Ask Yash
1. Yash, what's a way to write a good title that's interesting and relevant to the story
Firstly, use the original simple idea you had for your story. Write down a few keywords that are relevant to your plot. Also, figure out some words that express what's the main feelings in the story. It's important to have a title that's similar to your storyline. It'll help make it more easily identifiable as well as remind people of the plot if they've read your book before and they want to tell a friend about it! (Trust me, this is definitely a thing.)
One of the biggest tips I could ever give for story titles is to keep it short as possible. Use your keywords to make a few short and simple title ideas.
To make your title interesting, try to keep it simple but also understand what's popular out there. Look through a list of best sellers, for example, and see which titles stand out and why. Catchy titles are always the best. I recommend coming up with a few ideas and then saying them out loud to see how they sound. Try saying them in a few sentences like "I just read (book title) and thought it was great" or "Hey, have you read (book title)?" to see which ones sound more natural to say.
2. Dear Yash, how do you get the motivation to edit your work, when every time you look at it you hate it?
Firstly: a moment of silence for our friend in the editing stage. It sucks, I know.
It can be a daunting time to look over your work, especially if you feel a lot of pressure and are very self-critical of your writing. You have to go back to your original inspiration and remember what was your vision for your work in the first place.
This is your chance to change how you view your work. Edit the parts that you hate. Understand what you don't like - is it the characters' personality? Is it the diction you have used? If so change it. If you're not that good at deciding the faults of your book, go to the forum section of Wattpad and find a beta reader who will check out the work for you and give their opinion on it.
The editing stage should not be rushed. Take your time. This is your work. You should be proud of your creation.
Your initial chapters are your first drafts and the first draft of anything is never the best. You going to have to edit it, read through it again, and edit it some more. But don't let that drain you. Make sure you have fun with it! Writing is something that's supposed to bring about joy. Enjoy it.
3. Dear Yash, how do I create a good book cover that's interesting and relevant?
You need to have a rough idea of what you want your cover to be. Do you want a plain background or picture?
If you have a picture as your background, make sure that's it's relevant to your plot and the title. Maybe you'll like something with a model who looks similar to what your main character looks like. Or maybe you'd prefer something more simplistic with just the title on it or some small relevant illustrations.
The font of the title should stand out and be in a font that can be read from afar. No one likes squinting to read a book cover title - and there are some really messy fonts that are just painful to look at. Stay away from papyrus!
4. Dear Yash, how can you make a career of writing?
If you're young, I highly suggest you look into studying writing in depth in university. It's definitely a good time to look into it for your future. Or even if you're already in a different career or leading a busy life, even just some online classes will help better your craft.
Then you need to decide if how you'd want to make it a career. Would you like to write for a newspaper, website, or write your own book? You can go into journalism, creative writing, editing, technical writing, or many more others. The options are endless!
Despite what you choose, it's always good to get some more experience in writing. While you're studying you could get an internship at a local newspaper or speak to some authors. Just make sure you follow your dream! There are many non-paying online websites that will take you on and help give you experience. You can even submit guest pieces here on Wattmag to get some reads and expand your experience! Keep applying and submitting your writing to publishers, newspapers, and websites. The worst they can say is "no" - but never give up.
5. Dear Yash, what is your advice on making 2017 the best and most successful year, not only in writing but just generally?
Have a positive mindset. I know this sound cliché, but by having a positive vibe you are going to attract positive things.
Do things that make you happy despite what others say (unless it's your parents - listen to your parents, guys).
Find a hobby. Your free time can be used productively. Learn a new language or a new instrument. Better yourself mentally and physically. Focus more on your goals and on school. Try your best. Know that you don't need to compare yourself to anyone. You are amazing just by being you. With that being said - I hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas and I hope your new year is wonderful and successful.
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