I got tagged I guess...
1: _genderfluid_trash_ is the tagger. (She just said whoever saw the tag got tagged soooo...)
2: saw it today
3: 10 things about me~
1- I'm a salty ass bitch (I just watched a tabbes video and she rubbed off on me so I'm feeling salty)
2- I want to do art in my job
3- I thought I was genderfluid before I found out what non-binary is
4- I read because I can't be bothered to write
5- I read. A LOT. Seriously, I can't survive without Irl books, I have a wall of shelves that is just COVERED in books. My bedroom looks like a library right now.
6- I really like folklore and cultural stories.
7- The very first thing I ever wrote on wattpad was a speculation story of how fayries could have thought the world came to be (It's still on my profile!).
8- The very first fanfiction I read was a creepypasta fanfic that my IRL friend CheeckyNifflerNum1 wrote, It gave me nightmares for about a week, but it also introduced me to wattpad or the first time! (It's been taken down now, she only does merlin fanfics)
9- I have two dogs, a black labrador named basil and a pain in the arse, sorry, brown spaniel labrador crossbreed named Bruno.
10- Almost every big project I start doesn't get finished because I'm impatient and can't stick with somthing for too long or I get bored.
Bloody hell That's a lot of tags.
5: What stories???
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