twenty ࿈
I never thought tree climbing was important back when Rosecall made me practice and test on it as an apprentice. I thought it was ridiculous. I thought I'd never need to climb trees defending my clan. How naive of me. Smokeflood crouched closer to the tree branch for balance, her claws digging into the damp bark. Darkblaze had her eyes closed as she focused her shadows on the four cats perched in the oak's boughs, Slateshard and Lightspark carefully looking down into ThunderClan's extravagant earthen camp. It was a nearly a fortress, with its tall, solid earth walls lined with sharp tree roots. Almost all of the dens were carefully constructed of mud and wood, and were all situated around the camp's main clearing. Not only do ThunderClan's most populous element make good defenders, they also make good builders.
The focal point of the clearing made the young warrior's stomach turn as she squinted for a better look. Tree branches walled in a small box den, yet were spaced far enough to see into. There, in the den on display, was the outline of a cat. Long-legged, skinny, and battered. Miststar. Rotting prey bones and remains were scattered around, and there didn't seem to be any entrance. The wood elementals must have built it around her. Her stomach felt weak at the idea of her proud, thoughtful leader trapped in the enemies' claws, and anger began to heat her fur. I can't barge in though. Not like the last time on the patrol. I have to wait for Lightspark to give the signal, and we'll do his plan. Impatience clawed at her, but she kept her eyes trained on the silvery tom. He raised his tail, and then gave a sharp nod.
At his signal, lightning shot down from the sky, striking the lone tree in the camp, and fire erupted in its wake. In a breath, the flames quickly roared to the surrounding wooden dens. Caterwauls rose up along with thick clouds of smoke, and the heat of fire burned acrid in the air. Smokeflood didn't have time to take it in. She only had to time to jump. She, closely flanked by Darkblaze, pounced out of the tree. I have to jump just right--! She leaped from the branch to the top of the earthen walls, and bounded down to the inside of the camp. Under the shadow, they were careful to swerve away from any ThunderClan traffic rushing out of camp, and went straight for Miststar. The she-cat had stood up, though her face didn't reflect fear as her captors did. Thunder rumbled at the sky, but was drowned out by the commotion of the cats fleeing. Some were trying make some sort of order by commanding on how to put out the flames or how to orderly exit, but they, like the thunder, were drowned out. A second bolt of lightning struck the camp, closely followed by embers and flames.
"It's StarClan! It's StarClan!" cats cried, racing out.
No. It's not StarClan. It's Lightspark's plan. Smokeflood recalled the exchange in the RiverClan prison.
"I have a plan to save Miststar. In and out, we have to be fast. Once I'm sure the camp is settled enough and the conditions are right, I'll strike some of the camp with lightning. It'll take a lot, so don't expect a light show or anything. My lightning doesn't really make fire, either, like real lightning from the sky. That's where Slateshard comes in," Lightspark looked to the tortoiseshell and she nodded.
"You'll have to tell me exactly where you're going to strike so I can be ready to shoot some fire," she warned. Even as crazy the plan was sounding to Smokeflood, the ShadowClan fire warrior didn't reflect a shard of doubt in Lightspark. The tom nodded.
"We'll cause all the chaos so that Darkblaze can sneak out Miststar with the help of Smokeflood. Smokeflood, you'll have to use water cutter to break through the wood. This has to be clean and without any mistakes to work, otherwise we're all crow food."
Miststar looked back and forth as the streams of cats ran for safety. Darkblaze thinned the shadows just enough to become visible, and Smokeflood whispered her leader's name. The pale gray point she-cat blinked in shock as she recognized her warrior, and a look of determination passed through her blue eyes. While snow was still scattered around the camp, only ice elementals could change the form of water to ice or from ice, so she had to resort to water from under ground. Less noticeable, too, if I'm not snaking water across camp. It came up in thin streams through the hard-packed earth to her call. Alright. Water Cutter. I just created and perfected this move; I can't mess it up now. She unsheathed her claws, swinging her paw up. The water curved in a razor thin blade, cutting into the bark half-way. She narrowed her eyes with annoyance and anger, and swung her claws again with a fierceness. The stream sliced through the rest as well as, unintentionally, it's neighboring branch. It cut sharply, cleanly going all the way through.
As she looked up, a cat caught her eye. Just briefly, a flash of white and ginger fur. It almost reminded her of a cat she once knew. Before she could get a better look, the cat had streaked off with the rest of ThunderClan escaping the smoldering flames. Smokeflood shook her head, turning her attention back to her leader.
The shadows enveloped the leader as well, and Darkblaze hurriedly made her way toward a cleared section of camp on fire. They bounded up to the top of a den, Smokeflood grabbing her weak leader's scruff to drag her up most of the way. Flames licked toward them, but they were held back by an invisible source. The fire cleared at the wall, and they jumped to the top and out of camp. Slateshard and Lightspark were waiting on the outside, the tortoiseshell focusing to hold back the flames from burning them. She still gets on my nerves, but I have to give it to her... she is competent. They didn't take any time for greetings or celebrations, but rather pelted away from ThunderClan. Slateshard swept her tail, a curtain of flames erupting in its wake and burning the leafless foliage. There was a shout from far away, but the Darkblaze's shadows camouflaged them and covered any trace of them.
It wasn't too long before the adrenaline wore off and Miststar faltered, falling into the slush. Smokeflood skid to a stop, bounding over to her leader. It was now she got a good look at her. She was skinnier than a WindClan cat in leaf bare, and her fur was matted with dried blood. Her face, usually a soft triangle shape, was sharply cut with hunger. However, her almond-shaped eyes still held the same spark of mysteriousness in the depths of the icy blue hue as they once did. ThunderClan can try as much as they'd like.... Smokeflood gingerly helped the great leader to her paws. Lightspark came to the other side of the tall she-cat, but hesitated. She gave a small blink of approval, and he helped support her. ...But they will never take RiverClan down.
I've never been more upset with myself. For some reason I had this WHOLE chapter DONE and just sitting waiting to published. Like I had even written an A.N. for it and everything. AND I FORGOT ABOUT IT. Ugh. I'm stupid.
edit 2/1/2020: I had to add in a paragraph that I FORGOT ABOUT :---((((( it was in my notes to have it but I LEFT IT OUT like a stupid head.
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