Chapter 2
Wild was walking down a shipping street. Trying to figure out which romance book to read. Then the ground started shaking. An Earthquake in Wattpad, unlikely. Wild looked aroumd confused then to her horror books started cracking and shattering lile glass. Wild ran away as fast as she could but skidded to a stop when she passed someone. Without even bothering to say a word she grabbed his wrist and ran with him trailing behind. She ran as fast as she could as he trailed behind confused as hell. Even when the shatterinh stopped, deep in Wild's soul it refused to let her stop. Until she came across Light In The Darkness by Dragonheart1314. Her best friend in reality. Wild's grip tightened on the boy and she threw him with all her might into the book. Then, since she didnt have time to slow down, she slammed though the cover herself.
Wild layed on the ground, exhausted. Dragon looked up grom her desk, confused but still went to help them. Dragon helped Wild ti her feet as the boy got up himself. "Ah- um... I- you-..." after a while of stuttering he just gave up. "Dragon. Something is wrong with the app, we need to go!" Wild says desperatly. Dragon glanced at her desk then loomed at Wild anf pat her shoulder with a sad smile. "You dont ynderstand yet. But i have to stay, for my readers, followers, for my heros." Dragon says her smile getting bigger. "Have you seen what happened!? Books shattered! Yours could be next for all we know, we have to go." Wild says sternly. "Then go. Im staying." Dragon says crossing her arms. "No i wont let you die! Were human Dragon! Let it click in your head! We cant survive everything! We cant survive this." Wild says fear geowing inside her. "I thought you were determineed. Your childhood stories made you sound brave were those all frauds?" Dragon asks impatiently. "I was alot more bold as a child when i thought the world was perfect... but its not. And im a coward now, ill agree to that. But im still loyal and im not leaving you here to die!" Wild yells. "Did yoy really just say your not brave? Your an idiot thats for sure." Dragon says chuckling a bit. Wild looked at her confused and i bit angry at her comment. "A coward wouldnt have saved someone." Dragin says steppung to the side revealing the boy who was whatching intently at their argument. He looked away casually, slight red cheeks from embarassment. "So your not brave? Unlikely." Dragon says walking back to her desk. "Thanks for kidnapping me." The boy says. "Hey i didnt kidnap you!" Wild protests. "Heh. Either way thanks." He says smiling. The boy had white fur and small horns, a purple jacket and white eyes. "Im Henry!" He says happily. "Wild." She mumbles trying to hide in her hood. "Well i better get back to my friends and warn them. Bye!" He says and walks out with his hands in his pockets.
(Hey buddy chum pals! So the chapters are going to come out fast for this week, because on Thursday and Friday im going on a feild trip and wont be able to write that much... trust me ill try my best but those two days i may be silent cuz im riding rides or swimming with my classmates. Boi!)
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