Hook & Pacing Activity
We want you to write the first 500 words of a story. The piece must be written specifically for this workshop. The opening should lure us in and make us not want to leave. Provide enough detail about your MC and their world to have us feeling empathy for them. 500 words is not a lot, so make every word...every sentence count, especially that first sentence. Really put some effort into the opening line here.
As inspiration, we have shared examples of famous first lines in literature:
'Here is a small fact: you are going to die.' - The Book Thief
'It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didn't know what I was doing in New York.' - The Bell Jar
'If you are interested in stories with happy endings, you would be better off reading some other book.' - A Series Of Unfortunate Events
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Now that you're properly inspired, have you read the Hook and Pacing chapters yet? Please do that before starting on your brilliant 500 word piece. These guides were designed to help you with this assignment.
When the workshop opens on March 20th, you can post your finished assignment in our Discord server in the #hook-pacing-workshop channel or in the comments of this chapter. You will receive feedback from at least one Bootcamp Leader or Bootcamp Graduate. Please be patient as we make our way through the posts.
After you receive feedback, you will have the opportunity to post a revision. When responding to a revision, don't forget to tag the person who provided the original feedback. PLEASE, NO MORE THAN ONE REVISION.
Feel free to provide feedback on other people's work, but we ask you to be constructive and kind. Think of the type of feedback you would like to receive.💖 Remember to keep off-topic conversations in the #general-chat-all channel.
📌 Only exceed 500 words to finish a sentence.
📌 Discord has a 2,000 character limit, so you will likely need to split up your post. Make every effort to do that consecutively so we aren't hunting for all the parts.
📌 The last day to get the assignment in is March 24th, however, revisions will be managed throughout the weekend.
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