<If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change>
"OKAY OLAYINKA what got into you? Why did you accept to be at the games this evening?" I asked my reflection in the mirror as I paced about my room, both hands folded behind me. With my disheveled hair, I probably looked like The Mad Hatter without the red hair and garish make-up on his face.
I stopped for a bit. What if I didn't show up? After all, I was just invited and not obligated to come. Besides, I really wasn't over the moon at seeing a couple of boys chase after a round object. Rather, I'd tuck myself snugly in bed and read a Mills & Boons novel.
No, I continued walking in circles, I had already given my word. Olayinka Jamila Kincade never ever chickened out on anything.
That's ironic Olay considering the fact that you're a chicken and a total coward who lets other cowards bully you, my mind said in a cynical tone. Oh shut up!
Gazing heavenward, I realized I had a problem. Since I stayed at home after school with nowhere to go, my parents were used to that, me not going anywhere. There was no way I was leaving this house without telling them. Maybe they'll decide against my going to watch the game and I'll have a reason not to attend. Yes! It was exactly what I wanted.
With that thought in mind, I marched to Mom and Dad's room hoping they'll not agree. That way, I'll tell Kian my parents hadn't permitted me.
I gently tapped the door. There was no response. Hearing weird sounds I knocked again. What was happening there?
"Who's that?" Dad asked in a gruff voice mixed with a touch of annoyance. Had I interrupted something?
I face palmed. "Your ghost," I replied sarcastically.
"Oh honey, ahh stop it. Can't you see that she's just at the door?" I strained my ears to hear what Mom whispered to Dad in a husky tone. What?! Were they doing the deed? Okay, I didn't want to stand at the door right now.
I heard some noises like they were scrambling out of bed. Dad opened the door smirking like a cat that ate the canary. His black hair was tousled and his honey brown eyes held a glint of humour while Mom, who stood beside him was looking anywhere else apart from me. Talk about awkward.
From the way the bed was in disarray and mom's clothes were askew you knew they had been up to something. With a secret knowing smile, I sat down on the bed and decided not to think of what had happened there a few moments ago.
Mom sat on the loveseat next to the door still flustered, Dad stood up.
Dad was a neurosurgeon. He worked around the clock so he wasn't home most of the day. This could be the only time he had with Mom and I had just interrupted their romantic moment. I suddenly felt bad.
"You've been studying us like some specimen in the lab for a long time dear. What's up?" Dad raised his brown hand to his neck probably wondering why I had decided to disrupt their sweet time.
"Okay. Uhm, a friend of mine invited me to a football game this evening at school. I couldn't go without your consent so I came here to ask for your permission. It's up to you guys whether I show up or not." I observed their faces as I talked. Surprise, astonishment and glee, oh no not glee, flitted rapidly on their faces.
Mom appeared pleased. "Finally! My baby girl's going out. I'm so glad. Tell me hun, is it a guy?" Mom simpered at me, a smirk on her face.
I groaned. Why all this boy questions? Ugh. "Yes, it's a guy. Are you happy?"
"Of course I am. This is practically the first time you're leaving the nest. I feel like a mother hen right now." She did a little jig around the room, her movements extremely hilarious that Dad and I jerked back in laughter.
"What? Can't I do a happy dance?" She placed her hands on her waist, a playful frown between her brows.
I guffawed. "Not like that please."
"Whatever hun." Mom cracked a huge smile, teeth glinting in the light. "I give you my consent to go out. Don't you, Chris?" She elbowed Dad.
"I agree too. You can go but you'll come back early enough. Okay?" he said strictly.
Nooooo, my laughter died. This is not what I want, I yelled in my mind.
"Yes dad, I will. Thanks," I assured them and eased out of the room. The second I was out, the door closed.
Traitors. My parents were traitors, just see how they had agreed so easily. Argh. But if me going out made them that happy, well it wouldn't be a bad thing to do again then.
I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of shorts and hoodie. Not having any strength to start arranging my hair, I placed a cap on my head. I didn't bother to check myself out in the mirror, this wasn't a date afterall. Honestly if I looked horrible, I couldn't care less. After all, I had no one to impress.
"Bye guys, I'm off. Don't miss me too much and come close the back door!" I yelled as I left through the said door. I wasn't sure if they heard me though. Perhaps they were back to doing that 'activity'.
With my hands stuck into my shorts pocket, I trekked to school. I had a license and Dad had wanted to buy me a car but I rejected his offer. There was no use for the car. No parties or fun places to drive to and I was an indoor person. Besides, school wasn't far away from home.
On reaching school, I went to the field and sat down on one of the metal benches on the bleachers, not actually eager to watch the game commence. The game hadn't begun yet but the bleachers were filled to the brim with people. Some even carried handmade posters and banners that indicated the team whose side they were on. Seems they like watching soccer, I mused. I wasn't on anyone's side. Penfield High could win or lose, not my problem.
Scanning around, I saw the players huddled in a group. Each team from the opposing side and defending sides were with their captains who was probably giving them a pep talk. Our players wore a white and blue jersey with their numbers printed at the back while WallHigh player's jerseys were a yellow and brown colour. Whoever designed their wears, had no idea of colour contrast.
Cheerleaders from both schools were performing their stunts, each competing to see who was better than the other. I shook my head. The game hadn't even started and they were already being competitive.
I could see Katharina, Maude and Aliyah wave their pom poms high as they jumped up, cheering at the top of their voices like their lives depended on it. I guess they weren't called cheerleaders, with all those cheering, for nothing. With their short blue and white striped cheerleading clothes, a fancy cap on their heads, they looked like a sight for sore eyes. My eyes were not included.
A guy close to me whistled at them, "You rock girls!" Great. I'm sitting down next to a fan.
The cheerleaders were led out of the field. Katharina blew out kisses on her way back as if she was in a beauty pageant and had just been declared the winner. I rolled my eyes.
Soon, the referee blew his whistle and the players left for their respective posts. Penfield High was the defensive and WallHigh opposing. After tossing coins, WallHigh started the kickoff from the center circle, with the soccer players on their side of the field. It was official, the game had begun.
Wishing I brought some popcorn, myself busy because this sport was boring, I gently nudged the guy that had whistled earlier. He turned to me, scowling. "What?" Rude much?
"Sorry. I don't actually understand the aim of this game. What is it about?" I asked nicely. My nice tone didn't work on him.
He hissed loudly, "You have a phone right? Then browse it and leave me the fuck alone." Turning back, he continued watching that stupid addictive game.
Wow, I thought, I only asked a question and it pissed him off. Well, I was going to stay in my own lane then.
With no other option left, not that I had one in the beginning, I decided to watch the game. I spotted Kian yell "wall" to a team member. I didn't know what that meant. The game continued for some time with no one winning from both sides.
It was half-time. The players were allowed a minuscule break to have a little moment to themselves and regain their strengths. Just like before, they huddled into a group before they parted ways.
I saw Katharina prance to the field with a water bottle in her hand and a towel in the other. She was walking towards Kian who sat down on the ground, feets apart and looking exerted.
She offered it to him and even from the distance I was, a grateful look settled on his face as he took it. When he was done, he stood, pouring the remaining liquid on his head and shaking his blonde hair like a wet dog. Katharina helped him wipe his hair with the towel and even dabbled his chest with it. I wouldn't be surprised she was using this as a means of feeling him. And why was I watching? He wasn't the only boy on the field. Right? Right.
Soon the break was over and the game began once more. It was still 0-0, no wins at all. There was no luck on either sides.
Covering my mouth with a hand, I prevented myself from yawning out loud and rubbed my eyes, forcing them open. Despite how many times I tried to make myself understand this game, it wasn't working. It remained boring as frack.
"Foul foul!" That unceasing chant was what jolted me to be fully awake. What happened now? I must have missed something.
I studied my surroundings. People were standing up, fists punching the air still shouting foul. Great. Not only was the game addictive, it also made them violent.
I heard a boy, a few benches behind, say to the boy next to him, "The game's foul. How dare they play a foul in the penalty area, Penfield deserves a penalty kick."
The other boy must have agreed because he started screaming, "We want a penalty kick! Penalty kick! Penalty kick!" His fellow die-hard fans followed him.
The crowd was so demanding and since it was a rule of the game, a penalty kick was granted to Penfield.
Kian was the one allowed to shoot the ball into the goal post. He put himself in position before the goalkeeper. The whole field became silent, you could hear a pin drop. A deep feeling of anticipation filled the air.
With a high level of concentration, he kicked the ball. It flew past the goalkeeper and smashed into the net. 1-0. Penfield High won. At last, Lady Luck finally smiled at them.
The crowd went into a frenzy. Everyone, apart from me and a few people, ran to the field to congratulate the winners. Kian's team members all hugged him and gave him big smacks on the back. Even Katharina and her friends came over, coyly batting their eyelashes. She wrapped her arms around him, like she was the reason he won.
Well, my work here's done then. I stood up, dusted my behind and was about to leave when I heard someone call my name. I paused.
Looking back, I saw Kian sprinting my way. He sure had energy reserved in him after playing a match of 90 minutes.
"Hey, you made it," he said on reaching me. I wonder how he had just finished playing a game and wasn't stinking. Sure he was sweating but he wasn't smelling. He still had that woodsy cologne that irritated my sensitive nostrils. How perfect was he please?
"Uhmm yeah, I said I would." I placed my cap a notch higher; it kept on falling.
The wind ruffled his hair. "How was the game?" he asked, his eyebrows going up.
"Good. You guys did great." I tweaked the truth a little. No harm in doing that and I didn't want him to know how I wasn't into soccer.
His face broke into a charming smile. "Man, I honestly thought we weren't going to win until WallHigh made a foul which was to our advantage."
Yeah yeah, wasn't in the least interested, "Yeah."
The weather was getting chilly. I rubbed my palms together. "I'll be going now. Bye." Not waiting to see his reaction, I began walking off.
He stepped beside me. "Uhmm, about that. I don't really think you'll be going home yet."
"And why not?" I stopped and scrutinized him. Where was he heading with this?
He fixed his piercing eyes on me. "Since we won the match, Noah's hosting a party at his house and I was thinking of taking you along with me."
Okay, I totally did not see that coming.
A/N: Do you think Olay'll come to the party? ; ) Btw, I'm not really sure about the soccer scene. Just like Olay, I'm not into watching football so I don't know if my description was right. I had to browse on it before I could start typing that scene. So please vote by tapping that orange empty star that's waiting to be filled by only you, you can also put in your thoughts by commenting. Thank you so much!
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