Anti-Bullying Squad.
Written by Trish_d_1
Hey guys, Aloha 😁 it's Trish_d_1 and today we are going to discuss an important and serious topic.
That is Bullying.
The word Bullying itself sounds so nasty to many of us, I believe each and everyone have faced this problem at some part of our life and when it happens, trust me its the most dreadful feeling ever.
But can you tell me why this bullying happens? How does these bullies come's into existence.
Its a simple answer, you are bullied because your bully was once bullied.
Sounds complex?
Let me help you, in most of the cases of bullying and ragging the bully themselves have faced bullying or some kind of stressful situation going in there life.
But most of all it's the jealousy that leads to bullying, if you are a very good person to everyone, good in your grades you are bullied.
You are called nerd!
Imagine you are wearing your favorite dress and someone purposely spills there drink all over you, how do you feel?
Angry, sad, unhappy, on the verge of crying
I know these are the common emotions you will feel.
But an important lesson is to never ever show your fear to your bully.
Saw the posts the images above👆
Take a minute and think again.
Isn't it's sad .😢
Because they are the beasts who will feast on your fears.
They are vengeful enough, to make your life hell.
It's not just schools and colleges where bullying occurs.
Infact bullying can occur in your very own safe haven called your house, in front of your guest, even parents sometimes insult and bully their own children unknowingly, I know many of you won't agree but it does happens and you can feel it.
At a friends party someone will tease you about you being a crude, a nun or not having fun,
But dear my friend have you realised how it feels?
It makes you hate yourself, its a knee jerk hit on your self esteem, it makes you socially awkward even if you aren't.
And finally it hits your confidence.
Be it your work-place, friends house , school , college or even a family function you are bullied.
Without even knowing it.
In some of the cases the person is so much tortured with bullying that they commit suicide.
Believe me it does happens.
So today I'm going to teach you how to tackle bullying with Trish_d_1 101 anti-bullying techniques.
1. Be confident, yes my friends being confident is the most important step inorder to tackle your bullies, Confidence is the most feared weapon ever.
2.Understand why are you bullied, sometimes we misinterprete bullying and criticism, honestly I also don't like criticism, infact no one likes it, but know the difference between constructive and harsh criticism.
3.Always to fight back, whatever happens once, will stay forever.
So remember the first time you are ever bullied, don't be silent fight back don't let them have a chance to bully you again.
4.Keep a sharp Tongue! you heard me right, I know many of you won't agree but trust me having a sharp tongue always help,
Gone are the days when polite talks worked, it's doesn't work now my friends because your bully will not feel any mercy.
I can also give you a reason, many of us take some people for granted, who doesn't speak for themselves and talk always politely, because they think these kind of the people are the one whom we should bully.
So remember to always have a few wise words in your pockets!
And if it is sarcastic one then bingo!
5. Physical bullying mostly happens in high schools, flushed down the toilets, banged and pushed over the lockers, stuff like that happens, so what can you do in this...... go talk politely with them first and tell them a polit no and if they don't listen, straight walk
towards the concerned authority!
Sounds piece of cake right!😂
But I know it's not that easy because then your image will be screwed or may be your bully has blackmailed you or whatever is the reason .....but finally tell me one thing
you will restrain all those hits and keep shut...but what will you do when it starts giving you bruises.
Trust me my friend no one ever deserves to be treated like an animal, even animals are treated well
So do it or get ruined for your life.
6.Parents issue- I know most of the parents nowadays aren't quite helpful, they think there children should deal with their problems themselves, but when bullying crosses a limits you have to tell someone, the best option is your friends, collect like minded people share your problems and if it's not possible contact me 😁
7. Do breathing exercise sounds silly but it helps you alot bullying leads to stress, stress leads to depression and a good breathing exercise can make your mind calm and helps you think properly.
8.Remember there is always a way,don't ever think yourself as stuck, because there is always a help on the way, you just need to holler!
9.And the final and most important advice Respect yourself and your self esteem and never ever dare hating yourself.
No one is less or more from you......
So what are you waiting for? look around yourself, if you see someone getting bullied raise your paw, your fin, your hand.
And fight the evil monster of bullying.....
Because you are not alone my friend ;)
It's Trish_d_1 motivating everyone to raise your voice against bullying
And starting a campaign against bullying
Type _ #anti-bullying_ in the comment section and show your support.
And guys if any of you are facing any issues and want my help, feel free to pm' or message me on my profile that is Trish_d_1
I would definitely going to help you, take one step and help is on your way
Hope you like this update.
Till then toodles.😉
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