Team Planing-3
*Crackle, Pop, Tshhhh*
The two friends were camping out near a trail thst headed in the direction of their next stop. They had put up their tents as the sun started setting about an hour ago. They were about halfway between Venteria and Liva, the beach city that held a gym and surfing school. While they had traveled, they'd fought a few other trainers and even some zigzagoons along the way. Auburn was scrolling through his phone, sitting opposite the side of the campfire from Robyn. They both had rotom phones, but Auburn had a Porygon-z case while Robyn had the base rotom case. They both sat in front of their tents while Robyn was finishing up her schoolwork when Auburn spoke up.
"So you're pretty set to fight Tim Slater with Peteinee, but I should probably catch an electric or grass type to help out Aguana." Robyn nodded. Ever since Auburn had promised Robyn, he'd wait for her he'd been studying everything about pokemon battles so they could do their best. "We won't be able to catch a Cubolt until we can find a way to cross water... I could catch a Mareep, possibly find a grass featheration of Gliddit." Robyn just laughed as her friend thought about team building. She enjoyed listening to her friends rambles.
She finished up her school work and scrolled through Kadabook and Flitter. She checked out everything and anything about her favorite celebrities of the region. Wilbert Lantos was the 26 year old sound type elite four member and famous singer and musician; Casey Swirl, the 22 year old baker who lost her fiance two years ago and became the ghost type gym leader; and Andréas Papillémeau, 18 year old actor from Kalos, brother of Seibold. He was also the bug type gym leader residing in Angelwood.
She stopped scrolling when they both looked up after a shuffling sound came from a bush. A little Kittypillar lept out of the bush and jumped onto Robyn, quivering behind her neck.
"ITA ITA GLI GLI!!!" A yellow and orange little parrot came out following the scared catterpillar pokemon. It was screeching and flapping its wings like crazy. The Gliddit went straight for Kittypillar, and in turn, Robyn.
"BIND THEN POUND!" Auburn yelled and pointed at the bird as Agauna lept to attack. Aguana wrapped around the bird before slapping it. The gladdit cawed and got ready to attack before Auburn threw a pokeball. As the center clasp hit the pokemon, it was engulfed in energy and disappeared into the ball. The ball then fell onto the ground and shook three times before clicking successfully.
"Auburn! You just caught your first pokemon. Congrats!" Auburn smiled and clapped. "Thanks." He smiled before he scanned the pokeball with his dex app. The app spoke aloud: "Gliddit, the colorful pokemon. A flying type. Gliddit aren't that good at flying, and usually can be seen gliding from high tree to tree. Gliddit comes in many variations, each specialized in a different type." He scrolled through the pokemon's information. "Oh my Arceus! Robyn, guess what its featheration type is!"
She eyed her friend curiously. "What?" He grew a wide smile and shoved his phone in her face. "It's an electric! Oh, that's so good! Now I have a chance of beating Tim Slater!" He was so excited. Robyn then remembered the little pokemon that had jumped on her. She looked down at the little Kittypillar, who had found a comfortable spot on her shoulder and was now purring happily. "Hey there, little guy, you ok?" The caterpillar pokemon looked up at her and voiced a little "mew" as it opened its mouth. "You hungry?" She reached down into her bag and pulled out a little Munchmellow, feeding it to the little pokemon.
The Kittypillar purred and rubbed up against her neck cutely. "You wanna come with?" She held up her pokeball, and the catterpillar went in happily. The pokeball clicked, and she pulled out her dex app. It read aloud: "Kittypillar, the Catterpillar pokemon. A bug type. Kattypilar are a shy and fearful pokemon and will usually hide under furniture or up high. If you befriend a Kattypilar, it will purr when around you, which means it trusts you." She put the phone away and let the pokemon out. It instantly went back to her shoulder and curled up purring peacefully.
"Two pokemon each, we're doing good," Robyn said as she looked at the sleeping pokemon on her shoulder. "I'm so ready to use Gliddit at the gym!" Auburn said as he released the bird pokemon who flew over to Aguana and started playing, Peteinee joining in too.
After a while, the two friends got tired and got into their sleeping bags in their respective tents, their pokemon sleeping next to them. They were excited to reach Liva the next day and hopefully get their first gym badge.
(Welp, here we are, two pokemon each. I don't have much to say this time so I hope you enjoyed it. Make sure to eat and drink, guys! Adios!(853 words)(2/28/23))
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