Terms for Requested Reviews
Hello, and welcome to the review page! Presumably, you want a book reviewed, so let's get down to business.
— Payment —
None required. I don't like mandatory follows/reads any more than you do.
— Rules —
1. Don't bash my review, thanks.
My goal is to help, encourage, and to provide instruction where needed. I have zero intention of hurting you, so if it comes across that way, try taking a deep breath and sitting on your thoughts for a few days before you interact with me again.
2. Um, this sounds elementary, but don't request when the book says closed.
I swear some people can't read the title.
3. Don't request a review for someone else.
I don't really know why I have this rule. But just don't.
4. I only accept completed stories.
Due to my holistic reviewing style, I want to evaluate your story's themes, arcs, and plot as fully as possible. I do both you and myself a disservice if I try to review your book without that context.
— Review Selection Process —
"Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things." Philippians 4:8
This gal don't got lots of free time, and the last way I want to spend my free time is torturing myself with reading material I don't enjoy.
If this book ever reopens, and it's doubtful whether it will, I will be accepting books on my own highly subjective terms. When I see your request, I'll check the book out and vet it privately. If I don't think I can do justice to your genre, if your book fails to appeal to any of my interests, if I notice content or themes that I would be uncomfortable reading, if these or any other red flag comes up, it's probably going to be a no.
I reserve the right to refuse any request without providing my rationale for doing so.
*peers around* Okay, it's okay, we're all good. Scary Verity gone now.
— Review Content Process —
I am only accepting completed books for review now. To see my current reviewing style, check out my reviews starting from "Becoming Peter". I have altered my previous blow-by-blow format to a more holistic overview of the book.
This means...
I do not offer cover, title, or summary critiques. I will read the entirety of your story and give you my feedback on it: what I liked, what I did not like, and how you could improve. I endeavor to do this in a friendly, enjoyable style, as this book is not only for writers but for readers. I will never attack you or your story. I am out to encourage and build up writers, not knock them down. My aim is to highlight the best aspects of your story and to outline what needs fixing as supportively as I can.
— Re-requesting —
You may only submit one book at a time, but after I review your book you may request with another. Please do not submit the same book a second time unless extensive revisions have been implemented.
This concludes the terms of review.
— Wait! Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. In order for your book to be considered for review, you MUST include the statement "I have read and consent to the terms in the previous chapter" in your form —
There we go. All good now. Form on the following page!
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