Into Code in a nutshell
Into Code or the actual title is Danganronpa: Into Code was my first ever Fanganronpa and it had a lot of problems with it.
It suffered from me not knowing what the heck I was doing. Sometimes I am a genius at time when it came to trials but other than that, it just straight up sucked!
There was barely interactions between the characters so if one of them died, it had to be forced and implied. Like the main character had one conversation with the first victim aside from their introduction. And then she was just straight up gone. Dead.
Minami is a fan favorite but admittedly her time to shine was cut short. Thankfully, we see her again in Eclipse (spoilers: (at least a part of her)
So why am I saying this?
Because remember when I said that if a book has the tag Wattpad360lore, it's more than likely that it's part of my lore? And how I said except for one but we will get to that.
Well this is what I was talking about. While this book sucks, it kind of is important as we see Minami in Eclipse and Kuro makes an appearance in Unravel.
But I really don't want anyone reading Into Code unless they want to cringe. So this chapter is to basically sum it up in a nutshell.
Will I remake it? Who even knows at this point? If I did, the victims and blackens will have to be the same and especially the mastermind will have to be the same. Other than that, I guess I could sometime remake it in terms of writing, dialogue and character interactions.
Oh and the sequel exists as well. It's hopefully better than it's predecessor.
So here's the nutshell.
16 students think that they're at Hope's Peak Academy but sike! They're actually in a killing game that's being hosted by a monkey robot named Monkomi.
The protagonist is Kuro Tamashi and he's the Ultimate Coder. Also in the prologue and Ch1, he's mistaken for a girl.
They investigate the area, there's classes that the people teach about their talents and then someone died. I honestly forgot what else happened.
The first victim is Moriyo Hana, the Ultimate Ranger. They investigate, the trial happened and Kuro's first friend ends up being the killer. Rin Kazashi, the Ultimate Seamstress. She was nice at first but then it's been revealed that she a b*tch.
Also it's during the trial that Kuro is like: hey I'm a boy btw. He wasn't confident to correct them.
Yeah Rin dies. Onto the second chapter!
I forgot what mostly happened other than Minami and this other person, Kana Akari the Ultimate Movie Reviewer (which if I were to remake Into Code, I'm 100% changing her Ultimate) having beef with one another because Kana criticized one of Minami's short movies.
So that happened.
Also Minami dies this chapter...yeah she wanted to kill Kana but she ends up being killed. I am skipping a lot of context, I am aware but I kind of made Kana into a b*tch during their interactions.
Minami gets killed by Uyeda Shun the Ultimate Doctor. Also I don't remember whether it was this chapter or the next where I (or at least attempted to) have romantic tension between Kuro and the (supposed) antagonist Toshino Yuu, the Ultimate Hacker.
Romance was never my strong suit, I'm trying my best now though.
Ch3 came and Kuro is finally interacting more with the others. I guess specifically with Ichigo Hina, the Ultimate Clown but she's mostly hanging out with Toshino who she sees as an older brother figure.
I'm not sure who was found first but the victims were Jun Nishu, Ultimate Boxer, and Kazuno Kira, Ultimate Peacemaker. The blacken is Sora Sayuri, Ultimate Softball Player.
Ch4 came along and the settings changed. Instead of the school setting that they were in, they're in a VR world because the school was too dangerous for them at the moment.
I think it went away when someone died.
Amy Chika, Ultimate Cowgirl. She gets killed by Robin Oga, Ultimate ???. His talent changes a lot and I'm still not entirely sure what it is. I had it planned to be the Ultimate Black and White for metaphorical reasons but then even I couldn't figure that one out so I changed it to Jester but then I didn't like that one. To this day, I still can't figure out his talent and he's one of the most important people in here for the lore.
Ch5 came and things were extremely slow as I was losing motivation for this as I was also writing Eclipse at the time. And Eclipse was waaaaaaaay better. Especially now.
The victim is Hirohito Tsutomu (and I got a comment on how the name Hirohito has a negative historical background because that was the name of the Emperor of Japan during WW2 and I didn't know that at the time until last year because almost no one that taught me history,other than my US History Teacher, focuses on the Asian theatre during WW2 even though it should have as much focus as the European theatre as well but enough of me talking about History because we will be here a while but back to what I was saying that I may change his name. His name was meant to be a pun and foreshadowing to what his role was).
Apparently the killer was Kuro but just as he was about to get executed but then Toshino saves him and he dies instead. Kuro gets sad.
Then they figure out that Tsutomu is the mastermind and he's a Junko Enoshima fanboy. His name was meant to be a pun. I think it translates something to like Unknown Worker which was foreshadowing his role as the mastermind. But thanks to me now knowing the previous fact, I may change it.
Survivors are Kuro, Ichigo, Kana (I meant to give her character development but I never did and even if I did finish Ch5, it might have been too late), Yuki Yuudai, Ultimate Wizard, and Toshiaki Daiki, Ultimate Drummer.
So why is this lore important?
Tsutomu is briefly mentioned by appearance in Eclipse while they were doing the Ch6 investigation and Minami is literally existing there even though she's meant to be dead (and there's an explanation during the first part of the trial). Plus Kuro's story isn't done yet.
I can't reveal what's going to happen but we're going to have to wait until the story unravels itself (and until I write them).
Yeah, here's the nutshell as to not read the cringe that was Into Code.
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