil that resides upon my world.
"I never expected to see the other hobbits , as well. But as always, where Frodo goes, Sam goes - he's the other cook, Seth? Yes, it is him. He had a lot of loyalty in him, that young boy. Merry and Pippin, as always, the naughty little ones. Matthew and Peter resembled the two a lot." He paused, taking a sip from a mug right beside him.
I found the courage to ask him the clouding question in my mind. "If you could go home, to Middle Earth, right now in this moment, would you?"
He froze. He dropped the mug slowly, breathing heavily, sadness crept up to his eyes. He tucked a loose strand of hair at the back of his ears and smiled sadly at me. "I must not lie to myself, must I? I miss Mirkwood, I really do - but does the wind tell me it's time to be back? No, not yet. A few more days, perhaps, until I find the answer to my question."
I did not ask what was the question. For now, I was thankful, because he was ready to stay.
And I realized that was what I needed.
am i the only one fantasizing legolas with a messy bun?!?!?!? gaaah the pic's not orlando but dayuum that guy is cute
sorry for the late update xxx
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