Jisoo's POV
"You're not being serious, are you? You're insane," I shake my head in utter disappointment and disgust.
I look at him with disdain and I wanted to turn around and leave.
But I can't. As much as I hate him right now, I can't simply turn my back and leave. Not when this is basically the first time we've talked in private after all that happened.
"My God, you just can't fucking keep your mouth with you," I whispered, my hand brushing my long hair in frustration. And he was just there, staring at me with his arms crossed over his chest.
Not a sign of remorse can be seen on his expression. In fact, I'd say he was proud of what he's done.
"I told you that you're not allowed to entertain suitors. I was specific. Too specific Chu," his voice was stern and if this was a different occasion, I would have swoon over what he has done but no. Not this time.
"You almost punched him! He was just telling me to take care. What is wrong with you?" I wanted to scream. We were at our dorm and I was surprised our manager wasn't around.
Even the other girls were not here.
"Yeah, and he was sliding his number in front of me. Did you even consider how I would feel?" he sounded so hurt and I felt my chest tightening.
My lips quivering, the surge of emotion, hurt in particular overflowing within me.
I knew by this time, just one more word and my tears would literally start spilling right before him.
"You're so unfair," I whispered. My voice barely audible but I he can hear me. He always listen to my voice. He always does.
"Why are you so selfish?" I added.
He moved closer and I felt his wrap his arms around me. I didn't move. I didn't hug him back.
"You're so adamant into not letting people come close to me yet all you do is push me away. Why does your happiness come first before mine? Why does your decision matter more than my own? Just why?" I can't help it. My voice broke just right after the last word.
These emotions within me is starting to overpower my sense of control. I have worked so hard to keep myself at bay. For months, I tried my best to stay away from him, to not get affected by his presence. It was fucking hard when even the slightest movement of his fingers, the sound of his breath, the smell of him from afar keep my senses going wild.
Damn it.
Why is he so unfair?
"I can't let you go..." he whispered.
I knew we're both breaking. Just how many times do I actually have to experience getting my heart shattered into pieces for us to eventually have a happy ending?
"But you already did Yoongi? Not just once but so fucking many times. I don't know until when my heart would last..." he pulled me even closer, his natural smell that I miss so much defying all of my senses.
"Everything has a reason, Chu. You can't expect me to let other people get close to you when we both know it should be me, only me. I am the only person worth your time, your stares. I can't let other people experience the love only the two of us should be sharing. Call me selfish but I'm willing to hide you to the world if needed. Because you're mine, Chu. Only mine,"
"Fuck Yoongi...." I am breaking down.
He says he owns me but he can't fight for me.
Why can't he tell me why I need to wait?
Why do I have to listen and follow to his words without me knowing everything that I need to know? Just why?
Blackpink will soon fly to Australia and here I am getting myself tangled with Yoongi again.
Just fucking great.
"I'll leave," I told him. I lifted my gaze and met his. "I won't text you. I won't call. I won't do anything that will remind me of you. This relationship is too stressful. You ask me to wait but I don't fucking know until when and why I even have to do it. Is this still worth it? Are these tears and heartache still worth it?"
His hands reach for my cheeks, cupping them. His eyes were moist with tears threatening to flow down.
"Please, just trust me on this. I tried, Chu. God knows I tried to do. Something but circumstances isn't allowing us right now. But believe me, I'll do anything to make everything work. Maybe not now but I know things will work out eventually, just trust me, huh?"
He leaned closer, my eyes closing immediately.
The moment his lips grazes on mind, I felt the goddamn electricity going wild on my system. As always, his touch, his smell, his kiss is more than enough for me to lose it.
His lips started moving, it started slow until I felt his hunger, his passion, his love.
And I gave in.
I kissed back.
I felt his other hand at the back of my neck and I followed his movement, a groan escaping my lips.
"I love you, Boo bear," he whispered between kisses.
I'd love to tell him the same but something inside me is holding me back.
His kiss, it was too hot I felt my insides burning.
I didn't know how long we savor each other's mouth but when our lips parted, I gasped for air.
He pulled me closer, my face resting on his chest and I felt his lips giving me pecks of kisses at the top of my head.
So fucking sweet but I know it's a gesture that will hunt me for months.
Stupid Jisoo. You just have to concede every time....
He was caressing the top of my head as he hugs me tighter.
God, I'll miss him. I'll miss him so much.
"I know I kept on telling you the same thing over and over but I'll say them otherwise. Wait for me, Chu. I'll find a way. And as long as I know that you love me, I won't give up. I won't give us up,"
My eyes closed as I listen to his every word.
I love you Yoongi, but I don't know until when I can wait.
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