What is a "Strong" Female Character?
After the rise and fall of Twilight, writers struck back. It seemed like the limp noodle protagonist that was Bella Swan spawned authors to go the opposite direction and make their female characters impossibly strong, constantly kicking butt and taking names.
But is that realistic?
It's impossible to deny that there have been women warriors throughout history, but it seems like in an attempt to fight back against the weak protagonists, like Bella, we've gone the opposite way and created another set of problems.
I don't know anyone, myself included, who can fight a fully grown man and win. And teen girls in novels are doing it all the time, without any training, at the drop of a hat it seems. Are we sacrificing reality for the sake of "strong" female protagonists?
Is it possible to do this right?
I'm reminded of Tris in Divergent, who gets the tar beat out of her repeatedly before she learns to fight. THAT is realistic. Even though it was hard to read, I admired Veronica Roth for not pulling any punches (pun totally intended) because it felt REAL to me while I was reading it.
You don't learn to fight without taking a few punches yourself.
And what's "strong" anyways?
I have a friend who's been through the most awful crap imaginable, sickness, poverty, a mentally and physically abusive relationship...and when she still manages to smile and be true to herself, and help other people, I think to myself, "Wow, she's so strong."
So what is strength?
-Strength is making personal sacrafices.
-Strength is being true to yourself no matter what.
-Strength is being okay with or without a man.
-Strength is smiling through the pain.
-Strength is standing up for yourself.
-Strength is remaining positive through the worst.
-Strength is letting someone lean on you when you think you're going to fall.
Strength isn't just physical.
So do female characters have to run around shooting things and punching people to be strong? Or is it something quieter?
What are some of your favourite "strong" female characters? Who do you think about Bella Swan? What about Triss and Katniss? What sort of characters do you write, and do you think books and movies are portraying female characters wrong?
Join the Word Nerds this Sunday for our live chat, where we'll be talking about strong female characters! If you have anything you want us to discuss, just leave it in the comments below. Don't forget to start with "Dear Word Nerds..." and we'll know you want us to quote you!
NOTE: Sunday's chat is at 7:30 (eastern standard time) this time! Yup! We're keeping you on your toes!
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