06. Them Names Though
I'VE COME TO REALIZE THAT Wattpad characters are the same people with different actors portraying them and different poorly thought-of names. Well, actually, Wattpad characters are mostly portrayed by the same people and have the same poorly thought-of names. But anyways.
A character's name is really important to their personalities, I guess. Supposedly, having a bad ass name makes you really bad ass and having a innocent name makes you innocent. Which I guess is another reason why all these goddamn characters have the same name - but in my opinion, that's so fucking stupid.
Honestly, before we slide into this, I'm gonna say that it's not as much of an issue with the girl names as much as it is with the boy names.
I kinda feel like.. any name can go with a girl, you know? Or did that sound totally sexist..
I feel like girls have a wide variety of names, especially with the advantage of unisex names and things like that. I don't feel like guys have that advantage. Like, I've literally seen every female name known to man in these stories - even some shit that looks like random ass letters mixed together. Hell, I've even seen some names that aren't even unisex applied to these girls!
Boys don't get that advantage. Although, it would be kinda awkward to see a boy named Caitlin or Emily - no offense to boys named Caitlin or Emily.
Also, I don't feel like we can apply last names either - unless you want to discuss how I've literally seen every goddamn color of the rainbow as a last name - even Magenta.
But, I honestly cannot tell you how many times I've seen the name Ryder Black within a story. Probably about 10 - I'm not exaggerating at all.
The names for the boys are so repetitive and annoying that I literally cannot take anyone with a typical Wattpad bad-boy name (ie. Alec, Ryder, Aiden, Liam, etc.) seriously in real life. That may be taking it a little far, but if you have been on Wattpad for going on three years and have seen the same names for the same types of people, you kind of already have first impressions of people.
Especially if you merge fiction and reality like I do...
ANYWAYS! Back on track. No more about my sad, anime-infested life.
Typically, I see these Wattpad names applied to the same types of guys. For example, the "Bad Boys" have names like Ryder, Alec, Jason, Kaden, Brayden, etc. and the "Good Boys" have... Every other name.
I honestly think that concept is stupid. It's kinda going back on the thing with the outfits - how can the rawness of your name determine your personality? Or maybe they just unconsciously do that.. I can never understand what writers are thinking.
In addition, I don't understand why these boring ass male names are popular on Wattpad. The names these boys have are (in my opinion) really plain - or maybe they're just dull to me because I've seen them so many times. There isn't anything spine tingling about these "sexy" names. I don't know, there is something about names similar to "Ryder" and "Alec" (not even Alex, but Alec. Get it together) that make my already high libido fall to a flat zero.
If you want my personal opinion, honestly you might not because I'm just a brainless teen, I really like Greek names (just names from Greek Mythology in general) and I know a lot of them to be unisex, I also like Russian names and things of that sort. They just kinda give me this sort of.. exotic-y(??) feel that I am intrigued by. I also like simple names that can be interpreted in different ways, like Sam.
BUT ANYWAYS, if you know a fine ass bad boy with a hella cliché name, follow him home, sneak into his house, and proceed to hit his Mom with a bat.. Mostly because she was the one who gave him that cliché name and that's really Cliché - we don't like Clichés.
recommend me some animes.
recently, i have been on an anime-kick. i havent watched actual television in over a month because im all into watching animes on my phone. and ive developed a love for subtitles - although i prefer dubbed for life.
currently, im watching fairy tail (omfg its so long but you know what idec) bUT I NEED SOME TO WATCH AFTERWARDS SO RECOMMENDATIONS PLS.
anyways bye.
update: im on a fairy tail hiatus and im literally watching every anime but fairy tail so idk. BUT I ALSO WATCHED GANGSTA AND IT WAS COMPLETED ( ))))))::: ) SO I READ THE MANGA AND NOW ALL IM DOING IS READING MANGA. what is wrOng with me. im confusing myself.
update: i still did not start back up on fairy tail. pathetic.
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