05. Slut Shaming and Shit
ON WATTPAD, AUTHORS have the tendency to make their book characters look a certain way in order to pass over certain characteristics about their characters - a good girl would typically be wearing an unattractive skirt that stops at her ankles, a "slut" - which we will discuss later in the chapter - would be wearing a skirt that stops at her panty line. Or maybe, the good girl has ratty, mousy brown hair and glasses, and the "slut" has colored contacts and highlighted extensions. But, let me tell you something:
That bullshit doesn't actually add up, let alone make sense.
I can't fathom how dressing a certain way passes by a certain image. People don't act based upon their clothes. So, maybe I might want to wear a pant-suit or a short skirt, does that make me a nerd or slut?
Say yes, I dare you. I will literally call you out so fast it won't even be funny.
Last time I checked, all people are allowed their first amendment rights, which technically includes clothes I guess, I really have no idea actually.
I think this is the moment we've all been waiting for since chapter one; the break down:
So, before I start this, here is the Urban Dictionary's definition for a Good Girl:
A girl, usually a teen or young adult, that is still a virgin by choice. Some goodgirls have made out or gone to second maybe third but overall they rarely curse, are super respectful, kind, courteous, and usually intelligent. They want to try and wait until marriage to have sex or, at the very least, until they are in a committed relationship for a relatively long period of time.
Generally, these girls are hard to find but they do exist. :-)
This sounds pretty familiar, doesn't it?
Okay, so this girl is expected to dress like the virgin mary with glasses and braces - maybe not the braces, but you get the idea -, and mousy brown hair and ocean blue eyes or whatever the fuck they use these days.
I literally do not understand the logic, why do all the good girls look the same? Brown hair and blue eyes.
What's so innocent about brown hair and all these wide variety of eyes? Sometimes, the looks don't even half-way describe a person. They can look like some innocent, goody two-shoes by appearance, but be an actual bitch to people; because that's what people do.
The good girl is actually the shortest, because it's all just stereotype, but let's move on to the best part:
Before we start this, I'm going to post the Urban Dictionary's definition of a Slut:
A derogatory term.
Refers to a sexually promiscuous person, usually female.
One who engages in sexual activity with a large number of persons, occasionally simultaneously.
Also refers to one who engages in sexual activity outside of a long-term relationship within the duration of said relationship.
These sexual activities include but are not limited to: passionate kissing, manual stimulation of genitalia and/or breasts in the case of a female; oral stimulation of these parts; sexual intercourse.
In some cases, used to refer to a woman who is wearing "skimpy" or tasteless clothing.
Less commonly, used as a derogatory term by one female for another during periods of conflict.
Synonyms: whore, tramp. Derivations: slutty (adj.), sluttier/sluttiest (superlatives).
Related Adjectives: easy; immoral; loose; cheap.
"That slut has slept with every man in this room!"
"That girl is such a slut--I can't believe that she cheated on her boyfriend with his best friend!"
"Look at that slut in her mini-skirt! She is not wearing any underwear!"
"I don't want to talk to her! I hate that slut!"
"That slut is easy like Sunday morning."
Now, here is Slut Shaming:
An unfortunate phenomenon in which people degrade or mock a woman because she enjoys having sex, has sex a lot, or may even just be rumored to participate in sexual activity. Often it's accompanied by urban legends such as the common virgin misconception that the vagina becomes larger or looser with use-- in fact, sex has no effect on vaginal size.
However, since most people would rather women be MORE sexually active than less, slut shaming is counterproductive to the aims of most men and quite a few ladies.
What is the true definition of a slut, really?
Because a person who feels comfortable in their body, and feel like they would look cute and confident in skimpy clothes, they are a slut? Just because these peoples feel unique in their bodies and most people (I scoffed, who wants to know why??) don't feel that way, doesn't mean that they are sluts. It's called being confident; depending on how you play it, it can be called being conceited.
Because a person feels like they feel
more comfortable with bed-hopping instead of giving into actual commitment - I feel like that sometimes, you know? I feel like I am physically incapable of being in a committed relationship - and that they enjoy sex more than an average person, that they should be classified as a slut?
I literally read a book on Wattpad that went like this:
A girl, blonde haired with ocean blue eyes, was laying on his bed, her seductive body splayed across his sheets. Her hands were on her breasts, which were spilling out of her bralette quite profusely. Everything about her screamed 'Easy Hookup'; the way she bit her lower lip as if some type of vixen, or maybe it was the way her outer layer of clothes were discarded in random places in a 'Just had wild, rough sex' manner.
Slut. Just a slut.
And let me tell you, that had me beyond pissed at that character; like how can you freaking judge someone because of their choice of clothes, or type of sex preference? She didn't even know the girl's name!!
I was pissed.
But, I think you guys understand my dislike for slut shaming and how I feel about people judging sexually-open or provocative people. So, onto the moment we have all been waiting for:
Urban Dictionary! Do the honors!:
A stereotypical douchebag who would much prefer smoking cigarettes behind Starbucks than go inside and get his ass a coffee. Thanks, Bad Boys, for ruining society and the benefits of Starbucks.
Well, that was my definition but yeah.
I think most of my opinion on the bad-boy persona was covered in the first chapter, so this will be fairly short.
Just because you have a leather jacket and a pocket full of cigarettes, doesn't mean you're a bad boy. It means you have a leather jacket and a pocket full of cigarettes.
These little pussies they try to pass off as Bad Boys in these stories have literally no morals, nor the qualities of a bad boy. So, trying to pass these pansies off as bad boys should just- disgraceful.
Anyway, to end my little rant, I want to say this:
This is society; we were born and raised on judgements and to see things as they come; which is the main reason why discrimination still exists today. We can't help what we have learned, so I can't blame the people; no one is really at fault, honestly, so this paragraph was sort of useless.
But, if you ever see a girl walking around in a cute skirt that might seem slutty to most or whatever, or if you've seen someone who seems like a good girl yet impresses you with her ways on cursing, appraise them. They aren't being Cliche, and although that is sort of what we want; yeah, You get what I'm saying.
This mADE NO SENSE, MOST OF IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC AT HAND, SO YEAH. but i will edit it later, because it is absolutely horrendous.
Recently, I went on a small week-long hiatus, if people noticed, and I have a decent reason for it:
Um, I have been rewriting this book for almost a year now; ten months. I started the book in March of 2014, and I'm sure I ended it in July of 2014, and I began rewriting in September of 2014.
The reason this book's update isn't as funny or frequent as it used to be is because I procrastinate a lot; I even make writing a rant book seem like writing an actual book! It's not that difficult; you talk about things you hate.
But I critize everything I do when it comes to writing; I get annoyed with myself if an update is less than 1000 words, and even 1000 isn't enough for me. That's.. pathetic. Really.
I think it's because my mind is always jumbled, I will have an idea, and then it will get lost with all the others, and that is one of my major problems.
Let me tell you, this isn't me announcing the discontinuation of this book, because this isn't. This is me announcing the continuation of this book, with a promise of it being finished by December 2015. No later than January 1, 2015. If it comes to that, you all have permission to call me a shitty writer and person.
As well, my other book, Bad Blood? I can't. That book is darker than anything I ever considered writing, and I literally don't think I can write it. I'm not a dark writer like I attempt to be; I write those sappy, happy stories with the funny story-lines. So, that story, I have no ideas for. I might be writing a wattpad-help book, though, and I actually have an idea for this sUPER AMAZING STORY THAT IM ALREADY IN LOVE WITH SO UMMMMMMMMMMMmmMmmMm yeah. ehehe.
I'm not funny.
But I'm not gonna be sad, and I'm gonna try, for you guys, all 2.88k of you, because I love you all. Idk.
Just for that, next update will come within a week in a half. Love you guys.
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